Fewer Democrats Are Voting This Year In (Surprise!) States With Strict New Voter Laws

Poor people don't have photo ids? :dunno:
The poor, the elderly, and minorities...

But, we could be like Mexico, and issue IDs? Now that's a thought.

Palease.... you can't function in today's society without an ID.
Sure you can, if you don't function much, and we have many people like that. Eventually this will be a non-issue, and the GOP won't bother to pass voter ID laws (it will no longer help them)...

It will be a non-issue when all states have voter ID laws, and not a minute before then.
Did anyone consider the reason for this might be lack of enthusiasm for the Democratic candidates? The one constant in all the votes to date has been Republican voters are more energized than the Democratic voters.

That doesn't explain the difference between states that have voter ID laws and states that don't.
We should. Voting integrity is crucial.
I'm not stopping you. Put Americans back to work, issuing voter IDs.
Either that, or we will have more "disenfranchised" lol
Apparently voting booths require a different idea that it takes to get utilities, welfare, go to certain establishments etc
200 years of voting without needing ID, and somehow we managed...

there will be less liberals voting now.....i hope you guys fade into oblivion....
In a liberal nation founded by liberals for liberals, not a chance.

You're a Nazi, not a liberal.
Either that, or we will have more "disenfranchised" lol
Apparently voting booths require a different idea that it takes to get utilities, welfare, go to certain establishments etc
200 years of voting without needing ID, and somehow we managed...

there will be less liberals voting now.....i hope you guys fade into oblivion....
In a liberal nation founded by liberals for liberals, not a chance.
you guys just can't help yourselves can you? ......obfuscation at every turn.....
Where does Liberty come from? Oh right, Liberalism...

You aren't a liberal. You're a Nazi.
We should. Voting integrity is crucial.
I'm not stopping you. Put Americans back to work, issuing voter IDs.
Either that, or we will have more "disenfranchised" lol
Apparently voting booths require a different idea that it takes to get utilities, welfare, go to certain establishments etc
200 years of voting without needing ID, and somehow we managed...
Of course. How else do you explain the existence of the Democratic Party?
It's the party that doesn't completely fuck over the poor and the darkies.

You mean importing cheap labor from third world countries that takes their jobs and drives their wages down isn't fucking them over?
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I'm not stopping you. Put Americans back to work, issuing voter IDs.
Either that, or we will have more "disenfranchised" lol
Apparently voting booths require a different idea that it takes to get utilities, welfare, go to certain establishments etc
200 years of voting without needing ID, and somehow we managed...

there will be less liberals voting now.....i hope you guys fade into oblivion....
In a liberal nation founded by liberals for liberals, not a chance.

You're a Nazi, not a liberal.

He may be both.....a distinction without a difference.

But he's definitely a Fascist.
I know that the state of Alabama has mobile DMV vehicles sent to various counties so that people can obtain a free voters ID. An application can also be downloaded online. If Alabama is part of your list you can ignore it(probably won't) because the citizens in that state are given many opportunities to get voter ID's if they don't its their own fault.

The whole thing is a canard by the Democrats, which is why PMH continues to try and make it about race. They try and blow dog whistles to get people on their side. Most of it is known to everyone as ASTRO TURFING!

In case you don't know what that is, check out this link---------->Watch for these 4 signs of astroturfing to recognize corporate disinfo and propaganda

Once you read that link, you will understand some of these posters with 50,000, 75,000, and even a few with 100,000 posts. They are getting PAID to propagandize EVERYTHING that is against their paymasters wishes. Their whole shtick is make you feel like an outlier to change your mind at worst, or at best, take as much of your will away to go vote.

Normally, (not each and every time, but USUALLY) as soon as someone brings race in instantly, they are ASTRO TURFING, because they know race is a sensitive issue, and they just want to shut you up! Once you learn their modus aperendi, you start to laugh at them. And let me give you a little bit more information---------> if ever you decide to respond to an ASTRO TURFER, never use the quote or respond button, just respond in a post which only includes your message. Under most rules of ASTRO TURFING, this costs them money-) Also, NEVER include any message that has their post anywhere in it.

I understand that sometimes, is very hard to avoid, but if you want to drive them crazy, do the best you can with it, and watch them get more shrill than they are, trying to get you to respond to them for their dinner-)

You really think that imbecile rdean is getting paid to post his idiocies?
I know that the state of Alabama has mobile DMV vehicles sent to various counties so that people can obtain a free voters ID. An application can also be downloaded online. If Alabama is part of your list you can ignore it(probably won't) because the citizens in that state are given many opportunities to get voter ID's if they don't its their own fault.

The whole thing is a canard by the Democrats, which is why PMH continues to try and make it about race. They try and blow dog whistles to get people on their side. Most of it is known to everyone as ASTRO TURFING!

In case you don't know what that is, check out this link---------->Watch for these 4 signs of astroturfing to recognize corporate disinfo and propaganda

Once you read that link, you will understand some of these posters with 50,000, 75,000, and even a few with 100,000 posts. They are getting PAID to propagandize EVERYTHING that is against their paymasters wishes. Their whole shtick is make you feel like an outlier to change your mind at worst, or at best, take as much of your will away to go vote.

Normally, (not each and every time, but USUALLY) as soon as someone brings race in instantly, they are ASTRO TURFING, because they know race is a sensitive issue, and they just want to shut you up! Once you learn their modus aperendi, you start to laugh at them. And let me give you a little bit more information---------> if ever you decide to respond to an ASTRO TURFER, never use the quote or respond button, just respond in a post which only includes your message. Under most rules of ASTRO TURFING, this costs them money-) Also, NEVER include any message that has their post anywhere in it.

I understand that sometimes, is very hard to avoid, but if you want to drive them crazy, do the best you can with it, and watch them get more shrill than they are, trying to get you to respond to them for their dinner-)
Race, and the poor, being unable to vote is why these laws die in the courts. Voting is fundamental, ID is just a good idea. Elections here are fair, very.
Race and economics are a false scenario concocted by the Democratic Party. I proved that this is not the case in the state of Alabama with a little research I'm sure other states have similar programs to make sure that the people who are legally able to vote get the chance to do so.
I know that the state of Alabama has mobile DMV vehicles sent to various counties so that people can obtain a free voters ID. An application can also be downloaded online. If Alabama is part of your list you can ignore it(probably won't) because the citizens in that state are given many opportunities to get voter ID's if they don't its their own fault.

The whole thing is a canard by the Democrats, which is why PMH continues to try and make it about race. They try and blow dog whistles to get people on their side. Most of it is known to everyone as ASTRO TURFING!

In case you don't know what that is, check out this link---------->Watch for these 4 signs of astroturfing to recognize corporate disinfo and propaganda

Once you read that link, you will understand some of these posters with 50,000, 75,000, and even a few with 100,000 posts. They are getting PAID to propagandize EVERYTHING that is against their paymasters wishes. Their whole shtick is make you feel like an outlier to change your mind at worst, or at best, take as much of your will away to go vote.

Normally, (not each and every time, but USUALLY) as soon as someone brings race in instantly, they are ASTRO TURFING, because they know race is a sensitive issue, and they just want to shut you up! Once you learn their modus aperendi, you start to laugh at them. And let me give you a little bit more information---------> if ever you decide to respond to an ASTRO TURFER, never use the quote or respond button, just respond in a post which only includes your message. Under most rules of ASTRO TURFING, this costs them money-) Also, NEVER include any message that has their post anywhere in it.

I understand that sometimes, is very hard to avoid, but if you want to drive them crazy, do the best you can with it, and watch them get more shrill than they are, trying to get you to respond to them for their dinner-)
Race, and the poor, being unable to vote is why these laws die in the courts. Voting is fundamental, ID is just a good idea. Elections here are fair, very.

You leftwing douche bags are always saying "make every vote count." My vote doesn't count if dead people and illegal aliens are allowed to vote. ID is what ensures that every legal vote counts. What you have made clear is that you don't care if all the votes are legal. That's what makes you a douche bag.
I know that the state of Alabama has mobile DMV vehicles sent to various counties so that people can obtain a free voters ID. An application can also be downloaded online. If Alabama is part of your list you can ignore it(probably won't) because the citizens in that state are given many opportunities to get voter ID's if they don't its their own fault.

The whole thing is a canard by the Democrats, which is why PMH continues to try and make it about race. They try and blow dog whistles to get people on their side. Most of it is known to everyone as ASTRO TURFING!

In case you don't know what that is, check out this link---------->Watch for these 4 signs of astroturfing to recognize corporate disinfo and propaganda

Once you read that link, you will understand some of these posters with 50,000, 75,000, and even a few with 100,000 posts. They are getting PAID to propagandize EVERYTHING that is against their paymasters wishes. Their whole shtick is make you feel like an outlier to change your mind at worst, or at best, take as much of your will away to go vote.

Normally, (not each and every time, but USUALLY) as soon as someone brings race in instantly, they are ASTRO TURFING, because they know race is a sensitive issue, and they just want to shut you up! Once you learn their modus aperendi, you start to laugh at them. And let me give you a little bit more information---------> if ever you decide to respond to an ASTRO TURFER, never use the quote or respond button, just respond in a post which only includes your message. Under most rules of ASTRO TURFING, this costs them money-) Also, NEVER include any message that has their post anywhere in it.

I understand that sometimes, is very hard to avoid, but if you want to drive them crazy, do the best you can with it, and watch them get more shrill than they are, trying to get you to respond to them for their dinner-)

You really think that imbecile rdean is getting paid to post his idiocies?

If so.....the saying "a penny for your thoughts"?
He'd be overpaid.
Poor people don't have photo ids? :dunno:

Okay, the left claims two opposing truths yet again. First, we get several posts claiming that it's Republican states receiving most welfare. When Dem voters don't turn out, the claim is that most Dems are poor. I never heard the left worrying that those poor Republicans would have trouble voting. If Republican states have more welfare recipients, then it would hurt the right more than the left, correct? But, no, you guys always claim it's only Dem voters that have such issues. And that's because illegal aliens are more likely to vote Dem since they want amnesty and more freebies.

If they have any job, rent a home, have a bank account, welfare, phone, health insurance (including Obamacare), attended school, purchase cigarettes or alcohol or many other things, they have ID or at least a social security card. That SS card will easily get you a photo ID and they are dirt cheap.

Obamacare law required that every citizen get an ID. So, no more excuses. We keep hearing it's the law so get used to it. Obamacare took away the excuses for voter ID, so get used to that, libs.

The only people with no ID are either illegal aliens or people who won't walk into a DMV because they are hiding from the law.

Every person either has a job or welfare to get by and you need identification for both. If you are here illegally, you might be using someone else's identity or working for money under the table.

All this tells me is that some no longer vote because they don't want their identity known.
Funny how that's turning out.....:rolleyes:

“Eight out of the 16 states that have held primaries or caucuses so far have implemented new voter ID or other restrictive voting laws since 2010. Democratic turnout has dropped 37 percent overall in those eight states, but just 13 percent in the states that didn’t enact new voter restrictions. To put it another way, Democratic voter turnout was 285 percent worse in states with new voter ID laws.”

Fewer Democrats Are Voting This Year In (Surprise!) States With Strict New Voter Laws
Less dead people and illegal aliens voting. Awesome! I know for a fact its FREE to get an ID if you can prove you are unable to pay for it. Hell I remember when I was 16 and lost my state ID and got one for 5$! FIVE DOLLARS. ANYONE can scrounge 5$ in change up if they want to vote so damn badly.
Funny how that's turning out.....:rolleyes:

“Eight out of the 16 states that have held primaries or caucuses so far have implemented new voter ID or other restrictive voting laws since 2010. Democratic turnout has dropped 37 percent overall in those eight states, but just 13 percent in the states that didn’t enact new voter restrictions. To put it another way, Democratic voter turnout was 285 percent worse in states with new voter ID laws.”

Fewer Democrats Are Voting This Year In (Surprise!) States With Strict New Voter Laws
Less dead people and illegal aliens voting. Awesome! I know for a fact its FREE to get an ID if you can prove you are unable to pay for it. Hell I remember when I was 16 and lost my state ID and got one for 5$! FIVE DOLLARS. ANYONE can scrounge 5$ in change up if they want to vote so damn badly.

Even my sister who is mentally retarded and therefore doesn't drive has a state issued ID, and she votes.
Either that, or we will have more "disenfranchised" lol
Apparently voting booths require a different idea that it takes to get utilities, welfare, go to certain establishments etc
200 years of voting without needing ID, and somehow we managed...
Of course. How else do you explain the existence of the Democratic Party?
It's the party that doesn't completely fuck over the poor and the darkies.

Slaveowners with business sense generally don't fuck over their slaves.
True that.

I see I did a fly-by.
Funny how that's turning out.....:rolleyes:

“Eight out of the 16 states that have held primaries or caucuses so far have implemented new voter ID or other restrictive voting laws since 2010. Democratic turnout has dropped 37 percent overall in those eight states, but just 13 percent in the states that didn’t enact new voter restrictions. To put it another way, Democratic voter turnout was 285 percent worse in states with new voter ID laws.”

Fewer Democrats Are Voting This Year In (Surprise!) States With Strict New Voter Laws

I argue the real number is the same. It is only .37 drop in fake people that is happenning.
I honestly think voter rolls should be purged every two years that way we make these kind of schemes more difficult to work since re registering fake voters takes a lot of work.
I know that the state of Alabama has mobile DMV vehicles sent to various counties so that people can obtain a free voters ID. An application can also be downloaded online. If Alabama is part of your list you can ignore it(probably won't) because the citizens in that state are given many opportunities to get voter ID's if they don't its their own fault.

The whole thing is a canard by the Democrats, which is why PMH continues to try and make it about race. They try and blow dog whistles to get people on their side. Most of it is known to everyone as ASTRO TURFING!

In case you don't know what that is, check out this link---------->Watch for these 4 signs of astroturfing to recognize corporate disinfo and propaganda

Once you read that link, you will understand some of these posters with 50,000, 75,000, and even a few with 100,000 posts. They are getting PAID to propagandize EVERYTHING that is against their paymasters wishes. Their whole shtick is make you feel like an outlier to change your mind at worst, or at best, take as much of your will away to go vote.

Normally, (not each and every time, but USUALLY) as soon as someone brings race in instantly, they are ASTRO TURFING, because they know race is a sensitive issue, and they just want to shut you up! Once you learn their modus aperendi, you start to laugh at them. And let me give you a little bit more information---------> if ever you decide to respond to an ASTRO TURFER, never use the quote or respond button, just respond in a post which only includes your message. Under most rules of ASTRO TURFING, this costs them money-) Also, NEVER include any message that has their post anywhere in it.

I understand that sometimes, is very hard to avoid, but if you want to drive them crazy, do the best you can with it, and watch them get more shrill than they are, trying to get you to respond to them for their dinner-)
Race, and the poor, being unable to vote is why these laws die in the courts. Voting is fundamental, ID is just a good idea. Elections here are fair, very.

You leftwing douche bags are always saying "make every vote count." My vote doesn't count if dead people and illegal aliens are allowed to vote. ID is what ensures that every legal vote counts. What you have made clear is that you don't care if all the votes are legal. That's what makes you a douche bag.
Your vote counts, usually, you just throw it away.
I honestly think voter rolls should be purged every two years that way we make these kind of schemes more difficult to work since re registering fake voters takes a lot of work.
We don't have voter fraud here that matters a damn. ID is a ploy, not a need.

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