FEAR: Woodward's new book abt. the "harrowing life" inside Trump's WH!

I can't wait until this arrives in my mail.

Eat shit, Judge Jeanine. LOL!

"""......Number 1 on the Amazon Top 100 list, and it won’t even be available until 9/11.


Woodward’s ‘Fear’ No. 1 on Amazon before release, wants $60 for talk

" Fear: Trump in the White House" is selling fast in pre-sales and Amazon said it is the top seller among political books and in a day where multiple outlets published explosive excerpts the book jumped from 12th place to first place in under six hours.

And the huge book seller isn’t discounting "Fear ," keeping the pre-release price at $28.70. """""

Of course it will sell. It's political kitsch.

I'll eventually get a copy out of the dollar bin.

Woodward is committing career suicide.
Of course, he will be able to retire, after the global sales of this book. Haha..suicide by Dollar bill.... Sure.

With all the prestige of Dan Rather.
Wait, let me get this straight (you're a bit slippery):

You think these are lies?

Well, if you ask me if I would believe Woodward over Mattis, I would not.
The issues of treason are so serious, that Mueller isn't going to even bother with a sit down interview. Written responses will suffice. The book is well timed, as the Mueller investigation is about out of steam.
Not a single source went on record in this book of falsehoods....Woodward just joined Bernstein in the nuthouse for disgraced journalists.....what is it about Trump that causes his enemies to soil their reputations at the very end of their careers?....

How do we give this book any credibility. The issues of treason, corruption, and unhinged president, and no one will go on record? Please. This is nothing but a hit job.
"....and then Trump leans over, between swings of a beer, and he sez to me, yanno, Vlad hacked Hillary's election'"
I'm sure Putin told Trump exactly what he did. Why not? Trump is owned by Putin.
And Trump doesn't even deny it.

Not a single source went on record in this book of falsehoods....Woodward just joined Bernstein in the nuthouse for disgraced journalists.....what is it about Trump that causes his enemies to soil their reputations at the very end of their careers?....

How do we give this book any credibility. The issues of treason, corruption, and unhinged president, and no one will go on record? Please. This is nothing but a hit job.
He has hundreds of hours of tape.

Let Trump take him to court and he can play the tapes.

Let us all hear them.
Of course, you could not possibly know that they are falshoods.
Its all being denied by the people quoted....that discredits the hit job book in my book...no pun.....the more this kind of childish nonsense continues the more certain a second term for Trump is....you guys just don't understand how far you have fallen in the eyes of the American people....and today's hearing on Judge Kavanaugh was the Cherry on the cake....
Of course, you could not possibly know that they are falshoods.
Its all being denied by the people quoted....that discredits the hit job book in my book...no pun.....the more this kind of childish nonsense continues the more certain a second term for Trump is....you guys just don't understand how far you have fallen in the eyes of the American people....and today's hearing on Judge Kavanaugh was the Cherry on the cake....
No it’s not.

And this is coming from his inner circle.

That means this will turn out to be the tip of the iceberg.

Believe it!
No it’s not.

And this is coming from his inner circle.

That means this will turn out to be the tip of the iceberg.

Believe it!
You are wrong...everyone quoted has strongly denied the BS in the book...
stop lying...it won't work....shows of desperation....
After this Trump isn’t going to trust anybody.

He’s going to be Mr. paranoid constantly looking over his shoulder.

This guy could actually be the first president to go insane while in office.

He might even be restrained to keep him from harming himself.
I know you guys show this tiny clip endlessly but the only thing I can say is so fucking what?
What is it do you think it’s telling you?
That there was Russian collusion...between the dems and Putin....
No it’s not.

And this is coming from his inner circle.

That means this will turn out to be the tip of the iceberg.

Believe it!
You are wrong...everyone quoted has strongly denied the BS in the book...
stop lying...it won't work....shows of desperation....
No they haven’t. And they won’t. Why? Because they’re all on tape.
Reince Priebus said when you put a snake and a rat and a falcon and a rabbit and a shark and a seal in the zoo without walls things start getting nasty and bloody.

He was referring to the White House.

John Kelly called Trump an idiot.

Mattie said Trump has the understanding of a sixth grader.

All quotes from the book.

Don’t these Republicans understand that if people made these claims without back up that they could be sued?

You watch Woodward will never be sued.

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