Federal Judge Reveals Incumbent President Joe Biden Ordered FBI Access to Mar-a-Lago Documents

Trump went shopping for a judge to buy, and found one 67 miles away.
All that judge has done is appoint a Special Master...something that should have been asked for by the DOJ before they even conducted this raid!
The real judge shopping was done by the DOJ to use a Magistrate to issue a warrant so broad the FBI could not only take any document from Trump's entire time in office but also anything anywhere near to those documents which means they could seize EVERYTHING in that home! This from a judge who recused himself shortly before that from a case because he was biased against Trump!
they list the sources for their fact check, so you could check those sources if you dont trust them.

yes, slightly biased. But highly factual.
Why would I rely on anyone's opinion? I have access to the actual court documents. I can read for myself what they say. I don't need someone else to tell me what THEY think those documents mean!
In May, when the first subpoena was sought after the National Archives received a 15 case return shipment of presidential records from Trump and found classified material in the cases, and concerns of what confidential records remained at Mara Lago the Doj got a subpoena, and served it on June 3, at Mara Lago. Trumps lawyers met with a top counter intelligence head, and gave more presidential records and classified records to him and gave an affidavit saying that the govt got it all, nothing was left in Mara Lago.... Which turned out to be a lie.

These are two different incidences, the May/June subpoena,
and the search warrant in August.
All that judge has done is appoint a Special Master...something that should have been asked for by the DOJ before they even conducted this raid!
The real judge shopping was done by the DOJ to use a Magistrate to issue a warrant so broad the FBI could not only take any document from Trump's entire time in office but also anything anywhere near to those documents which means they could seize EVERYTHING in that home! This from a judge who recused himself shortly before that from a case because he was biased against Trump!
Nope. That judge has done much more than approve a special master....

Nope again! The DOJ didn't judge shop, fool. They went to the closest court to the Mara Lago search.... which is protocol, and got a judge by random/lottery.....
Why would I rely on anyone's opinion? I have access to the actual court documents. I can read for myself what they say. I don't need someone else to tell me what THEY think those documents mean!
pretty much any news outlet does that.
This is their purpose, to hire legal experts to parse this stuff for us.
The difference is, which one has a reputation for factual reporting.
Most of us dont have the time & inclination to become lawyers in order to understand this sort of stuff.
In May, when the first subpoena was sought after the National Archives received a 15 case return shipment of presidential records from Trump and found classified material in the cases, and concerns of what confidential records remained at Mara Lago the Doj got a subpoena, and served it on June 3, at Mara Lago. Trumps lawyers met with a top counter intelligence head, and gave more presidential records and classified records to him and gave an affidavit saying that the govt got it all, nothing was left in Mara Lago.... Which turned out to be a lie.

These are two different incidences, the May/June subpoena,
and the search warrant in August.
The two incidences all led to the raid on Mar-a-Lago. Biden set the events in motion it is now learned.
They lied.

On Monday, August 8, 2022, the Biden FBI-DOJ raided President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago and rifled through his home and belongings for 9 hours. The FBI even ransacked 16-year-old Barron Trump’s room and First Lady Melania Trump’s closet.

The following day White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre told reporters that the Biden White House learned of the raid in the news.

Jean Pierre insisted that the President was not briefed on the raid.

Published September 5, 2022

It explains the gaslighting, eerie, Eau du Desperation speech Thursday night.
Typical commie, you'll say anything to deflect that the WH was fully briefed on the raid beforehand, and proceeded to lie about it.

Huh? Where does it say that about the Mara Lago Search warrant?
Let’s try to pretend that fucking Brandon didn’t know about the Mar A Lago search warrant before it was executed. (It’s an absurdity, but let’s try to pretend anyway since Brandon and his press secretary denied he knew before hand.)

How then do we explain the comment made by the judge in her decision? Is it “out of context?” Obviously not.

Get off it. There is no reasonable explanation other than that Brandon lied and his pathetic press secretary followed suit.

Fuckin’ Brandon not only knew in advance, he and/or his handlers authorized this political abuse of the DOJ. Brandon deserves to be impeached and removed from office. I’m sorry that would leave us with HeelsUp Harris as President. She’s arguably less fit for office than senile Joe.

But Joe has to go. #StopBrandon.
Why did trump take all of these classified documents, top secret, secret, and confidential with him to Mara Lago resort?

It's weird in the least and nefarious at most.... Why oh why oh why would a former president need all these classified documents at his home, after he is no longer president?

NONE of this would be happening if he hadn't illegally taken them with him.
Why did trump take all of these classified documents, top secret, secret, and confidential with him to Mara Lago resort?

It's weird in the least and nefarious at most.... Why oh why oh why would a former president need all these classified documents at his home, after he is no longer president?

NICE NE of this would be happening if he hadn't illegally taken them with him.

Probably because he wanted to preserve the documents of all the nefarious deeds the FBI put him through.

And this is why they executed the raid.

Which the DOJ/FBI desperately is trying to cover now.

I suspect there are six Justices watching this with some interest.

But you don't care. It wouldn't matter one whit to you if the FBI persecuted a duly elected president and that former president has proof. You don't like Trump, so even if the people elected him, it's great with you if an unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy illegally persecuted him and destroyed his presidency.

this is what actually happened.

gateway pundit takes pieces out of context to misrepresent things.

Actually politifact is lying again, we know for a fact the WH counsel was involved in every aspect of the document dispute and not telling xiden would have been a dereliction of duty. So hell yes, someone in the WH was knew what was going on.

Probably because he wanted to preserve the documents of all the nefarious deeds the FBI put him through.

And this is why they executed the raid.

Which the DOJ/FBI desperately is trying to cover now.

Try again! :)

In the 15 cases he did finally voluntarily return to the National Archives in January 2022, in 14 of the 15 cases there were over 200 marked classified documents of top secret, secret, and confidential levels.

Why would he return 200 plus of the classified documents, if he was hanging on to them as evidence to wrong deeds as you claim?

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