FDR knew!

Japan had a choice to roll back its militaristic expansion or go to war with the most powerful economy on earth

They chose wrong

I am not defending Japan's actions...dumb ass.

You have condemned Dipshit W for his war, while commending FDR for his. Yet there is little difference except that FDR caused the deaths of far more people, leading to decades of suffering and Cold War.

Iraq was not a threat...Japan was

You lose
idiot...FDR MADE Japan a threat.

If only statists could learn....oh what wonderful peaceful world it would be.....peace is something they hate.

Japan invading China and massacring a hundred thousand innocent civilians made them a threat

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia
So that justified FDR treasonous actions causing thousands of American deaths....only a dumbf**k statist would think that....but of course Bush was wrong and deserving of imprisonment, but FDR is my beloved GOD....can't fix stupid.
That justified an economic embargo on supplies that were supporting a Japanese military that was killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians
I am not defending Japan's actions...dumb ass.

You have condemned Dipshit W for his war, while commending FDR for his. Yet there is little difference except that FDR caused the deaths of far more people, leading to decades of suffering and Cold War.

Iraq was not a threat...Japan was

You lose
idiot...FDR MADE Japan a threat.

If only statists could learn....oh what wonderful peaceful world it would be.....peace is something they hate.

Japan invading China and massacring a hundred thousand innocent civilians made them a threat

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia
So that justified FDR treasonous actions causing thousands of American deaths....only a dumbf**k statist would think that....but of course Bush was wrong and deserving of imprisonment, but FDR is my beloved GOD....can't fix stupid.
That justified an economic embargo on supplies that were supporting a Japanese military that was killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians
Yeah and it lead to lots of dead young American boys and Japanese. You must be so proud.
Here is another great column that should have Statists choking on their breakfast.



Why Did Japan Choose a Suicidal War in 1941?
By Eric Margolis

December 10, 2016

It seems clear by now that President Franklin Roosevelt’s White House knew from deciphered codes that Japan was planning an attack on America’s key naval base in Hawaii. Shamefully, the senior US Navy and Army commanders at Pearl Harbor were not informed of the impending attack. The US Navy’s three aircraft carriers were coincidentally moved far from harm’s way before the attack, leaving only obsolescent World War I battleships in port as sitting ducks.

Roosevelt was eager to get the United States into war against Germany at all costs. But Americans wanted no part of Europe’s war, recalling how British propaganda had deceived America into World War I. The single largest ethnic group in America was of German origin. In the 1880’s, my native New York City was the third most populous German city on earth after Berlin and Hamburg.

Roosevelt, whose sympathies lay far to the left in spite of his patrician background, understood that only a surprise attack would provoke Americans into war.

At the time, the US supplied 80% of Japan’s oil, 100% of its aviation fuel, and much of its metal. Roosevelt demanded Japan vacate China that it had invaded, or face an embargo of these vital strategic materials on which Japan’s industry depended. Japan’s fascist military government refused, as Washington knew it would. A US embargo ensued.

Japan had a one-year strategic reserve of oil. Its stark choice was either run out of oil, fuel, and scrap steel over 12 months or go to war while it still had these resources. The only other potential source of oil for Japan was the distant Dutch East Indies, today Indonesia.
Japan had a choice to roll back its militaristic expansion or go to war with the most powerful economy on earth

They chose wrong

I am not defending Japan's actions...dumb ass.

You have condemned Dipshit W for his war, while commending FDR for his. Yet there is little difference except that FDR caused the deaths of far more people, leading to decades of suffering and Cold War.

Iraq was not a threat...Japan was

You lose
idiot...FDR MADE Japan a threat.

If only statists could learn....oh what wonderful peaceful world it would be.....peace is something they hate.

Japan invading China and massacring a hundred thousand innocent civilians made them a threat

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia
So American boys must die to stop that. Statists are a murderous bunch.
Iraq was not a threat...Japan was

You lose
idiot...FDR MADE Japan a threat.

If only statists could learn....oh what wonderful peaceful world it would be.....peace is something they hate.

Japan invading China and massacring a hundred thousand innocent civilians made them a threat

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia
So that justified FDR treasonous actions causing thousands of American deaths....only a dumbf**k statist would think that....but of course Bush was wrong and deserving of imprisonment, but FDR is my beloved GOD....can't fix stupid.
That justified an economic embargo on supplies that were supporting a Japanese military that was killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians
Yeah and it lead to lots of dead young American boys and Japanese. You must be so proud.

Such was the horror of WWII
Tens of millions killed around the world. We lost 400,000
Relatively low considering the extent of our involvement

We saved the world for democracy
idiot...FDR MADE Japan a threat.

If only statists could learn....oh what wonderful peaceful world it would be.....peace is something they hate.

Japan invading China and massacring a hundred thousand innocent civilians made them a threat

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia
So that justified FDR treasonous actions causing thousands of American deaths....only a dumbf**k statist would think that....but of course Bush was wrong and deserving of imprisonment, but FDR is my beloved GOD....can't fix stupid.
That justified an economic embargo on supplies that were supporting a Japanese military that was killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians
Yeah and it lead to lots of dead young American boys and Japanese. You must be so proud.

Such was the horror of WWII
Tens of millions killed around the world. We lost 400,000
Relatively low considering the extent of our involvement

We saved the world for democracy
WWII may have been the greatest man made disaster of all time. Thanks to FDR, lots of Americans died and killed for his manical desires.
idiot...FDR MADE Japan a threat.

If only statists could learn....oh what wonderful peaceful world it would be.....peace is something they hate.

Japan invading China and massacring a hundred thousand innocent civilians made them a threat

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia
So that justified FDR treasonous actions causing thousands of American deaths....only a dumbf**k statist would think that....but of course Bush was wrong and deserving of imprisonment, but FDR is my beloved GOD....can't fix stupid.
That justified an economic embargo on supplies that were supporting a Japanese military that was killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians
Yeah and it lead to lots of dead young American boys and Japanese. You must be so proud.

Such was the horror of WWII
Tens of millions killed around the world. We lost 400,000
Relatively low considering the extent of our involvement

We saved the world for democracy
Thanks to your beloved FDR.
Japan invading China and massacring a hundred thousand innocent civilians made them a threat

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia
So that justified FDR treasonous actions causing thousands of American deaths....only a dumbf**k statist would think that....but of course Bush was wrong and deserving of imprisonment, but FDR is my beloved GOD....can't fix stupid.
That justified an economic embargo on supplies that were supporting a Japanese military that was killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians
Yeah and it lead to lots of dead young American boys and Japanese. You must be so proud.

Such was the horror of WWII
Tens of millions killed around the world. We lost 400,000
Relatively low considering the extent of our involvement

We saved the world for democracy
WWII may have been the greatest man made disaster of all time. Thanks to FDR, lots of Americans died and killed for his manical desires.
FDR saved Democracy in the world

Great man
So that justified FDR treasonous actions causing thousands of American deaths....only a dumbf**k statist would think that....but of course Bush was wrong and deserving of imprisonment, but FDR is my beloved GOD....can't fix stupid.
That justified an economic embargo on supplies that were supporting a Japanese military that was killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians
Yeah and it lead to lots of dead young American boys and Japanese. You must be so proud.

Such was the horror of WWII
Tens of millions killed around the world. We lost 400,000
Relatively low considering the extent of our involvement

We saved the world for democracy
WWII may have been the greatest man made disaster of all time. Thanks to FDR, lots of Americans died and killed for his manical desires.
FDR saved Democracy in the world

Great man
No he saved communism enslaving millions to his buddy Stalin's death camps. You must be so proud be
That justified an economic embargo on supplies that were supporting a Japanese military that was killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians
Yeah and it lead to lots of dead young American boys and Japanese. You must be so proud.

Such was the horror of WWII
Tens of millions killed around the world. We lost 400,000
Relatively low considering the extent of our involvement

We saved the world for democracy
WWII may have been the greatest man made disaster of all time. Thanks to FDR, lots of Americans died and killed for his manical desires.
FDR saved Democracy in the world

Great man
No he saved communism enslaving millions to his buddy Stalin's death camps. You must be so proud be
The Red Army saved Communism

FDR saved the rest of the world for Democracy
Yeah and it lead to lots of dead young American boys and Japanese. You must be so proud.

Such was the horror of WWII
Tens of millions killed around the world. We lost 400,000
Relatively low considering the extent of our involvement

We saved the world for democracy
WWII may have been the greatest man made disaster of all time. Thanks to FDR, lots of Americans died and killed for his manical desires.
FDR saved Democracy in the world

Great man
No he saved communism enslaving millions to his buddy Stalin's death camps. You must be so proud be
The Red Army saved Communism

FDR saved the rest of the world for Democracy
Wrong but keep believing in killing thinking it is good.
Hitler meant the end of guys like Roosevelt and his rich buddies. It would have been a total change of world power.

Roosevelt was ready to throw every American man , woman, and child in front of Hitler's tanks to stop him. There are really no examples of any kind of moral character from Roosevelt
Hitler meant the end of guys like Roosevelt and his rich buddies. It would have been a total change of world power.

Roosevelt was ready to throw every American man , woman, and child in front of Hitler's tanks to stop him. There are really no examples of any kind of moral character from Roosevelt
What a ridiculous statement

It was Stalin doing most of the fighting and dying against the Nazis
Hitler meant the end of guys like Roosevelt and his rich buddies. It would have been a total change of world power.

Roosevelt was ready to throw every American man , woman, and child in front of Hitler's tanks to stop him. There are really no examples of any kind of moral character from Roosevelt
What a ridiculous statement

It was Stalin doing most of the fighting and dying against the Nazis

The mighty Stalin was pretty much defeated by Hitler's Germany in 2 months.

If Roosevelt didn't enter America into the war, Hitler would have had unopposed control over Europe
Unknown to the American public ,Roosevelt was sending supplies to Russia trying to keep them fighting.
Communist Roosevelt had a problem with national socialism but didn't seem to have a problem with Communist Russia, who was the largest murderer in human history.

One Russian "diplomat" was even caught smuggling a gun into the White House. No big deal to them (apparently ready to shot Roosevelt if he didn't go along with Communist plans?)

The facts of history are all water under the bridge, but Americans need to purge the Socialist/Communist take-over that happened with the Roosevelt administration
You specifically mention Russian oil fields. It is a key component of your thesis. Without that element, your thesis is just misinformed blather. You are pretending to know about things you know nothing about. You are using a non-existent scenario about oil fields that did not exist to claim a manipulation of FDR by Stalin. This indicates you lack accurate historical knowledge and are less than credible on historical issues.
Here is another great column that should have Statists choking on their breakfast.



Why Did Japan Choose a Suicidal War in 1941?
By Eric Margolis

December 10, 2016

It seems clear by now that President Franklin Roosevelt’s White House knew from deciphered codes that Japan was planning an attack on America’s key naval base in Hawaii. Shamefully, the senior US Navy and Army commanders at Pearl Harbor were not informed of the impending attack. The US Navy’s three aircraft carriers were coincidentally moved far from harm’s way before the attack, leaving only obsolescent World War I battleships in port as sitting ducks.

Roosevelt was eager to get the United States into war against Germany at all costs. But Americans wanted no part of Europe’s war, recalling how British propaganda had deceived America into World War I. The single largest ethnic group in America was of German origin. In the 1880’s, my native New York City was the third most populous German city on earth after Berlin and Hamburg.

Roosevelt, whose sympathies lay far to the left in spite of his patrician background, understood that only a surprise attack would provoke Americans into war.

At the time, the US supplied 80% of Japan’s oil, 100% of its aviation fuel, and much of its metal. Roosevelt demanded Japan vacate China that it had invaded, or face an embargo of these vital strategic materials on which Japan’s industry depended. Japan’s fascist military government refused, as Washington knew it would. A US embargo ensued.

Japan had a one-year strategic reserve of oil. Its stark choice was either run out of oil, fuel, and scrap steel over 12 months or go to war while it still had these resources. The only other potential source of oil for Japan was the distant Dutch East Indies, today Indonesia.
Japan had a choice to roll back its militaristic expansion or go to war with the most powerful economy on earth

They chose wrong

I am not defending Japan's actions...dumb ass.

You have condemned Dipshit W for his war, while commending FDR for his. Yet there is little difference except that FDR caused the deaths of far more people, leading to decades of suffering and Cold War.

Iraq was not a threat...Japan was

You lose
idiot...FDR MADE Japan a threat.

If only statists could learn....oh what wonderful peaceful world it would be.....peace is something they hate.
FDR along with plenty of supporters refused to allow authoritarian dictatorships like Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany dictate and order America about who American could or could not trade with and decide upon the kind of relationships it could have. Germany tried to dictate a halt in trade between the USA and Great Britain and began sinking American ships and killing American sailors. Japan demanded supplies be traded to them that were then used to commit and facilitate gross war crimes and atrocities. We wanted no part in those war crimes and atrocities and had a sovereign right and obligation to refuse participation in them. We did the right and moral thing.
Here is another great column that should have Statists choking on their breakfast.



Why Did Japan Choose a Suicidal War in 1941?
By Eric Margolis

December 10, 2016

It seems clear by now that President Franklin Roosevelt’s White House knew from deciphered codes that Japan was planning an attack on America’s key naval base in Hawaii. Shamefully, the senior US Navy and Army commanders at Pearl Harbor were not informed of the impending attack. The US Navy’s three aircraft carriers were coincidentally moved far from harm’s way before the attack, leaving only obsolescent World War I battleships in port as sitting ducks.

Roosevelt was eager to get the United States into war against Germany at all costs. But Americans wanted no part of Europe’s war, recalling how British propaganda had deceived America into World War I. The single largest ethnic group in America was of German origin. In the 1880’s, my native New York City was the third most populous German city on earth after Berlin and Hamburg.

Roosevelt, whose sympathies lay far to the left in spite of his patrician background, understood that only a surprise attack would provoke Americans into war.

At the time, the US supplied 80% of Japan’s oil, 100% of its aviation fuel, and much of its metal. Roosevelt demanded Japan vacate China that it had invaded, or face an embargo of these vital strategic materials on which Japan’s industry depended. Japan’s fascist military government refused, as Washington knew it would. A US embargo ensued.

Japan had a one-year strategic reserve of oil. Its stark choice was either run out of oil, fuel, and scrap steel over 12 months or go to war while it still had these resources. The only other potential source of oil for Japan was the distant Dutch East Indies, today Indonesia.
Japan had a choice to roll back its militaristic expansion or go to war with the most powerful economy on earth

They chose wrong

I am not defending Japan's actions...dumb ass.

You have condemned Dipshit W for his war, while commending FDR for his. Yet there is little difference except that FDR caused the deaths of far more people, leading to decades of suffering and Cold War.

Iraq was not a threat...Japan was

You lose
idiot...FDR MADE Japan a threat.

If only statists could learn....oh what wonderful peaceful world it would be.....peace is something they hate.
FDR along with plenty of supporters refused to allow authoritarian dictatorships like Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany dictate and order America about who American could or could not trade with and decide upon the kind of relationships it could have. Germany tried to dictate a halt in trade between the USA and Great Britain and began sinking American ships and killing American sailors. Japan demanded supplies be traded to them that were then used to commit and facilitate gross war crimes and atrocities. We wanted no part in those war crimes and atrocities and had a sovereign right and obligation to refuse participation in them. We did the right and moral thing.
FDR should have been shot for treason.
Hitler meant the end of guys like Roosevelt and his rich buddies. It would have been a total change of world power.

Roosevelt was ready to throw every American man , woman, and child in front of Hitler's tanks to stop him. There are really no examples of any kind of moral character from Roosevelt
What a ridiculous statement

It was Stalin doing most of the fighting and dying against the Nazis

The mighty Stalin was pretty much defeated by Hitler's Germany in 2 months.

If Roosevelt didn't enter America into the war, Hitler would have had unopposed control over Europe

The Soviets had turned the tide before we had our first significant battle. Read about Stalingrad
Hitler meant the end of guys like Roosevelt and his rich buddies. It would have been a total change of world power.

Roosevelt was ready to throw every American man , woman, and child in front of Hitler's tanks to stop him. There are really no examples of any kind of moral character from Roosevelt
What a ridiculous statement

It was Stalin doing most of the fighting and dying against the Nazis

The mighty Stalin was pretty much defeated by Hitler's Germany in 2 months.

If Roosevelt didn't enter America into the war, Hitler would have had unopposed control over Europe

The Soviets had turned the tide before we had our first significant battle. Read about Stalingrad
Only because Stalin moved his best troops from Siberia to the German front after learning that Japan was going to attack the USA, which he failed to tell his butt buddy in the White House about, not that that would have matter....and Stalin's Stooge made sure to give Stalin lots of war materials which greatly helped him defeat the Wehrmacht.

Had Stalin's Stooge not instigated war with Japan, clearly a treasonous action, the Japanese might have attacked Russia leading to Stalin's demise and keeping lots of American boys alive. You and FDR could not accept that.

Statists like you have no problem sacrificing American boys, for the benefit of the State.
Hitler meant the end of guys like Roosevelt and his rich buddies. It would have been a total change of world power.

Roosevelt was ready to throw every American man , woman, and child in front of Hitler's tanks to stop him. There are really no examples of any kind of moral character from Roosevelt
What a ridiculous statement

It was Stalin doing most of the fighting and dying against the Nazis

The mighty Stalin was pretty much defeated by Hitler's Germany in 2 months.

If Roosevelt didn't enter America into the war, Hitler would have had unopposed control over Europe

The Soviets had turned the tide before we had our first significant battle. Read about Stalingrad
Only because Stalin moved his best troops from Siberia to the German front after learning that Japan was going to attack the USA, which he failed to tell his butt buddy in the White House about, not that that would have matter....and Stalin's Stooge made sure to give Stalin lots of war materials which greatly helped him defeat the Wehrmacht.

Had Stalin's Stooge not instigated war with Japan, clearly a treasonous action, the Japanese might have attacked Russia leading to Stalin's demise and keeping lots of American boys alive. You and FDR could not accept that.

Statists like you have no problem sacrificing American boys, for the benefit of the State.
Stalinism "best troops" were in Siberia?

You must have them confused with his political enemies
Japan had a choice to roll back its militaristic expansion or go to war with the most powerful economy on earth

They chose wrong

I am not defending Japan's actions...dumb ass.

You have condemned Dipshit W for his war, while commending FDR for his. Yet there is little difference except that FDR caused the deaths of far more people, leading to decades of suffering and Cold War.

Iraq was not a threat...Japan was

You lose
idiot...FDR MADE Japan a threat.

If only statists could learn....oh what wonderful peaceful world it would be.....peace is something they hate.
FDR along with plenty of supporters refused to allow authoritarian dictatorships like Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany dictate and order America about who American could or could not trade with and decide upon the kind of relationships it could have. Germany tried to dictate a halt in trade between the USA and Great Britain and began sinking American ships and killing American sailors. Japan demanded supplies be traded to them that were then used to commit and facilitate gross war crimes and atrocities. We wanted no part in those war crimes and atrocities and had a sovereign right and obligation to refuse participation in them. We did the right and moral thing.
FDR should have been shot for treason.
Instead, he became one of America's most beloved Presidents that was elected four times and rated as one of America's greatest Presidents alongside Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln. So it is your opinion opposed to seventy years or more of generations of Americans that probably number in the hundreds of millions of citizens.

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