Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

Lets see if we can guess what your view would have been if these same illegal squatters had been black.

Why do idiots like you feel the need to take up the cross for black people? There's one in the White House, lamebrain.
They've succeeded. Why are you still living in 1961?
Not the point I am making now is it?

IDGAF about grazing rights

This whole SNAFU was not worth killing anyone

THAT"S the point

That's not what Finicum said and yes, this is about grazing rights. They want the land given to them.

Once again the point I am making is that there was nothing in this entire situation that justified the killing of anyone

Then they shouldn't have been carrying pistols and rifles...right???

Since when is merely being armed a reason to be shot by authorities?

Tell me did they ever point their weapons at anyone? That would have been a threat. A holstered piston or a rifle slung across someone's back is not a threat unless you're a chicken sit pussy like you

EXCEPT if you're black.

But, never mind that fact. What you are writing is FICTION.

From the beginning, these jackasses were not "merely armed". In TV interviews, Finicum constantly threatened to use his rifle. His rifle was never "on his back". It was across his lap.

They were criminals who got what they wanted.

So then everyone who gets shot by the government gets what they want

remember that next time you whine about the cops shooting someone
He deserved to die?
He was sacrificed for the good of the cause...just like the rebels in the south...
All those men could have left and gone home.

Their choice.

I just hope no kids get killed.

And lets not forget all the Irish the Northern manufacturers also sacrificed so they could cling to the South like some Viking Conqerors.
Money makes der world go around....
....as well as the slave trade.
It's a never ending condition...the only place to escape is in the deep retarded recesses of your mind...

Didn't see an insult coming...lol
Not the point I am making now is it?

IDGAF about grazing rights

This whole SNAFU was not worth killing anyone

THAT"S the point

That's not what Finicum said and yes, this is about grazing rights. They want the land given to them.

Once again the point I am making is that there was nothing in this entire situation that justified the killing of anyone

Finicum said he would not be taken alive and that he would not go to jail. Finicum resisted arrest.

You RWNJs always say its okay to shoot blacks in the back because they "resisted arrest".

Where did I ever say it was OK to shoot someone in the back?

If you're going to attribute statements to me then you should be able to back them up with a quote

And people say all kinds of shit don't they?

Have you ever said to or about anyone "I'm gonna kill you/him/her?

Should you have been shot for that?

Everything you have written is fiction.

One person saying "I'm gonna kill you" is not the same as armed occupation of a govt building, sitting in the road with your rifle across your lap and telling news coverage you won't be taken alive and will die rather than go to jail for your crimes.

But no, I don't believe I have ever threatened to kill someone.

It's no fucking different than saying I won't be taken alive

Like i said people say shit all the time or are you so fucking retarded that you believe everything everyone says?

BTW how many people sitting in jail have said I'd rather die than go to jail?

Maybe the government should have just shot all those guys too since that was what they wanted right?
Feds didn't start anything. It was already started. By those idiots.
Them boots taste good as you lick them?
Probably as good as that ass your licking of the militia...
Who knew following the constitution was ass licking..tell me more about these libtard views.
I chew them to nubbins.

Tell me more about how the Feds occupied this place and refused to leave even when the town asked them too.
Not federal governments right to own the land,its the people's ANY citizen can occupy it.

According to what law? Never heard this before.

Of course, they had to have outsiders come in and fight a fight that the locals didn't want.
The constitution..show me where it says government has the right to own the land.The locals should have stood up for themselves then instead other outsider patriots had to do it.
Lets see if we can guess what your view would have been if these same illegal squatters had been black.
Would they still be fighting for the same thing? My response would be the same. Only libtards see everything through a racial lens
No you're just lying. All these self styled patriots are racist cocksuckers.
Why did the guys leave the compound for a meeting? Like no one was watching them...lol
Sorry for the person killed.
If you think any federal property belongs to the people you're even dumber than I thought and that's saying something
Your comment is both brainless and worthy of you. We the People own the land as a whole. The protesters have no personal or individual claim to it.

No we don't

Just try to walk into a post office in the middle of the night and tell them that you own it so you have a right to get your mail whenever you want
You are brainless. What a stupid analysis. Are you a libertarian?
No I'm a realist not some sheep like you

There is no We the people

We do not own anything especially not so called public land shit we don't even own our own houses if the fucking government tells us we don't
Fucking dumb. Not only have I been to the Refuge, but I have extensively explored the many thousands of square miles of BLM land that is in that area. Nobody bothered me, or stopped me to ask my business. It is our land, and many of us use it for recreation, and other activities,including mining and agricultural activities.

Yeah it's yours until the government tells you to get the fuck off right?

So it isn't really yours is it?
Them boots taste good as you lick them?
Probably as good as that ass your licking of the militia...
Who knew following the constitution was ass licking..tell me more about these libtard views.
Not federal governments right to own the land,its the people's ANY citizen can occupy it.

According to what law? Never heard this before.

Of course, they had to have outsiders come in and fight a fight that the locals didn't want.
The constitution..show me where it says government has the right to own the land.The locals should have stood up for themselves then instead other outsider patriots had to do it.
Lets see if we can guess what your view would have been if these same illegal squatters had been black.
Would they still be fighting for the same thing? My response would be the same. Only libtards see everything through a racial lens
No you're just lying. All these self styled patriots are racist cocksuckers.
Why ask a question if in your tiny racist mind you don't care what the answer is. Ah hell with it just another tard put on ignore
Probably as good as that ass your licking of the militia...
Who knew following the constitution was ass licking..tell me more about these libtard views.
According to what law? Never heard this before.

Of course, they had to have outsiders come in and fight a fight that the locals didn't want.
The constitution..show me where it says government has the right to own the land.The locals should have stood up for themselves then instead other outsider patriots had to do it.
Lets see if we can guess what your view would have been if these same illegal squatters had been black.
Would they still be fighting for the same thing? My response would be the same. Only libtards see everything through a racial lens
No you're just lying. All these self styled patriots are racist cocksuckers.
Why ask a question if in your tiny racist mind you don't care what the answer is. Ah hell with it just another tard put on ignore
I hope these phony patriot fags try this shit on BLM land in my area. I will be more than happy to set up a counter sniper position aimed at them.
Lets see if we can guess what your view would have been if these same illegal squatters had been black.

Why do idiots like you feel the need to take up the cross for black people? There's one in the White House, lamebrain.
They've succeeded. Why are you still living in 1961?
Lets see if we can guess what your view would have been if these same illegal squatters had been black.

Why do idiots like you feel the need to take up the cross for black people? There's one in the White House, lamebrain.
They've succeeded. Why are you still living in 1961?

They've mirrored Hitler's political strategy to the last detail.
The post office is not a federal government entity, asswipe. It's an independent agency. Try another example, stupid.

Sorry moron but the post office is a federal government entity

According to the laws under which it now operates, the U.S. Postal Service is a semi-independent federal agency, mandated to be revenue-neutral. That is, it is supposed to break even, not make a profit.

About the US Postal Service: Agency or Private Business?

It is not a solely independent agency

I don't give a fuck what you or Linkedin say, asshole.
I'll go anywhere I fucking want.
This isn't Nazi Germany - yet. Four more years of Obama... maybe.

So any state or federal building should be open 24/7 to any citizen?

It it truly is the people's property why not?

My house is open to me 24/7
Because, you stupid ass, that land was open that way for a time. And it was overgrazed, and part of its value was destroyed. That is why there are grazing allotments that differ according to what the land can provide. And differ according to the amount of water that the land has received in the immediate past. Much of the land there is high desert and will only support one unit per 100 acres without significant degradation of the land.

So it's not the peoples land.

Just admit it

We the so called people might think we have a right to use public land but we don't

Anyone with a brain knows that the second the government tells you to get the fuck off its land (not your land) you better get gone or be slapped with a felony trespass
if it can get you libs lathered up, let the stoopidity roll.

You've been reduced to that.

Mission accomplished.
I might be stupid but I can still putt better than kids half my age
Who knew following the constitution was ass licking..tell me more about these libtard views.
The constitution..show me where it says government has the right to own the land.The locals should have stood up for themselves then instead other outsider patriots had to do it.
Lets see if we can guess what your view would have been if these same illegal squatters had been black.
Would they still be fighting for the same thing? My response would be the same. Only libtards see everything through a racial lens
No you're just lying. All these self styled patriots are racist cocksuckers.
Why ask a question if in your tiny racist mind you don't care what the answer is. Ah hell with it just another tard put on ignore
I hope these phony patriot fags try this shit on BLM land in my area. I will be more than happy to set up a counter sniper position aimed at them.

That post is bookmarked...lol

It'll make good evidence at your trial.

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