FDR knew!

The Japanese changed their codes often.

not often enough. it cost em Midway
Regent just pulls shit out of his ass...like a dumb ass statist.

The Battle Midway turned Japan into fighting a defensive war after losing all those carriers at Midway. The reason they lost all those carriers is because the US had broken their code and was laying in wait.
I've always been on the fence on this one.

As far as the navel codes go, I agree that they were broken, but they weren't broken by the Americans. It was the British that had them broken. We all know how badly Churchill wanted the Americans in the war, and what a Machiavellian slime he was.

Added to that, it doesn't take a genius to know that he wouldn't have let the bulk of the US fleet get nailed, Churchill would have known what the most important parts of the US Pacific fleet are. The remaining question is, would he have shared with Roosevelt the information, or would he have had up to the minute intel that the attack was coming and would he have shared it? But there is no argument, the allies knew the attack was coming, the only argument, is whether they had told FDR.

Who can say. I'm sure the allies must have known an attack was coming though. . . probably they were intending the Japanese to hit the Philippians first.


Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

If Churchill knew the attack was coming, why did he allow Japan to take Singapore and all those British civilians and military?

Did you read that article?
Did you read what I posted?

Then answer the fucking question you moron
You calling anyone a moron is really really really rich.
With your conspiracy theories......moron is the correct term

Now, tell us about that moon landing
If Churchill knew the attack was coming, why did he allow Japan to take Singapore and all those British civilians and military?

Did you read that article?
Did you read what I posted?

Then answer the fucking question you moron
You calling anyone a moron is really really really rich.
With your conspiracy theories......moron is the correct term

Now, tell us about that moon landing
They can't accept the truth that their beloved FDR was really a lying treasonous scumbag.

We have had way too many POTUS's like him, but the statist is still blind.
The Japanese changed their codes often.

not often enough. it cost em Midway
Regent just pulls shit out of his ass...like a dumb ass statist.

The Battle Midway turned Japan into fighting a defensive war after losing all those carriers at Midway. The reason they lost all those carriers is because the US had broken their code and was laying in wait.

same reason they lost Yamamoto to an ambush at the Canal
The Japanese changed their codes often.

not often enough. it cost em Midway
Regent just pulls shit out of his ass...like a dumb ass statist.

The Battle Midway turned Japan into fighting a defensive war after losing all those carriers at Midway. The reason they lost all those carriers is because the US had broken their code and was laying in wait.

same reason they lost Yamamoto to an ambush at the Canal
Yes...they refused to believe the US had broken their codes, even though they kept losing big.
The Japanese changed their codes often.

not often enough. it cost em Midway
Regent just pulls shit out of his ass...like a dumb ass statist.

The Battle Midway turned Japan into fighting a defensive war after losing all those carriers at Midway. The reason they lost all those carriers is because the US had broken their code and was laying in wait.

same reason they lost Yamamoto to an ambush at the Canal
Yes...they refused to believe the US had broken their codes, even though they kept losing big.

they changed codes just before midway. which was a year old. a long life for codes. to long. in Nam we changed every 24 hrs
let's not forget the Jap planes were spotted on radar and reported
And how did that work out?
Did you read that article?
Did you read what I posted?

Then answer the fucking question you moron
You calling anyone a moron is really really really rich.
With your conspiracy theories......moron is the correct term

Now, tell us about that moon landing
They can't accept the truth that their beloved FDR was really a lying treasonous scumbag.

We have had way too many POTUS's like him, but the statist is still blind.
So, why do American historians always rate FDR as one of America's three best presidents and recently as the best? Perhaps the best historians in the nation know nothing of the attack on Pearl Harbor?
let's not forget the Jap planes were spotted on radar and reported
And how did that work out?
Did you read what I posted?

Then answer the fucking question you moron
You calling anyone a moron is really really really rich.
With your conspiracy theories......moron is the correct term

Now, tell us about that moon landing
They can't accept the truth that their beloved FDR was really a lying treasonous scumbag.

We have had way too many POTUS's like him, but the statist is still blind.
So, why do American historians always rate FDR as one of America's three best presidents and recently as the best? Perhaps the best historians in the nation know nothing of the attack on Pearl Harbor?
American historians are trained in American Universities and taught to think like the establishment. It has nothing to do with war, and everything to do with the Keynesian economic fantasy and a grand vision of an elite societal control by elite intelligentsia of government social engineers thinking they can artificially construct and solve problems better than the solutions the market would naturally provide.

Ever here of FDR's favorite book? Phillip Dru, Administrator?
"Philip Dru is an extremely obscure political tract written in 1911 by "Colonel" Edward Mandell House, a key advisor to Woodrow Wilson and FDR. This is what makes the book so shocking. The book advocates the violent overthrow of the constitutional government and proposes a communist/socialist system as its replacement. Considering that the man who wrote this book had such a close position to the president, it's no surprise that some of the ideas in this book eventually became public policy. Philip Dru, the main character, is a West Point graduate who eventually resigns his post and becomes involved in social problems. Dru is chosen to lead an army against the U.S. government led by a puppet president. When Dru gains control he throws the Constitution out the window and nationalizes industries such as the telegraph (remember, it's 1911) and makes corporations subservient to government. He promises a job to every American, and rewrites the state constitutions. Watch for the part where Senator Selwyn talks about how he used direct marketing, etc., to get his man elected as president. Most of what he used is standard operating procedure today. In this book, the people revolt over what he does! Though poorly written, no one would doubt the importance of Adolph Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.” The same could be said of “Philip Dru.” Certain facts, once denied, reveal how we, as a nation, got so far off track. One of those facts is the collusion between International Bankers, Monopoly Capitalists and Fabian Socialist Edward Mandell House. This collusion resulted in the unconstitutional privatizing of our monetary system, under the guise of the Federal Reserve. The dangerous nature of the Federal Reserve is best summed up by the patriarch of one International Banking family: "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." - Mayer Amschel Rothschild. The importance of "Philip Dru: Adminstrator" is the insight into the mindset of those who believe in the New World Order, once denied, now freely discussed. It is a testament to the dangerously effective "gradualist" subversion that America has been subjected to over the last 100 years. The "incremental" Socialism promoted by the Fabian Society since 1884...a little more each generation, leading us to their goal: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened." - Norman Thomas, American socialist
Are there any American conservative historians, if so, how do they rate FDR?
Naw it's a diacritical materialist question.
No it isn't, both those POV spring from the Keynsians. Look at Trump, do you think he'll get rid of the FED? Don't count on it, he'll further devalue the dollar and in-debt the nation, that's just corporate socialism for the "too big to fail" banks and industry that the government will bail out. It's the corportists socialism. It further concentrates wealth, and weakens the nation. It certainly isn't doing the little guy any favors.

And on that, I think we'd rate FDR a tyrant, a war monger, and a liar. He said he wanted neutrality and peace, and then after he was elected, went back on his word when he was talking with Churchill and double dealing behind closed doors.

I'm sure lines of communications weren't open to Hitler. I'm sure he wasn't getting Adolf's POV. :badgrin: Hell, the only history we have now is that of the victors. How dare we even question what really happened, right? Anyone that even try to investigate root causes of the war, risks being called a "denier" or some damn thing like that. No, the root cause of the war was just, RACISM. RACISM. RACISM. Hmmm. . . that sounds familiar. Where have I been hearing that? :eusa_think:

The only thing we can be sure of, is all Americans got suckered into another European tragedy b/c the global elites wanted to try to construct another world government. . . . . again.

. . . and shit if globalists aren't creating ANOTHER world crises to give it another go, eh? (One would've hoped that Russia and China will go easier on us than we went on Germany, this shit is starting to get predictable. Hopefully that will be avoided now.)

"I regret that the Congress passed that Act. I regret equally that I signed that Act.

On July fourteenth of this year, I asked the Congress in the cause of peace and in the interest of real American neutrality and security, to take action to change that Act.

I now ask again that such action be taken in respect to that part of the Act which is wholly inconsistent with ancient precepts of the law of nations—the embargo provisions. I ask it because they are, in my opinion, most vitally dangerous to American neutrality, American security and, above all, American peace.

These embargo provisions, as they exist today, prevent the sale to a belligerent by an American factory of any completed implements of war, but they allow the sale of many types of uncompleted implements of war, as well as all kinds of general material and supplies."
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Message to Congress Urging Repeal of the Embargo Provisions of the Neutrality Law.
Are there any American conservative historians, if so, how do they rate FDR?
You really are messed up. For years now I have posted in numerous threads books and articles debunking your idealistic view of Stalin's Stooge and you post this question. Really?

You are purposely ignorant and you prefer it.
Were FDR, alive we might still be electing him.
Thank God he died when he did or the USSR would rule the entire world.

Thanks to fake news, the American people elected him four times.
Wrong. The Naval codes were broken. FDR knew several days if not weeks before the attack that it was coming. The Japanese fleet was tracked all the way from Japan to north of Hawaii. FDR knew it and was very happy about it....it meant nothing to him that thousands of Americans were murdered in the attack.

I've always been on the fence on this one.

As far as the navel codes go, I agree that they were broken, but they weren't broken by the Americans. It was the British that had them broken. We all know how badly Churchill wanted the Americans in the war, and what a Machiavellian slime he was.

Added to that, it doesn't take a genius to know that he wouldn't have let the bulk of the US fleet get nailed, Churchill would have known what the most important parts of the US Pacific fleet are. The remaining question is, would he have shared with Roosevelt the information, or would he have had up to the minute intel that the attack was coming and would he have shared it? But there is no argument, the allies knew the attack was coming, the only argument, is whether they had told FDR.

Who can say. I'm sure the allies must have known an attack was coming though. . . probably they were intending the Japanese to hit the Philippians first.


Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

If Churchill knew the attack was coming, why did he allow Japan to take Singapore and all those British civilians and military?

Did you read that article?
Did you read what I posted?

Then answer the fucking question you moron

It's not like he had the power to do anything about it. Why do you think he wanted the US in the war nitwit?

He had the "power" to warn Singapore of the invasion
Why would England abandon one of its key colonies to the Japanese?
If Churchill knew the attack was coming, why did he allow Japan to take Singapore and all those British civilians and military?

Did you read that article?
Did you read what I posted?

Then answer the fucking question you moron
You calling anyone a moron is really really really rich.
With your conspiracy theories......moron is the correct term

Now, tell us about that moon landing

I believe "If I only had a brain" explains your theories
I've always been on the fence on this one.

As far as the navel codes go, I agree that they were broken, but they weren't broken by the Americans. It was the British that had them broken. We all know how badly Churchill wanted the Americans in the war, and what a Machiavellian slime he was.

Added to that, it doesn't take a genius to know that he wouldn't have let the bulk of the US fleet get nailed, Churchill would have known what the most important parts of the US Pacific fleet are. The remaining question is, would he have shared with Roosevelt the information, or would he have had up to the minute intel that the attack was coming and would he have shared it? But there is no argument, the allies knew the attack was coming, the only argument, is whether they had told FDR.

Who can say. I'm sure the allies must have known an attack was coming though. . . probably they were intending the Japanese to hit the Philippians first.


Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

If Churchill knew the attack was coming, why did he allow Japan to take Singapore and all those British civilians and military?

Did you read that article?
Did you read what I posted?

Then answer the fucking question you moron

It's not like he had the power to do anything about it. Why do you think he wanted the US in the war nitwit?

He had the "power" to warn Singapore of the invasion
Why would England abandon one of its key colonies to the Japanese?

I already told you, there was nothing the English could do. I'm sure they knew it was coming. All other resources were tied up in N. Africa and Europe.

A state of war already existed, it's not like they were surprised or anything.

The fact is, they just got their asses handed to them.

“I confess that in my mind the whole Japanese menace lay in a sinister twilight… If, on the other hand, Japanese aggression drew in America, I would be content to have it.”

- Churchill

Wow, you are just arrogant.
Were FDR, alive we might still be electing him.
Thank God he died when he did or the USSR would rule the entire world.

Thanks to fake news, the American people elected him four times.
So it's just you against the news, the American people, the many Congressional investigations and the best of America's historians?

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