FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Pretending you are stupid enough, or anyone is, to think that THE REAL plans do not specify another elevator dimension than what you are using from the fake plans, is not a credible position.

You cannot post an image of this core FEMA presents from 9-11. All agents in 8 years have failed.


trying to suggest that core would not have steel protruding or that light would not pierce the dust in this image of the WTC 2 core is absurd.


That is the concrete core the engineer of record identifies.
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what kind of delusional bullshit is that? you arent making any sense. :cuckoo:

show us how all those elevators fit inside your fake concrete core.
Show us the source of dimension for the elevators from an official source.

what the fuck?!!

are you a complete moron?

this concrete core hoax is your baby. show us how all the elevators fit inside.

Well, I guess little Chri$$y is afraid to tell us how all those elevators fit into his tiny cores.

Probably because he knows he can't.

But he'll be along in a few minutes asking us to post a picture of the steel core columns sticking up out of the roof, with a single anti-gravity floor 20ft above the roofline.

Or his 1,274th posting of the "Robertson verified Krypton, verified Domel, verified Spongebob about the USDA" nonsense.
Come up with the official plans for the elevator dimensions and I'll tell you how they fit.

no jackass. thats not how things work in the real world....

this is YOUR fucking concrete core YOU are the one that needs to come up with the plans and tell us how it fits you fucking moron!! :lol:
This is your core, the one FEMA describes,


and that is the ONLY graphic depiction anyone can get of the core structure from official sources.

If this is not true, post a link to the official plans or anything you can find official.

Meanwhile the engineer of record identifies a concrete core.

And so does Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992.

Then what is seen for the core of WTC 2 on 9-11 can only be reasonably described as concrete.

Why does'nt the diagram state what is missing?

Why haven't you shown an image from 9-11 showing those missing diagonals and cross members?

I have images that show signs of concrete construction surrounding the core and NOTHING in the core.


Those vertical elements are too small to be structural steel. Here is what structural steel looks like in an image taken seconds before the above.

==delusional bullshit removed==

you are a completely delusional moron.

why should the diagram label what is missing? :cuckoo:
its a basic diagram, jackass. not fucking blueprints.

you havent shown ANY pictures of a concrete core ever. all you have is your fucked up opinions of what you are looking at and your fucked up opinions are flat out WRONG.
did you figure out how to fit all those elevators inside your concrete core yet? :lol:
No, because your dimensions are wrong. They come from plans that have these digitally altered revision tables.


Get a link to the official plans in order to get dimensions that work.

Oh, you are an agent and will not recognize the violations of law that deprive the public of plans. No wonder, they serve your purpose of deception.
No, because your dimensions are wrong. They come from plans that have these digitally altered revision tables.


Get a link to the official plans in order to get dimensions that work.

Oh, you are an agent and will not recognize the violations of law that deprive the public of plans. No wonder, they serve your purpose of deception.

what the fuck are you talking about? i didnt give you any dimensions!! :lol:
you are delusional.

did you find any official plans for a concrete core yet? :cuckoo:

how you going to fit all those elevators inside your concrete core? :cuckoo:

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