Federal Voter Database

Yep, all those fictitious schemes that never can be proven.
Like the "Jim Crow" laws in GA that INCREASED voter turnout.

There is no "voter suppression".

Turnout increased because people saw what you were up to.

If it weren't for the voter suppression you did engage in, Stacey Abrams would be governor right now.

Voter suppression only delays the inevitable.
So we can have accurate truthful elections.
If you are using electronic voting machines they most likely an be hacked and if so can throw the election to anybody the hacker wants.

Of course there are techniques to rig an election where only paper ballots are used. But paper ballots are considered the Gold Standard.

If you are using electronic voting machines they most likely an be hacked and if so can throw the election to anybody the hacker wants.

Of course there are techniques to rig an election where only paper ballots are used. But paper ballots are considered the Gold Standard.

There was more fraud with paper ballots than there ever was with virtual ballots.

Just ask Dick Daley.
Yeah, what could possibly go wrong with letting the Feds take this over!

Why do you people think the Fed Govt is the answer to every question?
It is rather bizarre that they are no wanting us to all have a federal voter ID card. Can't wait until they lose an election. SO...who's in charge of the Federal Voter Rolls? The Democrats. No wonder we can't win!!!

Beyond that, the idea has some merit...

I'd prefer standardizing all of the voting machines as well as the voter registration cards myself. Federal card, standardized reader. Put one in every public library, every post office, every school. Wherever you are, you go to the machine, swipe your card and your personalized ballot comes up whether you swipe your card at a polling place by your house in Jackson, MS or if you're on vacation in Jackson, TN...or skiing in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Where ever you are, if you have access to a post office, public library, or public school, you can vote in your local election.

Its just one of a great many steps we need to take to get more people to vote and modernize the process.
So you support a Federal database to stop Putin hacking?! Bravo! Voter ID too, right?

No reason there should be radically different criteria for being able to vote. Standardization across the states just makes sense.

Putin hacking the DNC is another matter. His collusion with your blob was why the FBI put out the advisories about Russian mis/disinformation in 2020.
The nation needs an accurate, up to date Federal database of voters who are:

  1. US citizens,
  2. Living,
  3. Have a Social Security Number, and
  4. Have a valid address
The information to be on a Blockchain so it’s not left to the discretion of any current Administration.

If a State insists on using an alternate database, they must show valid cause demonstrating their database has greater accuracy otherwise they are violating Equal Protection

Given that states are responsible for elections, it is the states that need to set up and maintain an accurate voter data base.
Given that states are responsible for elections, it is the states that need to set up and maintain an accurate voter data base.
Right. But the State should have to defend if they’re disenfranchising their voters by have 600,000 people with no address, right?

Why do you hate an accurate voter database

Why are you OK with Putin hacking our porous system?
Given that states are responsible for elections, it is the states that need to set up and maintain an accurate voter data base.
Good in theory but let's be honest. Blue states will skew the system and continue making it extraordinarily easy for non-eligible inhabitants to vote. That list would include the dead, illegals dead or alive, the ability to vote more than once and how would the state find individuals that have actually moved and voted in another state. Our central government should be the entity in charge of voter rules to be followed by every state and territory.
The nation needs an accurate, up to date Federal database of voters who are:

  1. US citizens,
  2. Living,
  3. Have a Social Security Number, and
  4. Have a valid address
The information to be on a Blockchain so it’s not left to the discretion of any current Administration.

If a State insists on using an alternate database, they must show valid cause demonstrating their database has greater accuracy otherwise they are violating Equal Protection
Yes, you liberals want a much bigger federal government. We get it.

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