Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

What a joke. Unless you know the right people, find a powerful rep sympathetic to your plight, or can afford an expensive high profile attorney, no.
Since when is an armed take-over of federal property a "civil right"?

Federal property belongs to "we the people," dingbat. Just like that home on 1600 Penn. Ave., that the "Chimp" occupies. It belongs to Americans.

You're just another ignorant cracker racist BUT

If you're going to say they have a "civil right" to take over a govt building with guns, you also have to admit they were stopping other Americans from using their own property.

AND, just like you, they were leeches on the Americans who pay their taxes. Neither you nor they have any right to the buildings that true Americans pay for.
The use of our public lands is anchored in a system that begins with elected officials in Congress. It is indeed the citizens who determine how our public lands are used. Anyone can change the way specific parcels and sections of that public lands are used with the normal system of petitioning and lobbying the Congress and Executive Branch or the courts.

Hmmm ... Well, Finicum was scamming the system to the tune of $115K a year for his child labor fostering. That was in addition to the land scam.
This will be played as the Feds overreaching. We need to see the facts before anyone determines anything, The spin machine will be working hard on this one, Let's hope that there is some video of what went down,

Facts count, not someone in handcuffs shouting that this guy was shot with his hands hands up. We meed to wait and see.
Of all the video I've seen so far of these guys I seriously doubt they put their hands up unless their guns were over their heads.
but you have no evidence so you're just talking shit. I see, that's the way to do it lie.

And I see all you cop haters have no issue with law enforcement using guns when it is in your interest. ahhhhh i see again, the libturd way my way or no way. No friggin middle ground for you you pro gun nut jobs.
Recon seems to be of the idea that any resistance to, argument with, and opposition to anything the government wants to do is 'criminal'. 'You must assimilate'! :p

A rancher grazes his cows on public lands that his family has used for approx. 100 years. One day a politician comes across a business opportunity that will make him - a millionaire already - a lot of money. The catch is, however, the opportunity involves using those very same public lands for personal gain the rancher has his cattle on and required driving the rancher off the land. Pressure is applied to affect this...but the rancher refuses to go. So, the Bureau of Land Management, which to everyone's surprise has been militarized, rolls in to drive the rancher off the land so the millionaire liberal politician can use public lands for personal gain. Bureau of land management SNIPERS target the heads of the rancher's wife and children. They steal almost 100 head of his cows and butchers them.... Liberals think this is totally acceptable... Some Americans disagree and show up with legal weapons to defend the rancher and his family. Liberals scream about how dangerous the militia - that shows up to protect the rancher, his wife, and kids from government snipers and cow thieves - is.

Liberals portray the government, to include the millionaire politician who started the situation because a rancher was using the public lands he wanted to use to make a lot of money, as 'the good guys' and the 'evil' rancher whose family had used that land for 100 years and his 'evil' wife and daughters/sons who were so much of a public threat that the heavily armed Bureau of land management had to target them with sniper rifles as the 'bad guys'.

And, it seems, opposing such governmental abuse of power is 'criminal', unjustifiable, and wrong.

:rolleyes: Whatever...
Link, lying asshole.
Some of these hard right members who are caricatures of the Sagebrush Rebellion seem quite willing to keep on violating the law. Their way is a non-constructive way to settle the problem of federal lands coveted by the states and businesses.

If people don't figure out how to put themselves in the shoes of these folks then it will happen again if only to become martyrs.
I don't think they were right at all and they went about voicing their complaints all wrong.

If the government/law says you're wrong you're wrong. Want to fight get an attorney or vote
yep thats the way the Constitution is set-up. Take a complaint to Court or vote to put people in office who share your views. What a novel idea. ;)
After Trump's election, federal law enforcement will be redirected to more serious threats against America.... .like socialists and Democrats. Hopefully they'll be rounded- up and put in their rightful place.

Trump '16
After Trump's election, federal law enforcement will be redirected to more serious threats against America.... .like socialists and Democrats. Hopefully they'll be rounded- up and put in their rightful place.

Trump '16

You really are a traitor.

Honestly, I wonder how people like you come to despise your own country and the US Constitution this much.
What a joke. Unless you know the right people, find a powerful rep sympathetic to your plight, or can afford an expensive high profile attorney, no.
Since when is an armed take-over of federal property a "civil right"?

Federal property belongs to "we the people," dingbat. Just like that home on 1600 Penn. Ave., that the "Chimp" occupies. It belongs to Americans.

You're just another ignorant cracker racist BUT

If you're going to say they have a "civil right" to take over a govt building with guns, you also have to admit they were stopping other Americans from using their own property.

AND, just like you, they were leeches on the Americans who pay their taxes. Neither you nor they have any right to the buildings that true Americans pay for.
The use of our public lands is anchored in a system that begins with elected officials in Congress. It is indeed the citizens who determine how our public lands are used. Anyone can change the way specific parcels and sections of that public lands are used with the normal system of petitioning and lobbying the Congress and Executive Branch or the courts.
It happens all the time. You're just making excuses. People go to great lengths to bring about change. It takes time, patience and lots of work.
Ironically enough Ammon Bundy after being arrested now really is occupying a bunk in a Federal property....Wolverines !!!!! they get 3 square meals a day but no snacks....Oh the Humanity....
Fostered, not fathered, 50 through the years.They must have been good foster parents to have been approved for so many for so many years. They were mentally ill, or had drug problems.
Obviously LaVoy had mental problems.
After Trump's election, federal law enforcement will be redirected to more serious threats against America.... .like socialists and Democrats. Hopefully they'll be rounded- up and put in their rightful place.

Trump '16

You really are a traitor.

Honestly, I wonder how people like you come to despise your own country and the US Constitution this much.
and yet you're fine with the president who admitted he violated the constitution. Yep you're the real american. Not!!!

Obama Admits To Violating The Constitution

Obama responding to a heckler at a speech:

"“What you’re not paying attention to is the fact that I just took an action to change the law, so that’s point No. 1,” Obama responded."
So they were peacefully heading to a community meeting at the senior center Tuesday in John Day, about 70 miles north of Burns, to address local residents and discuss their views on federal management of public lands when the Feds made the traffic stop and violence erupted. Interesting.

Nodding....law enforcement was engaged in a lawful probable cause arrest of these suspects. And 'violence erupted'.

Given how often 'LaVoy' insisted he'd die before he'd live out his life in a concrete box.....it seems unlikely that LaVoy had nothing to do with that violence.

So he traded a concrete box for a wooden one. I'm glad no officers were hurt.
And you think ranchers haven't been trying for years? How much time do you think they have? Many going broke in the process.
What a joke. Unless you know the right people, find a powerful rep sympathetic to your plight, or can afford an expensive high profile attorney, no.
Since when is an armed take-over of federal property a "civil right"?

Federal property belongs to "we the people," dingbat. Just like that home on 1600 Penn. Ave., that the "Chimp" occupies. It belongs to Americans.

You're just another ignorant cracker racist BUT

If you're going to say they have a "civil right" to take over a govt building with guns, you also have to admit they were stopping other Americans from using their own property.

AND, just like you, they were leeches on the Americans who pay their taxes. Neither you nor they have any right to the buildings that true Americans pay for.
The use of our public lands is anchored in a system that begins with elected officials in Congress. It is indeed the citizens who determine how our public lands are used. Anyone can change the way specific parcels and sections of that public lands are used with the normal system of petitioning and lobbying the Congress and Executive Branch or the courts.
It happens all the time. You're just making excuses. People go to great lengths to bring about change. It takes time, patience and lots of work.
The Civil disobedience practiced by Civil Rights activist included occupying public space such as "sit In s" at lunch counters insisting that Black folks be provided service...HOWEVER none of the lunch counter sitters came armed with weapons saying they would defend themselves if challenged...the Civil rights folks did not fight back when assaulted by mobs
Those of you who are on the side of the Bundys and the rest of them -

Can you say why you believe they should get the land given to them? As it is, they get a 93% discount that tax payers susidize. Why should they get that? And why do you think we should pay for the rest of their land?

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