#FIGHTFOR15: The First Burger Built by a Robot Is About to Hit the Bay Area

There's no dilemma of "wages vs. technology". It's not a real problem.

Technology advances, and the economy adapts. That's how it goes. If burger robots catch on (which I doubt will happen), then I have no tears to shed for Mcdonalds cooks, just like I didn't shed tears for the employees of Borders Books, or all the wheelwrights and buggy-whip makers.

We (humans) are very good at adapting. There are millions of people working in fields that didn't exist 20 years ago.

Yes, there is a problem, and that problem is getting worse every day. This world is entering a high tech phase of man vs machine, and a large percentage of the population of this nation is ill equipped to meet that challenge.

Our education system is, and has been for fifty years or more, in serious decline compared to other industrial nations, and even some 3rd world nations. Our public schools are graduating functional illiterates, and our public universities are turning out high school graduates at a record pace. Those who are not well grounded in reading, writing, and mathematics, will not fare well in the looming high tech economy.

For the sake of curiosity, are you older or younger than 40 years old?

I ask because the people who I hear clutching their pearls about this are almost always people who grew up before the internet, and haven't set foot in a public school or university in 20 or so years.

The "kids" today aren't as "illiterate" as you appear to think, particularly when it comes to technology. I suspect that most kids today are more technologically literate than most adults over the age of 40.

Apples and oranges. Young people today definitely know how to operate high tech gadgets. The question is do they know how to design, build, repair, etc., high tech gadgets? More importantly, do they have the math skills necessary to learn how to design, build and/or repair high tech gadgets?

And yes, the "kids" today, for the most part, are far more illiterate than you tend to think. Hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs today are unfilled because too few young people are qualified to fill those jobs.
Yep. That's what I keep saying. The solution to most of our problems is education. The days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are long gone. We need to be educating our children for the jobs of tomorrow, not yesterday's jobs.

But the pseudocons are hell bent on keeping kids uneducated and ignorant.
Too bad education is nothing but SJW victimhood nowadays........try espousing any point of view different for communism and they want you arrested and killed.
Math and science have fuck-all to do with politics.
A 30 hour work week.

A guaranteed basic income.

A lot more leisure time.

It's all coming, kids.

"I don't WANT more time with my kids, dammit!"

They've been saying that for over a HUNDRED YEARS, idiot!
Oh my. Robots as fast food workers. How ever will they pay the 3000 buck per month rent now?

With that said...I doubt I would ever participate in such a place. Kinda like those big warehouse grocery stores with cheaper prices...it just isn't the same as a regular grocery store. Just like it isn't the same to watch a big ticket movie on your couch versus a filled theater.
And yet movie theaters are being crushed by Netflix.
Robot burgers. Bay region. You wonder why Democrats cannot win an election.
The Bay Area is where our country's innovators are. So it is not surprising that is where the first robot burger flipper is from.
The Bay is where the frootloops are.Nothing innovative about them.
I have noticed Dem's opposed cutting the BLOATED federal, state, and local vampire taxes on these businesses so they can afford to pay the employees more.
Leftist Starbucks just announced they're closing 150 stores in the #fightfor15 cities due to wages.

Leftists want to create welfare recipients, not jobs

And purchase their votes with government handouts. Obamacare sure backfired in their face though.
A 30 hour work week.

A guaranteed basic income.

A lot more leisure time.

It's all coming, kids.

"I don't WANT more time with my kids, dammit!"

They've been saying that for over a HUNDRED YEARS, idiot!
No, a hundred years ago, we had 60+ hour, six day work weeks. And they never uttered a word about guaranteed basic income.
Oh my. Robots as fast food workers. How ever will they pay the 3000 buck per month rent now?

With that said...I doubt I would ever participate in such a place. Kinda like those big warehouse grocery stores with cheaper prices...it just isn't the same as a regular grocery store. Just like it isn't the same to watch a big ticket movie on your couch versus a filled theater.
And yet movie theaters are being crushed by Netflix.
Robot burgers. Bay region. You wonder why Democrats cannot win an election.
The Bay Area is where our country's innovators are. So it is not surprising that is where the first robot burger flipper is from.
The Bay is where the frootloops are.Nothing innovative about them.
You poor thing. Trapped in your delusions, with no clue where the ideas behind the computer you use to emit your ignorant rants originated.

Oh my. Robots as fast food workers. How ever will they pay the 3000 buck per month rent now?

With that said...I doubt I would ever participate in such a place. Kinda like those big warehouse grocery stores with cheaper prices...it just isn't the same as a regular grocery store. Just like it isn't the same to watch a big ticket movie on your couch versus a filled theater.
And yet movie theaters are being crushed by Netflix.
Robot burgers. Bay region. You wonder why Democrats cannot win an election.
The Bay Area is where our country's innovators are. So it is not surprising that is where the first robot burger flipper is from.
The Bay is where the frootloops are.Nothing innovative about them.
You poor thing. Trapped in your delusions, with no clue where the ideas behind the computer you use to emit your ignorant rants originated.

Not from San Francisco. More like Department of Defense or NASA.
There's no dilemma of "wages vs. technology". It's not a real problem.

Technology advances, and the economy adapts. That's how it goes. If burger robots catch on (which I doubt will happen), then I have no tears to shed for Mcdonalds cooks, just like I didn't shed tears for the employees of Borders Books, or all the wheelwrights and buggy-whip makers.

We (humans) are very good at adapting. There are millions of people working in fields that didn't exist 20 years ago.

Yes, there is a problem, and that problem is getting worse every day. This world is entering a high tech phase of man vs machine, and a large percentage of the population of this nation is ill equipped to meet that challenge.

Our education system is, and has been for fifty years or more, in serious decline compared to other industrial nations, and even some 3rd world nations. Our public schools are graduating functional illiterates, and our public universities are turning out high school graduates at a record pace. Those who are not well grounded in reading, writing, and mathematics, will not fare well in the looming high tech economy.

For the sake of curiosity, are you older or younger than 40 years old?

I ask because the people who I hear clutching their pearls about this are almost always people who grew up before the internet, and haven't set foot in a public school or university in 20 or so years.

The "kids" today aren't as "illiterate" as you appear to think, particularly when it comes to technology. I suspect that most kids today are more technologically literate than most adults over the age of 40.

Apples and oranges. Young people today definitely know how to operate high tech gadgets. The question is do they know how to design, build, repair, etc., high tech gadgets? More importantly, do they have the math skills necessary to learn how to design, build and/or repair high tech gadgets?

And yes, the "kids" today, for the most part, are far more illiterate than you tend to think. Hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs today are unfilled because too few young people are qualified to fill those jobs.
Yep. That's what I keep saying. The solution to most of our problems is education. The days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are long gone. We need to be educating our children for the jobs of tomorrow, not yesterday's jobs.

But the pseudocons are hell bent on keeping kids uneducated and ignorant.

The only people who can keep kids uneducated and ignorant are the kids and the people who teach them. Psedocons don't have a damn thing to do with it.
And yet movie theaters are being crushed by Netflix.
Robot burgers. Bay region. You wonder why Democrats cannot win an election.
The Bay Area is where our country's innovators are. So it is not surprising that is where the first robot burger flipper is from.
The Bay is where the frootloops are.Nothing innovative about them.
You poor thing. Trapped in your delusions, with no clue where the ideas behind the computer you use to emit your ignorant rants originated.

Not from San Francisco. More like Department of Defense or NASA.
You just keep going.

A 30 hour work week.

A guaranteed basic income.

A lot more leisure time.

It's all coming, kids.

"I don't WANT more time with my kids, dammit!"

They've been saying that for over a HUNDRED YEARS, idiot!
No, a hundred years ago, we had 60+ hour, six day work weeks. And they never uttered a word about guaranteed basic income.

You're a liar and an idiot. Ever since the dawn of the age of automation, they have told us we'd be living like the Jetsons as a result of machines to do the work FOR us. I'm still waiting for it. Machines have taken a lot of jobs but we are still working just as hard. Americans are one of the most overworked and underpaid people in the world! Especially if you live in the North.
There's no dilemma of "wages vs. technology". It's not a real problem.

Technology advances, and the economy adapts. That's how it goes. If burger robots catch on (which I doubt will happen), then I have no tears to shed for Mcdonalds cooks, just like I didn't shed tears for the employees of Borders Books, or all the wheelwrights and buggy-whip makers.

We (humans) are very good at adapting. There are millions of people working in fields that didn't exist 20 years ago.

Yes, there is a problem, and that problem is getting worse every day. This world is entering a high tech phase of man vs machine, and a large percentage of the population of this nation is ill equipped to meet that challenge.

Our education system is, and has been for fifty years or more, in serious decline compared to other industrial nations, and even some 3rd world nations. Our public schools are graduating functional illiterates, and our public universities are turning out high school graduates at a record pace. Those who are not well grounded in reading, writing, and mathematics, will not fare well in the looming high tech economy.

For the sake of curiosity, are you older or younger than 40 years old?

I ask because the people who I hear clutching their pearls about this are almost always people who grew up before the internet, and haven't set foot in a public school or university in 20 or so years.

The "kids" today aren't as "illiterate" as you appear to think, particularly when it comes to technology. I suspect that most kids today are more technologically literate than most adults over the age of 40.

Apples and oranges. Young people today definitely know how to operate high tech gadgets. The question is do they know how to design, build, repair, etc., high tech gadgets? More importantly, do they have the math skills necessary to learn how to design, build and/or repair high tech gadgets?

And yes, the "kids" today, for the most part, are far more illiterate than you tend to think. Hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs today are unfilled because too few young people are qualified to fill those jobs.
Yep. That's what I keep saying. The solution to most of our problems is education. The days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are long gone. We need to be educating our children for the jobs of tomorrow, not yesterday's jobs.

But the pseudocons are hell bent on keeping kids uneducated and ignorant.

The only people who can keep kids uneducated and ignorant are the kids and the people who teach them. Psedocons don't have a damn thing to do with it.
I guess you missed the whole brouhaha over Common Core.

You know. Spawned by Obama, endorsed by Satan, quack quack quack.
Robot burgers. Bay region. You wonder why Democrats cannot win an election.
The Bay Area is where our country's innovators are. So it is not surprising that is where the first robot burger flipper is from.
The Bay is where the frootloops are.Nothing innovative about them.
You poor thing. Trapped in your delusions, with no clue where the ideas behind the computer you use to emit your ignorant rants originated.

Not from San Francisco. More like Department of Defense or NASA.
You just keep going.

Sure...I want to spend $10.00 on a Big Mac. I can see the skill involved in putting meat, lettuce, cheese and thousand island dressing on a bun.
A 30 hour work week.

A guaranteed basic income.

A lot more leisure time.

It's all coming, kids.

"I don't WANT more time with my kids, dammit!"

They've been saying that for over a HUNDRED YEARS, idiot!
No, a hundred years ago, we had 60+ hour, six day work weeks. And they never uttered a word about guaranteed basic income.

You're a liar and an idiot. Ever since the dawn of the age of automation, they have told us we'd be living like the Jetsons as a result of machines to do the work FOR us. I'm still waiting for it. Machines have taken a lot of jobs but we are still working just as hard. Americans are one of the most overworked and underpaid people in the world! Especially if you live in the North.
We are not working anywhere near as hard as we did one hundred years ago. Thanks to machines/automation. We are more PRODUCTIVE, but we are certainly not working harder.

For instance, a hundred years go, it took more than 50 percent of Americans to produce our food. And farming was back-breaking, difficult work.

Today, it takes less than 2 percent of Americans to feed not only ourselves, but a good chunk of the world! All due entirely to technological advancements.

I am starting to become accustomed to the massive ignorance of you rubes. That bothers me.
The June primaries in California showed a lot of surprising backlash against Democrats. I think people are fed up and want someone to act. That's what got Trump the outsider elected.
Not in California it didn't.

What got Trump the Huckster elected was making promises to the rubes he had no intention nor ability to keep.
No. What got him elected was the majority are sick of pussy presidents and career politicians.
We get the politicians we deserve. If you are angry, look in the mirror. There is your culprit.

And now we deserve a huckster.
Bullshit, I didn't vote for Obama, I got him anyway. But with Trump, Washington did get what they deserve.......as Carville put it, we rolled a hand grenade into DC knowig full well he would disrupt and irritate the establishment.....Trump has succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.
Well, you certainly are dreaming. That's for sure.
Yep, it's been a glorious year and a half, I haven't even needed to scream at the sky. Every celeb that talks about how vulgar Trump is, but then they become more crass and vulgar, just makes me so happy...These people are used to control, but they don't have it now.......thank god.
Automation has been advancing for a long time. Remember when ATM machines took so many bank teller's jobs? When is the last time you dropped a roll of film off at a photobooth? Machines will be doing a lot more than flipping hamburgers, and it has nothing to do with people deserving a living wage.
True. But why hasten it by punishing companies that hire humans?
Yes, there is a problem, and that problem is getting worse every day. This world is entering a high tech phase of man vs machine, and a large percentage of the population of this nation is ill equipped to meet that challenge.

Our education system is, and has been for fifty years or more, in serious decline compared to other industrial nations, and even some 3rd world nations. Our public schools are graduating functional illiterates, and our public universities are turning out high school graduates at a record pace. Those who are not well grounded in reading, writing, and mathematics, will not fare well in the looming high tech economy.

For the sake of curiosity, are you older or younger than 40 years old?

I ask because the people who I hear clutching their pearls about this are almost always people who grew up before the internet, and haven't set foot in a public school or university in 20 or so years.

The "kids" today aren't as "illiterate" as you appear to think, particularly when it comes to technology. I suspect that most kids today are more technologically literate than most adults over the age of 40.

Apples and oranges. Young people today definitely know how to operate high tech gadgets. The question is do they know how to design, build, repair, etc., high tech gadgets? More importantly, do they have the math skills necessary to learn how to design, build and/or repair high tech gadgets?

And yes, the "kids" today, for the most part, are far more illiterate than you tend to think. Hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs today are unfilled because too few young people are qualified to fill those jobs.
Yep. That's what I keep saying. The solution to most of our problems is education. The days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are long gone. We need to be educating our children for the jobs of tomorrow, not yesterday's jobs.

But the pseudocons are hell bent on keeping kids uneducated and ignorant.
Too bad education is nothing but SJW victimhood nowadays........try espousing any point of view different for communism and they want you arrested and killed.
Math and science have fuck-all to do with politics.
And they aren't taught well in schools

science is now all about climate change and math, fuck do they even care if you get the correct answer any more, or will it hurt your self esteem too much to be wrong.
Not in California it didn't.

What got Trump the Huckster elected was making promises to the rubes he had no intention nor ability to keep.
No. What got him elected was the majority are sick of pussy presidents and career politicians.
We get the politicians we deserve. If you are angry, look in the mirror. There is your culprit.

And now we deserve a huckster.
Bullshit, I didn't vote for Obama, I got him anyway. But with Trump, Washington did get what they deserve.......as Carville put it, we rolled a hand grenade into DC knowig full well he would disrupt and irritate the establishment.....Trump has succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.
Well, you certainly are dreaming. That's for sure.
Yep, it's been a glorious year and a half, I haven't even needed to scream at the sky. Every celeb that talks about how vulgar Trump is, but then they become more crass and vulgar, just makes me so happy...These people are used to control, but they don't have it now.......thank god.
You screamed at the sky for eight years over Obama. Whining and thrashing about, throwing hissy fits, crying into your pillow.

Do you think some people were happy about that, too?
For the sake of curiosity, are you older or younger than 40 years old?

I ask because the people who I hear clutching their pearls about this are almost always people who grew up before the internet, and haven't set foot in a public school or university in 20 or so years.

The "kids" today aren't as "illiterate" as you appear to think, particularly when it comes to technology. I suspect that most kids today are more technologically literate than most adults over the age of 40.

Apples and oranges. Young people today definitely know how to operate high tech gadgets. The question is do they know how to design, build, repair, etc., high tech gadgets? More importantly, do they have the math skills necessary to learn how to design, build and/or repair high tech gadgets?

And yes, the "kids" today, for the most part, are far more illiterate than you tend to think. Hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs today are unfilled because too few young people are qualified to fill those jobs.
Yep. That's what I keep saying. The solution to most of our problems is education. The days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are long gone. We need to be educating our children for the jobs of tomorrow, not yesterday's jobs.

But the pseudocons are hell bent on keeping kids uneducated and ignorant.
Too bad education is nothing but SJW victimhood nowadays........try espousing any point of view different for communism and they want you arrested and killed.
Math and science have fuck-all to do with politics.
And they aren't taught well in schools

science is now all about climate change and math, fuck do they even care if you get the correct answer any more, or will it hurt your self esteem too much to be wrong.
I find the horrible grammar and punctuation and lack of cohesion in your post deliciously ironic.
For the sake of curiosity, are you older or younger than 40 years old?

I ask because the people who I hear clutching their pearls about this are almost always people who grew up before the internet, and haven't set foot in a public school or university in 20 or so years.

The "kids" today aren't as "illiterate" as you appear to think, particularly when it comes to technology. I suspect that most kids today are more technologically literate than most adults over the age of 40.

Apples and oranges. Young people today definitely know how to operate high tech gadgets. The question is do they know how to design, build, repair, etc., high tech gadgets? More importantly, do they have the math skills necessary to learn how to design, build and/or repair high tech gadgets?

And yes, the "kids" today, for the most part, are far more illiterate than you tend to think. Hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs today are unfilled because too few young people are qualified to fill those jobs.
Yep. That's what I keep saying. The solution to most of our problems is education. The days of growing up to work in the same factory as your daddy are long gone. We need to be educating our children for the jobs of tomorrow, not yesterday's jobs.

But the pseudocons are hell bent on keeping kids uneducated and ignorant.
Too bad education is nothing but SJW victimhood nowadays........try espousing any point of view different for communism and they want you arrested and killed.
Math and science have fuck-all to do with politics.
And they aren't taught well in schools

science is now all about climate change and math, fuck do they even care if you get the correct answer any more, or will it hurt your self esteem too much to be wrong.


When was the last time you set foot in a public school?

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