Federal prosecutors drop charges against Colbert team members arrested at Capitol

The unequal application of the laws is once again front and center.

They are so bold about it too.

What a shame....how many Capitol Police did they beat up?
I didn't say you lied. I said that what you stated was irrelevant.

Learn to speak English, amigo!
You called me a lying bag of shit and said i lied multiple times. When i asked you to prove what i said was a lie, you deflected.
I have to assume you are either dumb, old as dirt or a bot.
You called me a lying bag of shit and said i lied multiple times. When i asked you to prove what i said was a lie, you deflected.
I have to assume you are either dumb, old as dirt or a bot.

I called you a lying bag of shit & a bullshitter (Which you are), because you purposely make irrelevant statements and try to pass them off as relevant.

You are a liar because you know that the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was a very violent attempt at insurrection - then you state irrelevant facts to support that nonsensical point of view.

You fool no one.
I called you a lying bag of shit & a bullshitter (Which you are), because you purposely make irrelevant statements and try to pass them off as relevant.

You are a liar because you know that the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was a very violent attempt at insurrection - then you state irrelevant facts to support that nonsensical point of view.

You fool no one.
no, i dont know that. A few people got violent and beat up a few cops. That does not deserve the rhetoric the tard herd has been giving.
no, i dont know that. A few people got violent and beat up a few cops. That does not deserve the rhetoric the tard herd has been giving.

"There are none so blind as those who will not see"

The whole world saw what happened on Jan. 6, the fact that you refuse to see it is your problem.
The Capitol Police reported they were called to respond to individuals causing a disturbance in which individuals were pounding on doors and trying to get into representatives offices.

Once on the scene they fould individuals without IDs, without passes, without an escort, without authrization to be there, illegally in the building.

The crime was not committed by Republicans.

The report was not written by Republicans.

The lie / false narrative was spewed by a lying Dem-apologist snowflake.

Those people threatening to hang Mike Pence were Republicans. The terrorists who stormed the capitol were Republicans.
Sure it was bed wetter.

An unarmed "insurrection" where the cops open the doors so the ruthless revolutionaries can take selfies before leaving again.

View attachment 672120

The doors were not opened so they could come in. The terrorists broke through the barricades outside and broke doors down to gain entrance.

No one is opening anything here.


Or here.


Or here.

Or here
Who did buffalo hat guy attack on January 6th? How is he any different from Colberts people? He didnt try to stop shit, nor did he have any weaponry to do so. He simply went in the building when he wasnt supposed to.

140 police officers were injured. They were beaten, tasered, and hit by things such as fire extinguishers and hockey sticks.
No one got shot = Correct. Except for the unarmed woman shot by the cops
The votes didnt get changed or cancelled = Correct
The gallows was a fake = Correct
Enormous inconsistency with charges and outrage = Correct
Do i believe my opinions i shared? = Yes
Seems I was correct on everything i said. You were completely wrong. As usual.
Seems you are a fucking idiot. Not my problem.

Being beaten and tasered is no picnic. Several officers were forced to retire because of the severity of their injuries.
It didn't changed or cancelled but it was not due to not trying. Either Pence or Trump finally authorized the DC National Guard to act which is bullshit.
Yes there was a noose.

You were not correct on much of anything.
You are a fucking idiot with a mental deficiency.
140 police officers were injured. They were beaten, tasered, and hit by things such as fire extinguishers and hockey sticks.
Buffalo guy beat 140 officers? Im not buying it. Do you have footage of him beating even ONE person, let alone a cop? :cuckoo:
Being beaten and tasered is no picnic. Several officers were forced to retire because of the severity of their injuries.
It didn't changed or cancelled but it was not due to not trying. Either Pence or Trump finally authorized the DC National Guard to act which is bullshit.
Yes there was a noose.
View attachment 674706

You were not correct on much of anything.
You are a fucking idiot with a mental deficiency.
That isnt tall enough for pence and there isnt even a trap door. Its a PROP.
You idiot :lol:
Those people threatening to hang Mike Pence were Republicans. The terrorists who stormed the capitol were Republicans.
Link please - no 'terrorists' stormed the Capitol.

Let me remind you what actual terrorism looks like:

If THIS was a 'Mostly Peaceful protest', 6 Jan was a picnic.
Just how many times have you tried to film puppet interviews with politicians? What is your show? I'll check it out.
You know damn well it's.more than that.

But all you have to hide behind. A puppet.

Sounds so "normal" for progressives.
The unequal application of the laws is once again front and center.

They are so bold about it too.

Democrats are blatant about unequal application of justice.

Where are all the Federal and State cases against the BLM interventionists shitheads that spent six months burning, looting, murdering and destroying our country?

Just like Crooked Hillary they skated because of Democrat dishonesty, didn't they?
You know damn well it's.more than that.

But all you have to hide behind. A puppet.

Sounds so "normal" for progressives.
Good lord, what rock are you from? What is it, you think those two puppeteers and their camera man were doing?
Good lord, what rock are you from? What is it, you think those two puppeteers and their camera man were doing?
They were where they were told to leave from. They went back after being told to leave.

And you know it was wasn't filming puppet jokes.

So fucking tired of intentional bullshit.
They were where they were told to leave from. They went back after being told to leave.

And you know it was wasn't filming puppet jokes.

So fucking tired of intentional bullshit.
OK. Tell us all what they did. I have read, and I have watched. I have seen charges dropped. What exactly is the big deal here, the feds and the court missed. Where is a screaming prosecutor, shouting this ain't over? Where are the politicians or staffer screaming they will sue. Where is the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth at this supposed travesty?
All we got is you, and frankly, you just have failed to accomplish goals. If you were on retainer, I'd have to let you go and get somebody else.

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