FDR knew!

Iraq was not a threat...Japan was

You lose
idiot...FDR MADE Japan a threat.

If only statists could learn....oh what wonderful peaceful world it would be.....peace is something they hate.

Japan invading China and massacring a hundred thousand innocent civilians made them a threat

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia

Charity Begins at Home, and Should End There, Too

How was that any of our business? Let the natives take care of their own problems or they deserve to get overrun. What kind of people took over after the Japanese left? A country gets the government, and even the foreign occupation, it deserves.
Statists love war because war IS the health of the state... naturally statists like Leftnutter love a very healthy state. Plus they don't care about all the people murdered for their nefarious purposes.
Which people?
Like a true blood thirsty statist, you don't consider Japanese people.
idiot...FDR MADE Japan a threat.

If only statists could learn....oh what wonderful peaceful world it would be.....peace is something they hate.

Japan invading China and massacring a hundred thousand innocent civilians made them a threat

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia

Charity Begins at Home, and Should End There, Too

How was that any of our business? Let the natives take care of their own problems or they deserve to get overrun. What kind of people took over after the Japanese left? A country gets the government, and even the foreign occupation, it deserves.
Statists love war because war IS the health of the state... naturally statists like Leftnutter love a very healthy state. Plus they don't care about all the people murdered for their nefarious purposes.
Which people?
Like a true blood thirsty statist, you don't consider Japanese people.
It was our scrap metal made into bombs and our gasoline that was used to deliver the bombs all to kill Chinese civilians. Maybe that sort of made it our business?
Japan invading China and massacring a hundred thousand innocent civilians made them a threat

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia

Charity Begins at Home, and Should End There, Too

How was that any of our business? Let the natives take care of their own problems or they deserve to get overrun. What kind of people took over after the Japanese left? A country gets the government, and even the foreign occupation, it deserves.
Statists love war because war IS the health of the state... naturally statists like Leftnutter love a very healthy state. Plus they don't care about all the people murdered for their nefarious purposes.
Which people?
Like a true blood thirsty statist, you don't consider Japanese people.
It was our scrap metal made into bombs and our gasoline that was used to deliver the bombs all to kill Chinese civilians. Maybe that sort of made it our business?
So to the murderous statist, this means American boys must kill and die to stop it...incinerating Japanese women and children who had no control over the actions of their tyrannical militarist government, is justified in the small deluded mind of the statist.

The statist often does not even know that their ideology always leads to death and destruction.
Charity Begins at Home, and Should End There, Too

How was that any of our business? Let the natives take care of their own problems or they deserve to get overrun. What kind of people took over after the Japanese left? A country gets the government, and even the foreign occupation, it deserves.
Statists love war because war IS the health of the state... naturally statists like Leftnutter love a very healthy state. Plus they don't care about all the people murdered for their nefarious purposes.
Which people?
Like a true blood thirsty statist, you don't consider Japanese people.
It was our scrap metal made into bombs and our gasoline that was used to deliver the bombs all to kill Chinese civilians. Maybe that sort of made it our business?
So to the murderous statist, this means American boys must kill and die to stop it...incinerating Japanese women and children who had no control over the actions of their tyrannical militarist government, is justified in the small deluded mind of the statist.

The statist often does not even know that their ideology always leads to death and destruction.
You know the Japanese war criminals had options other than military attacks on America to vent frustrations with America's decision to not facilitate future war crimes, don't you? What you suggest is that America, and particularly the American President succumb to Japanese threats and extortion to participate in facilitating horrendous war crimes of rapes and murders of massive numbers of innocent civilians by invading hoards of Japanese soldiers.
Statists love war because war IS the health of the state... naturally statists like Leftnutter love a very healthy state. Plus they don't care about all the people murdered for their nefarious purposes.
Which people?
Like a true blood thirsty statist, you don't consider Japanese people.
It was our scrap metal made into bombs and our gasoline that was used to deliver the bombs all to kill Chinese civilians. Maybe that sort of made it our business?
So to the murderous statist, this means American boys must kill and die to stop it...incinerating Japanese women and children who had no control over the actions of their tyrannical militarist government, is justified in the small deluded mind of the statist.

The statist often does not even know that their ideology always leads to death and destruction.
You know the Japanese war criminals had options other than military attacks on America to vent frustrations with America's decision to not facilitate future war crimes, don't you? What you suggest is that America, and particularly the American President succumb to Japanese threats and extortion to participate in facilitating horrendous war crimes of rapes and murders massive numbers of innocent civilians by invading hoards of Japanese soldiers.
Kill...kill....kill....is that all you know?
Which people?
Like a true blood thirsty statist, you don't consider Japanese people.
It was our scrap metal made into bombs and our gasoline that was used to deliver the bombs all to kill Chinese civilians. Maybe that sort of made it our business?
So to the murderous statist, this means American boys must kill and die to stop it...incinerating Japanese women and children who had no control over the actions of their tyrannical militarist government, is justified in the small deluded mind of the statist.

The statist often does not even know that their ideology always leads to death and destruction.
You know the Japanese war criminals had options other than military attacks on America to vent frustrations with America's decision to not facilitate future war crimes, don't you? What you suggest is that America, and particularly the American President succumb to Japanese threats and extortion to participate in facilitating horrendous war crimes of rapes and murders massive numbers of innocent civilians by invading hoards of Japanese soldiers.
Kill...kill....kill....is that all you know?
We were not the ones doing the killing. The Japanese were doing it in China. All we did was inform the Japanese the could no longer purchase war supplies from us to continue their war crimes. We told them they would have to find another way because America wanted nothing to do with and no connection to link them to their horrible crimes.
Like I said, you are suggesting that America is responsible for refusing to be co-conspirators in the Japanese war crimes and hence, responsible for the Japanese response to America's refusal to be war criminals.
Like a true blood thirsty statist, you don't consider Japanese people.
It was our scrap metal made into bombs and our gasoline that was used to deliver the bombs all to kill Chinese civilians. Maybe that sort of made it our business?
So to the murderous statist, this means American boys must kill and die to stop it...incinerating Japanese women and children who had no control over the actions of their tyrannical militarist government, is justified in the small deluded mind of the statist.

The statist often does not even know that their ideology always leads to death and destruction.
You know the Japanese war criminals had options other than military attacks on America to vent frustrations with America's decision to not facilitate future war crimes, don't you? What you suggest is that America, and particularly the American President succumb to Japanese threats and extortion to participate in facilitating horrendous war crimes of rapes and murders massive numbers of innocent civilians by invading hoards of Japanese soldiers.
Kill...kill....kill....is that all you know?
We were not the ones doing the killing. The Japanese were doing it in China. All we did was inform the Japanese the could no longer purchase war supplies from us to continue their war crimes. We told them they would have to find another way because America wanted nothing to do with and no connection to link them to their horrible crimes.
Like I said, you are suggesting that America is responsible for refusing to be co-conspirators in the Japanese war crimes and hence, responsible for the Japanese response to America's refusal to be war criminals.

FDR PURPOSELY positioned Japan into starting the war...he knew they would never accept his conditions and since he cracked their code, he knew the attack at Pearl was coming. He warned no one and delighted that he forced America into a war we should have avoided. Saving countless lives. He was a traitor who should have been shot.

WWII was the biggest disaster in all of history...and statists like you delight in it.

Thanks to murderous statists like you we can expect the killing to continue nonstop.
What were FDR's condition that the Japanese would never accept them?
Damn...we are 10 pages in on this thread...and you and I have debated this many times in other threads over the years. Yet you ask this question. WTF!
What were FDR's condition that the Japanese would never accept them?
Damn...we are 10 pages in on this thread...and you and I have debated this many times in other threads over the years. Yet you ask this question. WTF!
Yep, I ask the question: what conditions did FDR ask of Japan, and how did Japan reply to the conditions FDR asked?
What were FDR's condition that the Japanese would never accept them?
Damn...we are 10 pages in on this thread...and you and I have debated this many times in other threads over the years. Yet you ask this question. WTF!
Yep, I ask the question: what conditions did FDR ask of Japan, and how did Japan reply to the conditions FDR asked?
It is well known what FDR did to the Japanese before Pearl Harbor...well at least by intelligent people. He did those things PURPOSELY. Those actions were designed for Japan to attack...he knew the attack was coming, cleared the ocean of traffic so the fleet would not be detected, stopped air patrols north of Hawaii, moved out the carriers, refused to warn commanders, left meaningless WWI ships in port as bait and allowed those American sailors to be murdered....TREASON!!!

FDR should have been shot at dawn, on December 8, 1941.

Apparently you know nothing of the McCollum Memo? Look it up.

Lets say Russia rolls tanks into Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania tomorrow. Occupying those nations as FDR's buddy Stalin did back in 1939...oh...you say you didn't know Stalin did that when he was aligned with his fellow murdering statists Hitler...well then admit you don't know shit...but I digress.

Now in less than 24 hours Russia has occupied those three nations. Do we go to war with Russia?

Lets say Russia rolls tanks into Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania tomorrow. Occupying those nations as FDR's buddy Stalin did back in 1939...oh...you say you didn't know Stalin did that when he was aligned with his fellow murdering statists Hitler...well then admit you don't know shit...but I digress.

Now in less than 24 hours Russia has occupied those three nations. Do we go to war with Russia?

He also invaded Finland

But when Germany invaded France, Belgium, Netherlands and Norway and attacked England we preferred to liberate those countries rather than Latvia and Estonia

Lets say Russia rolls tanks into Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania tomorrow. Occupying those nations as FDR's buddy Stalin did back in 1939...oh...you say you didn't know Stalin did that when he was aligned with his fellow murdering statists Hitler...well then admit you don't know shit...but I digress.

Now in less than 24 hours Russia has occupied those three nations. Do we go to war with Russia?

He also invaded Finland

But when Germany invaded France, Belgium, Netherlands and Norway and attacked England we preferred to liberate those countries rather than Latvia and Estonia
Is my thought experiment too cerebral for you?

Do you want me to dumb it down for you?

Lets say Russia rolls tanks into Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania tomorrow. Occupying those nations as FDR's buddy Stalin did back in 1939...oh...you say you didn't know Stalin did that when he was aligned with his fellow murdering statists Hitler...well then admit you don't know shit...but I digress.

Now in less than 24 hours Russia has occupied those three nations. Do we go to war with Russia?

He also invaded Finland

But when Germany invaded France, Belgium, Netherlands and Norway and attacked England we preferred to liberate those countries rather than Latvia and Estonia
Is my thought experiment too cerebral for you?

Do you want me to dumb it down for you?

Much like 1939, we say fuck em
Like FDR did with Japan, we organize strict economic sanctions against Russia and let Putin explain his economy to his people

Easy enough for you to comprehend?

Lets say Russia rolls tanks into Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania tomorrow. Occupying those nations as FDR's buddy Stalin did back in 1939...oh...you say you didn't know Stalin did that when he was aligned with his fellow murdering statists Hitler...well then admit you don't know shit...but I digress.

Now in less than 24 hours Russia has occupied those three nations. Do we go to war with Russia?

He also invaded Finland

But when Germany invaded France, Belgium, Netherlands and Norway and attacked England we preferred to liberate those countries rather than Latvia and Estonia
Is my thought experiment too cerebral for you?

Do you want me to dumb it down for you?

Much like 1939, we say fuck em
Like FDR did with Japan, we organize strict economic sanctions against Russia and let Putin explain his economy to his people

Easy enough for you to comprehend?
Come now...that can't be your real opinion.

Don't you want Americans to kill and die for the state, as your beloved FDR did?

Lets say Russia rolls tanks into Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania tomorrow. Occupying those nations as FDR's buddy Stalin did back in 1939...oh...you say you didn't know Stalin did that when he was aligned with his fellow murdering statists Hitler...well then admit you don't know shit...but I digress.

Now in less than 24 hours Russia has occupied those three nations. Do we go to war with Russia?

He also invaded Finland

But when Germany invaded France, Belgium, Netherlands and Norway and attacked England we preferred to liberate those countries rather than Latvia and Estonia
Is my thought experiment too cerebral for you?

Do you want me to dumb it down for you?

Much like 1939, we say fuck em
Like FDR did with Japan, we organize strict economic sanctions against Russia and let Putin explain his economy to his people

Easy enough for you to comprehend?
Come now...that can't be your real opinion.

Don't you want Americans to kill and die for the state, as your beloved FDR did?

If it involves saving the world.......yes, I support what FDR did

Lets say Russia rolls tanks into Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania tomorrow. Occupying those nations as FDR's buddy Stalin did back in 1939...oh...you say you didn't know Stalin did that when he was aligned with his fellow murdering statists Hitler...well then admit you don't know shit...but I digress.

Now in less than 24 hours Russia has occupied those three nations. Do we go to war with Russia?

He also invaded Finland

But when Germany invaded France, Belgium, Netherlands and Norway and attacked England we preferred to liberate those countries rather than Latvia and Estonia
Is my thought experiment too cerebral for you?

Do you want me to dumb it down for you?

Much like 1939, we say fuck em
Like FDR did with Japan, we organize strict economic sanctions against Russia and let Putin explain his economy to his people

Easy enough for you to comprehend?
Come now...that can't be your real opinion.

Don't you want Americans to kill and die for the state, as your beloved FDR did?

If it involves saving the world.......yes, I support what FDR did
Okay then you admit that FDR was saving the world when he lied us into war.

Kill the world to save the world...the statist motto.
That whole position about the US not getting involved in a war with Germany went downhill and changed when German submarines began attacking US ships, including Naval ships and killing American sailors on the high seas and boarding and inspecting US tourist cruise ships with German warships in the Carribean. Those things tended to change people's minds about the subject of neutrality.
He also invaded Finland

But when Germany invaded France, Belgium, Netherlands and Norway and attacked England we preferred to liberate those countries rather than Latvia and Estonia
Is my thought experiment too cerebral for you?

Do you want me to dumb it down for you?

Much like 1939, we say fuck em
Like FDR did with Japan, we organize strict economic sanctions against Russia and let Putin explain his economy to his people

Easy enough for you to comprehend?
Come now...that can't be your real opinion.

Don't you want Americans to kill and die for the state, as your beloved FDR did?

If it involves saving the world.......yes, I support what FDR did
Okay then you admit that FDR was saving the world when he lied us into war.

Kill the world to save the world...the statist motto.

There was no lie.....Japan really attacked Pearl Harbor

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