Ferguson shooting videoed

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There are so many negros attacking the police, it gets hard to tell the difference

It is, but only if you are racist.

:boohoo: :crybaby:

ooooo.."racist"...ouch..that must have really hurt.

Racism is a result of fear and ignorance. Probably both in most cases. Which one do you claim?

racist!..racism!..you like that word, don't you?

When everyone and everything is "racist"..nothing and no one is..you guys have worn the word out and no one cares anymore.
Like the little boy who cried "wolf"!

Familiar with that story?
Check it out.
You can hear Micheal Brown say shoot me shoot me as he walks towards the police officer.

That's not Michael Brown.

You might want to do a little research before you post and prove to everyone just how lazy you are.

Well who in the hell is it? Who did the cops just shoot?

I saw this video for the first time last Thursday the 21st. The killing happened on Wednesday the 20th.

Michael Brown was murdered on August 9th. He was 18 years old.

All I had to do was click the link for more info at the YouTube site and it took me to the following website:

St. Louis Police Release Video, Calls From City Shooting | St. Louis Public Radio

The man's name was Kajieme Powell. He was 25 years old.

Seriously here, it just takes a few seconds to find the truth. A search engine is a good place to start. I suggest Bing.

You may be right, but I don't need a god damn fucking lecture on the in and outs of the fucking internet. All you had yo do is say it wasn't him

Could you do me one little favor? Could you tell us with 100% certainty one way or another, do you consider yourself a conservative or a liberal? Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

What god damn difference does it fucking make?

I doesn't. But the fact that you lied out your ass and produced a false OP with the express purpose of deceiving people does make a difference.

Again, your OP is a LIE.

L I E.

You might owe this poor fucker an apology Stat. I don't think he intentionally lied. I think he posted that video believing it recorded the Brown/Wilson confrontation. I know, I know, nobody can be that dumb - but apparently they can. That's why I wanted to establish with 100% certainty he was in the "conservative" camp, I wouldn't want to be associated with a group that would have him as a member.
There are so many negros attacking the police, it gets hard to tell the difference

It is, but only if you are racist.

:boohoo: :crybaby:

ooooo.."racist"...ouch..that must have really hurt.

Racism is a result of fear and ignorance. Probably both in most cases. Which one do you claim?

racist!..racism!..you like that word, don't you?

When everyone and everything is "racist"..nothing and no one is..you guys have worn the word out and no one cares anymore.
Like the little boy who cried "wolf"!

Familiar with that story?
Check it out.

When someone makes such a blatant statement as the one he did, even the most densest of persons should be able to figure out that it is racist. Sorry you weren't.
You can hear Micheal Brown say shoot me shoot me as he walks towards the police officer.

That's not Michael Brown.

You might want to do a little research before you post and prove to everyone just how lazy you are.

Well who in the hell is it? Who did the cops just shoot?

I saw this video for the first time last Thursday the 21st. The killing happened on Wednesday the 20th.

Michael Brown was murdered on August 9th. He was 18 years old.

All I had to do was click the link for more info at the YouTube site and it took me to the following website:

St. Louis Police Release Video, Calls From City Shooting | St. Louis Public Radio

The man's name was Kajieme Powell. He was 25 years old.

Seriously here, it just takes a few seconds to find the truth. A search engine is a good place to start. I suggest Bing.

You may be right, but I don't need a god damn fucking lecture on the in and outs of the fucking internet. All you had yo do is say it wasn't him

Could you do me one little favor? Could you tell us with 100% certainty one way or another, do you consider yourself a conservative or a liberal? Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

What god damn difference does it fucking make?

I doesn't. But the fact that you lied out your ass and produced a false OP with the express purpose of deceiving people does make a difference.

Again, your OP is a LIE.

L I E.

You might owe this poor fucker an apology Stat. I don't think he intentionally lied. I think he posted that video believing it recorded the Brown/Wilson confrontation. I know, I know, nobody can be that dumb - but apparently they can. That's why I wanted to establish with 100% certainty he was in the "conservative" camp, I wouldn't want to be associated with a group that would have him as a member.

Nope. Nevuh.
There are so many negros attacking the police, it gets hard to tell the difference

It is, but only if you are racist.

:boohoo: :crybaby:

ooooo.."racist"...ouch..that must have really hurt.

Racism is a result of fear and ignorance. Probably both in most cases. Which one do you claim?

racist!..racism!..you like that word, don't you?

When everyone and everything is "racist"..nothing and no one is..you guys have worn the word out and no one cares anymore.
Like the little boy who cried "wolf"!

Familiar with that story?
Check it out.

When someone makes such a blatant statement as the one he did, even the most densest of persons should be able to figure out that it is racist. Sorry you weren't.

Waffling won't help now. You like to be literal when it supports your bias...You know he didn't mean it LITERALLY...but it opened up an opportunity for you to call someone names..which you then doubled down on.
You like that word or you wouldn't try to find ways to use it so often as a fallback position..
Why not address the problem of black crime instead of calling people names who do?
You can hear Micheal Brown say shoot me shoot me as he walks towards the police officer.

That's not Michael Brown.

You might want to do a little research before you post and prove to everyone just how lazy you are.

Well who in the hell is it? Who did the cops just shoot?

I saw this video for the first time last Thursday the 21st. The killing happened on Wednesday the 20th.

Michael Brown was murdered on August 9th. He was 18 years old.

All I had to do was click the link for more info at the YouTube site and it took me to the following website:

St. Louis Police Release Video, Calls From City Shooting | St. Louis Public Radio

The man's name was Kajieme Powell. He was 25 years old.

Seriously here, it just takes a few seconds to find the truth. A search engine is a good place to start. I suggest Bing.

You may be right, but I don't need a god damn fucking lecture on the in and outs of the fucking internet. All you had yo do is say it wasn't him

Could you do me one little favor? Could you tell us with 100% certainty one way or another, do you consider yourself a conservative or a liberal? Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

He posted a video about a guy he knew was not Brown and you have to ask?

Actually P this guy is so fucking dumb he truly thought that was a video of the Brown/Wilson confrontation! The poor fucker isn't a liar, he-believed-that-was-Brown. I know that's almost impossible for us to wrap our heads around but there it is, the ultimate demonstration of why conservatives are wrong so often on so many levels. My goal was to forever have that written large by his own admission

All good until you said the word "conservatives" and then the blanket indictment about being wrong.

Don't let your political bias cloud your thinking. ..unless you truly believe "your' politicians or party are/is "better" that the others.
Communists call people blinded by ideology "useful idiots" because they are the ones who can most easily be manipulated.
Politicians know that type is less thoughtful and more emotional..and they play on those emotions...

To put it simply I do believe "liberalism" is a "better" ideology than "conservatism". Leave politicians and partys out of the equation for now. And why do I think people with a conservative ideology are more prone to err in their interpretations of reality and therefore more prone to having skewed judgement? I admit this guy is an extreme example but there you have him, a conservative living in la-la land who, if this post is any indication is almost too dumb to breathe let alone have an opinion worth posting.

And check out his sig-line, "Liberals are Traitors". He invites confrontation and will get no quarter from me. Fuck the dumb bastard. Having said all that if I had it to do over again instead of saying "the ultimate demonstration of why conservatives are wrong so often" I would say "the ultimate demonstration of why some conservatives are wrong so often".
You can hear Micheal Brown say shoot me shoot me as he walks towards the police officer.

That's not Michael Brown.

You might want to do a little research before you post and prove to everyone just how lazy you are.

Well who in the hell is it? Who did the cops just shoot?

I saw this video for the first time last Thursday the 21st. The killing happened on Wednesday the 20th.

Michael Brown was murdered on August 9th. He was 18 years old.

All I had to do was click the link for more info at the YouTube site and it took me to the following website:

St. Louis Police Release Video, Calls From City Shooting | St. Louis Public Radio

The man's name was Kajieme Powell. He was 25 years old.

Seriously here, it just takes a few seconds to find the truth. A search engine is a good place to start. I suggest Bing.

You may be right, but I don't need a god damn fucking lecture on the in and outs of the fucking internet. All you had yo do is say it wasn't him

Could you do me one little favor? Could you tell us with 100% certainty one way or another, do you consider yourself a conservative or a liberal? Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

He posted a video about a guy he knew was not Brown and you have to ask?

Actually P this guy is so fucking dumb he truly thought that was a video of the Brown/Wilson confrontation! The poor fucker isn't a liar, he-believed-that-was-Brown. I know that's almost impossible for us to wrap our heads around but there it is, the ultimate demonstration of why conservatives are wrong so often on so many levels. My goal was to forever have that written large by his own admission

All good until you said the word "conservatives" and then the blanket indictment about being wrong.

Don't let your political bias cloud your thinking. ..unless you truly believe "your' politicians or party are/is "better" that the others.
Communists call people blinded by ideology "useful idiots" because they are the ones who can most easily be manipulated.
Politicians know that type is less thoughtful and more emotional..and they play on those emotions...

To put it simply I do believe "liberalism" is a "better" ideology than "conservatism". Leave politicians and partys out of the equation for now. And why do I think people with a conservative ideology are more prone to err in their interpretations of reality and therefore more prone to having skewed judgement? I admit this guy is an extreme example but there you have him, a conservative living in la-la land who, if this post is any indication is almost too dumb to breathe let alone have an opinion worth posting.

And check out his sig-line, "Liberals are Traitors". He invites confrontation and will get no quarter from me. Fuck the dumb bastard. Having said all that if I had it to do over again instead of saying "the ultimate demonstration of why conservatives are wrong so often" I would say "the ultimate demonstration of why some conservatives are wrong so often".

Thanks for the polite reply. I complain about nit picking and then I nit picked.

I despise BOTH parties equally and have watched them both for several decades and know them for the venal liars they all are....When I see partisan comments I always think "strike one"...if you get the baseball analogy.
You can hear Micheal Brown say shoot me shoot me as he walks towards the police officer.

That's not Michael Brown.

You might want to do a little research before you post and prove to everyone just how lazy you are.

Well who in the hell is it? Who did the cops just shoot?

I saw this video for the first time last Thursday the 21st. The killing happened on Wednesday the 20th.

Michael Brown was murdered on August 9th. He was 18 years old.

All I had to do was click the link for more info at the YouTube site and it took me to the following website:

St. Louis Police Release Video, Calls From City Shooting | St. Louis Public Radio

The man's name was Kajieme Powell. He was 25 years old.

Seriously here, it just takes a few seconds to find the truth. A search engine is a good place to start. I suggest Bing.

You may be right, but I don't need a god damn fucking lecture on the in and outs of the fucking internet. All you had yo do is say it wasn't him

Could you do me one little favor? Could you tell us with 100% certainty one way or another, do you consider yourself a conservative or a liberal? Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

What god damn difference does it fucking make?

I doesn't. But the fact that you lied out your ass and produced a false OP with the express purpose of deceiving people does make a difference.

Again, your OP is a LIE.

L I E.

He didn't lie.

He made a mistake.

There's a big difference.
You can hear Micheal Brown say shoot me shoot me as he walks towards the police officer.

That's not Michael Brown.

You might want to do a little research before you post and prove to everyone just how lazy you are.

Well who in the hell is it? Who did the cops just shoot?

I saw this video for the first time last Thursday the 21st. The killing happened on Wednesday the 20th.

Michael Brown was murdered on August 9th. He was 18 years old.

All I had to do was click the link for more info at the YouTube site and it took me to the following website:

St. Louis Police Release Video, Calls From City Shooting | St. Louis Public Radio

The man's name was Kajieme Powell. He was 25 years old.

Seriously here, it just takes a few seconds to find the truth. A search engine is a good place to start. I suggest Bing.

You may be right, but I don't need a god damn fucking lecture on the in and outs of the fucking internet. All you had yo do is say it wasn't him

Hey sparky, I already did that in my post that you replied to. You might want to scroll up to my first reply to your post. Seriously, it just takes a second.

In fact you demanded to know who it was and what their name was. I was replying to your demands.

If you don't like my answer you shouldn't have demanded that I provide you with the details.

You could have very easily found the truth for yourself before you posted the video or when I pointed out that it wasn't Michael Brown.

You didn't do that.

So don't ask for something you really don't want.

I don't want nor did I ask for you fucked up condecending attitude.The source I got it from said it was Michael brown All the fuck you had tyo god damn say was it wasn't him. Leave the bullshit at the door

Listen sparky, my first post to you in this thread was telling you that it wasn't Michael Brown. You replied and demanded that I tell you who it was.

I did and you gave me a ration of garbage.

If you don't like my answer then don't ask.

It's very easy for someone to take a few seconds to learn the truth. The link is right there on the YouTube page. All you had to do was click on it. It's not that hard.

But you went the lazy route because you want the liar who fed you that lie to be right. You want that to be Michael Brown and you want to be able to give some rationalization for his murder. Even if you have to use lies to do it.

But what you're doing is showing people that you don't have any evidence for most of your claims about Michael Brown so you have to make up lies. Which makes a lot of people not believe one word you say.

You can be rude to me, call me names but that doesn't make you any less than the lazy person you are.

Stop being lazy. Look for yourself to find the truth. Don't rely on only one source or one political point of view. You're not going to find much of any truth from extremists who can only see their side of things.

You're going to find it in the middle where most people are. Where things are seen from more than one point of view to find the truth in the situation.

Your little do some research bull shit is what I am talking about. Like most decent people that have responded they said it wasn't him. You did not do that, you responded with a condescending attitude , as if I was insinuating something. As a matter fact I have never said the police officer is innocent or guilty, because I don't know but by your reaction you think the police officer is guilty.

So you think it's ok to post something that's not true and that you didn't take a few seconds to find out if it was true or not?

You don't seem to have a problem with making a fool of yourself to anyone who reads this thread. Personally, I don't like seeing people make fools of themselves and offered my opinion that doing some research before you post something is the better way to go. That way you don't make a fool of yourself.

How are you going to know if something is true or not unless you take some time to find out for yourself?

Far right wing and far left wing sites and people who go to them are notorious for not telling the truth or not telling the whole truth. Not much fact and truth comes from extremes. It seems to me you're more on the extreme end so you like to get your information from those who are extreme. The problem with that is that you're not going to get the truth or the full truth and end up making a fool of yourself to those who do know the truth.

Just look at the posts on this thread. There aren't many who didn't make fun of you. Do you like being wrong and people making fun of you? I assumed you didn't so I advised you to look for the truth yourself.

I see now you don't care about truth or that you make a fool of yourself. All you care about is spreading lies about people who disagree with your viewpoint.

That's your choice. Just don't gripe about it or those who try to give you some sound advice.
You might owe this poor fucker an apology Stat. I don't think he intentionally lied. I think he posted that video believing it recorded the Brown/Wilson confrontation. I know, I know, nobody can be that dumb - but apparently they can. That's why I wanted to establish with 100% certainty he was in the "conservative" camp, I wouldn't want to be associated with a group that would have him as a member.
Here's what I'm going to do you dumb son of a bitch both of you. When you stop being a fucking racist looking at someone pigmentation of their skin things will get better in this world . liberals are those more concerned about a persons race than conservatives, As evidence of your post. Let's find out if he's conservative or liberal. Your racism is noted both of you.
You can hear Micheal Brown say shoot me shoot me as he walks towards the police officer.

That's not Michael Brown.

You might want to do a little research before you post and prove to everyone just how lazy you are.

Well who in the hell is it? Who did the cops just shoot?

I saw this video for the first time last Thursday the 21st. The killing happened on Wednesday the 20th.

Michael Brown was murdered on August 9th. He was 18 years old.

All I had to do was click the link for more info at the YouTube site and it took me to the following website:

St. Louis Police Release Video, Calls From City Shooting | St. Louis Public Radio

The man's name was Kajieme Powell. He was 25 years old.

Seriously here, it just takes a few seconds to find the truth. A search engine is a good place to start. I suggest Bing.

You may be right, but I don't need a god damn fucking lecture on the in and outs of the fucking internet. All you had yo do is say it wasn't him

Could you do me one little favor? Could you tell us with 100% certainty one way or another, do you consider yourself a conservative or a liberal? Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

He posted a video about a guy he knew was not Brown and you have to ask?

Actually P this guy is so fucking dumb he truly thought that was a video of the Brown/Wilson confrontation! The poor fucker isn't a liar, he-believed-that-was-Brown. I know that's almost impossible for us to wrap our heads around but there it is, the ultimate demonstration of why conservatives are wrong so often on so many levels. My goal was to forever have that written large by his own admission

All good until you said the word "conservatives" and then the blanket indictment about being wrong.

Don't let your political bias cloud your thinking. ..unless you truly believe "your' politicians or party are/is "better" that the others.
Communists call people blinded by ideology "useful idiots" because they are the ones who can most easily be manipulated.
Politicians know that type is less thoughtful and more emotional..and they play on those emotions...

To put it simply I do believe "liberalism" is a "better" ideology than "conservatism". Leave politicians and partys out of the equation for now. And why do I think people with a conservative ideology are more prone to err in their interpretations of reality and therefore more prone to having skewed judgement? I admit this guy is an extreme example but there you have him, a conservative living in la-la land who, if this post is any indication is almost too dumb to breathe let alone have an opinion worth posting.

And check out his sig-line, "Liberals are Traitors". He invites confrontation and will get no quarter from me. Fuck the dumb bastard. Having said all that if I had it to do over again instead of saying "the ultimate demonstration of why conservatives are wrong so often" I would say "the ultimate demonstration of why some conservatives are wrong so often".

Thanks for the polite reply. I complain about nit picking and then I nit picked.

I despise BOTH parties equally and have watched them both for several decades and know them for the venal liars they all are....When I see partisan comments I always think "strike one"...if you get the baseball analogy.

What baseball analogy is that? I don't get it.
You might owe this poor fucker an apology Stat. I don't think he intentionally lied. I think he posted that video believing it recorded the Brown/Wilson confrontation. I know, I know, nobody can be that dumb - but apparently they can. That's why I wanted to establish with 100% certainty he was in the "conservative" camp, I wouldn't want to be associated with a group that would have him as a member.
Here's what I'm going to do you dumb son of a bitch both of you. When you stop being a fucking racist looking at someone pigmentation of their skin things will get better in this world . liberals are those more concerned about a persons race than conservatives, As evidence of your post. Let's find out if he's conservative or liberal. Your racism is noted both of you.

uh oh..you've been called a racist.... So there! That'll teach you!
You can hear Micheal Brown say shoot me shoot me as he walks towards the police officer.

That's not Michael Brown.

You might want to do a little research before you post and prove to everyone just how lazy you are.

Well who in the hell is it? Who did the cops just shoot?

I saw this video for the first time last Thursday the 21st. The killing happened on Wednesday the 20th.

Michael Brown was murdered on August 9th. He was 18 years old.

All I had to do was click the link for more info at the YouTube site and it took me to the following website:

St. Louis Police Release Video, Calls From City Shooting | St. Louis Public Radio

The man's name was Kajieme Powell. He was 25 years old.

Seriously here, it just takes a few seconds to find the truth. A search engine is a good place to start. I suggest Bing.

You may be right, but I don't need a god damn fucking lecture on the in and outs of the fucking internet. All you had yo do is say it wasn't him

Hey sparky, I already did that in my post that you replied to. You might want to scroll up to my first reply to your post. Seriously, it just takes a second.

In fact you demanded to know who it was and what their name was. I was replying to your demands.

If you don't like my answer you shouldn't have demanded that I provide you with the details.

You could have very easily found the truth for yourself before you posted the video or when I pointed out that it wasn't Michael Brown.

You didn't do that.

So don't ask for something you really don't want.

I don't want nor did I ask for you fucked up condecending attitude.The source I got it from said it was Michael brown All the fuck you had tyo god damn say was it wasn't him. Leave the bullshit at the door

Listen sparky, my first post to you in this thread was telling you that it wasn't Michael Brown. You replied and demanded that I tell you who it was.

I did and you gave me a ration of garbage.

If you don't like my answer then don't ask.

It's very easy for someone to take a few seconds to learn the truth. The link is right there on the YouTube page. All you had to do was click on it. It's not that hard.

But you went the lazy route because you want the liar who fed you that lie to be right. You want that to be Michael Brown and you want to be able to give some rationalization for his murder. Even if you have to use lies to do it.

But what you're doing is showing people that you don't have any evidence for most of your claims about Michael Brown so you have to make up lies. Which makes a lot of people not believe one word you say.

You can be rude to me, call me names but that doesn't make you any less than the lazy person you are.

Stop being lazy. Look for yourself to find the truth. Don't rely on only one source or one political point of view. You're not going to find much of any truth from extremists who can only see their side of things.

You're going to find it in the middle where most people are. Where things are seen from more than one point of view to find the truth in the situation.

Your little do some research bull shit is what I am talking about. Like most decent people that have responded they said it wasn't him. You did not do that, you responded with a condescending attitude , as if I was insinuating something. As a matter fact I have never said the police officer is innocent or guilty, because I don't know but by your reaction you think the police officer is guilty.

So you think it's ok to post something that's not true and that you didn't take a few seconds to find out if it was true or not?

You don't seem to have a problem with making a fool of yourself to anyone who reads this thread. Personally, I don't like seeing people make fools of themselves and offered my opinion that doing some research before you post something is the better way to go. That way you don't make a fool of yourself.

How are you going to know if something is true or not unless you take some time to find out for yourself?

Far right wing and far left wing sites and people who go to them are notorious for not telling the truth or not telling the whole truth. Not much fact and truth comes from extremes. It seems to me you're more on the extreme end so you like to get your information from those who are extreme. The problem with that is that you're not going to get the truth or the full truth and end up making a fool of yourself to those who do know the truth.

Just look at the posts on this thread. There aren't many who didn't make fun of you. Do you like being wrong and people making fun of you? I assumed you didn't so I advised you to look for the truth yourself.

I see now you don't care about truth or that you make a fool of yourself. All you care about is spreading lies about people who disagree with your viewpoint.

That's your choice. Just don't gripe about it or those who try to give you some sound advice.

What in the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you lying right now? You know that I have said you might be right about the video. But you come back with I knew this wasn't Micheal brown being shoot? Where do you come off preaching about the truth but telling a lie on me? Fuck off.
You can hear Micheal Brown say shoot me shoot me as he walks towards the police officer.

That's not Michael Brown.

You might want to do a little research before you post and prove to everyone just how lazy you are.

Well who in the hell is it? Who did the cops just shoot?

I saw this video for the first time last Thursday the 21st. The killing happened on Wednesday the 20th.

Michael Brown was murdered on August 9th. He was 18 years old.

All I had to do was click the link for more info at the YouTube site and it took me to the following website:

St. Louis Police Release Video, Calls From City Shooting | St. Louis Public Radio

The man's name was Kajieme Powell. He was 25 years old.

Seriously here, it just takes a few seconds to find the truth. A search engine is a good place to start. I suggest Bing.

You may be right, but I don't need a god damn fucking lecture on the in and outs of the fucking internet. All you had yo do is say it wasn't him

Hey sparky, I already did that in my post that you replied to. You might want to scroll up to my first reply to your post. Seriously, it just takes a second.

In fact you demanded to know who it was and what their name was. I was replying to your demands.

If you don't like my answer you shouldn't have demanded that I provide you with the details.

You could have very easily found the truth for yourself before you posted the video or when I pointed out that it wasn't Michael Brown.

You didn't do that.

So don't ask for something you really don't want.

I don't want nor did I ask for you fucked up condecending attitude.The source I got it from said it was Michael brown All the fuck you had tyo god damn say was it wasn't him. Leave the bullshit at the door

Listen sparky, my first post to you in this thread was telling you that it wasn't Michael Brown. You replied and demanded that I tell you who it was.

I did and you gave me a ration of garbage.

If you don't like my answer then don't ask.

It's very easy for someone to take a few seconds to learn the truth. The link is right there on the YouTube page. All you had to do was click on it. It's not that hard.

But you went the lazy route because you want the liar who fed you that lie to be right. You want that to be Michael Brown and you want to be able to give some rationalization for his murder. Even if you have to use lies to do it.

But what you're doing is showing people that you don't have any evidence for most of your claims about Michael Brown so you have to make up lies. Which makes a lot of people not believe one word you say.

You can be rude to me, call me names but that doesn't make you any less than the lazy person you are.

Stop being lazy. Look for yourself to find the truth. Don't rely on only one source or one political point of view. You're not going to find much of any truth from extremists who can only see their side of things.

You're going to find it in the middle where most people are. Where things are seen from more than one point of view to find the truth in the situation.

Your little do some research bull shit is what I am talking about. Like most decent people that have responded they said it wasn't him. You did not do that, you responded with a condescending attitude , as if I was insinuating something. As a matter fact I have never said the police officer is innocent or guilty, because I don't know but by your reaction you think the police officer is guilty.

So you think it's ok to post something that's not true and that you didn't take a few seconds to find out if it was true or not?

You don't seem to have a problem with making a fool of yourself to anyone who reads this thread. Personally, I don't like seeing people make fools of themselves and offered my opinion that doing some research before you post something is the better way to go. That way you don't make a fool of yourself.

How are you going to know if something is true or not unless you take some time to find out for yourself?

Far right wing and far left wing sites and people who go to them are notorious for not telling the truth or not telling the whole truth. Not much fact and truth comes from extremes. It seems to me you're more on the extreme end so you like to get your information from those who are extreme. The problem with that is that you're not going to get the truth or the full truth and end up making a fool of yourself to those who do know the truth.

Just look at the posts on this thread. There aren't many who didn't make fun of you. Do you like being wrong and people making fun of you? I assumed you didn't so I advised you to look for the truth yourself.

I see now you don't care about truth or that you make a fool of yourself. All you care about is spreading lies about people who disagree with your viewpoint.

That's your choice. Just don't gripe about it or those who try to give you some sound advice.

What in the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you lying right now? You know that I have said you might be right about the video. But you come back with I knew this wasn't Micheal brown being shoot? Where do you come off preaching about the truth but telling a lie on me? Fuck off.

Big Derp wasn't lying. He's just an idiot.

His refusal to post a humble retraction is an indication of a lack of character, though.
You can hear Micheal Brown say shoot me shoot me as he walks towards the police officer.

That's not Michael Brown.

You might want to do a little research before you post and prove to everyone just how lazy you are.

Well who in the hell is it? Who did the cops just shoot?

I saw this video for the first time last Thursday the 21st. The killing happened on Wednesday the 20th.

Michael Brown was murdered on August 9th. He was 18 years old.

All I had to do was click the link for more info at the YouTube site and it took me to the following website:

St. Louis Police Release Video, Calls From City Shooting | St. Louis Public Radio

The man's name was Kajieme Powell. He was 25 years old.

Seriously here, it just takes a few seconds to find the truth. A search engine is a good place to start. I suggest Bing.

You may be right, but I don't need a god damn fucking lecture on the in and outs of the fucking internet. All you had yo do is say it wasn't him

Hey sparky, I already did that in my post that you replied to. You might want to scroll up to my first reply to your post. Seriously, it just takes a second.

In fact you demanded to know who it was and what their name was. I was replying to your demands.

If you don't like my answer you shouldn't have demanded that I provide you with the details.

You could have very easily found the truth for yourself before you posted the video or when I pointed out that it wasn't Michael Brown.

You didn't do that.

So don't ask for something you really don't want.

I don't want nor did I ask for you fucked up condecending attitude.The source I got it from said it was Michael brown All the fuck you had tyo god damn say was it wasn't him. Leave the bullshit at the door

Listen sparky, my first post to you in this thread was telling you that it wasn't Michael Brown. You replied and demanded that I tell you who it was.

I did and you gave me a ration of garbage.

If you don't like my answer then don't ask.

It's very easy for someone to take a few seconds to learn the truth. The link is right there on the YouTube page. All you had to do was click on it. It's not that hard.

But you went the lazy route because you want the liar who fed you that lie to be right. You want that to be Michael Brown and you want to be able to give some rationalization for his murder. Even if you have to use lies to do it.

But what you're doing is showing people that you don't have any evidence for most of your claims about Michael Brown so you have to make up lies. Which makes a lot of people not believe one word you say.

You can be rude to me, call me names but that doesn't make you any less than the lazy person you are.

Stop being lazy. Look for yourself to find the truth. Don't rely on only one source or one political point of view. You're not going to find much of any truth from extremists who can only see their side of things.

You're going to find it in the middle where most people are. Where things are seen from more than one point of view to find the truth in the situation.

Your little do some research bull shit is what I am talking about. Like most decent people that have responded they said it wasn't him. You did not do that, you responded with a condescending attitude , as if I was insinuating something. As a matter fact I have never said the police officer is innocent or guilty, because I don't know but by your reaction you think the police officer is guilty.

So you think it's ok to post something that's not true and that you didn't take a few seconds to find out if it was true or not?

You don't seem to have a problem with making a fool of yourself to anyone who reads this thread. Personally, I don't like seeing people make fools of themselves and offered my opinion that doing some research before you post something is the better way to go. That way you don't make a fool of yourself.

How are you going to know if something is true or not unless you take some time to find out for yourself?

Far right wing and far left wing sites and people who go to them are notorious for not telling the truth or not telling the whole truth. Not much fact and truth comes from extremes. It seems to me you're more on the extreme end so you like to get your information from those who are extreme. The problem with that is that you're not going to get the truth or the full truth and end up making a fool of yourself to those who do know the truth.

Just look at the posts on this thread. There aren't many who didn't make fun of you. Do you like being wrong and people making fun of you? I assumed you didn't so I advised you to look for the truth yourself.

I see now you don't care about truth or that you make a fool of yourself. All you care about is spreading lies about people who disagree with your viewpoint.

That's your choice. Just don't gripe about it or those who try to give you some sound advice.

What in the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you lying right now? You know that I have said you might be right about the video. But you come back with I knew this wasn't Micheal brown being shoot? Where do you come off preaching about the truth but telling a lie on me? Fuck off.

Saying I might be right about the video isn't saying that I am right about the video.

You didn't stop at just saying I might be right. You then went on to give me garbage for giving you some good advice.

I was trying to give you some sound advice so that in the future you won't make the same mistake.

I can see now that you don't care if you post something that's not true and you're ridiculed for doing so.

I'm not used to extremists, I don't spend much time around them, I don't know any so I didn't realize you would go nuts by someone giving you some good advice.

In the future, I'll just keep it to myself and enjoy laughing at you.
You can hear Micheal Brown say shoot me shoot me as he walks towards the police officer.

That's not Michael Brown.

You might want to do a little research before you post and prove to everyone just how lazy you are.

Well who in the hell is it? Who did the cops just shoot?

I saw this video for the first time last Thursday the 21st. The killing happened on Wednesday the 20th.

Michael Brown was murdered on August 9th. He was 18 years old.

All I had to do was click the link for more info at the YouTube site and it took me to the following website:

St. Louis Police Release Video, Calls From City Shooting | St. Louis Public Radio

The man's name was Kajieme Powell. He was 25 years old.

Seriously here, it just takes a few seconds to find the truth. A search engine is a good place to start. I suggest Bing.

You may be right, but I don't need a god damn fucking lecture on the in and outs of the fucking internet. All you had yo do is say it wasn't him

Hey sparky, I already did that in my post that you replied to. You might want to scroll up to my first reply to your post. Seriously, it just takes a second.

In fact you demanded to know who it was and what their name was. I was replying to your demands.

If you don't like my answer you shouldn't have demanded that I provide you with the details.

You could have very easily found the truth for yourself before you posted the video or when I pointed out that it wasn't Michael Brown.

You didn't do that.

So don't ask for something you really don't want.

I don't want nor did I ask for you fucked up condecending attitude.The source I got it from said it was Michael brown All the fuck you had tyo god damn say was it wasn't him. Leave the bullshit at the door

Listen sparky, my first post to you in this thread was telling you that it wasn't Michael Brown. You replied and demanded that I tell you who it was.

I did and you gave me a ration of garbage.

If you don't like my answer then don't ask.

It's very easy for someone to take a few seconds to learn the truth. The link is right there on the YouTube page. All you had to do was click on it. It's not that hard.

But you went the lazy route because you want the liar who fed you that lie to be right. You want that to be Michael Brown and you want to be able to give some rationalization for his murder. Even if you have to use lies to do it.

But what you're doing is showing people that you don't have any evidence for most of your claims about Michael Brown so you have to make up lies. Which makes a lot of people not believe one word you say.

You can be rude to me, call me names but that doesn't make you any less than the lazy person you are.

Stop being lazy. Look for yourself to find the truth. Don't rely on only one source or one political point of view. You're not going to find much of any truth from extremists who can only see their side of things.

You're going to find it in the middle where most people are. Where things are seen from more than one point of view to find the truth in the situation.

Your little do some research bull shit is what I am talking about. Like most decent people that have responded they said it wasn't him. You did not do that, you responded with a condescending attitude , as if I was insinuating something. As a matter fact I have never said the police officer is innocent or guilty, because I don't know but by your reaction you think the police officer is guilty.

So you think it's ok to post something that's not true and that you didn't take a few seconds to find out if it was true or not?

You don't seem to have a problem with making a fool of yourself to anyone who reads this thread. Personally, I don't like seeing people make fools of themselves and offered my opinion that doing some research before you post something is the better way to go. That way you don't make a fool of yourself.

How are you going to know if something is true or not unless you take some time to find out for yourself?

Far right wing and far left wing sites and people who go to them are notorious for not telling the truth or not telling the whole truth. Not much fact and truth comes from extremes. It seems to me you're more on the extreme end so you like to get your information from those who are extreme. The problem with that is that you're not going to get the truth or the full truth and end up making a fool of yourself to those who do know the truth.

Just look at the posts on this thread. There aren't many who didn't make fun of you. Do you like being wrong and people making fun of you? I assumed you didn't so I advised you to look for the truth yourself.

I see now you don't care about truth or that you make a fool of yourself. All you care about is spreading lies about people who disagree with your viewpoint.

That's your choice. Just don't gripe about it or those who try to give you some sound advice.

What in the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you lying right now? You know that I have said you might be right about the video. But you come back with I knew this wasn't Micheal brown being shoot? Where do you come off preaching about the truth but telling a lie on me? Fuck off.

Big Derp wasn't lying. He's just an idiot.

His refusal to post a humble retraction is an indication of a lack of character, though.

No that person believed what he was told.

He was told a lie and didn't bother to check it out for fact. That's what I meant by spreading lies.

Just because someone didn't know it's a lie doesn't make it true or not spreading lies.

That person could have taken just a few moments to get the truth but he didn't. He wanted it to be true. He promptly went out and spread the lie he was told.

You're right, the fact that he can't admit he was wrong and retract what he posted is is a very big read flag that the person lacks character.
You can hear Micheal Brown say shoot me shoot me as he walks towards the police officer.

That's not Michael Brown.

You might want to do a little research before you post and prove to everyone just how lazy you are.

Well who in the hell is it? Who did the cops just shoot?

I saw this video for the first time last Thursday the 21st. The killing happened on Wednesday the 20th.

Michael Brown was murdered on August 9th. He was 18 years old.

All I had to do was click the link for more info at the YouTube site and it took me to the following website:

St. Louis Police Release Video, Calls From City Shooting | St. Louis Public Radio

The man's name was Kajieme Powell. He was 25 years old.

Seriously here, it just takes a few seconds to find the truth. A search engine is a good place to start. I suggest Bing.

You may be right, but I don't need a god damn fucking lecture on the in and outs of the fucking internet. All you had yo do is say it wasn't him

Hey sparky, I already did that in my post that you replied to. You might want to scroll up to my first reply to your post. Seriously, it just takes a second.

In fact you demanded to know who it was and what their name was. I was replying to your demands.

If you don't like my answer you shouldn't have demanded that I provide you with the details.

You could have very easily found the truth for yourself before you posted the video or when I pointed out that it wasn't Michael Brown.

You didn't do that.

So don't ask for something you really don't want.

I don't want nor did I ask for you fucked up condecending attitude.The source I got it from said it was Michael brown All the fuck you had tyo god damn say was it wasn't him. Leave the bullshit at the door

Listen sparky, my first post to you in this thread was telling you that it wasn't Michael Brown. You replied and demanded that I tell you who it was.

I did and you gave me a ration of garbage.

If you don't like my answer then don't ask.

It's very easy for someone to take a few seconds to learn the truth. The link is right there on the YouTube page. All you had to do was click on it. It's not that hard.

But you went the lazy route because you want the liar who fed you that lie to be right. You want that to be Michael Brown and you want to be able to give some rationalization for his murder. Even if you have to use lies to do it.

But what you're doing is showing people that you don't have any evidence for most of your claims about Michael Brown so you have to make up lies. Which makes a lot of people not believe one word you say.

You can be rude to me, call me names but that doesn't make you any less than the lazy person you are.

Stop being lazy. Look for yourself to find the truth. Don't rely on only one source or one political point of view. You're not going to find much of any truth from extremists who can only see their side of things.

You're going to find it in the middle where most people are. Where things are seen from more than one point of view to find the truth in the situation.

Your little do some research bull shit is what I am talking about. Like most decent people that have responded they said it wasn't him. You did not do that, you responded with a condescending attitude , as if I was insinuating something. As a matter fact I have never said the police officer is innocent or guilty, because I don't know but by your reaction you think the police officer is guilty.

So you think it's ok to post something that's not true and that you didn't take a few seconds to find out if it was true or not?

You don't seem to have a problem with making a fool of yourself to anyone who reads this thread. Personally, I don't like seeing people make fools of themselves and offered my opinion that doing some research before you post something is the better way to go. That way you don't make a fool of yourself.

How are you going to know if something is true or not unless you take some time to find out for yourself?

Far right wing and far left wing sites and people who go to them are notorious for not telling the truth or not telling the whole truth. Not much fact and truth comes from extremes. It seems to me you're more on the extreme end so you like to get your information from those who are extreme. The problem with that is that you're not going to get the truth or the full truth and end up making a fool of yourself to those who do know the truth.

Just look at the posts on this thread. There aren't many who didn't make fun of you. Do you like being wrong and people making fun of you? I assumed you didn't so I advised you to look for the truth yourself.

I see now you don't care about truth or that you make a fool of yourself. All you care about is spreading lies about people who disagree with your viewpoint.

That's your choice. Just don't gripe about it or those who try to give you some sound advice.

What in the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you lying right now? You know that I have said you might be right about the video. But you come back with I knew this wasn't Micheal brown being shoot? Where do you come off preaching about the truth but telling a lie on me? Fuck off.

Big Derp wasn't lying. He's just an idiot.

His refusal to post a humble retraction is an indication of a lack of character, though.

No that person believed what he was told.

He was told a lie and didn't bother to check it out for fact. That's what I meant by spreading lies.

Just because someone didn't know it's a lie doesn't make it true or not spreading lies.

That person could have taken just a few moments to get the truth but he didn't. He wanted it to be true. He promptly went out and spread the lie he was told.

You're right, the fact that he can't admit he was wrong and retract what he posted is is a very big read flag that the person lacks character.

Here's my retraction
FUCK YOU Enough is a fucking enough dip shit. I told you your god damn condensending tone was not needed nor wanted. decent person would have done like most and said that is not him, and not follow with the fucking third god damn degree of the ins and outs of the internet, which I am very expreinced at. I just don't time the fucking time as you do to throughly check it out, that's what a discussion board is for. Where is your retraction for lying? And yes you did lie.
You might owe this poor fucker an apology Stat. I don't think he intentionally lied. I think he posted that video believing it recorded the Brown/Wilson confrontation. I know, I know, nobody can be that dumb - but apparently they can. That's why I wanted to establish with 100% certainty he was in the "conservative" camp, I wouldn't want to be associated with a group that would have him as a member.
Here's what I'm going to do you dumb son of a bitch both of you. When you stop being a fucking racist looking at someone pigmentation of their skin things will get better in this world . liberals are those more concerned about a persons race than conservatives, As evidence of your post. Let's find out if he's conservative or liberal. Your racism is noted both of you.

I kind of feel guilty picking on you, your "condition" and all, so I got you something....

.....a more appropriate avatar.


I don't want nor did I ask for you fucked up condecending attitude.The source I got it from said it was Michael brown All the fuck you had tyo god damn say was it wasn't him. Leave the bullshit at the door
You might want to check the fuckin' news records before posting your shit from now on. There have been images all over the place....one cop...dead Michael Brown in the middle of the fuckin' street. Then you post a fuckin' video showing two cops and a sidewalk shooting.

Get fuckin' serious!
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