Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

This will be played as the Feds overreaching. We need to see the facts before anyone determines anything, The spin machine will be working hard on this one, Let's hope that there is some video of what went down,

Facts count, not someone in handcuffs shouting that this guy was shot with his hands hands up. We meed to wait and see.
Of all the video I've seen so far of these guys I seriously doubt they put their hands up unless their guns were over their heads.
but you have no evidence so you're just talking shit. I see, that's the way to do it lie.

And I see all you cop haters have no issue with law enforcement using guns when it is in your interest. ahhhhh i see again, the libturd way my way or no way. No friggin middle ground for you you pro gun nut jobs.
I notice when a black person gets shot conservatives don't care but care now that one of their own got shot.
Federal property belongs to "we the people," dingbat. Just like that home on 1600 Penn. Ave., that the "Chimp" occupies. It belongs to Americans.
That sounds like a personal problem to me Pole smoker SeniorChief_Polock . Why didn't you run for President? Our proud two-term, African American, President is more qualified to be President than some FAKE VET (you) on a msg board. He earned it.

As to the OP, yeah those deadbeats needed to be taken down. Their women folk were no doubt doing all their work for them back in Nevada
He sounds like a candidate for Stolen Valor...anyone who made it to Sr Chief in the United States Navy would never last being that racist sounding.
Federal property belongs to "we the people," dingbat. Just like that home on 1600 Penn. Ave., that the "Chimp" occupies. It belongs to Americans.
That sounds like a personal problem to me Pole smoker SeniorChief_Polock . Why didn't you run for President? Our proud two-term, African American, President is more qualified to be President than some FAKE VET (you) on a msg board. He earned it.

As to the OP, yeah those deadbeats needed to be taken down. Their women folk were no doubt doing all their work for them back in Nevada
He sounds like a candidate for Stolen Valor...anyone who made it to Sr Chief in the United States Navy would never last being that racist sounding.
plus he sounds pretty simple-minded AKA- a mouth-breather. Must've made it difficult for him what w/ all the pole smoking he was doing.

As to the OP- yeah the law won..
Authorities: Shots fired during arrest of leader of Ore. group, 1 dead

These were whites. According to libs....white privilege was supposed to protect them.

Hey libs....see....when you attack the cops....you end up shot. Even crackas.
I am sure it makes you rigid to see such actions....

A criminal attacked a cop and got shot.

It doesn't make me cringe any more than a leaf falling from a tree. It's what happens.

He was involved in the armed takeover of a government building and was allowed to stay there for weeks. Do you really think that would have happened if he wasn't white?

Yeah I do. It was a building in bum fuck nowhere. No hostages. No risk to bystanders. In mid winter. Why risk cops lives when you can wait them out until they get restless and move on their own....which they did. Completely controllable.

Had they taken over the Federal Building in...say....downtown Portland or Seattle....it would've gone far different. Urban area. Thousands of others nearby. Needs to be handled quickly because it can grow out of control much quicker.

See the difference?
Dumb ass. That Refuge is a unique area, and visited by many thousands of people, including myself, every year. It is our property, and these armed felons took it over. They are felons, with guns, and have repeatedly stated that they will shoot anyone that tries to enforces the laws against criminal trespass. I hope the lot of them rot in jail for at least 20 years. And any that resist with their guns, deserve the same as LaVoy got.
Government can own land, can take land with emanate domain & commandeer anyone's real-estate & personal property. Rich people can also can take your land with emanate domain. They will also take your land for not paying rent, mortgage & taxes.

Looks like all those citizens armed with guns lost to government.
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Federal property belongs to "we the people," dingbat. Just like that home on 1600 Penn. Ave., that the "Chimp" occupies. It belongs to Americans.
That sounds like a personal problem to me Pole smoker SeniorChief_Polock . Why didn't you run for President? Our proud two-term, African American, President is more qualified to be President than some FAKE VET (you) on a msg board. He earned it.

As to the OP, yeah those deadbeats needed to be taken down. Their women folk were no doubt doing all their work for them back in Nevada
earned? what the fk does that mean?
Earned...as in getting elected......twice.
Well, we already knew what kind of stupid you are. One was killed, and the rest are on their way to prison for a long time. My heart is bleeding for them.
My guess is that most of them are decent folks who fell under the influence of an egomaniacal sociopath.
And we saw the results of letting that kind of thing grow in Germany. A lesson that cost over 50 million lives.
I wouldn't celebrate this. I wouldn't be so quick to worship Big Brother. He's not your friend.
It took a three weeks plus political process to finally arrive at an armed confrontation with the Oregon occupiers. The process started with the highest county official the judge demanding publicly that the outsiders leave ...then the Mayor then the State Governor even the tribal chieftains from the affected Native American tribe all demanded action from the FBI...it was only then action was taken

It took 2 seconds to gun down Tamir Rice a 12 year old boy...it took less than 2 seconds for those who now cry about the FBI and Bundy to approve of the killing of Tamir Rice
The fascists got the fight they were asking for....Proof that you can't tell law enforcement to fuck off and get away with it. Comply or die. No different than the criminals in Ferguson, Baltimore or any other city. Anarchy will not win.
I notice when a black person gets shot conservatives don't care but care now that one of their own got shot.
'Generalize' much? Bottom Line, YOU LIE! Stick to trying to speak your own mind instead of for others, as you continue to prove you SUCK at trying to speak for others...

This is very illustrative on two points.

First, the idea that the 'new civil war' folks want local and state control. They don't. These militia types want PERSONAL control. The 'local and state' horseshit is merely empty lip service, window dressing for their attempts to become 'personal sovereigns'. As when the local and state authorities asked the militia to leave.....the Militia told them to go fuck themselves.

Even more telling.....the locals were then vilified. With local law enforcement and their families stalked, the local people's derided, and the state officials ignored. This is a lesson for all of us who hear what these militias *say* they believe. We can now compare it to what they *actually* believe and practiced.

Second.....is the lesson for the militias themselves. They work under the bizarre assumption that when they seize federal lands, threaten cops, stalk law enforcement, violate the law, burglarize, steal, and shoot at the police....

.....that 'the people' are going to grab their guns and join them. No. No they won't.

If ever the militias think of actually rising up, actually starting the killing of cops and soldiers in the name of their 'revolution', remember the local reaction to your mere *presence*. Remember the calls for you to leave. Remember how mere handfuls of people came to your call. Remember how 'the people' didn't grab their guns, didn't stand by your side, and didn't start threatening cops with you.
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No one but Right wing nuts show up at Constitutional Rights "protests" armed to the teeth ...they go "full stupid violent nut bag"...you never go "full stupid violent nut bag"....

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