Federal Judge Reveals Incumbent President Joe Biden Ordered FBI Access to Mar-a-Lago Documents

I detect leftie butthurt.
Biden- 306 electoral college votes.
Trump- 232 electoral college votes.

Biden- 81,268,924 votes.
Trump- 74,216,154 votes.

"The election was stolen".


The MAGA cult butthurt.
Uh huh.

How did a Dominion voting machine appear at the local Goodwill?

Riddle me that one, Batman.
You tell me............it's your delusion.

Authorities in Michigan are investigating how a missing voting machine from the state wound up for sale on eBay last month for $1,200.

The machine was purchased by a cybersecurity expert in Connecticut who alerted Michigan authorities and is now waiting for law enforcement to pick up the device. CNN determined the machine was dropped off at a Goodwill store in Northern Michigan, before being sold last month on eBay by a man in Ohio.

While the appearance of a Michigan voting machine on eBay raises concerns about how machines are stored, the real threat is what election conspiracy theorists could do.

Likely, a RWNJ Q NUT, stole it.
Liberal, not left.

Confusing the two is like thinking the Nazis were Jewish.
Good grief, here you are pounding this drum again. The present day Democrats are NOT liberal, they are the furthest thing from it. They wear and embrace that political label, but it's only as a mask, because they know it polls better than their actual political philosophy... which is hardcore federal supremacy and limitation of individual liberties, the two main pillars of leftism.
Judge Cannon confirmed, contrary to what DOJ hacks and media carve-outs claimed, that

• Trump sought appointment of special master day after raid

• Almost all material was outside the scope of the original subpoena. This included personal info including medical records…

• The filter team passed along privileged material to the investigative team at least twice

• Trump has standing and the unprecedented nature of the raid warrants special considerations


Read full thread…

Thread by @julie_kelly2 on Thread Reader App
What full thread? All I read is a few tweets, asserting stuff without backing. So let's look into it.

• Trump sought appointment of special master day after raid
Catagorically false. The hearing for that appointment was on Thursday, NOT the day after the raid. This is what the judge said.

With regard to the injury factor, the Government contends that the timing of the Motion— filed two weeks after the subject seizure occurred—“militates against a finding of irreparable harm” [ECF No. 48 p. 20 (quoting Wreal, LLC v. Amazon.com, Inc., 840 F.3d 1244, 1248 (11th Cir. 2016))]. The Court disagrees. As the Government acknowledges, denials of injunctive relief based on a party’s delay usually arise in the context of considerably longer periods of time than the fourteen-day span implicated here.

While Plaintiff perhaps did not act as promptly as he could have, the twoweek delay

• Almost all material was outside the scope of the original subpoena. This included personal info including medical records…
There were litterally thousands of pages seized that he took from the White House all in the scope of the original subpoena. They were intermingled with other material which can show that they were handled carelessly putting them squarely in the scope of the the subpoena. Don't take my word for it.
Listen to what Barr says at 1.40

• Trump has standing and the unprecedented nature of the raid warrants special considerations

The only thing unprecedented about it is the target. And Trump already got "special considerations" You try to hold on to special access material in your own home. I promise you you will not be asked politely to give them back. Followed by a subpoena that you ignore. As for standing. I find it a hard sell to claim you have the standing to claim executive privilege when you are no longer the executive. So by the way is the judge skeptical.

Plaintiff ultimately may not be entitled to return of much of the seized property or to prevail on his anticipated claims of privilege.
• The filter team passed along privileged material to the investigative team at least twice
Sure and they were subsequently given back by the investigative team. Blowing the whole argument for the need for a special master out of the water since it shows the investigative team playing it above board.

NONE of this, by the way, answers the premise of the post you replied to.
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What full thread? All I read is a few tweets, asserting stuff without backing. So let's look into it.

Catagorically false. The hearing for that appointment was on Thursday, NOT the day after the raid.

There were litterally thousands of pages seized that he took from the White House all in the scope of the original subpoena. They were intermingled with other material which can show that they were handled carelessly putting them squarely in the scope of the the subpoena. Don't take my word for it.
Listen to what Barr says at 1.40

The only thing unprecedented about it is the target. And Trump already got "special considerations" You try to hold on to special access material in your own home. I promise you you will not be asked politely to give them back. Followed by a subpoena that you ignore. As for standing. I find it a hard sell to claim you have the standing to claim executive privilege when you are no longer the executive. So by the way is the judge skeptical.

Plaintiff ultimately may not be entitled to return of much of the seized property or to prevail on his anticipated claims of privilege.

Sure and they were subsequently given back by the investigative team. Blowing the whole argument for the need for a special master out of the water since it shows the investigative team playing it above board.

NONE of this, by the way, answers the premise of the post you replied to.

Is "special access material" the same as super secret nuclear codes and Russian hookers?

Face it, your Get Trump campaign has FAILED once again.
They lied.

On Monday, August 8, 2022, the Biden FBI-DOJ raided President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago and rifled through his home and belongings for 9 hours. The FBI even ransacked 16-year-old Barron Trump’s room and First Lady Melania Trump’s closet.

The following day White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre told reporters that the Biden White House learned of the raid in the news.

Jean Pierre insisted that the President was not briefed on the raid.

Published September 5, 2022

This another baldfaced lie brought to you by the tabloid morons at Gateway Pundit.
Is "special access material" the same as super secret nuclear codes and Russian hookers?

Face it, your Get Trump campaign has FAILED once again.
We know it's sensitive enough to need a skiff, not to mention above top secret clearance to look at them. Something tells me that's not about what toilet paper they use in the Kremlin.
We know it's sensitive enough to need a skiff, not to mention above top secret clearance to look at them. Something tells me that's not about what toilet paper they use in the Kremlin.
Yeah, like Regan said, you demented leftists know a lot about what isn't so.
With all due respect, Dud...does anyone other than the left think that Politfact isn't biased? I'll trust what I'm seeing in released court documents over anything that Politifact claims.
Politifact is run by "The Poyntner Institute" which is really The leftist douches that run The Tampa Bay Times.
In May, when the first subpoena was sought after the National Archives received a 15 case return shipment of presidential records from Trump and found classified material in the cases, and concerns of what confidential records remained at Mara Lago the Doj got a subpoena, and served it on June 3, at Mara Lago. Trumps lawyers met with a top counter intelligence head, and gave more presidential records and classified records to him and gave an affidavit saying that the govt got it all, nothing was left in Mara Lago.... Which turned out to be a lie.

These are two different incidences, the May/June subpoena,
and the search warrant in August.
Oh yeah! You really got him now!

Yes, it just so happened. Just like it just so happened that the judge actually dealing with the case is a Trump appointee.

I find the argument that the magistrate signed off on the warrant out of partisanship particularly dumb. NOBODY, not even Trump is disputing that he indeed had these files at Mar O Lago.

If the FBI goes to a judge and gets them to sign off on a search warrant to find... let's say a kidnapping victim and that search warrant turns up the victim. Would you assert that the judge didn't have sufficient probable cause to sign off on the warrant? Or would you come to the obvious conclusion that the FBI obviously presented enough evidence to support that action?
With all due respect, Forkup? It this case really WAS on the level then if I'm the Attorney General of the DOJ and I'm about to raid the home of an Ex President of the United States? The LAST judge that I'm going to get my warrant from is Magistrate Reinhart! A judge who recused himself from hearing a lawsuit between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton because he felt he was biased against Trump? With the shit storm that you had to have known this was going to create...why would any rationale person go to THAT judge and why would THAT judge ever agree to issue the warrant?

As for sufficient probable cause? The first question any judge SHOULD have asked is doesn't a President of the United States have the ability to classify materials and if so how could anything Trump had at his home be considered "classified"?
The FBI had to go a lot further (from DC to Miami) and couldn't even come up with a judge.
WTF, moron?
Judges have to be chosen from the district the incident occurred.
In this case, the southern district of Florida.
That district is from the keys to Ft. Pierce and west to Ft. Myers.
Yes, it just so happened. Just like it just so happened that the judge actually dealing with the case is a Trump appointee.

I find the argument that the magistrate signed off on the warrant out of partisanship particularly dumb. NOBODY, not even Trump is disputing that he indeed had these files at Mar O Lago.

If the FBI goes to a judge and gets them to sign off on a search warrant to find... let's say a kidnapping victim and that search warrant turns up the victim. Would you assert that the judge didn't have sufficient probable cause to sign off on the warrant? Or would you come to the obvious conclusion that the FBI obviously presented enough evidence to support that action?
As for your kidnapping example? The fact that a search conducted with a warrant turns up evidence of a crime doesn't mean that said warrant was valid. Americans have rights. One of which prohibits the Government from raiding any of our homes with a general warrant looking for evidence. The authorities may THINK you've committed a crime but if they don't have evidence of that then no judge worthy of the name is going to give them a warrant so broad that they can go into someone's home, take everything in it and see if they can come up with evidence of a crime! If that judge in the kidnapping case issued that warrant based on no evidence other than the authorities "thinking" the victim might be there, then that case is probably going to be thrown out on appeal! Why? Because that Constitutional right preventing Police from using general warrants against Americans is a bedrock principle of our Justice System!
They lied.

On Monday, August 8, 2022, the Biden FBI-DOJ raided President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago and rifled through his home and belongings for 9 hours. The FBI even ransacked 16-year-old Barron Trump’s room and First Lady Melania Trump’s closet.

The following day White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre told reporters that the Biden White House learned of the raid in the news.

Jean Pierre insisted that the President was not briefed on the raid.

Published September 5, 2022

You cannot be this stupid, can you? Is this one of those spoof post?

Do you really think the FBI raid was ordered on May 10th?
And the FBI came up with zero judges. A magistrate that doesn't even do criminal law.
Search warrants are overwhelmingly signed by magistrate judges.

In United States federal courts, magistrate judges are judges appointed to assist U.S. district court judges in the performance of their duties. Magistrate judges generally oversee first appearances of criminal defendants, set bail, and conduct other administrative duties.

In criminal proceedings, magistrate judges preside over misdemeanor and petty offense cases, and as to all criminal cases (felony and misdemeanor) may issue search warrants, arrest warrants, and summonses, accept criminal complaints, conduct initial appearance proceedings and detention hearings, set bail or other conditions of release or detention, hold preliminary hearings and examinations, administer oaths, conduct extradition proceedings, and conduct evidentiary hearings on motions to suppress evidence in felony cases for issuance of reports and recommendations to the district judge
I can't wait for this stuff to start happening to YOU in November.

We'll all be laughing at WaPo bleating about it

WaPo is LESS credible than the Gateway Pundit
Damn, my computer won't let me give you a "funny"....it keeps thanking you..... :(

The Washington post is probably the best news paper out there! Sure, they've made a few mistakes, but it you care about investigative reporting, they are the best of the best.

The gatewaypundit, IS NOT a news source, it's propaganda, all the way! And you have to be joking, if you consider it news, of any kind!
Damn, my computer won't let me give you a "funny"....it keeps thanking you..... :(

The Washington post is probably the best news paper out there! Sure, they've made a few mistakes, but it you care about investigative reporting, they are the best of the best.

The gatewaypundit, IS NOT a news source, it's propaganda, all the way! And you have to be joking, if you consider it news, of any kind!
YES, it is, it's reLIEble as ................................Trump.

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