Federal prosecutors drop charges against Colbert team members arrested at Capitol

The real issue is that the Colbert crew should not have done this. Colbert's family lives high class. They live like the most privileged in human history. His children have a thousand times more than anything a real traditional middle-class family has. He makes families that try to have beliefs look comical while his own makes the results purely the same.
I don't really watch his show, but Triumph goes back to Conan. I don't know why anyone should not parody the insurrectionists.
I don't really watch his show, but Triumph goes back to Conan. I don't know why anyone should not parody the insurrectionists.
He is a Prog shill. Promoting that brand. No matter what you watch you are at advantage in men pushing living that is not normal. And we could have a nation that lives in a rough acceptance of most ways with rules to it. The end result will be some group or groups getting the final blame.
Well, AOC and company are in the hole as we speak. They all just got arrested.


AOC can probably get to the keys through the bars, though. They better watch her.
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Who didn't see this coming?

In a federal building after hours without authorization, without passes, wirhout an escort, banging on and trying to get into Conservative offices, had the cops called on them for the commotion....

...and all charges dropped.

The charges should have been dropped. These garbage Republicans are likely lying through their teeth. They committed no violence and were not trying to stop government from functioning as they were on Jan 6.
We have a 2-tiered system of justice.
If you have the right ideology & connections, nothing happens.
The rest of us useless eaters are fair game for the grinding wheels of "justice" if we do anything the authoritarians disapprove, though

There are different sets of rules depending on intent. The Jan 6 attack was a insurrection against the government.
Its a 2 tier justice system under Biden.

You dumb fuck lefties who love it because its your tribe that is on the powerful end. FOR NOW….what happens when that flips and YOU are the ones getting the brunt of the totalitarian state?

You only have yourselves to blame for your oppression. You were too cowardly to oppose it when you thought it benefitted you.

You had no problem with Trump using pardons to pay off his cronies for keeping their mouths shut.
If going into the capital without permission is unamerican, then Colbert and his people are unamerican too.

There are numerous differences.
1. The Jan 6 terrorists stormed the capitol to stop a legal function of government and threatened the VP who was in the building. Colbert's staffers did no such thing.
2. The Jan 6 terrorists assaulted 141 police officers and Colbert's staffers attacked no one.
The charges should have been dropped. These garbage Republicans are likely lying through their teeth. They committed no violence ....

The Capitol Police reported they were called to respond to individuals causing a disturbance in which individuals were pounding on doors and trying to get into representatives offices.

Once on the scene they fould individuals without IDs, without passes, without an escort, without authrization to be there, illegally in the building.

The crime was not committed by Republicans.

The report was not written by Republicans.

The lie / false narrative was spewed by a lying Dem-apologist snowflake.
There are different sets of rules depending on intent. The Jan 6 attack was a insurrection against the government.
Sure it was bed wetter.

An unarmed "insurrection" where the cops open the doors so the ruthless revolutionaries can take selfies before leaving again.

The charges should have been dropped. These garbage Republicans are likely lying through their teeth. They committed no violence and were not trying to stop government from functioning as they were on Jan 6.
So all Jan 6 charged with trespassing should be released, right?
There are numerous differences.
1. The Jan 6 terrorists stormed the capitol to stop a legal function of government and threatened the VP who was in the building. Colbert's staffers did no such thing.
2. The Jan 6 terrorists assaulted 141 police officers and Colbert's staffers attacked no one.
Who did buffalo hat guy attack on January 6th? How is he any different from Colberts people? He didnt try to stop shit, nor did he have any weaponry to do so. He simply went in the building when he wasnt supposed to.
I didn't use hyperbole.

Oh, I forget you're one of those idiots that denies that Jan. 6 attack on the capitol was an insurrection.

Because it wasnt. No one was shot. Nothing was changed. Even the "hang pence" bullshit rhetoric you federal supremacists have been harping on was proven bullshit. The thing was 4 ft tall, a rubber noose and it didnt even have a trap door. It was a fucking PROP.
Even your bullshit committee cant even be consistent. But it keeps you rubes satisfied.
All I saw was, "some people did something" :dunno:

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