Federal Judge Reveals Incumbent President Joe Biden Ordered FBI Access to Mar-a-Lago Documents

On Monday, August 8, 2022, the Biden FBI-DOJ raided President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago and rifled through his home and belongings for 9 hours. The FBI even ransacked 16-year-old Barron Trump’s room and First Lady Melania Trump’s closet.
It was a legal search, authorized by a magistrate judge, for the purpose of recovering classified information stolen by Trump. Information the government had previously tried to recover on two occasions but was concealed from them.

What else you got?
What full thread? All I read is a few tweets, asserting stuff without backing. So let's look into it.

Catagorically false. The hearing for that appointment was on Thursday, NOT the day after the raid. This is what the judge said.

With regard to the injury factor, the Government contends that the timing of the Motion— filed two weeks after the subject seizure occurred—“militates against a finding of irreparable harm” [ECF No. 48 p. 20 (quoting Wreal, LLC v. Amazon.com, Inc., 840 F.3d 1244, 1248 (11th Cir. 2016))]. The Court disagrees. As the Government acknowledges, denials of injunctive relief based on a party’s delay usually arise in the context of considerably longer periods of time than the fourteen-day span implicated here.

While Plaintiff perhaps did not act as promptly as he could have, the twoweek delay

There were litterally thousands of pages seized that he took from the White House all in the scope of the original subpoena. They were intermingled with other material which can show that they were handled carelessly putting them squarely in the scope of the the subpoena. Don't take my word for it.
Listen to what Barr says at 1.40

The only thing unprecedented about it is the target. And Trump already got "special considerations" You try to hold on to special access material in your own home. I promise you you will not be asked politely to give them back. Followed by a subpoena that you ignore. As for standing. I find it a hard sell to claim you have the standing to claim executive privilege when you are no longer the executive. So by the way is the judge skeptical.

Plaintiff ultimately may not be entitled to return of much of the seized property or to prevail on his anticipated claims of privilege.

Sure and they were subsequently given back by the investigative team. Blowing the whole argument for the need for a special master out of the water since it shows the investigative team playing it above board.

NONE of this, by the way, answers the premise of the post you replied to.

Providing irrefutable facts to simpletons who sit in front of their TV's while Hannity and Carlson lie to them all night long is, unfortunately, an act of futility. But some of us appreciate the effort.
It was a legal search, authorized by a magistrate judge, for the purpose of recovering classified information stolen by Trump. Information the government had previously tried to recover on two occasions but was concealed from them.

What else you got?
The warrant was a freaking bill of attainder! We fought a revolutionary war over bullshit like this! :eusa_hand:
They lied.

On Monday, August 8, 2022, the Biden FBI-DOJ raided President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago and rifled through his home and belongings for 9 hours. The FBI even ransacked 16-year-old Barron Trump’s room and First Lady Melania Trump’s closet.

The following day White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre told reporters that the Biden White House learned of the raid in the news.

Jean Pierre insisted that the President was not briefed on the raid.

Published September 5, 2022

That doesn't say WH ordered jackshit...

White house was asked were the documents under privilege, they said no.

What's your point.. White House never said they didn't know there was investigation into documents in Mar a Largo...
Do you know why Trump's attorneys are not challenging the legality of the search in court?
Cause they found documents belonging to the US people...

It is that simple, Trump had property belonging to someone else...

His lawyer said that he gave all it back, they didn't and they had tapes to prove it...

They had there property, they saw it on security tapes... What more proof would you like?
Cause they found documents belonging to the US people...

It is that simple, Trump had property belonging to someone else...

His lawyer said that he gave all it back, they didn't and they had tapes to prove it...

They had there property, they saw it on security tapes... What more proof would you like?
Lawyer is going to be in a little bit of trouble.
If Trump lied to his lawyer, then Trump just got a bigger shovel.
Cause they found documents belonging to the US people...

It is that simple, Trump had property belonging to someone else...

His lawyer said that he gave all it back, they didn't and they had tapes to prove it...

They had there property, they saw it on security tapes... What more proof would you like?
You're preaching to the choir.
They lied.

On Monday, August 8, 2022, the Biden FBI-DOJ raided President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago and rifled through his home and belongings for 9 hours. The FBI even ransacked 16-year-old Barron Trump’s room and First Lady Melania Trump’s closet.

The following day White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre told reporters that the Biden White House learned of the raid in the news.

Jean Pierre insisted that the President was not briefed on the raid.

Published September 5, 2022

You dumbass, that says Biden requested the FBI retrieve documents back in May, which they did a couple of weeks later. It doesn't say he knew about the raid.


This is why normal people don't bother with the gatewaypundit.
To recap:

Page #2 and Page #3 of Judge Aileen Cannon’s ruling cites a quote from the DOJ own legal filing, dated May 10th, that Joe Biden ordered the National Archives and Records Administration to provide access to the FBI to review the Trump records. Note the quotation marks:

On May 10, 2022, NARA informed Plaintiff that it would proceed with “provid[ing] the FBI access to the records in question, as requested by the incumbent President, beginning as early as Thursday, May 12, 2022.”

Oops ! Biden not only knew about the RAID on Donald Trump’s home — he ordered it.

August 24, 2022, Joe Biden was questioned about how much notice he had regarding the FBI raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago in Florida.

Question: “Mr. President, how much advanced notice did you have of the FBI’s plan to search Mar-a-Lago?“

BIDEN: “I didn’t have any advanced notice. None, zero, not one single bit.”


Retard, the raid happened in May, did it? :cuckoo:
The warrant was a freaking bill of attainder! We fought a revolutionary war over bullshit like this! :eusa_hand:
It was a search warrant not a conviction in court...

They had plenty of evidence for probable cause...

Let's be quite clear about this... If this was any normal person they would be arrested at this stage...
Whining is all you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies have been doing sine 2015 when Trump announced he's running for the Executive office!
Like I've mentioned, Trump is just one man, MAGA is a National movement......
So, what are you waiting for?

Get off your ass and do something about it other than whining on the internet
they list the sources for their fact check, so you could check those sources if you dont trust them.

yes, slightly biased. But highly factual.
I ran one down the other day and disproved their claim. They suck.
Oh, it was about Trump getting sued for housing discrimination.
Their source was an supported smear article that used another smear article as a source with no valid facts or papers they claimed they had whatsoever. Straight-up lies.
The judge who granted the motion for a Special Master did not agree with the argument that Trump didn't have standing to request one or that the risk of a special master revealing classified information outweighed the need for someone to sort through the random boxes of mixed up crap to protect Trump in spite of himself. If they weren't random boxes of poorly maintained records, there would be no need for a special master to begin with because birth certificates, passports medical records, and highly classified papers wouldn't have been mixed together to begin with. This is Trump's political Waterloo.
They weren’t mixed in, the corrupt FBI just took everything.
Why would I rely on anyone's opinion? I have access to the actual court documents. I can read for myself what they say. I don't need someone else to tell me what THEY think those documents mean!

Great, then it should be easy for you to quote it saying Biden knew about the raid before it happened...

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