Ferguson Grand Jury Received Unconstitutional Statute On Use of Force

Big lesson learned here, if you initiate violence with a Police Officer, you must be prepared to die. Because that is likely to happen. In this particular case, the violence was initiated by the deceased. And he paid the ultimate price.

Especially if you're black.

If you're white be prepared to be taken home and get a stern talking to
Kentucky cops raid teenagers field party kill girl who tried to escape Police State USA
OMFG... yeah there's nothing wrong here just hide in your homes behind your keyboards as the cops kill your children.

The cops did kill this child. And for what? You shouldn't be so dismissive of this awful Police problem we have. I know the parents of this child aren't.
Big lesson learned here, if you initiate violence with a Police Officer, you must be prepared to die. Because that is likely to happen. In this particular case, the violence was initiated by the deceased. And he paid the ultimate price.

Especially if you're black.

If you're white be prepared to be taken home and get a stern talking to
Kentucky cops raid teenagers field party kill girl who tried to escape Police State USA
OMFG... yeah there's nothing wrong here just hide in your homes behind your keyboards as the cops kill your children.

The cops did kill this child. And for what? You shouldn't be so dismissive of this awful Police problem we have. I know the parents of this child aren't.
I'm not dismissive. I'm just telling you that a few bad apples doesn't mean you burn the whole truck.
Big lesson learned here, if you initiate violence with a Police Officer, you must be prepared to die. Because that is likely to happen. In this particular case, the violence was initiated by the deceased. And he paid the ultimate price.

Especially if you're black.

If you're white be prepared to be taken home and get a stern talking to
Kentucky cops raid teenagers field party kill girl who tried to escape Police State USA
OMFG... yeah there's nothing wrong here just hide in your homes behind your keyboards as the cops kill your children.

The cops did kill this child. And for what? You shouldn't be so dismissive of this awful Police problem we have. I know the parents of this child aren't.
I'm not dismissive. I'm just telling you that a few bad apples doesn't mean you burn the whole truck.

If it were your child or loved one, i'm pretty sure you would take this problem much more seriously.
Especially if you're black.

If you're white be prepared to be taken home and get a stern talking to
Kentucky cops raid teenagers field party kill girl who tried to escape Police State USA
OMFG... yeah there's nothing wrong here just hide in your homes behind your keyboards as the cops kill your children.

The cops did kill this child. And for what? You shouldn't be so dismissive of this awful Police problem we have. I know the parents of this child aren't.
I'm not dismissive. I'm just telling you that a few bad apples doesn't mean you burn the whole truck.

If it were your child or loved one, i'm pretty sure you would take this problem much more seriously.
I take it much more seriously than you. You're just pissing in the wind ATM.
OMFG... yeah there's nothing wrong here just hide in your homes behind your keyboards as the cops kill your children.

The cops did kill this child. And for what? You shouldn't be so dismissive of this awful Police problem we have. I know the parents of this child aren't.
I'm not dismissive. I'm just telling you that a few bad apples doesn't mean you burn the whole truck.

If it were your child or loved one, i'm pretty sure you would take this problem much more seriously.
I take it much more seriously than you. You're just pissing in the wind ATM.

Nah, you're dismissive and defensive when it comes to the Police-Abuse issue. You should be absolutely outraged a teenager was murdered by the Police for no logical reason. Yet you're not in the least bit outraged. You're dismissive and defensive instead. It is what it is.
OMFG... yeah there's nothing wrong here just hide in your homes behind your keyboards as the cops kill your children.

The cops did kill this child. And for what? You shouldn't be so dismissive of this awful Police problem we have. I know the parents of this child aren't.
I'm not dismissive. I'm just telling you that a few bad apples doesn't mean you burn the whole truck.

If it were your child or loved one, i'm pretty sure you would take this problem much more seriously.
I take it much more seriously than you. You're just pissing in the wind ATM.

Nah, you're dismissive and defensive when it comes to the Police-Abuse issue. You should be absolutely outraged a teenager was murdered by the Police for no logical reason. Yet you're not in the least bit outraged. You're dismissive and defensive instead. It is what it is.
You're a lying POS. You scream bloody murder for a cop merely "talking" to somone. Then you accuse me to being dismissive of police abuse. You put the m in Moron.
OMFG... yeah there's nothing wrong here just hide in your homes behind your keyboards as the cops kill your children.

The cops did kill this child. And for what? You shouldn't be so dismissive of this awful Police problem we have. I know the parents of this child aren't.
I'm not dismissive. I'm just telling you that a few bad apples doesn't mean you burn the whole truck.

If it were your child or loved one, i'm pretty sure you would take this problem much more seriously.
I take it much more seriously than you. You're just pissing in the wind ATM.

Nah, you're dismissive and defensive when it comes to the Police-Abuse issue. You should be absolutely outraged a teenager was murdered by the Police for no logical reason. Yet you're not in the least bit outraged. You're dismissive and defensive instead. It is what it is.
Brown needs to be dug up and shot in the head again.

Wow, the statute handed to jury by the D.A. had been ruled Unconstitutional back in 1985.

Murder by Cop pure and simple.

The prosecutor allowed Wilson to testify before the GJ for 4 hours and never cross examined him even once. Never asked the jury for an indictment either which is the bare bones minimum for his job.

The fix was in from the get go. Wilson knew he was never going to be charged. Right now the only way to get any form of justice for Michael Brown is for the feds to investigate, and that is iffy at best.

The only way to change the Grand Jury decision is for the the People of St Louis County to vote in a new D.A. and have a new GJ impaneled and I don't see that happening.

Must be nice to be a Bigoted White Cop in America right now, knowing you can kill Minorities and walk....

The Fed investigated Zimmerman. It's been two years and nothing. :))
Big lesson learned here, if you initiate violence with a Police Officer, you must be prepared to die. Because that is likely to happen. In this particular case, the violence was initiated by the deceased. And he paid the ultimate price.

Especially if you're black.

If you're white be prepared to be taken home and get a stern talking to
Kentucky cops raid teenagers field party kill girl who tried to escape Police State USA
OMFG... yeah there's nothing wrong here just hide in your homes behind your keyboards as the cops kill your children.
Please remove your John Wayne avatar. He would kick your ass.
Big lesson learned here, if you initiate violence with a Police Officer, you must be prepared to die. Because that is likely to happen. In this particular case, the violence was initiated by the deceased. And he paid the ultimate price.

Especially if you're black.

If you're white be prepared to be taken home and get a stern talking to
Kentucky cops raid teenagers field party kill girl who tried to escape Police State USA
OMFG... yeah there's nothing wrong here just hide in your homes behind your keyboards as the cops kill your children.
Please remove your John Wayne avatar. He would kick your ass.
John would take these cops out to the woodshed.

Wow, the statute handed to jury by the D.A. had been ruled Unconstitutional back in 1985.

Murder by Cop pure and simple.

Give it up. Double jeopardy.

i don't think so...

A grand jury is not a trial....

double jeopardy means you can't be tried twice for the same crime after a verdict is rendered.

Wilson will never go to trial in Missouri.

The Grand Jury process, was rigged by the prosecutors...

THAT is WRONG and we should NEVER EVER allow this kind of a joke to occur in our Justice System.

There needs to be a new grand jury if what is in the op turns out to be true....with new prosecutors from out of County, Otherwise our Justice system is NOT Just....

And the end results may be the very same, where Wilson is not indicted....

But we certainly should not accept the results of this grand jury based on the false legal information the prosecutors gave to the jury before the witnesses testified. PERIOD
The Grand Jury process, was rigged by the prosecutors...
It was not.
There needs to be a new grand jury if what is in the op turns out to be true...
It is not true; I posted the proof in this thread.
But we certainly should not accept the results of this grand jury based on the false legal information the prosecutors gave to the jury
The prosecutors did no such thing. Period.
The Grand Jury process, was rigged by the prosecutors...
It was not.
There needs to be a new grand jury if what is in the op turns out to be true...
It is not true; I posted the proof in this thread.
But we certainly should not accept the results of this grand jury based on the false legal information the prosecutors gave to the jury
The prosecutors did no such thing. Period.
i can't find your proof that you say you have posted in this thread...could you direct me pretty please to your post/link?
I just watched the whole video, and if this is true....

I honestly believe both Asst District Attorneys need to be fired.

They have made a mockery out of our Justice system and the grand jury process.

And I am not saying Wilson is guilty or not guilty.... He didn't do this, the prosecutor's office and these district attorneys chose to make this grand jury process a joke, an embarrassment for our Justice system.

I think they need an out of county Prosecutor to examine the case in detail and new Grand Jury. Justice is Justice, and this entire Grand Jury process, was NOT Justice from Day ONE.

The result may be the same, but for the love of God or for the sake of justice, let's do this fairly, and righteously....we, every single one of us in America, deserves such....it's what we expect of our justice system, for everyone.
You REALLY hate losing an argument, lib. The Grand Jury saw the whole fcking case. There was no defense attorney. And the prosecutor had the golden opportunity to indict a white cop for killing a black man. All prosecutors are no-talent ambulance chasers who can't even do that job right, who are only working in their current jobs for political purposes. And you REALLY think an election minded prosecutor would have passed up a chance like this?
Are you just plain fucking STUPID?
Liberals are such sacks of race baiting shit.. Proven yet again. You stupid losers.

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