FDR knew!

FDR was a traitor in more ways than one, but his actions leading up to and directly after Pearl Harbor were without question, the acts of a traitor. He should have been hung for what he did. Instead he is lionized as a great man.

This spells it out very clearly and concisely...even the most devoted statist should be able to comprehend...

FDR’s Pearl Harbor Bait
On October 30, 1940, during his campaign for an unprecedented third term as president, Franklin Roosevelt told an audience in Boston,

And while I am talking to you mothers and fathers, I give you one more assurance. I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars. They are going into training to form a force so strong that, by its very existence, it will keep the threat of war far away from our shores. The purpose of our defense is defense.

It was a lie. In actuality, FDR was secretly doing everything he could to embroil the United States into World War II to help Great Britain and France defeat Germany.

Why secretly? Because he knew that the American people, having been fed a bill of goods by President Wilson some 20 years regarding World War I, were overwhelmingly opposed to entering another European war.

If Roosevelt wanted to intervene in the war, why didn’t he just send U.S. troops into battle, just as later presidents would do in places like Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Grenada, Afghanistan, Somalia, and others?

This was during a time when presidents still complied with the constitutional provision that prohibits a president from waging war without first securing a declaration of war from Congress. FDR knew that if he went to Congress and asked for a declaration of war, as Wilson had for intervention into World War I, there was no chance that Congress would have consented to it.

So, FDR did everything he could to induce Germany into attacking the United States, including having U.S. warships escort British ships in war zones and even going so far as to track and report on German submarines in the area. Also, under so-called “lend-lease” agreements, FDR began providing armaments to Great Britain.

That’s when he began squeezing Japan. He began demanding that Japan end its brutal military occupation of China. When Japan refused to comply with his order, FDR ordered a freeze on Japanese bank accounts in the United States.

More important, he imposed complete embargo on U.S. oil shipments to Japan, an act that directly threatened the ability of the Japanese military to continue occupying China.

When Japan entered negotiations with the United States in an attempt to avoid war with the U.S., FDR offered terms that he knew would be highly humiliating to the Japanese and that they would never accept. By this time, the United States had broken Japan’s diplomatic code and also possibly its military code (that part is still being held secret by the U.S. military) and so U.S. officials knew that war was imminent.

That’s why U.S. troops were left in the Philippines and why U.S. ships were left at Pearl Harbor. FDR used them as bait for the Japanese to attack. Roosevelt was crafty enough to order U.S. carriers out of Hawaii so that they would still be available for war later on. But he just as craftily left destroyers and cruisers — and the men operating them at Pearl Harbor — so that the Japanese could be lured into attacking and providing FDR with his casus belli. It’s also why Gen. Douglas Macarthur and 10,000 American troops were left in the Philippines. They too were being used as bait.

More at the link......STATISTS PLEASE READ IT>>>>
FDR’s Pearl Harbor Bait - The Future of Freedom Foundation

How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan’s Attack on Pearl Harbor
How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor - Robert Higgs

An Untenable Position Roosevelt and his subordinates knew they were putting Japan in an untenable position and that the Japanese government might well try to escape the stranglehold by going to war. Having broken the Japanese diplomatic code, the Americans knew, among many other things, what Foreign Minister Teijiro Toyoda had communicated to Ambassador Kichisaburo Nomura on July 31: “Commercial and economic relations between Japan and third countries, led by England and the United States, are gradually becoming so horribly strained that we cannot endure it much longer. Consequently, our Empire, to save its very life, must take measures to secure the raw materials of the South Seas.”[3]

Because American cryptographers had also broken the Japanese naval code, the leaders in Washington knew as well that Japan’s “measures” would include an attack on Pearl Harbor.[4] Yet they withheld this critical information from the commanders in Hawaii, who might have headed off the attack or prepared themselves to defend against it. That Roosevelt and his chieftains did not ring the tocsin makes perfect sense: after all, the impending attack constituted precisely what they had been seeking for a long time. As Stimson confided to his diary after a meeting of the war cabinet on November 25, “The question was how we should maneuver them [the Japanese] into firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves.”[5] After the attack, Stimson confessed that “my first feeling was of relief ... that a crisis had come in a way which would unite all our people.[6]

Common response to use economic warfare instead of military warfare

Bec:biggrin:ause Japan invaded China, FDR imposed economic sanctions

Why would we continue to send steel and oil to fuel their military expansion?
What a dupe.

Trump takes a call from the PM of Taiwan and you bitch like a little school girl.

FDR works diligently to instigate a war with Japan and you say it is commonplace.

Damn...you get more stupid with each passing day.

Go back to bed and try again tomorrow.
Do you always play apologetic cynic for Japanese aggression after WWI?
Please do not ask me stupid questions...I don't have time for dat.

well you can count on that from him pretty much since he has proven in spades he is so much in denial that he wont pick up a book that exposes the murderer and traiter he admires.
How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan’s Attack on Pearl Harbor
How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor - Robert Higgs

An Untenable Position Roosevelt and his subordinates knew they were putting Japan in an untenable position and that the Japanese government might well try to escape the stranglehold by going to war. Having broken the Japanese diplomatic code, the Americans knew, among many other things, what Foreign Minister Teijiro Toyoda had communicated to Ambassador Kichisaburo Nomura on July 31: “Commercial and economic relations between Japan and third countries, led by England and the United States, are gradually becoming so horribly strained that we cannot endure it much longer. Consequently, our Empire, to save its very life, must take measures to secure the raw materials of the South Seas.”[3]

Because American cryptographers had also broken the Japanese naval code, the leaders in Washington knew as well that Japan’s “measures” would include an attack on Pearl Harbor.[4] Yet they withheld this critical information from the commanders in Hawaii, who might have headed off the attack or prepared themselves to defend against it. That Roosevelt and his chieftains did not ring the tocsin makes perfect sense: after all, the impending attack constituted precisely what they had been seeking for a long time. As Stimson confided to his diary after a meeting of the war cabinet on November 25, “The question was how we should maneuver them [the Japanese] into firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves.”[5] After the attack, Stimson confessed that “my first feeling was of relief ... that a crisis had come in a way which would unite all our people.[6]

Common response to use economic warfare instead of military warfare

Bec:biggrin:ause Japan invaded China, FDR imposed economic sanctions

Why would we continue to send steel and oil to fuel their military expansion?
What a dupe.

Trump takes a call from the PM of Taiwan and you bitch like a little school girl.

FDR works diligently to instigate a war with Japan and you say it is commonplace.

Damn...you get more stupid with each passing day.

Go back to bed and try again tomorrow.
Do you always play apologetic cynic for Japanese aggression after WWI?
Please do not ask me stupid questions...I don't have time for dat.

well you can count on that from him pretty much since he has proven in spades he is so much in denial that he wont pick up a book that exposes the murderer and traiter he admires.
Sycophant says what?
By rights, and by strategic consideration, Japan should have declared war on the USSR and left the USA alone. However, Soviet spies in the USA and Japan put us on a collision course. The greatest benefactor of the Pearl Harbor attack was the USSR.

In December 1941 the Germans had the spires of the Kremlin in their field glasses. A war against Japan would have diverted resources away from defense against the Germans
Draw Play

The Soviet Union had already won its war against Japan in the summer of 1939 at Khalkhin Gol in Mongolia. On December 7, 1941, Stalin revealed his retreat had been faked. He had suckered the Nazi blitzkrieg into overextending the German supply lines. His real army had been ready and waiting all the time just beyond Moscow. He also suckered FDR into provoking the Japanese because he made it look like Hitler would soon have the overpowering advantage of a complete conquest of Russia and its crucial oilfields.
Where were those crucial oil fields you speak of?
World War II Was All About Oil
Indonesia, which we should let China take now as part of the coalition to partition all Muslim oilfields. Third world savages were the only ones to benefit from advanced nations weakening themselves by fighting World Wars.
You specifically mention Russian oil fields. It is a key component of your thesis. Without that element, your thesis is just misinformed blather. You are pretending to know about things you know nothing about. You are using a non-existent scenario about oil fields that did not exist to claim a manipulation of FDR by Stalin. This indicates you lack accurate historical knowledge and are less than credible on historical issues.

the fact that lying paid trolls agents say it and rightwinger agree with your post proves this post of yours is BS as always.:haha::lmao:

USMB's resident trolls sayit and rightwinger get their asses handed to them on a platter every single day here and have over the years by several dozens including myself,gipper and misterbeal on 9/11 being an inside job and that the CIA killed JFK.:biggrin:

these two stupid fucks today STILL ignore the facts about those cases and STILL say oswald shot JFK as well as that there were 19 muslins behind the attacks making up one lie after another as well as ignoring facts,so the fact THESE proven liars agree with your posts prove you are brainwashed and afraid of the truth and only see what you want to see.:haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Common response to use economic warfare instead of military warfare

Bec:biggrin:ause Japan invaded China, FDR imposed economic sanctions

Why would we continue to send steel and oil to fuel their military expansion?
What a dupe.

Trump takes a call from the PM of Taiwan and you bitch like a little school girl.

FDR works diligently to instigate a war with Japan and you say it is commonplace.

Damn...you get more stupid with each passing day.

Go back to bed and try again tomorrow.
Do you always play apologetic cynic for Japanese aggression after WWI?
Please do not ask me stupid questions...I don't have time for dat.

well you can count on that from him pretty much since he has proven in spades he is so much in denial that he wont pick up a book that exposes the murderer and traiter he admires.
Sycophant says what?

brainwashed sheep says what?:haha:
Draw Play

The Soviet Union had already won its war against Japan in the summer of 1939 at Khalkhin Gol in Mongolia. On December 7, 1941, Stalin revealed his retreat had been faked. He had suckered the Nazi blitzkrieg into overextending the German supply lines. His real army had been ready and waiting all the time just beyond Moscow. He also suckered FDR into provoking the Japanese because he made it look like Hitler would soon have the overpowering advantage of a complete conquest of Russia and its crucial oilfields.
Where were those crucial oil fields you speak of?
World War II Was All About Oil

Indonesia, which we should let China take now as part of the coalition to partition all Muslim oilfields. Third world savages were the only ones to benefit from advanced nations weakening themselves by fighting World Wars.
You specifically mention Russian oil fields. It is a key component of your thesis. Without that element, your thesis is just misinformed blather. You are pretending to know about things you know nothing about. You are using a non-existent scenario about oil fields that did not exist to claim a manipulation of FDR by Stalin. This indicates you lack accurate historical knowledge and are less than credible on historical issues.
It was FDR who manipulated Stalin in forcing him to do the majority of the fighting and dying to defeat the Nazis.
Stalin killed ten times the number of Nazis and gave up twenty times the number of deaths and we got half the territory.

FDR knew what he was doing
The Pearl Harbor conspiracy theories are particularly easy to disprove. Numerous Congressional investigations showed that many mistakes were made by all levels of Military personnel that were in no way connected to or reliant on the civilian leadership. Warnings were sent to Pearl. Unfortunately, the folks in charge of transmitting those warnings used the slowest method of communicating a message available, having not understood the importance of the warning. Radar operators informed the targeted area of a large contingent of aircraft approaching from the west (the Japanese attack force), but the recipient, an officer of the day with a tragic lack of knowledge about the new technology of radar misinterpreted the data and made the huge mistake of brushing off the data by considering the warning to be a smaller fleet of B-17's being delivered later that day, not from the west, but from the east. Intelligence data that confirmed the Japanese had perfected a torpedo could be operated and deployed in the Harbor was not circulated or articulated to the proper Navel personnel or general staff tasked with defense. Pearl Harbor was a shallow harbor. It was believed this made use of torpedo's impossible. The average depth of 45 feet was not enough for a torpedo attack. The launched torpedo would hit the bottom before making it's come back to the surface.

These are some of the factors ignored by the conspiracy buffs.

conspiracy theory buffs like you?USMB's resident trolls rightwinger and sayit? next thing you will be saying is you believe in magic bullets as THEY do as well and that oswald shot JFK and the warren commission was correct no doubt with good honest men on the investigation as those two idiots always claim in their lies.:cuckoo::haha::lmao:

your ramblings kill me to no end.
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Hitler meant the end of guys like Roosevelt and his rich buddies. It would have been a total change of world power.

Roosevelt was ready to throw every American man , woman, and child in front of Hitler's tanks to stop him. There are really no examples of any kind of moral character from Roosevelt

FDR should have been shot for treason.

same as Ike as I proved earlier.:up:

that is a fact the FDR apologists worshippers cant come to grips with.it is the hardest thing for them to face.
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I think we could have used pickets, to greater effect, and had time to crew weapons and launch aircraft.
Some of the Japanese codes had been broken but not all. The Japanese naval codes were not, and the Japanese kept revising them the codes in 1941. What had been broken was the Japanese diplomatic codes.
Wrong. The Naval codes were broken. FDR knew several days if not weeks before the attack that it was coming. The Japanese fleet was tracked all the way from Japan to north of Hawaii. FDR knew it and was very happy about it....it meant nothing to him that thousands of Americans were murdered in the attack.

I've always been on the fence on this one.

As far as the navel codes go, I agree that they were broken, but they weren't broken by the Americans. It was the British that had them broken. We all know how badly Churchill wanted the Americans in the war, and what a Machiavellian slime he was.

Added to that, it doesn't take a genius to know that he wouldn't have let the bulk of the US fleet get nailed, Churchill would have known what the most important parts of the US Pacific fleet are. The remaining question is, would he have shared with Roosevelt the information, or would he have had up to the minute intel that the attack was coming and would he have shared it? But there is no argument, the allies knew the attack was coming, the only argument, is whether they had told FDR.

Who can say. I'm sure the allies must have known an attack was coming though. . . probably they were intending the Japanese to hit the Philippians first.


Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

If Churchill knew the attack was coming, why did he allow Japan to take Singapore and all those British civilians and military?

Did you read that article?
Did you read what I posted?

Then answer the fucking question you moron
idiot...FDR MADE Japan a threat.

If only statists could learn....oh what wonderful peaceful world it would be.....peace is something they hate.
FDR along with plenty of supporters refused to allow authoritarian dictatorships like Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany dictate and order America about who American could or could not trade with and decide upon the kind of relationships it could have. Germany tried to dictate a halt in trade between the USA and Great Britain and began sinking American ships and killing American sailors. Japan demanded supplies be traded to them that were then used to commit and facilitate gross war crimes and atrocities. We wanted no part in those war crimes and atrocities and had a sovereign right and obligation to refuse participation in them. We did the right and moral thing.
FDR should have been shot for treason.
Instead, he became one of America's most beloved Presidents that was elected four times and rated as one of America's greatest Presidents alongside Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln. So it is your opinion opposed to seventy years or more of generations of Americans that probably number in the hundreds of millions of citizens.
Historical facts are difficult for statists to accept.
I don't see facts coming from you Gipper. I see old worn out conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo that has been debunked for decades. What is really insane is that the President-elect appears to be the most likely President to mimic FDR in over 80 years. If there is one legacy Trump would like to mimic, it is the great builder FDR. It will be frustrating for Trump when he realizes he will never hold a candle to the building accomplishments of FDR. The Republican congress will just never give him the tools.

It is only trolls like you who only see what they want to see on their idol who have the warped mind that its been debunked.:biggrin: yeah this has been debunked and magic bullets exist that stop in mid air doing incredible zigzags as well because oswald was the lone assassin and all those people who gave versions different than the governments of a man behind the fence firing a rifle who ended up dying mysterious deaths because of that were all just plain coincidences and not murders by your beloved government you worship as well.

sorry to hurt your feelings but Gipper goes by conspiracy FACTS,you trollboy though go by conspiracy THEORIES when it comes to FDR though.:itsok:
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It was our scrap metal made into bombs and our gasoline that was used to deliver the bombs all to kill Chinese civilians. Maybe that sort of made it our business?
So to the murderous statist, this means American boys must kill and die to stop it...incinerating Japanese women and children who had no control over the actions of their tyrannical militarist government, is justified in the small deluded mind of the statist.

The statist often does not even know that their ideology always leads to death and destruction.
You know the Japanese war criminals had options other than military attacks on America to vent frustrations with America's decision to not facilitate future war crimes, don't you? What you suggest is that America, and particularly the American President succumb to Japanese threats and extortion to participate in facilitating horrendous war crimes of rapes and murders massive numbers of innocent civilians by invading hoards of Japanese soldiers.
Kill...kill....kill....is that all you know?
We were not the ones doing the killing. The Japanese were doing it in China. All we did was inform the Japanese the could no longer purchase war supplies from us to continue their war crimes. We told them they would have to find another way because America wanted nothing to do with and no connection to link them to their horrible crimes.
Like I said, you are suggesting that America is responsible for refusing to be co-conspirators in the Japanese war crimes and hence, responsible for the Japanese response to America's refusal to be war criminals.

FDR PURPOSELY positioned Japan into starting the war...he knew they would never accept his conditions and since he cracked their code, he knew the attack at Pearl was coming. He warned no one and delighted that he forced America into a war we should have avoided. Saving countless lives. He was a traitor who should have been shot.

WWII was the biggest disaster in all of history...and statists like you delight in it.

Thanks to murderous statists like you we can expect the killing to continue nonstop.

these trolls like camp and agents rightwinger and sayit sure enjoy their constant ass beatings from you the way they keep coming back for more.Its comedy gold to watch them keep coming back for them getting shit all over their faces.:lmao::haha::rofl:

camp is the same with his hero and lover FDR as crusader frank-err i mean crusader retard is over his lover and hero Reagan. They both blatantly ignore the historical documented FACTS about their heros and dismiss them as conspiracy theories since it destroys the love they have for their idols.camp only wants to believe what our corrupt school system and CIA controlled media has taught them about their mass murdering heroes.:rolleyes-41:.

camp probably doesnt even believe the CIA controls the mainstream media.:biggrin:

USMB's resident trolls say it and rightwinger,they KNOW it to be true,they just come here to try and derail any truth discussion about the lies of presidents and government corruption as i exposed earlier.

they forever want to keep their heads up their asses in ignorance to afraid to read the true facts only the historical lies they were taught in our corrupt schools.:rolleyes-41:
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How many codes did Japan have and how often did they change them? Were some codes more important than others and changed more often?
How many codes did Japan have and how often did they change them? Were some codes more important than others and changed more often?
Did you know the Germans even warned the Japanese well before Pearl Harbor that their military codes were hacked? The Japanese being the arrogant pricks they were, ignored the warning believing no one was smart enough to hack the great Japanese.

Arrogance was their downfall...much like a statist American politician.
Some of the Japanese codes had been broken but not all. The Japanese naval codes were not, and the Japanese kept revising them the codes in 1941. What had been broken was the Japanese diplomatic codes.
Wrong. The Naval codes were broken. FDR knew several days if not weeks before the attack that it was coming. The Japanese fleet was tracked all the way from Japan to north of Hawaii. FDR knew it and was very happy about it....it meant nothing to him that thousands of Americans were murdered in the attack.

I've always been on the fence on this one.

As far as the navel codes go, I agree that they were broken, but they weren't broken by the Americans. It was the British that had them broken. We all know how badly Churchill wanted the Americans in the war, and what a Machiavellian slime he was.

Added to that, it doesn't take a genius to know that he wouldn't have let the bulk of the US fleet get nailed, Churchill would have known what the most important parts of the US Pacific fleet are. The remaining question is, would he have shared with Roosevelt the information, or would he have had up to the minute intel that the attack was coming and would he have shared it? But there is no argument, the allies knew the attack was coming, the only argument, is whether they had told FDR.

Who can say. I'm sure the allies must have known an attack was coming though. . . probably they were intending the Japanese to hit the Philippians first.


Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

If Churchill knew the attack was coming, why did he allow Japan to take Singapore and all those British civilians and military?

Did you read that article?
Did you read what I posted?

Then answer the fucking question you moron
You calling anyone a moron is really really really rich.
By rights, and by strategic consideration, Japan should have declared war on the USSR and left the USA alone. However, Soviet spies in the USA and Japan put us on a collision course. The greatest benefactor of the Pearl Harbor attack was the USSR.

In December 1941 the Germans had the spires of the Kremlin in their field glasses. A war against Japan would have diverted resources away from defense against the Germans
Draw Play

The Soviet Union had already won its war against Japan in the summer of 1939 at Khalkhin Gol in Mongolia. On December 7, 1941, Stalin revealed his retreat had been faked. He had suckered the Nazi blitzkrieg into overextending the German supply lines. His real army had been ready and waiting all the time just beyond Moscow. He also suckered FDR into provoking the Japanese because he made it look like Hitler would soon have the overpowering advantage of a complete conquest of Russia and its crucial oilfields.
Where were those crucial oil fields you speak of?
World War II Was All About Oil
Indonesia, which we should let China take now as part of the coalition to partition all Muslim oilfields. Third world savages were the only ones to benefit from advanced nations weakening themselves by fighting World Wars.
You specifically mention Russian oil fields. It is a key component of your thesis. Without that element, your thesis is just misinformed blather. You are pretending to know about things you know nothing about. You are using a non-existent scenario about oil fields that did not exist to claim a manipulation of FDR by Stalin. This indicates you lack accurate historical knowledge and are less than credible on historical issues.

the fact that lying paid trolls agents say it and rightwinger agree with your post proves this post of yours is BS as always.:haha::lmao:

USMB's resident trolls sayit and rightwinger get their asses handed to them on a platter every single day here and have over the years by several dozens including myself,gipper and misterbeal on 9/11 being an inside job and that the CIA killed JFK.:biggrin:

these two stupid fucks today STILL ignore the facts about those cases and STILL say oswald shot JFK as well as that there were 19 muslins behind the attacks making up one lie after another as well as ignoring facts,so the fact THESE proven liars agree with your posts prove you are brainwashed and afraid of the truth and only see what you want to see.:haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Your just a conspiracy theory nut who can't back up his bullshit with anything other than, well, bullshit. Sometimes when scholarly and academically advanced historians make subjective opinions they can be given certain levels of reliability in regards to their fact and objective based research and studies. You are not one of those people.
So to the murderous statist, this means American boys must kill and die to stop it...incinerating Japanese women and children who had no control over the actions of their tyrannical militarist government, is justified in the small deluded mind of the statist.

The statist often does not even know that their ideology always leads to death and destruction.
You know the Japanese war criminals had options other than military attacks on America to vent frustrations with America's decision to not facilitate future war crimes, don't you? What you suggest is that America, and particularly the American President succumb to Japanese threats and extortion to participate in facilitating horrendous war crimes of rapes and murders massive numbers of innocent civilians by invading hoards of Japanese soldiers.
Kill...kill....kill....is that all you know?
We were not the ones doing the killing. The Japanese were doing it in China. All we did was inform the Japanese the could no longer purchase war supplies from us to continue their war crimes. We told them they would have to find another way because America wanted nothing to do with and no connection to link them to their horrible crimes.
Like I said, you are suggesting that America is responsible for refusing to be co-conspirators in the Japanese war crimes and hence, responsible for the Japanese response to America's refusal to be war criminals.

FDR PURPOSELY positioned Japan into starting the war...he knew they would never accept his conditions and since he cracked their code, he knew the attack at Pearl was coming. He warned no one and delighted that he forced America into a war we should have avoided. Saving countless lives. He was a traitor who should have been shot.

WWII was the biggest disaster in all of history...and statists like you delight in it.

Thanks to murderous statists like you we can expect the killing to continue nonstop.

these trolls like camp and agents rightwinger and sayit sure enjoy their constant ass beatings from you the way they keep coming back for more.Its comedy gold to watch them keep coming back for them getting shit all over their faces.:lmao::haha::rofl:

camp is the same with his hero and lover FDR as crusader frank-err i mean crusader retard is over his lover and hero Reagan. They both blatantly ignore the historical documented FACTS about their heros and dismiss them as conspiracy theories since it destroys the love they have for their idols.camp only wants to believe what our corrupt school system and CIA controlled media has taught them about their mass murdering heroes.:rolleyes-41:.

camp probably doesnt even believe the CIA controls the mainstream media.:biggrin:

USMB's resident trolls say it and rightwinger,they KNOW it to be true,they just come here to try and derail any truth discussion about the lies of presidents and government corruption as i exposed earlier.

they forever want to keep their heads up their asses in ignorance to afraid to read the true facts only the historical lies they were taught in our corrupt schools.:rolleyes-41:
What you are arguing is that the conclusions reached by believing unprovable speculations and subjective data and sources that are rejected as valid by college professors for the purpose of submitting a college thesis. Why should your conspiracy theory rants be considered viable and acceptable sources? In the real world, the professional world, objective data is used for making important decisions.
It all comes back to the conspiracy theory folks not being able to back up their allegations with real proof or respond to actual facts.
Wrong. The Naval codes were broken. FDR knew several days if not weeks before the attack that it was coming. The Japanese fleet was tracked all the way from Japan to north of Hawaii. FDR knew it and was very happy about it....it meant nothing to him that thousands of Americans were murdered in the attack.

I've always been on the fence on this one.

As far as the navel codes go, I agree that they were broken, but they weren't broken by the Americans. It was the British that had them broken. We all know how badly Churchill wanted the Americans in the war, and what a Machiavellian slime he was.

Added to that, it doesn't take a genius to know that he wouldn't have let the bulk of the US fleet get nailed, Churchill would have known what the most important parts of the US Pacific fleet are. The remaining question is, would he have shared with Roosevelt the information, or would he have had up to the minute intel that the attack was coming and would he have shared it? But there is no argument, the allies knew the attack was coming, the only argument, is whether they had told FDR.

Who can say. I'm sure the allies must have known an attack was coming though. . . probably they were intending the Japanese to hit the Philippians first.


Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

If Churchill knew the attack was coming, why did he allow Japan to take Singapore and all those British civilians and military?

Did you read that article?
Did you read what I posted?

Then answer the fucking question you moron
You calling anyone a moron is really really really rich.
With your conspiracy theories......moron is the correct term

Now, tell us about that moon landing
I've always been on the fence on this one.

As far as the navel codes go, I agree that they were broken, but they weren't broken by the Americans. It was the British that had them broken. We all know how badly Churchill wanted the Americans in the war, and what a Machiavellian slime he was.

Added to that, it doesn't take a genius to know that he wouldn't have let the bulk of the US fleet get nailed, Churchill would have known what the most important parts of the US Pacific fleet are. The remaining question is, would he have shared with Roosevelt the information, or would he have had up to the minute intel that the attack was coming and would he have shared it? But there is no argument, the allies knew the attack was coming, the only argument, is whether they had told FDR.

Who can say. I'm sure the allies must have known an attack was coming though. . . probably they were intending the Japanese to hit the Philippians first.


Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

If Churchill knew the attack was coming, why did he allow Japan to take Singapore and all those British civilians and military?

Did you read that article?
Did you read what I posted?

Then answer the fucking question you moron
You calling anyone a moron is really really really rich.
With your conspiracy theories......moron is the correct term

Now, tell us about that moon landing
Yeah corrupt lying politicians never lie...they are always honest and truthful in the small minds of deluded statists.

If only we could FIX the mind of the statist, we could stop the unending wars.

Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it. John Lennon
Some of the Japanese codes had been broken but not all. The Japanese naval codes were not, and the Japanese kept revising them the codes in 1941. What had been broken was the Japanese diplomatic codes.
Wrong. The Naval codes were broken. FDR knew several days if not weeks before the attack that it was coming. The Japanese fleet was tracked all the way from Japan to north of Hawaii. FDR knew it and was very happy about it....it meant nothing to him that thousands of Americans were murdered in the attack.

I've always been on the fence on this one.

As far as the navel codes go, I agree that they were broken, but they weren't broken by the Americans. It was the British that had them broken. We all know how badly Churchill wanted the Americans in the war, and what a Machiavellian slime he was.

Added to that, it doesn't take a genius to know that he wouldn't have let the bulk of the US fleet get nailed, Churchill would have known what the most important parts of the US Pacific fleet are. The remaining question is, would he have shared with Roosevelt the information, or would he have had up to the minute intel that the attack was coming and would he have shared it? But there is no argument, the allies knew the attack was coming, the only argument, is whether they had told FDR.

Who can say. I'm sure the allies must have known an attack was coming though. . . probably they were intending the Japanese to hit the Philippians first.


Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

If Churchill knew the attack was coming, why did he allow Japan to take Singapore and all those British civilians and military?

Did you read that article?
Did you read what I posted?

Then answer the fucking question you moron

It's not like he had the power to do anything about it. Why do you think he wanted the US in the war nitwit?

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