Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

I believe the lack of arrests following the "Cliven Bundy" armed confrontation emboldened these men. These people remind me of the armed civil disobedient Gordon Kahl who served time for tax evasion. Kahl believed laws that required people to pay income taxes were unconstitutional. He fancied himself as a "sovereign citizen" who could ignore laws that he didn't like. He also had a deadly shootout with law enforcement authorities on a highway after attending a meeting.

Some ranchers and other people believe they are entitled to exploit federal lands without following the rules and paying fees, etc. Why do they think armed conflict will somehow have a favorable result? Will Congress now meet and pass a law granting them control over our nation's natural resources? I don't think so ...
Some of these hard right members who are caricatures of the Sagebrush Rebellion seem quite willing to keep on violating the law. Their way is a non-constructive way to settle the problem of federal lands coveted by the states and businesses.

If people don't figure out how to put themselves in the shoes of these folks then it will happen again if only to become martyrs.

What shoes? Are they the victims of government tyranny? What are their grievances? why can't they petition their elected officials and seek the changes they desire through our established political and legal processes? I have grievances too, but I'm not inclined to engage in an armed protest against the government. I'm not inclined to support others who use threats of armed violence as a means to get what they want. That's terrorism.
Some of these hard right members who are caricatures of the Sagebrush Rebellion seem quite willing to keep on violating the law. Their way is a non-constructive way to settle the problem of federal lands coveted by the states and businesses.

If people don't figure out how to put themselves in the shoes of these folks then it will happen again if only to become martyrs.

What shoes? Are they the victims of government tyranny? What are their grievances? why can't they petition their elected officials and seek the changes they desire through our established political and legal processes? I have grievances too, but I'm not inclined to engage in an armed protest against the government. I'm not inclined to support others who use threats of armed violence as a means to get what they want. That's terrorism.
why can't they petition their elected officials and seek the changes they desire through our established political and legal processes?​

The dead guy got what he asked for. Probably turn out to be a "suicide by cop" situation. Surrounded by FBI and State Troopers, all the others had the sense to be arrested instead of confronting all that firepower. Dumb ass that liked challenging the authorities by sitting in the open in front of the refuge with a rifle and daring the cops to come and remove him got removed.
Some of these hard right members who are caricatures of the Sagebrush Rebellion seem quite willing to keep on violating the law. Their way is a non-constructive way to settle the problem of federal lands coveted by the states and businesses.

If people don't figure out how to put themselves in the shoes of these folks then it will happen again if only to become martyrs.

What shoes? Are they the victims of government tyranny? What are their grievances? why can't they petition their elected officials and seek the changes they desire through our established political and legal processes? I have grievances too, but I'm not inclined to engage in an armed protest against the government. I'm not inclined to support others who use threats of armed violence as a means to get what they want. That's terrorism.
why can't they petition their elected officials and seek the changes they desire through our established political and legal processes?​

Because they know they will lose. Why would the American taxpayers agree to give away their property? And even if they did, why would they give it to the ranchers?
More from the Obama "regime," stomping on our civil rights.
And of course - the Libbertoid brownshirts are elated.
Seig Heil motherfuckers....

Hey, we have 12 year olds being shot on sight because they have toy guns.

These assholes were coddled for weeks, when they should have stormed the building on day one.
It sounds like the guy was determined to die. He had made statements that he would not sit in a jail cell.
More from the Obama "regime," stomping on our civil rights.
And of course - the Libbertoid brownshirts are elated.
Seig Heil motherfuckers....

Hey, we have 12 year olds being shot on sight because they have toy guns.

These assholes were coddled for weeks, when they should have stormed the building on day one.

Considering you are in favor of union thugs being able to threaten and beat people, your opinion is not valid.
Yeah it's OK for Black assholes to block public streets and the entrances to public buildings you know things that are actually a danger to public safety but if white guys occupy a basically deserted federal building in the middle of fucking nowhere the government thinks it's just fine to kill people
It sounds like the guy was determined to die. He had made statements that he would not sit in a jail cell.
I did not know about his comment about sitting in a jail cell. Now I am in favor of embalming him, propping him up in a chair and placing him in a jail cell.
Not saying who / what is / was right or wrong here, just making a routine observation:

Authorities say this was a 'routine traffic stop'. BULLSHITE!


This guy, and others like him who were reportedly on-scene and did the shooting for the 'good guys', is not a 'routine' Hwy Patrolman... body armor, automatic weapons...

Whether they meant to or not, they just made LaVoy Finicum, spokesman for the militia involved, a martyr.

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