Federal Judge Reveals Incumbent President Joe Biden Ordered FBI Access to Mar-a-Lago Documents

Try again! :)

In the 15 cases he did finally voluntarily return to the National Archives in January 2022, in 14 of the 15 cases there were over 200 marked classified documents of top secret, secret, and confidential levels.

Why would he return 200 plus of the classified documents, if he was hanging on to them as evidence to wrong deeds as you claim?

Because he was hoping to prevent what the FBI did at any rate?


You all act like "CLASSIFIED" means those documents are all state secrets of the most sensitive nature. You realize the govt over-classifies EVERYTHING right? I think if people who know classifications could read liberals panting all over CLASSIFIED they'd laugh their butts off. Probably the kind of bolts used in the Air Force One commode is "classified".
The Duke
The judge's order is provided in the article. Care to debunk it?
Sure. Read the actual court order. The " records in question" Referred to in the order are NOT those obtained in the warrant. But those of the original 15 boxes taken. NOTHING in the court order suggest that Biden had anything to do with the subsequent actions of the DOJ, let alone ordering them.

The paragraph in question deals with an extention requested by Trump in sorting out privileged information.

It's typical Gateway Pundit to give a click bait headline that is NOT supported by the actual information. Just like it is so much like most people on this board to accept that title at face value without carefully reading the actual content.
Because he was hoping to prevent what the FBI did at any rate?


You all act like "CLASSIFIED" means those documents are all state secrets of the most sensitive nature. You realize the govt over-classifies EVERYTHING right? I think if people who know classifications could read liberals panting all over CLASSIFIED they'd laugh their butts off. Probably the kind of bolts used in the Air Force One commode is "classified".
At the 3 levels I listed, top secret, secret, and confidential, are the only classification levels requiring strong protection....

It's some pretty serious stuff... involving national security.


E/O 11652

SECTION 1. Security Classification Categories. Official information or material which requires protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interest of the national defense or foreign relations of the United States (hereinafter collectively termed "national security") shall be classified in one of three categories, namely "Top Secret," "Secret," or "Confidential," depending upon the degree of its significance to national security. No other categories shall be used to identify official information or material as requiring protection in the interest of national security, except as otherwise expressly provided by statute. These classification categories are defined as follows:

(A) "Top Secret." "Top Secret" refers to that national security information or material which requires the highest degree of protection. The test for assigning "Top Secret" classification shall be whether its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security. Examples of "exceptionally grave damage" include armed hostilities against the United States or its allies; disruption of foreign relations vitally affecting the national security; the compromise of vital national defense plans or complex cryptologic and communications intelligence systems; the revelation of sensitive intelligence operations; and the disclosure of scientific or technological developments vital to national security. This classification shall be used with the utmost restraint.

(B) "Secret." "Secret" refers to that national security information or material which requires a substantial degree of protection. The test for assigning "Secret" classification shall be whether its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to the national security. Examples of "serious damage" include disruption of foreign relations significantly affecting the national security; significant impairment of a program or policy directly related to the national security; revelation of significant military plans or intelligence operations; and compromise of significant scientific or technological developments relating to national security. The classification "Secret" shall be sparingly used.

(C) "Confidential." "Confidential" refers to that national security information or material which requires protection. The test for assigning "Confidential" classification shall be whether its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the national security.
the fact that xiden felt the need to lie, implies a level of guilt on his end.

Stalinist tactics
Nope. That judge has done much more than approve a special master....

Nope again! The DOJ didn't judge shop, fool. They went to the closest court to the Mara Lago search.... which is protocol, and got a judge by random/lottery.....
And just happened to get a Magistrate who had recused himself from hearing an earlier court case between Trump and Hillary Clinton because his dislike of Trump made him feel he couldn't be impartial? So he recuses himself from THAT case but feels OK writing out a warrant to raid the home of an Ex President...a warrant that is so broad that it allows the FBI to pretty much take anything they want from the home? Care to explain why Reinhart felt he couldn't rule in the Trump/Clinton court case because of the bias he knew he had but that he COULD write this warrant to do something that had NEVER been done before in US history?
Actually politifact is lying again, we know for a fact the WH counsel was involved in every aspect of the document dispute and not telling xiden would have been a dereliction of duty. So hell yes, someone in the WH was knew what was going on.

Politifact is lying?

Gee, big surprise.

Why did trump take all of these classified documents, top secret, secret, and confidential with him to Mara Lago resort?

It's weird in the least and nefarious at most.... Why oh why oh why would a former president need all these classified documents at his home, after he is no longer president?

NONE of this would be happening if he hadn't illegally taken them with him.
1) beds ue unlike xiden trump actually works…even when he was at home. He set up a SCIF and worked around the clock
2) as it turns out all that fbi got in their raid was empty files. Trump had returned everything else
3) nothing he did was illegal. This is happening because xiden’s a fascist and. was long did anyway possible to use his office to go after political rivals…he was furious at Garland for not using Jan 6 as. a way, they were going. to find some avenue to go after trump…it’s the stalinist way




By continually mistaking the left for liberals/Democrats, conservatives will never gain real traction, as the left, small as it is, could prove crucial allies in the fight against liberals/Democrats.

As usual, debunked again. Ho hum. This is too easy.

It's amazing how the cult continues to justify stealing national security secrets from the government. I wonder how many here are signing up to live in Russia when Trump is prosecuted for this.
And just happened to get a Magistrate who had recused himself from hearing an earlier court case between Trump and Hillary Clinton because his dislike of Trump made him feel he couldn't be impartial? So he recuses himself from THAT case but feels OK writing out a warrant to raid the home of an Ex President...a warrant that is so broad that it allows the FBI to pretty much take anything they want from the home? Care to explain why Reinhart felt he couldn't rule in the Trump/Clinton court case because of the bias he knew he had but that he COULD write this warrant to do something that had NEVER been done before in US history?
Yes, it just so happened. Just like it just so happened that the judge actually dealing with the case is a Trump appointee.

I find the argument that the magistrate signed off on the warrant out of partisanship particularly dumb. NOBODY, not even Trump is disputing that he indeed had these files at Mar O Lago.

If the FBI goes to a judge and gets them to sign off on a search warrant to find... let's say a kidnapping victim and that search warrant turns up the victim. Would you assert that the judge didn't have sufficient probable cause to sign off on the warrant? Or would you come to the obvious conclusion that the FBI obviously presented enough evidence to support that action?
In May, when the first subpoena was sought after the National Archives received a 15 case return shipment of presidential records from Trump and found classified material in the cases, and concerns of what confidential records remained at Mara Lago the Doj got a subpoena, and served it on June 3, at Mara Lago. Trumps lawyers met with a top counter intelligence head, and gave more presidential records and classified records to him and gave an affidavit saying that the govt got it all, nothing was left in Mara Lago.... Which turned out to be a lie.

These are two different incidences, the May/June subpoena,
and the search warrant in August.
You beat me to it.
One statement Biden made was for August search warrant, not June.
The GP, easily fools their subscribers............................AGAIN.
Probably because he wanted to preserve the documents of all the nefarious deeds the FBI put him through.

And this is why they executed the raid.

Which the DOJ/FBI desperately is trying to cover now.

I suspect there are six Justices watching this with some interest.

But you don't care. It wouldn't matter one whit to you if the FBI persecuted a duly elected president and that former president has proof. You don't like Trump, so even if the people elected him, it's great with you if an unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy illegally persecuted him and destroyed his presidency.
Only some people elected Trump.............302 to be exact.
The electoral college vote is the only reason, the moron won.
Yes, it just so happened. Just like it just so happened that the judge actually dealing with the case is a Trump appointee.

I find the argument that the magistrate signed off on the warrant out of partisanship particularly dumb. NOBODY, not even Trump is disputing that he indeed had these files at Mar O Lago.

If the FBI goes to a judge and gets them to sign off on a search warrant to find... let's say a kidnapping victim and that search warrant turns up the victim. Would you assert that the judge didn't have sufficient probable cause to sign off on the warrant? Or would you come to the obvious conclusion that the FBI obviously presented enough evidence to support that action?
Judge Cannon confirmed, contrary to what DOJ hacks and media carve-outs claimed, that

• Trump sought appointment of special master day after raid

• Almost all material was outside the scope of the original subpoena. This included personal info including medical records…

• The filter team passed along privileged material to the investigative team at least twice

• Trump has standing and the unprecedented nature of the raid warrants special considerations


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