Federal Judge Reveals Incumbent President Joe Biden Ordered FBI Access to Mar-a-Lago Documents


Slobbers the idiot who calls a warrant, a bill.
well the point is.....the dems have pooped in their messkits. Shoulda just left this all alone.. The raid, the 9/1 speech, now this stuff coming out about the raid and the pushback against the speech. Face it. dems screwed up. bigly. and on top of that...he still can't draw a crowd and stadiums all over the country are chanting...F. J. B. L. O. L.

So I'm freaking stupid for not believing something you can't prove because you're dumb enough to fall for gatewaypundit fake news.

So you honestly believe the DOJ would let Biden know about raid of a former President‘s home. A raid that will be considered political and involves his major opponen in two years, that Is common sense because the President would need to be prepared for political fallout. You sound as dumb as Trumpers.
well the point is.....the dems have pooped in their messkits. Shoulda just left this all alone.. The raid, the 9/1 speech, now this stuff coming out about the raid and the pushback against the speech. Face it. dems screwed up. bigly.

So you honestly believe the DOJ would let Biden know about raid of a former President‘s home. A raid that will be considered political and involves his major opponen in two years, that Is common sense because the President would need to be prepared for political fallout. You sound as dumb as Trumpers.

The very fact that the raid that will be considered political and involves his major opponent in two years is exactly the reason the DOJ should not have let the White House know ahead of time .
The very fact that the raid that will be considered political and involves his major opponent in two years is exactly the reason the DOJ should not have let the White House know ahead of time .
You are the President, the raid directly effects your position and so the man you appoint to oversee the DOJ decides you should not be told? I don’t buy that nonsense because anyone with a brain would say you knew anyway, just like what is happening now. So what the hell did he gain? By not telling the President it creates more alleged secrecy.
well the point is.....the dems have pooped in their messkits. Shoulda just left this all alone.. The raid, the 9/1 speech, now this stuff coming out about the raid and the pushback against the speech. Face it. dems screwed up. bigly. and on top of that...he still can't draw a crowd and stadiums all over the country are chanting...F. J. B. L. O. L.
A sad day it is when anyone who manipulates the value of their property to cheat the IRS, attempts to undermine our elections, uses state resources to enrich themselves, aids and abets an attempt to overthrow our Democracy, brags about sexual assault and steals government Top Secrets including our nuclear secrets and our personnel working undercover in foreign countries is subject to investigation by the FBI.
Who wants to live in a country like that? :mad:
You are the President, the raid directly effects your position and so the man you appoint to oversee the DOJ decides you should not be told?

Yes, because doing so at the very least gives the President deniability. But more importantly it should not be done because the minute you do it you go from the appearance of political interference to the actuality of it. Do you think the POTUS should hand pick what the DOJ chooses to investigate?

By not telling the President it creates more alleged secrecy.

And secrecy is what we should have with DOJ investigation until they are ready to press charges.
well the point is.....the dems have pooped in their messkits. Shoulda just left this all alone.. The raid, the 9/1 speech, now this stuff coming out about the raid and the pushback against the speech. Face it. dems screwed up. bigly. and on top of that...he still can't draw a crowd and stadiums all over the country are chanting...F. J. B. L. O. L.


If we messed up, why are y'all freakin' out and posting fake news?
So you honestly believe the DOJ would let Biden know about raid of a former President‘s home. A raid that will be considered political and involves his major opponen in two years, that Is common sense because the President would need to be prepared for political fallout. You sound as dumb as Trumpers.

Sorry, but your feelz are not evidence supporting your hallucinations.
I ran one down the other day and disproved their claim. They suck.
Oh, it was about Trump getting sued for housing discrimination.
Their source was an supported smear article that used another smear article as a source with no valid facts or papers they claimed they had whatsoever. Straight-up lies.

are you referring to that thing in the 70s?
The FBI released the files, and they had to put measure in place in '75 to prevent discrimination in renting out.
You are the President, the raid directly effects your position and so the man you appoint to oversee the DOJ decides you should not be told? I don’t buy that nonsense because anyone with a brain would say you knew anyway, just like what is happening now. So what the hell did he gain? By not telling the President it creates more alleged secrecy.

More nonsense.

No one cares about your feelings. Either post actual proof or you're full of shit.
So you honestly believe the DOJ would let Biden know about raid of a former President‘s home. A raid that will be considered political and involves his major opponen in two years, that Is common sense because the President would need to be prepared for political fallout. You sound as dumb as Trumpers.
There’s no reason to involve Biden. The political fallout if he had been involved would be FAR greater.

Honestly, I can’t think of a dumber idea that making sure the president is tied to a decision to go after Trump.
At the 3 levels I listed, top secret, secret, and confidential, are the only classification levels requiring strong protection....

It's some pretty serious stuff... involving national security.


E/O 11652

SECTION 1. Security Classification Categories. Official information or material which requires protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interest of the national defense or foreign relations of the United States (hereinafter collectively termed "national security") shall be classified in one of three categories, namely "Top Secret," "Secret," or "Confidential," depending upon the degree of its significance to national security. No other categories shall be used to identify official information or material as requiring protection in the interest of national security, except as otherwise expressly provided by statute. These classification categories are defined as follows:

(A) "Top Secret." "Top Secret" refers to that national security information or material which requires the highest degree of protection. The test for assigning "Top Secret" classification shall be whether its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security. Examples of "exceptionally grave damage" include armed hostilities against the United States or its allies; disruption of foreign relations vitally affecting the national security; the compromise of vital national defense plans or complex cryptologic and communications intelligence systems; the revelation of sensitive intelligence operations; and the disclosure of scientific or technological developments vital to national security. This classification shall be used with the utmost restraint.

(B) "Secret." "Secret" refers to that national security information or material which requires a substantial degree of protection. The test for assigning "Secret" classification shall be whether its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to the national security. Examples of "serious damage" include disruption of foreign relations significantly affecting the national security; significant impairment of a program or policy directly related to the national security; revelation of significant military plans or intelligence operations; and compromise of significant scientific or technological developments relating to national security. The classification "Secret" shall be sparingly used.

(C) "Confidential." "Confidential" refers to that national security information or material which requires protection. The test for assigning "Confidential" classification shall be whether its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the national security.
Margot Cleveland

This also struck me as strange: DOJ sought grand jury subpoena for all documents marked classified before they saw what was in the 15 boxes returned to NARA.


Trump set this in motion!!
So! It's his right within the purview of the law to do this.
WH counsel was involved all the way.
Not really true. They were involved to sort out whether Trump could claim executive privilege to prevent Biden’s administration from looking at the documents recovered by NARA.

The answer is an unambiguous no.

After that, the DoJ made its own decisions.
Yes, because doing so at the very least gives the President deniability. But more importantly it should not be done because the minute you do it you go from the appearance of political interference to the actuality of it. Do you think the POTUS should hand pick what the DOJ chooses to investigate?

And secrecy is what we should have with DOJ investigation until they are ready to press charges.

The leader of the free world doesn’t know what is going on in his own country. I never said the President should hand pick who investigates what. This is a big profile case and if he wasn’t let in on the raid, Biden would really stupid and he is much smarter than you. Not being told makes him look like an idiot and not in control of his own country. He knew but he shouldn’t worry about it, he let the DOJ do there job.

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