FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

your motion was denied. :cuckoo: :lol:

No, the motion was never heard.

so you still owe $30,000 of back child support payments.

you disgust me.

Of course justice means nothing to you or the perpetrators so you would be told to say that.

The fact is the childrens mothers family is wealthy and she conducted welfare fraud to retaliate because I wouldn't allow her to drink, smoke and do drugs in the home.

And you've not acknowledged the violation of law that deprived the familes of a proper due process analysis of the cause of death when guliani took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding in a conspiracy to decieve and destroy the US Constitution.

My childrens future, and the future of all children depend on our Constitution,


But you don't care about that.
No, the motion was never heard.

so you still owe $30,000 of back child support payments.

you disgust me.

Of course justice means nothing to you or the perpetrators so you would be told to say that.

The fact is the childrens mothers family is wealthy and she conducted welfare fraud to retaliate because I wouldn't allow her to drink, smoke and do drugs in the home.

And you've not acknowledged the violation of law that deprived the familes of a proper due process analysis of the cause of death when guliani took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding in a conspiracy to decieve and destroy the US Constitution.

My childrens future, and the future of all children depend on our Constitution,

But you don't care about that.
yeah sure
since you have been shown to be a massive fucking LIAR i have no doubt you are lying about your ex too
so you still owe $30,000 of back child support payments.

you disgust me.

Of course justice means nothing to you or the perpetrators so you would be told to say that.

The fact is the childrens mothers family is wealthy and she conducted welfare fraud to retaliate because I wouldn't allow her to drink, smoke and do drugs in the home.

And you've not acknowledged the violation of law that deprived the familes of a proper due process analysis of the cause of death when guliani took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding in a conspiracy to decieve and destroy the US Constitution.

My childrens future, and the future of all children depend on our Constitution,

But you don't care about that.
yeah sure
since you have been shown to be a massive fucking LIAR i have no doubt you are lying about your ex too

My records here shows accountability, evidence and reason.

Clearly you work to evoke "emotional reasoning" in viewers and induce them to ignore the Constitution or deprivation of due process and a valid cause of death in 3,000 murders.
The fact is the childrens mothers family is wealthy and she conducted welfare fraud to retaliate because I wouldn't allow her to drink, smoke and do drugs in the home.
its not the mother's family's responsibility to provide for YOUR CHILDREN!!!

the court ordered you to pay child support for YOUR CHILDREN.

YOU DIDNT PAY!! you abandoned your children and caused them undue hardship. you are a disgusting human being.

and now you want to lecture US on what is important to the children of this country?

FUCK YOU, DEADBEAT!!!! :cuckoo:

take care of your own fucking kids before you start telling us what is important to ours.
The fact is the childrens mothers family is wealthy and she conducted welfare fraud to retaliate because I wouldn't allow her to drink, smoke and do drugs in the home.
its not the mother's family's responsibility to provide for YOUR CHILDREN!!!

Without Constitutional rights, lawful government and vital records for medical care I cannot do that. I choose to protect their long term safety and well being. Civil society and Constitutional government. Got problems with that? Not rightfully traitor.

Without plans NIST cannot provide a valid cause of death. You don't care about the murders or the Constitution.

You try to create emotional reasoning to distract from a deprivation of due process that is being used to destroy the US Constitution.

You are a traitor.




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Without Constitutional rights, lawful government and vital records for medical care I cannot do that. I choose to protect their long term safety and well being. Civil society and Constitutional government. Got problems with that? Not rightfully traitor.

Without plans NIST cannot provide a valid cause of death. You don't care about the murders or the Constitution.

You try to create emotional reasoning to distract from a deprivation of due process that is being used to destroy the US Constitution.

You are a traitor.

i am a traitor? you are the person that is working under the table and not paying taxes, not me.

you are the person asking the citizens of this great country to support your lazy ass by applying for social security disability WHILE STILL WORKING UNDER THE TABLE!!!

you are the person that abandons his own children, not me.

you owe your children over $30,000 in back child support but you dont give a shit about that. you are too busy trying to weasel out of paying it and caring about blueprints than you are about your own children. :cuckoo:
Without Constitutional rights, lawful government and vital records for medical care I cannot do that. I choose to protect their long term safety and well being. Civil society and Constitutional government. Got problems with that? Not rightfully traitor.

Without plans NIST cannot provide a valid cause of death. You don't care about the murders or the Constitution.

You try to create emotional reasoning to distract from a deprivation of due process that is being used to destroy the US Constitution.

You are a traitor.

i am a traitor? you are the person that is working under the table and not paying taxes, not me.

Such is not treason, statutues written basically indicate it may not even be illegal.

This is definitly illegal. A failure to appear on subpoena duces tecum for records needed to prove the MOST important records of the county were absent, court case files. Court case files are reasonably the most important records of any society. The represent the mistakes. People that do not remember their mistakes are bound to repeat them.


Reason and evidence are necessary in order to support and defend the US Constitution.

You don't like that do you?

The infiltrators of the US government would not either. You know, the same ones that you work to protect their secret methods of mass murder for.
Holy crap

I dropped out of this thread a long time ago as it seemed utterly futile. When did it become about Chris's personal life?

When I started using the images of familes and their grief AFTER using reason and evidence since the beginning.

The agents cannot cease, even when it is reasonable to do so. They have a directive.

Protect the FEMA deception. The most common building material in the world suggested as the basic material of the core structure justifies all this, ........................ right.

Got clue? Consider, the truth is the strangest thing of all.
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Holy crap

I dropped out of this thread a long time ago as it seemed utterly futile. When did it become about Chris's personal life?

When I started using the images of familes and their grief AFTER using reason and evidence since the beginning.

The agents cannot cease, even when it is reasonable to do so. They have a directive.

You would have more credibility if you stopped calling people on this thread "agents." You can swear at them and call them names, but once you imply they are working at the behest of the government, you aren't particularly credible. I hope you didn't do things like that in your court case.
Holy crap

I dropped out of this thread a long time ago as it seemed utterly futile. When did it become about Chris's personal life?

When I started using the images of familes and their grief AFTER using reason and evidence since the beginning.

The agents cannot cease, even when it is reasonable to do so. They have a directive.

You would have more credibility if you stopped calling people on this thread "agents." You can swear at them and call them names, but once you imply they are working at the behest of the government, you aren't particularly credible. I hope you didn't do things like that in your court case.
he likely did, and thats why his crap failed
Holy crap

I dropped out of this thread a long time ago as it seemed utterly futile. When did it become about Chris's personal life?

When I started using the images of familes and their grief AFTER using reason and evidence since the beginning.

The agents cannot cease, even when it is reasonable to do so. They have a directive.

You would have more credibility if you stopped calling people on this thread "agents."

No evidence, you too appear to be an agent. Walking, quacking and acting like a duck, will get you called a duck.

Null post, ..............................
Holy crap

I dropped out of this thread a long time ago as it seemed utterly futile. When did it become about Chris's personal life?

chris likes to call other people traitors and unamerican and crap like that. i told him to stop posting pictures of the families of the victims and associating them with his whacko conspiracies. i also told him to stop trying to contact them. (he admits he has been trying to contact them since 2005).

he refused to do either.

so in response to his claims i am a traitor i went to the website he always posts info from. it turns out that not only is he a deadbeat dad that owes over $30,000 in back child support, he also doesnt pay his taxes. he works under the table and he expects other american taxpayers to give him money by collecting social security disability WHILE HE IS STILL WORKING UNDER THE TABLE.

he is a despicable human being that cares nothing about his children.:cuckoo:
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