Fighting Transparency


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. Transparency in government is a good thing....or else why would the guy in charge have crowed about it? “This is the most transparent administration in history,” Obama said..."
Obama says his is ?most transparent administration' ever - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

a. Freedom of information was the liberal's idea...up until they controlled government and publically funded academia, and now it must be redefined. Heck, those publically funded institutions need privacy, so politically select classes, while living on the taxpayer dollar, need to be exempt, and shielded from scrutiny.

b. It is private citizens and companies that need to be examined, if they happen to involve themselves in public debate...if they pick the wrong side: "Conservative groups targeted by IRS testify that agency demanded they curtail activities" Conservative groups targeted by IRS testify that agency demanded they curtail activities - The Washington Post

Note how neatly this theme fits the IRS and NSA scandals.....

2. Transparency means something totally....Orwellian...when in the hands of liberal administrations. "Lois Lerner invokes Fifth Amendment in House hearing on IRS targeting."
Lois Lerner invokes Fifth Amendment in House hearing on IRS targeting - Washington Post

a. Taking the fifth is just one way to hide the truth. "After years of whispers that EPA officials frequently used private email addresses, fake names and coded messages to circumvent the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, Jackson admitted recently to using "Richard Windsor" as her chosen nom de plume on a government email account."
'Richard Windsor' departure from EPA is a victory for transparency |

3. Isn't this an enormous affront to liberal principles??? Shouldn't liberals be up in arms???
Well, yeah....liberals would be protesting the Obama administration ....if it weren't the Obama administration. Van Jones gave just such an explanation:
"When the oil spill had happened in the spring of 2010, there was another moment to say, ‘Hold on a second, let’s relook at energy policy in America. Should we be subsidizing companies who are risking our health immediately and in the long-term?’” We didn’t do it. You’ve never seen the environmental movement more quiet during an oil spill. I guarantee you, if John McCain had been President, with that oil spill, or George Bush had been President with that oil spill, I’d have been out there with a sign protesting. I didn’t, because of who the President was. "
Van Jones: Yeah, we enviros took a dive for Obama during the Gulf oil spill « Hot Air

That is the difference between integrity and hypocrisy.

4. Transparency poses a threat to those who might misuse public office, or money, in the darkness of secrecy. Pulling back the curtain could reveal that the Wizard of Oz is a powerless old fogey, or that the President is thug who plans to transform America in ways inimical to the nation.

a. The Supreme Court has held that public access to information about government activity is "vital to the functioning of a democratic society, needed to check against corruption and to hold the governors accountable to the governed." NLRB v. Robbins Tire & Rubber Co. - 437 U.S. 214 (1978) :: Justia US Supreme Court Center

5. The opacity of the Obama administration was designed to hide boilerplate corruption. Case in point: Solyndra. Obama's political team was leaning on colleagues in government to get a campaign bundler's company- Solyndra- an historically wasteful loan guarantee, soon to be squandered.
Horner, "The Liberal War on Transparency," p. 6-7.

a. "But documents pried out of the administration also let slip revealing details of how this defense of a “renewables” industry that Solyndra later made famous... but all along made Gore and other well-connected types wealthy was coordinated with industry lobbyists and left-wing pressure groups. These included Soros’s project, the Center for American Progress, using the industrial wind lobby as the go-between in anticipation of DOE claiming, for example, to Congress that it “had no direct contact with” CAP or another pressure group to which the windmill lobbyists served as DOE’s “cutout” contact." Gore?s green money machine | Watts Up With That?

The reverse of transparency is the Liberal attempt to bar access to those viewed as a threat to 'the cause.'

It represents one more step in the deconstruction of America.
a. Taking the fifth is just one way to hide the truth.
So Americans are Guilty until Proven Innocent now? Glad to hear it!

See, I thought thought the whole point of the 5th Amendment was to put the "Burden of Proof" on your accuser. Now I know that's not true.

I guess ya' learn something new everyday!
a. Taking the fifth is just one way to hide the truth.
So Americans are Guilty until Proven Innocent now? Glad to hear it!

See, I thought thought the whole point of the 5th Amendment was to put the "Burden of Proof" on your accuser. Now I know that's not true.

I guess ya' learn something new everyday!

Did you miss this, comrade?
"1. Transparency in government is a good thing....or else why would the guy in charge have crowed about it? “This is the most transparent administration in history,” Obama said..."
Obama says his is ?most transparent administration' ever - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room "

Your supposition is that Ms. Lerner is guilty of something.....or that Obama is and she has been told to bite the bullet?

Heck, I see how well it worked for Susan Rice.....

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