Feel the Bern

How does money stop prosecutors from going forward with the evidence?
When some one drops charges isn't it over??
NoT if there is evidence of a rape ,, any evidence low life?
If the victim won't testify, there is not evidence. He gave her more money in the divorce to withdraw the allegation.
So no evidence just another blonde making fake claims .. let me know when you have evidence
How come he raised her payments then?? Out of the goodness of his lol lol heart?
His kids
How does money stop prosecutors from going forward with the evidence?
When some one drops charges isn't it over??
NoT if there is evidence of a rape ,, any evidence low life?
If the victim won't testify, there is not evidence. He gave her more money in the divorce to withdraw the allegation.
So no evidence just another blonde making fake claims .. let me know when you have evidence
Let me know when you have actual evidence of all those ridiculous allegations against Bernie. From a reliable print source.
Does anyone else smell smoke? You know what they say: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."

Oh, never mind. That's just Bernie's presidential aspirations going up in flames.


Bernie knows he doesn't have a chance. The thing is, Bernie bro's, the other men and woman like him, the people who can't hold jobs and are good at nothing believe he does have a chance. So when he loses, be prepared for Bernie supporters to set lots of fires and shoot up lots of baseball games. Bernie appeals to the "generation cupcake basement dweller" type people. He may not be presidant, but he will get the huge mess he wants.
I have the same status here. I don't know yet who I'm gonna vote for. Bernie prolly doesn't need my help.

Ultimately though I realize the party, not us voters, will decide who the nominee is.

Yes, that is definitely the case on the Democrats side. They don’t really like to leave those decisions to the voters.

That's how political parties work. Ask Teddy Roosevelt about that. Ask Bernie Sanders too. Primaries are basically entertainment, or as it's usually characterized, "bread and circus".

Then Trump must be a political wizard, because NOBODY in the RNC wanted him as the nominee. He knocked out every candidate the RNC wanted and was the only one left standing.

The short version of the above is, "they sold out".

You're not wrong about the scenario but that's not "political" wizardry. He doesn't even have any politics. That's called Selling Snake Oil, which always uses Appeal to Emotion. The operative word being Selling.

It could be argued he is the most successful politician in the last 50 years.
Consider- He had no public service experience, ran one campaign for the most powerful political position in the world, and he won. Not bad for a political novice.

A better description of Trump is a carnival barker.View attachment 307217

It looks like we're saying the same thing and evaluating it differently. "Carnival barker" is certainly apt. His own sister calls him P.T. Barnum. But it can only be called "successful" if one's only criterion is "winning". Charlie Sheen might agree with that but not many more.

That's like saying, I dunno, imagine some fat blob sitting at a microphone going "SLUT SLUT SLUT" and "White House dog" and "take the bone out of your nose and call me back", getting ratings for that, and then calling him a "successful" radio host. That ain't "success" -- it's "notoriety".

I mean if, say, Michael Bloomberg buys his way into the presidency shall we call him a "successful politician"? All of these smell like failure to me.
Does anyone else smell smoke? You know what they say: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."

Oh, never mind. That's just Bernie's presidential aspirations going up in flames.


Bernie knows he doesn't have a chance. The thing is, Bernie bro's, the other men and woman like him, the people who can't hold jobs and are good at nothing believe he does have a chance. So when he loses, be prepared for Bernie supporters to set lots of fires and shoot up lots of baseball games. Bernie appeals to the "generation cupcake basement dweller" type people. He may not be presidant, but he will get the huge mess he wants.

Let 'em go on a rampage. I'm just gonna pop me some popcorn, and sit back and watch from my heavily-armed bunker, while they destroy each other.
Does anyone else smell smoke? You know what they say: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."

Oh, never mind. That's just Bernie's presidential aspirations going up in flames.


Bernie knows he doesn't have a chance. The thing is, Bernie bro's, the other men and woman like him, the people who can't hold jobs and are good at nothing believe he does have a chance. So when he loses, be prepared for Bernie supporters to set lots of fires and shoot up lots of baseball games. Bernie appeals to the "generation cupcake basement dweller" type people. He may not be presidant, but he will get the huge mess he wants.

Let 'em go on a rampage. I'm just gonna pop me some popcorn, and sit back and watch from my heavily-armed bunker, while they destroy each other.
When we come for Republicans I'll make sure you're one of the last to go
Does anyone else smell smoke? You know what they say: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."

Oh, never mind. That's just Bernie's presidential aspirations going up in flames.


Bernie knows he doesn't have a chance. The thing is, Bernie bro's, the other men and woman like him, the people who can't hold jobs and are good at nothing believe he does have a chance. So when he loses, be prepared for Bernie supporters to set lots of fires and shoot up lots of baseball games. Bernie appeals to the "generation cupcake basement dweller" type people. He may not be presidant, but he will get the huge mess he wants.

Let 'em go on a rampage. I'm just gonna pop me some popcorn, and sit back and watch from my heavily-armed bunker, while they destroy each other.
When we come for Republicans I'll make sure you're one of the last to go

Never happen. As a whole, a Bernie bro's don't have the ass to do to much other then talk. The Bernie bro who did the mass shooting g was a fluke in that he had a job, not an allowance from his mom.
Two words, president Clinton. He made it okay, I lost any dignity in a president after him. Thank you !

Member when Clinton got indicted for perjury because first he made up fake press agents to plant stories about his own extramarital fornications, denied it, then admitted it in court, then denied it again?

Oh wait, that was Rump.
Impeached Clinton set the standard.

--- For?
Set the bar low for being president.
There can't be a lower bar than the one this misfit of a human being, trump, has set
Nope impeached Bill Clinton, set the bar low.
Two words, president Clinton. He made it okay, I lost any dignity in a president after him. Thank you !

Member when Clinton got indicted for perjury because first he made up fake press agents to plant stories about his own extramarital fornications, denied it, then admitted it in court, then denied it again?

Oh wait, that was Rump.
Impeached Clinton set the standard.

--- For?
Set the bar low for being president.
Presidential historians rate Clinton as 15 in the top 20 best American presidents; Obama is 12. This is in the top 20, which are a mix of conservative and liberal presidents. Not all of those higher than Obama or Clinton are conservative, it's a mix. Mark my word: Drumph will be rated at the very, very bottom. The impeachment of Clinton was based on an investigation that lasted 8 years and finding only one thing, that he lied about sex. Extremely partisan. It set the bar low for how Republicans act. That's what bar was set low.
Trump was impeached over hearsay of a phone call. Clinton wasn't a bad president, but Obama was the worse we ever had. Even worse than Carter. Once everyone gets over him being black and looks at his record they will agree with me.
When some one drops charges isn't it over??
NoT if there is evidence of a rape ,, any evidence low life?
If the victim won't testify, there is not evidence. He gave her more money in the divorce to withdraw the allegation.
So no evidence just another blonde making fake claims .. let me know when you have evidence
How come he raised her payments then?? Out of the goodness of his lol lol heart?
His kids
Hilarious. It wasn't child support, it was alimony and a cash settlement.
Does anyone else smell smoke? You know what they say: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."

Oh, never mind. That's just Bernie's presidential aspirations going up in flames.


Bernie knows he doesn't have a chance. The thing is, Bernie bro's, the other men and woman like him, the people who can't hold jobs and are good at nothing believe he does have a chance. So when he loses, be prepared for Bernie supporters to set lots of fires and shoot up lots of baseball games. Bernie appeals to the "generation cupcake basement dweller" type people. He may not be presidant, but he will get the huge mess he wants.

Let 'em go on a rampage. I'm just gonna pop me some popcorn, and sit back and watch from my heavily-armed bunker, while they destroy each other.
When we come for Republicans I'll make sure you're one of the last to go

Member when Clinton got indicted for perjury because first he made up fake press agents to plant stories about his own extramarital fornications, denied it, then admitted it in court, then denied it again?

Oh wait, that was Rump.
Impeached Clinton set the standard.

--- For?
Set the bar low for being president.
Presidential historians rate Clinton as 15 in the top 20 best American presidents; Obama is 12. This is in the top 20, which are a mix of conservative and liberal presidents. Not all of those higher than Obama or Clinton are conservative, it's a mix. Mark my word: Drumph will be rated at the very, very bottom. The impeachment of Clinton was based on an investigation that lasted 8 years and finding only one thing, that he lied about sex. Extremely partisan. It set the bar low for how Republicans act. That's what bar was set low.
Trump was impeached over hearsay of a phone call. Clinton wasn't a bad president, but Obama was the worse we ever had. Even worse than Carter. Once everyone gets over him being black and looks at his record they will agree with me.
Yeah those 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains were a real bitch as was the great drop in unemployment
Does anyone else smell smoke? You know what they say: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."

Oh, never mind. That's just Bernie's presidential aspirations going up in flames.


Bernie knows he doesn't have a chance. The thing is, Bernie bro's, the other men and woman like him, the people who can't hold jobs and are good at nothing believe he does have a chance. So when he loses, be prepared for Bernie supporters to set lots of fires and shoot up lots of baseball games. Bernie appeals to the "generation cupcake basement dweller" type people. He may not be presidant, but he will get the huge mess he wants.
What a lot of total bullshit. Make it up as you go along don't you?
Impeached Clinton set the standard.

--- For?
Set the bar low for being president.
Presidential historians rate Clinton as 15 in the top 20 best American presidents; Obama is 12. This is in the top 20, which are a mix of conservative and liberal presidents. Not all of those higher than Obama or Clinton are conservative, it's a mix. Mark my word: Drumph will be rated at the very, very bottom. The impeachment of Clinton was based on an investigation that lasted 8 years and finding only one thing, that he lied about sex. Extremely partisan. It set the bar low for how Republicans act. That's what bar was set low.
Trump was impeached over hearsay of a phone call. Clinton wasn't a bad president, but Obama was the worse we ever had. Even worse than Carter. Once everyone gets over him being black and looks at his record they will agree with me.
Yeah those 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains were a real bitch as was the great drop in unemployment
Indeed. Obama turned around the economy, saved us from a depression. Again, rated 12th of the 20 best presidents in US history.
Member when Clinton got indicted for perjury because first he made up fake press agents to plant stories about his own extramarital fornications, denied it, then admitted it in court, then denied it again?

Oh wait, that was Rump.
Impeached Clinton set the standard.

--- For?
Set the bar low for being president.
Presidential historians rate Clinton as 15 in the top 20 best American presidents; Obama is 12. This is in the top 20, which are a mix of conservative and liberal presidents. Not all of those higher than Obama or Clinton are conservative, it's a mix. Mark my word: Drumph will be rated at the very, very bottom. The impeachment of Clinton was based on an investigation that lasted 8 years and finding only one thing, that he lied about sex. Extremely partisan. It set the bar low for how Republicans act. That's what bar was set low.
Trump was impeached over hearsay of a phone call. Clinton wasn't a bad president, but Obama was the worse we ever had. Even worse than Carter. Once everyone gets over him being black and looks at his record they will agree with me.
Nobody who knows anything about it agrees with you. Presidential historians rank him 12th of the 20 best presidents, higher than Clinton and way higher than Bubba.
Does anyone else smell smoke? You know what they say: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."

Oh, never mind. That's just Bernie's presidential aspirations going up in flames.


Bernie knows he doesn't have a chance. The thing is, Bernie bro's, the other men and woman like him, the people who can't hold jobs and are good at nothing believe he does have a chance. So when he loses, be prepared for Bernie supporters to set lots of fires and shoot up lots of baseball games. Bernie appeals to the "generation cupcake basement dweller" type people. He may not be presidant, but he will get the huge mess he wants.
What a lot of total bullshit. Make it up as you go along don't you?

Not really. It's a fact. It was a Bernie bro who shot up a republican baseball game. It's also a fact that Bernie bro's are caught on tape promising to do the same. So despite your denial, them is the facts.
Does anyone else smell smoke? You know what they say: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."

Oh, never mind. That's just Bernie's presidential aspirations going up in flames.


Bernie knows he doesn't have a chance. The thing is, Bernie bro's, the other men and woman like him, the people who can't hold jobs and are good at nothing believe he does have a chance. So when he loses, be prepared for Bernie supporters to set lots of fires and shoot up lots of baseball games. Bernie appeals to the "generation cupcake basement dweller" type people. He may not be presidant, but he will get the huge mess he wants.
What a lot of total bullshit. Make it up as you go along don't you?

Not really. It's a fact. It was a Bernie bro who shot up a republican baseball game. It's also a fact that Bernie bro's are caught on tape promising to do the same. So despite your denial, them is the facts.
You don't actually know the facts. You listen to your extreme rightwing talk show people like Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh, and read the Gateway Pundit. They all lie worse than Drumph.
Does anyone else smell smoke? You know what they say: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."

Oh, never mind. That's just Bernie's presidential aspirations going up in flames.


Bernie knows he doesn't have a chance. The thing is, Bernie bro's, the other men and woman like him, the people who can't hold jobs and are good at nothing believe he does have a chance. So when he loses, be prepared for Bernie supporters to set lots of fires and shoot up lots of baseball games. Bernie appeals to the "generation cupcake basement dweller" type people. He may not be presidant, but he will get the huge mess he wants.
What a lot of total bullshit. Make it up as you go along don't you?

Not really. It's a fact. It was a Bernie bro who shot up a republican baseball game. It's also a fact that Bernie bro's are caught on tape promising to do the same. So despite your denial, them is the facts.

Uh huh.

Long as you're dealing in Composition Fallacies, you know this guy?


Maybe you know him by his van?


How 'bout these?









ANY of this ring a bell or are you still in a bubble of self-delusion?
Does anyone else smell smoke? You know what they say: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."

Oh, never mind. That's just Bernie's presidential aspirations going up in flames.


Bernie knows he doesn't have a chance. The thing is, Bernie bro's, the other men and woman like him, the people who can't hold jobs and are good at nothing believe he does have a chance. So when he loses, be prepared for Bernie supporters to set lots of fires and shoot up lots of baseball games. Bernie appeals to the "generation cupcake basement dweller" type people. He may not be presidant, but he will get the huge mess he wants.
What a lot of total bullshit. Make it up as you go along don't you?

Not really. It's a fact. It was a Bernie bro who shot up a republican baseball game. It's also a fact that Bernie bro's are caught on tape promising to do the same. So despite your denial, them is the facts.

Uh huh.

Long as you're dealing in Composition Fallacies, you know this guy?


Maybe you know him by his van?


How 'bout these?

ANY of this ring a bell or are you still in a bubble of self-delusion?
Thats called fighting the democrat lynching
Does anyone else smell smoke? You know what they say: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."

Oh, never mind. That's just Bernie's presidential aspirations going up in flames.


Bernie knows he doesn't have a chance. The thing is, Bernie bro's, the other men and woman like him, the people who can't hold jobs and are good at nothing believe he does have a chance. So when he loses, be prepared for Bernie supporters to set lots of fires and shoot up lots of baseball games. Bernie appeals to the "generation cupcake basement dweller" type people. He may not be presidant, but he will get the huge mess he wants.
What a lot of total bullshit. Make it up as you go along don't you?

Not really. It's a fact. It was a Bernie bro who shot up a republican baseball game. It's also a fact that Bernie bro's are caught on tape promising to do the same. So despite your denial, them is the facts.

Uh huh.

Long as you're dealing in Composition Fallacies, you know this guy?


Maybe you know him by his van?


How 'bout these?

ANY of this ring a bell or are you still in a bubble of self-delusion?

You must live in a terrifying little world. How does one manage to function properly while living in such fear from day to day?




MAGA hats!!!

White people!!!





OMFGWTF!!! We're all gonna die!!!!! Help meeee!!!!

Yes, I'm mocking you. :laughing0301:

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