federal deficit hits five year low

see the right IGNORE the facts they dont like?

how sick is a party when they HATE good news for the country?
Double expectations

retail numbers.

The people have spoken and they say they feel safe to spend their money because they think the country is recoverying from the terrible mess Bush created
Tax refund mean anything? 1.1% hell yea!
Gots to have shorts for the warmer weather :)

see thay have no space in their brain cases for facts
just how sick does a party have to get to HATE any good news for the American people?
Good news is not hated by me. I would love obama to succeed and get us going but he is not. He is on the wrong path. If obama would quit lying and fooling the people we could some real people in there to turn shit around. If Reid would quit being a hack, we could get something done
Oh and then answer my question of WHY the Bush SEC held back the broker rules in GLBact for 8 years
you are yet again being proven wrong by the facts.

Give up your historically failed ideas that have NEVER worked in history
DOUBLE the predicted sales.


your party is toast
I responded to both questions in the other threads. Right there in black and grey. Go look
Now I find it funny you dont care to repete them IF you ever did give an answer
If you answered you must know its a lame answer you dont want to repete

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