Fed up with the two parties, a new group forms

That's the system we have in California for local elections. It's how we became Democrat controlled. We have a 16% turnout rate.

NO, actually, you became Democrat controlled because when you do get the Governors mansion, you put mutants like Ahnuld and Wilson in there.

Nothing cures people of voting Republican like actually having Republicans get their way on stuff.
It is amazing how you and the majority of liberals miss the giant neon sign right in front of you.
You guys complain about Trump, but seem to forget the glaring question as to just how in the world did this complete joke beat us???

Because the Russians hacked a system set up by Slave Rapists who didn't trust the people to make a good decision?

Our faulty system failed and gave us a result most of us didn't want.

Now, imagine if we had a system like France had. Neither Hillary nor Trump got 50%, they go to a runoff and all the clowns who voted for Johnson, McCullough and Stein would have to make a real decision.

When we all know that it wasn't Republican voters that put him in - it was Democrat voters who refused to vote for Hillary.

Again, not really. What put him in was an awful system developed in the 18th century.

If we listened to the voters, Hillary would be president right now.

Now, I do agree, a large part of the problem was people who knew Trump was bad news, but believed all the horseshit about Benghazi and Email servers and fake news, and thought, "Well, since Hillary already has this in the bag, I can do a protest vote for Johnson, who can't possibly win."

and some of those people lived in swing states, unfortunately.

Americans, who don't live in coastal liberal la la lands - are absolutely sick and tired of getting the shaft...wait for it...by BOTH sides.

Here's the problem with that kind of thinking. Here's a map of which states are getting federal dollars and which ones are paying them.


You see, if anyone is getting the shaft, it's the folks in the "Coastal" states who pay more to the federal government than they get back. Meanwhile, those states who whine so much about how they are being 'shafted" are the ones who get more money back than they pay in.

America is now a plutocratic corporatocracy. PERIOD. And it became that way despite the fact that in the past 30 years your supposedly "for the little guy" party had control of the entire government 67% of the time. Think about that.

But that isn't true, either. In the past 30 years, The Democrats have controlled everything for all of four years - 93-94, and 2009-10. and that's IT. By comparison, the GOP has controlled everything for four years 2003-2006.

Beyond that, the GOP controlled the Senate for 14 of those 30 years, The presidency for 14 of those 30 years, and the House for 18 of those 30 years.

Oh...dear God you are one of the "the Russians...the RUSSIANS!!!!"...sheep.
Good Lord.
Oh...dear God you are one of the "the Russians...the RUSSIANS!!!!"...sheep.
Good Lord.

Naw, that would be you guys talking about "Benghazi" for four years after 8 investigations cleared Mrs. Clinton of wrongdoing.

Again, the fact the russians interfered isn't in dispute. it's how much of an effect did they have and how much Trump's people were colluding with them.

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