Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

So they were peacefully heading to a community meeting at the senior center Tuesday in John Day, about 70 miles north of Burns, to address local residents and discuss their views on federal management of public lands when the Feds made the traffic stop and violence erupted. Interesting.
Yep. The one shot dead was unarmed on his knees with his hands in the air.

I did really? Damn it must be fun to be so ignorant you find me cheering for the death of armed thugs in 3 words. Amazing.
Boy if he was black they'd be for strignin' em up right now. LOL

And the rev Al would be leading a march.
Law enforcement sent a clear message to those still involved with the occupation of the federal facility in Oregon.

Turn yourselves in.

Yeah, a lot of these guys seemed willing to die. I wonder if they're as willing slowly rot in prison for decades of their life.
Its threads like these that bring the Anti American Traitors to the forefront much easier to put them on ignore....people who have nothing worth hearing or adding to the conversation.
Sore loser. The traitors are in jail and one has been turned into buzzard bait. Knowing the feds, they will probably allow a Christian burial instead of tossing the stupid ass out in a field for the birds.
You know, they did take over a bird refuge. The latter would actually be appropriate.
So they were peacefully heading to a community meeting at the senior center Tuesday in John Day, about 70 miles north of Burns, to address local residents and discuss their views on federal management of public lands when the Feds made the traffic stop and violence erupted. Interesting.
Yep. The one shot dead was unarmed on his knees with his hands in the air.

Says who?

Remember, you're quoting an unsourced twitter post without anything backing it up. And citing it as if it actually happened.

You do realize that the ability to type words on a keyboard doesn't mean that the world magically transforms to match.

More from the Obama "regime," stomping on our civil rights.
And of course - the Libbertoid brownshirts are elated.
Seig Heil motherfuckers....


There is NOTHING civil about an armed protest.

That's not true. An armed protest can be perfectly civil. But none of this has been about an armed protest. This is a case of an armed militia seizing federal property. This would appear to be a case of law enforcement engaging in lawful arrest and armed criminals resisting and opening fire. That is what's uncivil.
Its threads like these that bring the Anti American Traitors to the forefront much easier to put them on ignore....people who have nothing worth hearing or adding to the conversation.
Sore loser. The traitors are in jail and one has been turned into buzzard bait. Knowing the feds, they will probably allow a Christian burial instead of tossing the stupid ass out in a field for the birds.
You know, they did take over a bird refuge. The latter would actually be appropriate.

I'm pretty sure feeding birds pure batshit is some form of animal cruelty.
See, the problem is they have been fighting this for years, to no avail. All you have to do is research it. Their people-blm- have been intimidating, showing up armed to the t, rather than listening. I thoroughly researched the Bundy case, pulling up official documents regarding the area in question, past use, future plans, past blm rules, the changed rules, the conflicts, the lack of response from blm, and others. I was not prepared for what I found. You can take my word for it or not. And if you decide to check it out yourself, you will spend hours, and must dig deeply into blm files, developers plans, adjoining land owners, court documents, etc. to be able to find the truth. You then need to widen your search on others that have being dealing with the same issues. You will find eerily similar songs and dances.

Read this two links to get just a taste.

BLM, local law enforcement tensions near breaking point in the West

BLM Destroyed Archaeological Sites & Artifacts – The Petroglyph |...

Do I agree with how they handled this? No, but I can empathize with their frustrations from lack of being heard.
And you think ranchers haven't been trying for years?Many going broke in the process.
What a joke. Unless you know the right people, find a powerful rep sympathetic to your plight, or can afford an expensive high profile attorney, no.
You're just another ignorant cracker racist BUT

If you're going to say they have a "civil right" to take over a govt building with guns, you also have to admit they were stopping other Americans from using their own property.

AND, just like you, they were leeches on the Americans who pay their taxes. Neither you nor they have any right to the buildings that true Americans pay for.

The use of our public lands is anchored in a system that begins with elected officials in Congress. It is indeed the citizens who determine how our public lands are used. Anyone can change the way specific parcels and sections of that public lands are used with the normal system of petitioning and lobbying the Congress and Executive Branch or the courts.

It happens all the time. You're just making excuses. People go to great lengths to bring about change. It takes time, patience and lots of work.

Their cause is not supported by a majority or even a large segment of the American public. Aligning themselves with radical extremist political groups and showing up armed like rebels ready for combat has not been appreciated or conducive to public support.
When are Americans gonna get it? Big Brother is not their friend. If they don't go along, he has no problem killing them or throwing them in cages. One day, only the Government and Corporations will own land in the U.S. That's is where we're headed.
One Nazi invader from Arizona is dead. Good.

There are still some more Nazi invaders hiding in the refuge. They are saying they are willing to die to avenge the dead guy's death.

Let's hope the little creeps keep that promise.
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When are Americans gonna get it? Big Brother is not their friend. If they don't go along, he has no problem killing them or throwing them in cages. One day, only the Government and Corporations will own land in the U.S. That's is where we're headed.
The federal govt, and all us citizens, already own land in the US. Bundy and his fellow ranchers are being affected by market economics just as my family was affected by market economics in the 1970's, and as a result of that we stopped being small family farmers and became lawyers, accountants, teachers, etc.
Yep. The one shot dead was unarmed on his knees with his hands in the air.

You mean, the one who had previously stated that he was prepared to die and vowed to never be taken alive? That the guy who was surrendering, unarmed, and down on his knees?

Asked if he would rather be killed than be arrested — were the occupation to turn violent — 54-year-old occupier LaVoy Finicum, said: "Absolutely ... I have no intention of spending any of my days in a concrete box." .... Finicum said he wanted officers to be able to find him if they wanted to serve an arrest warrant. "I do not want the FBI federal agents to have to go running around in the dark, kicking in doors looking for me, OK?" he said. "I want them to know exactly where I'm at."

Armed Oregon Occupier Warns FBI He'd Take Death Over Jail
Feds didn't start anything. It was already started. By those idiots.
Them boots taste good as you lick them?
Probably as good as that ass your licking of the militia...
Who knew following the constitution was ass licking..tell me more about these libtard views.
Feds didn't start anything. It was already started. By those idiots.
Them boots taste good as you lick them?

I chew them to nubbins.

Tell me more about how the Feds occupied this place and refused to leave even when the town asked them too.
Not federal governments right to own the land,its the people's ANY citizen can occupy it.

According to what law? Never heard this before.

Of course, they had to have outsiders come in and fight a fight that the locals didn't want.
The constitution..show me where it says government has the right to own the land.The locals should have stood up for themselves then instead other outsider patriots had to do it.
Lets see if we can guess what your view would have been if these same illegal squatters had been black.
When are Americans gonna get it? Big Brother is not their friend. If they don't go along, he has no problem killing them or throwing them in cages. One day, only the Government and Corporations will own land in the U.S. That's is where we're headed.
The federal govt, and all us citizens, already own land in the US. Bundy and his fellow ranchers are being affected by market economics just as my family was affected by market economics in the 1970's, and as a result of that we stopped being small family farmers and became lawyers, accountants, teachers, etc.

I see a day when only the Government and Corporations will own the land. The People will be reduced to mere serfs. One day you'll be required to pay a tax/fine for dipping you cantine in a stream. And don't laugh, we are headed towards that.
Government can own land, can take land with emanate domain & commandeer anyone's real-estate & personal property. Rich people can also can take your land with emanate domain. They will also take your land for not paying rent, mortgage & taxes.

Looks like all those citizens armed with guns lost to government.

How right you are! Ask Donald. He has been taking people's property with the help from Guvment for years.
But that is not the story here. The story here is a group of arms commandeer federal property, that all tax payers own, and they get away with it for nearly a month. As a tax payer, I say run the suckers off the land,

The guy that was shot had asserted earlier that he would rather die than sit in a jail cell. Gotcha...
Feds didn't start anything. It was already started. By those idiots.
Them boots taste good as you lick them?
Probably as good as that ass your licking of the militia...
Who knew following the constitution was ass licking..tell me more about these libtard views.
Them boots taste good as you lick them?

I chew them to nubbins.

Tell me more about how the Feds occupied this place and refused to leave even when the town asked them too.
Not federal governments right to own the land,its the people's ANY citizen can occupy it.

According to what law? Never heard this before.

Of course, they had to have outsiders come in and fight a fight that the locals didn't want.
The constitution..show me where it says government has the right to own the land.The locals should have stood up for themselves then instead other outsider patriots had to do it.
Lets see if we can guess what your view would have been if these same illegal squatters had been black.
Would they still be fighting for the same thing? My response would be the same. Only libtards see everything through a racial lens
So they were peacefully heading to a community meeting at the senior center Tuesday in John Day, about 70 miles north of Burns, to address local residents and discuss their views on federal management of public lands when the Feds made the traffic stop and violence erupted. Interesting.
Yep. The one shot dead was unarmed on his knees with his hands in the air.

I did really? Damn it must be fun to be so ignorant you find me cheering for the death of armed thugs in 3 words. Amazing.
More from the Obama "regime," stomping on our civil rights.
And of course - the Libbertoid brownshirts are elated.
Seig Heil motherfuckers....


There is NOTHING civil about an armed protest.

That's not true. An armed protest can be perfectly civil. But none of this has been about an armed protest. This is a case of an armed militia seizing federal property. This would appear to be a case of law enforcement engaging in lawful arrest and armed criminals resisting and opening fire. That is what's uncivil.

IMO an armed protest + brinkmanship rhetoric is far from civil. Fighting words are not protected by the First A.

Chaplinsky v New Hampshire, 315 U.S. 568

"No person shall address any offensive, derisive or annoying word to any other person who is lawfully in any street or other public place, nor call him by any offensive or derisive name, nor make any noise or exclamation in his presence and hearing with intent to deride, offend or annoy him, or to prevent him from pursuing his lawful business or occupation."


why don't you come to your senses
you destroyed the fed fences so long now
Oh, your head is a hard one
and you have no logic or reason
These things that are pissing you
Can hurt you somehow
When are Americans gonna get it? Big Brother is not their friend. If they don't go along, he has no problem killing them or throwing them in cages. One day, only the Government and Corporations will own land in the U.S. That's is where we're headed.
The federal govt, and all us citizens, already own land in the US. Bundy and his fellow ranchers are being affected by market economics just as my family was affected by market economics in the 1970's, and as a result of that we stopped being small family farmers and became lawyers, accountants, teachers, etc.

I see a day when only the Government and Corporations will own the land. The People will be reduced to mere serfs. One day you'll be required to pay a tax/fine for dipping you cantine in a stream. And don't laugh, we are headed towards that.
I'm not laughing, but I think you're being a bit delusional. The REASON the govt owns so much western land was the landowners in the 1800s decided there'd been enough settling by peons from the east (and European's who were largely Jew and Catholic) so they cut a deal for the feds to own the land and let them lease it cheap, so they could ranch and mine. Now it turns out that it's not in the interest of the maj to allow unrestricted, unregulated land use.

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