Federal Voter Database

It’s just an up to date, accurate, immutable ledger. What’s the big deal?
To my understanding, states are granted the autonomy in handling how their elections are conducted.

What’s the big deal with letting the states handle their own elections?
The nation needs an accurate, up to date Federal database of voters who are:

  1. US citizens,
  2. Living,
  3. Have a Social Security Number, and
  4. Have a valid address
The information to be on a Blockchain so it’s not left to the discretion of any current Administration.

If a State insists on using an alternate database, they must show valid cause demonstrating their database has greater accuracy otherwise they are violating Equal Protection
Just give up on this. The left has made it utterly clear that they do not want any form of election security, including the need to prove your eligibility to legally vote in federal elections.
The nation needs an accurate, up to date Federal database of voters who are:

  1. US citizens,
  2. Living,
  3. Have a Social Security Number, and
  4. Have a valid address
The information to be on a Blockchain so it’s not left to the discretion of any current Administration.

If a State insists on using an alternate database, they must show valid cause demonstrating their database has greater accuracy otherwise they are violating Equal Protection
The IRS already has it.
Here is proof. Right from the horse's mouth. Joe Biden ON VIDEO confessing to the crime.

It's right there on video, moron!

You are one fucking pathetic idiot and a moron. What part of that confession are you too fucking stupid to comprehend, moron?

Ok, look, let's not be disingenuous here...we all know what he meant, can we please not take words out of context (you too leftys!)?
To my understanding, states are granted the autonomy in handling how their elections are conducted.

What’s the big deal with letting the states handle their own elections?

Yes, so their database should match a database of living, citizens with Social security numbers at their current address, right?
There's nothing out of context about it.
Well, just like Trump wouldn't extort a foreign leader on a phone call that is being recorded and where other people are listening, Biden wouldn't go on national TV and say they have an organization that engages in voter fraud.

I'm just saying, we know he was talking about a voter fraud prevention network, he just didn't convey it properly. To think he was actually talking about a group that conducts voter fraud would be disingenuous is all.
Except you guys have never proven that happens in any significant numbers.
So, what’s the problem? The information is readily available and just needs to be organized, made available and checked against the State database.
It's difficult to imagine that we don't have the technology for something like this. All the information needed is out there, so there would just need to be a way to consolidate and organize it.

Maybe we need to beef up our elections departments, such as the FEC and the states. Are Republicans okay with that spending?

Maybe you commies should stop suing States every time they try to clean up their voter rolls. It's an individuals responsibility to make sure the State/county has your accurate registration information. If you fail in that responsibility, don't cry when your name is removed from the rolls. I verify my information with the county 2-3 months before every election, just in case something gets screwed up.

Ask you gibberish in the form of a coherent question.

You still don’t get your own stupidity. 😂🤣

You’ve literally asked where “proof” has been “proven.” :cuckoo:
Awwww Bluto unhappy that no proof of 2020/2022 election fraud claims still haven't been proven.

Have you checked with lasty?

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