FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

You have no substance. No such thing can happen in opposition to your treason. To prove that you will unable to tell me how the supposed gypsum attached to the supposed steel core columns the infiltration of the US government destroying the Constitution requires, survived, uniformly, with no structural steel protruding, the crashing impact of hundreds of thousand of tons of structural steel from above?


Your post is evidence of your evasion and inadequacy.


BTW, can you recognize a violation of NY state laws?

How wide were the hallways Chris?
You are conducting obvious evasion agent.

It is not reasonable to suggest that hallway width is somehow more intrinsic than evidence direct from the scene of the crime.

This is concrete.


You support secret methods of mass murder.
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You are conducting obvious evasion agent.

It is not reasonable to suggest that hallway width is somehow more intrinsic than evidence direct from the scene of the crime.

This is concrete.

You support secret methods of mass murder.
you are a fucking moron
no evidence of concrete in your photo
never has never will be
You have no substance. No such thing can happen in opposition to your treason. To prove that you will unable to tell me how the supposed gypsum attached to the supposed steel core columns the infiltration of the US government destroying the Constitution requires, survived, uniformly, with no structural steel protruding, the crashing impact of hundreds of thousand of tons of structural steel from above?


Your post is evidence of your evasion and inadequacy.


BTW, can you recognize a violation of NY state laws?

How wide were the hallways Chris?
he wont answer because he doesnt know
just like he doesnt know a damn thing about the WTC
You have no substance. No such thing can happen in opposition to your treason. To prove that you will unable to tell me how the supposed gypsum attached to the supposed steel core columns the infiltration of the US government destroying the Constitution requires, survived, uniformly, with no structural steel protruding, the crashing impact of hundreds of thousand of tons of structural steel from above?


Your post is evidence of your evasion and inadequacy.


BTW, can you recognize a violation of NY state laws?

how many delusional things you can fit into one post?

let's see......

1. you have no substance.
2. no such thing can happen (yet you show a picture of it happening).
3. not believing your bullshit is treason.
4. some babble about gypsum and the constitution that makes no sense.
5. something about infiltration.
6. something about not being able to survive uniformly.. (yet you show a picture it did).
7. crashing of thousands of something onto it. as if a building was dropped on it instead of this being part of a building.
8. some already debunked shit about violations of law that never happened.
9. claiming guiliani took the WTC documents (that part is true. he had them microfilmed) and didnt return them (that part is false. they are all available to the public).

you keep trying to convince people the sky is red. all anyone needs to do is look at it and see its blue. your delusional crap isnt convincing anyone. :cuckoo:
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You are conducting obvious evasion agent.

It is not reasonable to suggest that hallway width is somehow more intrinsic than evidence direct from the scene of the crime.

This is concrete.


You support secret methods of mass murder.

Oh yes it is Chris.

What am about to show you will completely destroy your theory and prove once and for all that you are full of shit and made all this garbage up about a concrete core. That you misinterpreted photos and made it seem like you knew what you were talking about just to keep your bullshit theory alive. That you have changed your story over the course of time to make it fit the evidence against your theory, even when it contradicted what you stated in the past. That major mistakes have been pointed out to you and you just sit around and do nothing about them.

Your time here (and everywhere else) is about to be terminated permanently.

First, your scaled diagram of the lobby floor. Notice the inside dimensions of the core being 80' x 120':

Second. Let's establish a claim that you have made. The claim is that the hallways alternated sides in WTC1. According to you and your website, the hallways changed sides from south to north. You put that claim in this picture you modified. It states in the upper right corner "Note: Hall on long axis offset to south reverses to north side at 72nd":

Those skylobby hallways were about 16' wide and ran the length of the long axis. Since they reversed sides as you claim, you have effectively removed two sections of space, measuring 16' x 120' for use by elevators and their shafts because they could not have run through these hallways.

Now you also claim that there was one hallway running north and south. That hallway was about 7' wide. Since we already accounted for the two 16' wide hallways, the north-south hallway further removes two sections of space at 7' x 24' that cannot be used for the elevators and their shafts.

You have now effectively created four open rectangular areas (you even mention these four "cells" on your website") at 24' x 56.5' in size that the elevators and their shafts could use. There were 23 express elevators, 24 local elevators in each of the three "zones", and one freight elevator.

So in those four, 24' x 56.5' spaces at the lobby level, you need to now fit 12 elevators in EACH of those cells. In addition to that, you need to fit the elevator guide rail support steel. You need to fit the stairwells into those spaces. You need to fit the hallways needed to ACCESS the elevator doors of the express elevators AND the 24 local elevators in each zone.

See what you have created Chris?

Your fake concrete core and your bullshit claim that the ALL elevators were inside the core has made what you claim to be there a PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY!!!!!


The express elevators HAD to be up against the 16' wide skylobby hallways in order to let people out so they could then access the 24 local elevators. That would put the local elevators between your long axis core wall AND the bank of express elevators on either side.

How did they do this?

You're done moron. Unless you can provide a suitable scaled drawing showing how the elevators and all the stuff inside these cells was oriented, your theory is DEAD.

I know you won't provide one because you're a chickenshit.

The other part of your dilemma is that you have now placed the hallways RIGHT AGAINST THE INSIDE FACE OF ONE OF YOUR CORE WALLS per this photo:

How is THAT possible?!?!?! With this claim, you have now eliminated elevators on that side of the tower because your concrete core wall butts up against the hallway!!!!

Come on Chris. TRY and prove me wrong.

I thought you said the skylobby hallway was right up against the concrete wall and that's why the silhouette photo shows sunlight being reflected off the wall and down the hallway?
Here is the skylobby hallway:

Looks like express elevators on the right and access to the local elevators on the left? Where's that concrete core wall located again in relation to this hallway? Where's the access to the local elevators on the right side?

Interesting Chris. Taken from this site :
USATODAY.com - Elevators were disaster within disaster

USA Today said:
Passengers took non-stop express elevators from the ground floor to elevator lobbies on the 44th and 78th floors. There, they walked across a hall to smaller local elevators that went to higher floors. It could take five minutes to get from the ground floor lobby to the 105th floor.


Would you look at that! Leave the express elevators on the right and go to the hallways on the left to access the banks of local elevators for that zone.

Now you've got even a bigger problem Chris. Remember those 24' x 56.5' rectangles of open space? Since it's a proven fact that 24 local elevators were ACROSS the 16' skylobby hall from the express elevators, now you have to fit all 24 local elevators into two of those rectangles. Now you have 6 express elevators and 12 local elevators in EACH. Along with strairwells, the steel columns, access hallways to GET to the local elevators. There were 4 banks of 6 local elevators, split by a hallway with 3 on one side and 3 on the other. see that photo above? The opening on the left is one of those hallways. Looking down the hallway you would see this:

That hallway looks to be about 9' or 10' wide. Looking down that hallway, does that look like you could get a distance of 24' from where this picture was taken, down the hall to that wall (on the other side of that wall was the other bank of 12 express elevators), through the bank of express elevators to get to your concrete wall?
I thought you said the skylobby hallway was right up against the concrete wall and that's why the silhouette photo shows sunlight being reflected off the wall and down the hallway?

I've never said that in the 6 years you've failed to show an image from 9-11 with the supposed steel core columns inthe core area.

The light in the second level down is not coming directly down the hallway. The towers hallway is NOT aligned with the sunrise. Look at the angle seen at the top.


The light is reflecting off the inside of the concrete core wall because the inner forms were steel and very smooth.
The light is reflecting off the inside of the concrete core wall because the inner forms were steel and very smooth.

bullshit. there were no "inner forms". there was no concrete core. this picture proves it. you need to start backing up your outrageous statements with where you are getting your info from. otherwise, you are proven to be TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.
I thought you said the skylobby hallway was right up against the concrete wall and that's why the silhouette photo shows sunlight being reflected off the wall and down the hallway?

I've never said that in the 6 years you've failed to show an image from 9-11 with the supposed steel core columns inthe core area.

The light in the second level down is not coming directly down the hallway. The towers hallway is NOT aligned with the sunrise. Look at the angle seen at the top.


The light is reflecting off the inside of the concrete core wall because the inner forms were steel and very smooth.

Since the bank of express elevators was up against your concrete core wall, how did the access the elevator door on that side? Was there a hallway between the express elevators and the concrete core wall?

It is a proven fact that the express elevators had two doors on either side.
Come on chickenshit.

Let's see you fit everything into those four 24' x 56.5' rectangles you have cornered yourself in.

This is your downfall. If you can't do this, it means the end of your theory as it has been proven physically impossible.
Come on chickenshit.

Let's see you fit everything into those four 24' x 56.5' rectangles you have cornered yourself in.

This is your downfall. If you can't do this, it means the end of your theory as it has been proven physically impossible.

Let's see you how gypsum stand perfectly uniform with NO STRUCTURAL STEEL protruding and get out of the box you have cornered yourself in.


This is your downfall, you can't do this, it was the end of your support for secret methods of mass murder and treason years ago.
Come on chickenshit.

Let's see you fit everything into those four 24' x 56.5' rectangles you have cornered yourself in.

This is your downfall. If you can't do this, it means the end of your theory as it has been proven physically impossible.

Let's see you how gypsum stand perfectly uniform with NO STRUCTURAL STEEL protruding and get out of the box you have cornered yourself in.

This is your downfall, you can't do this, it was the end of your support for secret methods of mass murder and treason years ago.

obviously he cant answer so he tries to change the subject.

answer his question, jackass!!! :lol:

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