Finally! First Gay Marriage In Florida!

I come back from the gym and I find adulterers and divorcees trying to tell marriage equality how to live their lives.

These hypocrites like Newby and AF et al twist scriptures and ignore the clear meaning that they are not acting like Christians at all.

They have condemned themselves.
I am not the one defending sin, you are. Keep on ignoring the facts that gay is sin, good luck.
Newby, you are a hetertic and a literalist, so you don't get it.

Jesus is talking about marriage not homosexuality. He does not exclude others, does he?

And how many in your congregation, or you yourself perhaps, have divorced?

I am glad you are willing for me to show you the light.

Is this thread about marriage, specifically gay marriage, or not?

That you would make the comment that He does not exclude others is assinine.

The church does not perform divorces, Jake, and sorry, but I've never been divorced, so wrong again!

Would you support your church performing gay marriage ceremonies?

Jesus is talking about marriage not homosexuality. Newby, give His condemnation of it, literally, please.

According to Jesus' word, you have no literal condemnation of homosexuality or of marriage equality.

I am glad you have never been divorced; neither have I.

No Christian and follower of Our Lord and Savior has any problem with marriage equality, except for heretics.
No follower of Christ supports gay marriage. Jesus spoke about sexual immorality which gay is. God created Man and Woman, period. Your idiotic argument is nothing but satans hot air.

You're wrong again.

There are many christians who don't have a problem with gay marriage.

The Unitarian church:

Marriage Equality - UUA

The Episcopal church:

Episcopalians Set to be First Big US Church to Bless Gay Marriage

The Presbyterian church:

Presbyterian Church Votes To Allow Gay Marriages

There's more and you can read about it at the link below:

List of Christian denominational positions on homosexuality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Can't be gay and Christian. The Bible is Gods word and it condemns homosexuality.

You have been proven wrong.

How many times have you been divorced? How many times have you been adulterous?
AF, you have admitted you are an adulterer.

Do you want to keep lying in the face of God?
Read the Bible starting with the book of Matthew. But first you will have to find your brain you lost while playing with it. Good luck.

AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.
Matthew 19, 9.

So not only are you ignorant of the christian faith, you're also a liar.

Matthew 19-9 is about divorce. Not homosexuality.

If you have to lie how valid is anything you say and why should anyone believe a word from you?
I am not lying. Jesus is talking about sexual immorality being the one legitimate excuse for divorce. What you and others are doing is ignoring the facts about sexual immorality which homosexuality is.

Yes, you are lying. Jesus said nothing about homosexual immorality ever, anywhere.

Only you and the other tortured souls are saying: Jesus never did.

Are you a divorcee? Are you an adulterer? A refusal to answer will an admission that you done so.
I have already answered you illiterate moron. You are too ignorant to explain anything. Again, listen good moron, Jesus spoke of sexual immorality which gay is. Learn to comprehend.
AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.
Matthew 19, 9.

So not only are you ignorant of the christian faith, you're also a liar.

Matthew 19-9 is about divorce. Not homosexuality.

If you have to lie how valid is anything you say and why should anyone believe a word from you?
I am not lying. Jesus is talking about sexual immorality being the one legitimate excuse for divorce. What you and others are doing is ignoring the facts about sexual immorality which homosexuality is.

Yes, you are lying. Jesus said nothing about homosexual immorality ever, anywhere.

Only you and the other tortured souls are saying: Jesus never did.

Are you a divorcee? Are you an adulterer? A refusal to answer will an admission that you done so.
I have already answered you illiterate moron. You are too ignorant to explain anything. Again, listen good moron, Jesus spoke of sexual immorality which gay is. Learn to comprehend.
Jesus said nothing of the sort, only you have because, as an unforgiven adulterer and divorce, you have not sought forgiveness.

Shame on you trying to be what you are not.
AmericanFirst and Newby obviously do not know our Lord and Savior but are relying on literalism falsely to define Him. I have Newby spinning like a top, but he is showing some progress.

Doesn't work, boys.

Jesus never spoke about homosexuality and never condemned marriage equality. If He did, then show us where He said it.

The heretics of the social on right can't do that.
Read the Bible starting with the book of Matthew. But first you will have to find your brain you lost while playing with it. Good luck.

AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.
Matthew 19, 9.

So not only are you ignorant of the christian faith, you're also a liar.

Matthew 19-9 is about divorce. Not homosexuality.

If you have to lie how valid is anything you say and why should anyone believe a word from you?
I am not lying. Jesus is talking about sexual immorality being the one legitimate excuse for divorce. What you and others are doing is ignoring the facts about sexual immorality which homosexuality is.

Yes the immorality of adultery. There isn't one word about homosexuality. You lie again.

He's talking about divorce and if you marry again you're committing adultery

I find it very strange that you claim to not be a christian but want everyone to live by your interpretation of the christian bible.

Here's some reality for you. What the christian bible says or doesn't say about homosexuality means nothing in America. What means something are our laws and constitution. According to our laws and constitution you can't discriminate against a group of people in America. They must be treated equally under the law.

So you can lie and make false claims all you want. You can live your life just as you please. You can't force everyone else to live the way you do.

Why don't you believe in freedom? Why can't you be happy to be free to live your life as you choose? Why do you believe you have the right to take that freedom from everyone else and force them to live as you would live?

None of this is about christianity. It's about the law and our constitution and from what I've read from you and others on this thread, you spit on our laws and our constitution. Which is no better than spitting on everyone who gave their lives for you to have freedom, those laws and constitution. They didn't give their lives just so only you could have that freedom, they did it for everyone in America.
Adulterers and divorcees are trying to tell others what to do.

Newby is bearing false witness, saying that Jesus said something he did not. Show us exactly where Jesus condemns homosexuality and marriage equality.

Marriage equality for the nation is almost here, it will be the law of the land, and your sole act that you disagree will be to not marry someone of your own sex.

You can disbelieve all you want, and no one will care.

I don't care if SSM is the 'law of the land', I understand your confusion however, seeing as how you're not a Christian. The secular world can 'marry' anything they want, that does not make it a sanctioned marriage in God's eyes. Is your next step to force your 'marriages' on the church? There's a difference between legal/secular marriage, and joining two people together in the eyes of God. You can do whatever you want with the first, hell why not allow people to marry their pets if they want too? But you have no control over the second, and you never will.

The thing is you can stand in a church all day long and recite wedding vows.

You're no more married than the wallpaper is married.

You're married when you sign that license and it's filed with the state.

Until then, you're not married. So your eyes of god garbage doesn't matter in America. What does matter is the law and our constitution. Which you don't have any problem with violating.

So go ahead and recite all the wedding vows in a church you want but our government and everyone else won't recognize your marriage and you could be prosecuted then put in prison if you illegally used any of the benefits our nation gives to married people. Such as tax benefits. If you use that you're committing fraud and will end up either paying a huge fine or go to prison or both.

Whatever floats your boat, Dana, but neither you or the state defines for me what marriage is, God does. If what matters to you is getting reduced taxes from the government every year, then have a secular marriage via the government. But that's not what matters to me.
Marriage is defined by the State, period.

A joining of man and woman or whatever that is accepted by folks like Newby can believed by whomever wants to believe in the light of how they understand Jesus.

That means nothing about how the state defines marriage.
I come back from the gym and I find adulterers and divorcees trying to tell marriage equality how to live their lives.

These hypocrites like Newby and AF et al twist scriptures and ignore the clear meaning that they are not acting like Christians at all.

They have condemned themselves.

You lie again Jake, I haven't told anyone how to live their lives, care to link to the post where I've done such. I know you won't, because you can't. I've merely refuted your claim that God sanctions gay marriage, only a fool would even try to make such a claim. I could care less about how you or anyone else lives their lives. I've repeatedly said in here that I don't care about 'gay marriage' via the secular government, it's meaningless outside of what legal precedences it sets. If you are legally married via a JOP, do you think that couple is married in eyes of God? If two atheists get married in a legal 'ceremony' with no mention of God, are they married in the eyes of God? Sure you're a Christian, Jake?
I am Christian, whereas a person with a scandalous past who won't admit what he has done is trying to tell everyone else how to live their lives.

Almost none believe in his church nonsense.

Marriage equality folks who are married by the power of the state are joined as spouses.

What any one thinks matters not, other than we all encourage disturbed social cob individuals to get straight with God.
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Matthew 19, 9.

So not only are you ignorant of the christian faith, you're also a liar.

Matthew 19-9 is about divorce. Not homosexuality.

If you have to lie how valid is anything you say and why should anyone believe a word from you?
I am not lying. Jesus is talking about sexual immorality being the one legitimate excuse for divorce. What you and others are doing is ignoring the facts about sexual immorality which homosexuality is.

Yes, you are lying. Jesus said nothing about homosexual immorality ever, anywhere.

Only you and the other tortured souls are saying: Jesus never did.

Are you a divorcee? Are you an adulterer? A refusal to answer will an admission that you done so.
I have already answered you illiterate moron. You are too ignorant to explain anything. Again, listen good moron, Jesus spoke of sexual immorality which gay is. Learn to comprehend.
Jesus said nothing of the sort, only you have because, as an unforgiven adulterer and divorce, you have not sought forgiveness.

Shame on you trying to be what you are not.
Whatever liar.
Read the Bible starting with the book of Matthew. But first you will have to find your brain you lost while playing with it. Good luck.

AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.
Matthew 19, 9.

So not only are you ignorant of the christian faith, you're also a liar.

Matthew 19-9 is about divorce. Not homosexuality.

If you have to lie how valid is anything you say and why should anyone believe a word from you?
I am not lying. Jesus is talking about sexual immorality being the one legitimate excuse for divorce. What you and others are doing is ignoring the facts about sexual immorality which homosexuality is.

Yes the immorality of adultery. There isn't one word about homosexuality. You lie again.

He's talking about divorce and if you marry again you're committing adultery

I find it very strange that you claim to not be a christian but want everyone to live by your interpretation of the christian bible.

Here's some reality for you. What the christian bible says or doesn't say about homosexuality means nothing in America. What means something are our laws and constitution. According to our laws and constitution you can't discriminate against a group of people in America. They must be treated equally under the law.

So you can lie and make false claims all you want. You can live your life just as you please. You can't force everyone else to live the way you do.

Why don't you believe in freedom? Why can't you be happy to be free to live your life as you choose? Why do you believe you have the right to take that freedom from everyone else and force them to live as you would live?

None of this is about christianity. It's about the law and our constitution and from what I've read from you and others on this thread, you spit on our laws and our constitution. Which is no better than spitting on everyone who gave their lives for you to have freedom, those laws and constitution. They didn't give their lives just so only you could have that freedom, they did it for everyone in America.

Why do people like you equate a discussion about the Bible with freedom? Why do you automatically ASSume that because someone is defending the Bible that they don't believe in freedom? Guess what? I can clearly see that the Bible condemns homosexuality as an immoral act, i.e. a sin, that is a fact. And I can also not care about whether you or others choose to follow it or believe in it, or how you live your lives. No one is forcing you to live your life according to Biblical scripture. I support your freedom to not practice any religion if that is your wish. But don't try to tell me what the Bible says or that I'm 'interpreting' it incorrectly, it says what it says. If you don't like what it says, then don't follow it. The problem that I have is with so called 'Christians' like Jake that teach falsely that God sanctions or blesses acts of what has been defined as sin. That's just an outright lie, and I will refute it every time I see it.
Adulterers and divorcees are trying to tell others what to do.


Where has anyone tried to tell anyone what to do? All you do is lie all day long Jake. I've never told anyone what to do, all I've done is refuted your words that convey a lie about what God sanctions. I have stated numerous times that I don't care if 'gay marriage' is legalized, all I care about is the lies that you spew regarding the Bible.

All you can do is ignore my posts because they tear apart and expose everything you say as bullshit, and you know it. That's why you never engage in discussion with anyone on this board ever, you're incapable of it.
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Marriage is defined by the State, period.

A joining of man and woman or whatever that is accepted by folks like Newby can believed by whomever wants to believe in the light of how they understand Jesus.

That means nothing about how the state defines marriage.

Oh, so you don't recognize a marriage sanctioned by God, only the state matters? And you're still insisting that you're a Christian? lol Just like you're a conservative republican too? lmao
I am Christian, whereas a person with a scandalous pass who won't admit what he has done is trying to tell everyone else how to live their lives.

Almost none believe in his church nonsense.

Marriage equality folks who are married by the power of the state are joined as spouses.

What any one thinks matters know, other than we all encourage disturbed social cob invidiuals to get straight with God.

But I've never tried to tell anyone how to live their lives, Jake, never. Lies, lies, lies, it's all you sadly have.

'Church nonsense'? 'Power of the state'? And you're a Christian? Okay... lol Liar!
Is this thread about marriage, specifically gay marriage, or not?

That you would make the comment that He does not exclude others is assinine.

The church does not perform divorces, Jake, and sorry, but I've never been divorced, so wrong again!

Would you support your church performing gay marriage ceremonies?

Jesus is talking about marriage not homosexuality. Newby, give His condemnation of it, literally, please.

According to Jesus' word, you have no literal condemnation of homosexuality or of marriage equality.

I am glad you have never been divorced; neither have I.

No Christian and follower of Our Lord and Savior has any problem with marriage equality, except for heretics.
No follower of Christ supports gay marriage. Jesus spoke about sexual immorality which gay is. God created Man and Woman, period. Your idiotic argument is nothing but satans hot air.

You're wrong again.

There are many christians who don't have a problem with gay marriage.

The Unitarian church:

Marriage Equality - UUA

The Episcopal church:

Episcopalians Set to be First Big US Church to Bless Gay Marriage

The Presbyterian church:

Presbyterian Church Votes To Allow Gay Marriages

There's more and you can read about it at the link below:

List of Christian denominational positions on homosexuality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Can't be gay and Christian. The Bible is Gods word and it condemns homosexuality.

You have been proven wrong.

How many times have you been divorced? How many times have you been adulterous?

Why do you ignore my posts Jake? I asked you very specific questions in response to posts that you've made like this to me. Where are my replies?
I am Christian, whereas a person with a scandalous pass who won't admit what he has done is trying to tell everyone else how to live their lives.

Almost none believe in his church nonsense.

Marriage equality folks who are married by the power of the state are joined as spouses.

What any one thinks matters know, other than we all encourage disturbed social cob invidiuals to get straight with God.
You are a poor Christian. If you are talking to me idiot I have explained it enough. You refuse to hear the truth. Go away liar.
Newby is bearing false witness, saying that Jesus said something he did not. Show us exactly where Jesus condemns homosexuality and marriage equality.

Marriage equality for the nation is almost here, it will be the law of the land, and your sole act that you disagree will be to not marry someone of your own sex.

You can disbelieve all you want, and no one will care.

I don't care if SSM is the 'law of the land', I understand your confusion however, seeing as how you're not a Christian. The secular world can 'marry' anything they want, that does not make it a sanctioned marriage in God's eyes. Is your next step to force your 'marriages' on the church? There's a difference between legal/secular marriage, and joining two people together in the eyes of God. You can do whatever you want with the first, hell why not allow people to marry their pets if they want too? But you have no control over the second, and you never will.

The thing is you can stand in a church all day long and recite wedding vows.

You're no more married than the wallpaper is married.

You're married when you sign that license and it's filed with the state.

Until then, you're not married. So your eyes of god garbage doesn't matter in America. What does matter is the law and our constitution. Which you don't have any problem with violating.

So go ahead and recite all the wedding vows in a church you want but our government and everyone else won't recognize your marriage and you could be prosecuted then put in prison if you illegally used any of the benefits our nation gives to married people. Such as tax benefits. If you use that you're committing fraud and will end up either paying a huge fine or go to prison or both.
you are saying the state has more authority than God in a Church, Gods house? Wrong.

Yes I am. You can stand in a church and recite wedding vows all day long. You're no more married than wallpaper is married.

For you to be married in America and for our government to recognize it, you must have signed that marriage license, have it signed by 2 witnesses, the person who officiated the ceremony and then filed with the state.

If you don't do that and only say vows in a church you're no more married than wallpaper and you can't claim any of the benefits of marriage in America.

That's fact and no amount of your excuses will ever make it not fact.

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