Finally! First Gay Marriage In Florida!

We will take that as a "yes" admission on both accounts.

For shame making it personal on others without full disclosure on you.

Your scriptures have been competently rebutted and all you can do is make it personal?

You are a modern day Pharisee, bub: woe to be you.
No they haven't been completely rebutted because you are lying as usual. Grow up boy.

He can't even acknowledge that Jesus did in fact directly speak to what God defined as marriage. His argument isn't with us, it's with God if he doesn't like how the rules have been made, and he doesn't stand a chance. lol
AF and Newby keeps their rhetorical butts thumped.

Jesus, according to a literal interpretation (what AF and N want except when, in cases like this, they don't want), is talking above divorce and marrying only once.

Jesus does not talk about polygamy, not does not talk about homosexuality, does not talk about marriage equality.

Yes, the argument is personal for all Americans because heretics like AF and N have made it personal.

We can only assume, because they won't discuss it, they have violated Jesus' conditions about marriage and reasons for divorce.

As long as heretics try to control the personal lives of their perceived enemies, their own lives are going to be explored, intimately.

What's the problem Jake? No rebuttal as usual? Tell me what my personal situation has to do with what Jesus said regarding divorce? Let's say I'm divorced because of reasons other than adultery, and I've remarried so I've committed the sin of adultery myself. What then? In your eyes that means that I have no business discussing what Jesus labeled as sin regarding marriage? Please explain your logic or your rules for everyone for this specific situation. If you've committed sin yourself, then you cannot speak on it? What if you have repented? Can you speak of it then? Please tell us how it works.

Then you are of course in exactly the same situation as every homosexual who has sex, who hasn't married.
people are getting their brains blown out b/c they are white euro christians and all you can think about is how you can achieve an orgasm

The same people who killed 'white euro christians' (seriously how do you know that none of them are Jewish or Athiests) would gladly kill homosexuals just for being homosexuals.

so then the terrorists killed homos just for being homos?

are you really that stupid beside being selfish?

Sigh- are you really as ignorant and bigoted as you appear in your posts?

Explain how anyone is bigoted?
AF and Newby keeps their rhetorical butts thumped.

Jesus, according to a literal interpretation (what AF and N want except when, in cases like this, they don't want), is talking above divorce and marrying only once.

Jesus does not talk about polygamy, not does not talk about homosexuality, does not talk about marriage equality.

Yes, the argument is personal for all Americans because heretics like AF and N have made it personal.

We can only assume, because they won't discuss it, they have violated Jesus' conditions about marriage and reasons for divorce.

As long as heretics try to control the personal lives of their perceived enemies, their own lives are going to be explored, intimately.

What's the problem Jake? No rebuttal as usual? Tell me what my personal situation has to do with what Jesus said regarding divorce? Let's say I'm divorced because of reasons other than adultery, and I've remarried so I've committed the sin of adultery myself. What then? In your eyes that means that I have no business discussing what Jesus labeled as sin regarding marriage? Please explain your logic or your rules for everyone for this specific situation. If you've committed sin yourself, then you cannot speak on it? What if you have repented? Can you speak of it then? Please tell us how it works.

Then you are of course in exactly the same situation as every homosexual who has sex, who hasn't married.

Hey, at least you acknowledge that, that's one step further than Jake! Congrats! I don't think anyone has made the claim that they're not in the same boat, I've merely made the claim that God would see it as sin and not sanction it or bless it, anymore than He would a marriage between divorced couples. He's argued with me for pages that God would see it otherwise and refuses to admit his error. And I suppose if you recognize your sin for what it is and repent, then it will be between you and God what happens from there. But don't try to tell me lies about what is in the Bible or about what God would or would not accept.

There are 'churches' out there that are ordaining openly gay pastors and performing gay marriages giving the blessing of God on those unions. They are going against the Bible.
AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.
Matthew 19, 9.

Except Jesus doesn't condemn homosexuality at all in 19.9- does he?

Are those the only verses in the Bible that you know? You're the one that keeps limiting it to your little set of verses. There's a lot more to the Bible than that, better start reading so you don't look so foolish!

Oh I know the verses in the Bible about lying also

I think this is particularly applicable to you:
Psalm 52:3
You love evil more than good,

Falsehood more than speaking what is righ


And still waiting for you to show how I lied.

I mean a 'good Christian' like you wouldn't bear false witness would you?

Please feel free to point out anything I have lied about- I will make it easier for you- I will put in red my words- the rest are a direct quote from the Bible:

Yet not once does Jesus condemn homosexuality.

He doesn't even mention it as one of the commandments that his followers must follow in order to go heaven

8Jesus replied, “Moses permitted divorce only as a concession to your hard hearts, but it was not what God had originally intended. 9And I tell you this, whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery—unless his wife has been unfaithful.d

10Jesus’ disciples then said to him, “If this is the case, it is better not to marry!”

11“Not everyone can accept this statement,” Jesus said. “Only those whom God helps. 12Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made eunuchs by others, and some choose not to marrye for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.”

16Someone came to Jesus with this question: “Teacher,f what good deed must I do to have eternal life?”

17“Why ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. But to answer your question—if you want to receive eternal life, keepg the commandments.”

18“Which ones?” the man asked.

And Jesus replied: “‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely.19Honor your father and mother. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Why bother talking to you? .

I am not sure why you bother either. I have already pointed out that you lied about me- you bore false witness against me- I challenged you to prove your claim- but you couldn't- because you lied. You sinned. But if you ask Jesus for forgiveness, you can take comfort in believing he will forgive you your sin.
AF and Newby keeps their rhetorical butts thumped.

Jesus, according to a literal interpretation (what AF and N want except when, in cases like this, they don't want), is talking above divorce and marrying only once.

Jesus does not talk about polygamy, not does not talk about homosexuality, does not talk about marriage equality.

Yes, the argument is personal for all Americans because heretics like AF and N have made it personal.

We can only assume, because they won't discuss it, they have violated Jesus' conditions about marriage and reasons for divorce.

As long as heretics try to control the personal lives of their perceived enemies, their own lives are going to be explored, intimately.

What's the problem Jake? No rebuttal as usual? Tell me what my personal situation has to do with what Jesus said regarding divorce? Let's say I'm divorced because of reasons other than adultery, and I've remarried so I've committed the sin of adultery myself. What then? In your eyes that means that I have no business discussing what Jesus labeled as sin regarding marriage? Please explain your logic or your rules for everyone for this specific situation. If you've committed sin yourself, then you cannot speak on it? What if you have repented? Can you speak of it then? Please tell us how it works.

Then you are of course in exactly the same situation as every homosexual who has sex, who hasn't married.

Hey, at least you acknowledge that, that's one step further than Jake! Congrats! I don't think anyone has made the claim that they're not in the same boat, I've merely made the claim that God would see it as sin and not sanction it or bless it, anymore than He would a marriage between divorced couples. He's argued with me for pages that God would see it otherwise and refuses to admit his error. And I suppose if you recognize your sin for what it is and repent, then it will be between you and God what happens from there. But don't try to tell me lies about what is in the Bible or about what God would or would not accept.

And again- when did I lie?

people are getting their brains blown out b/c they are white euro christians and all you can think about is how you can achieve an orgasm

The same people who killed 'white euro christians' (seriously how do you know that none of them are Jewish or Athiests) would gladly kill homosexuals just for being homosexuals.

so then the terrorists killed homos just for being homos?

are you really that stupid beside being selfish?

Sigh- are you really as ignorant and bigoted as you appear in your posts?

Explain how anyone is bigoted?

Read squeeze berry's two posts.
Matthew 19, 9.

Except Jesus doesn't condemn homosexuality at all in 19.9- does he?

Are those the only verses in the Bible that you know? You're the one that keeps limiting it to your little set of verses. There's a lot more to the Bible than that, better start reading so you don't look so foolish!

Oh I know the verses in the Bible about lying also

I think this is particularly applicable to you:
Psalm 52:3
You love evil more than good,

Falsehood more than speaking what is righ


And still waiting for you to show how I lied.

I mean a 'good Christian' like you wouldn't bear false witness would you?

Please feel free to point out anything I have lied about- I will make it easier for you- I will put in red my words- the rest are a direct quote from the Bible:

Yet not once does Jesus condemn homosexuality.

He doesn't even mention it as one of the commandments that his followers must follow in order to go heaven

8Jesus replied, “Moses permitted divorce only as a concession to your hard hearts, but it was not what God had originally intended. 9And I tell you this, whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery—unless his wife has been unfaithful.d

10Jesus’ disciples then said to him, “If this is the case, it is better not to marry!”

11“Not everyone can accept this statement,” Jesus said. “Only those whom God helps. 12Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made eunuchs by others, and some choose not to marrye for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.”

16Someone came to Jesus with this question: “Teacher,f what good deed must I do to have eternal life?”

17“Why ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. But to answer your question—if you want to receive eternal life, keepg the commandments.”

18“Which ones?” the man asked.

And Jesus replied: “‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely.19Honor your father and mother. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Why bother talking to you? .

I am not sure why you bother either. I have already pointed out that you lied about me- you bore false witness against me- I challenged you to prove your claim- but you couldn't- because you lied. You sinned. But if you ask Jesus for forgiveness, you can take comfort in believing he will forgive you your sin.

I've responded to that same post many times, and you've chosen to ignore every single one of them, just kept repeating the same post over and over again. Nothing I can do about that.

You keep saying that Jesus did not condemn homosexuality, which is a lie, He did. When He speaks of sexual immorality and adultery, He is speaking about it.
Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?
Too late for that, oldfart made a fool out of himself a long time ago.

Another thumper who hasn't read the bible.

Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

You might want to read the bible.

I have said it before, those who don't believe in God or God's word are stupid to use it to support their lies.

Says the "christian" who doesn't even know what his bible says about eating pork.


What does it say? Are you really this lacking in basic knowledge of the Christian faith? Nevermind, stupid question.. lol

If you're a christian you should already know this:

Deuteronomy 14:8

Clean and Unclean Animals
7"Nevertheless, you are not to eat of these among those which chew the cud, or among those that divide the hoof in two: the camel and the rabbit and the shaphan, for though they chew the cud, they do not divide the hoof; they are unclean for you. 8"The pig, because it divides the hoof but does not chew the cud, it is unclean for you. You shall not eat any of their flesh nor touch their carcasses.9"These you may eat of all that are in water: anything that has fins and scales you may eat,…
Too late for that, oldfart made a fool out of himself a long time ago.

Another thumper who hasn't read the bible.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

You might want to read the bible.

I have said it before, those who don't believe in God or God's word are stupid to use it to support their lies.

Says the "christian" who doesn't even know what his bible says about eating pork.


What does it say? Are you really this lacking in basic knowledge of the Christian faith? Nevermind, stupid question.. lol

If you're a christian you should already know this:

Deuteronomy 14:8

Clean and Unclean Animals
7"Nevertheless, you are not to eat of these among those which chew the cud, or among those that divide the hoof in two: the camel and the rabbit and the shaphan, for though they chew the cud, they do not divide the hoof; they are unclean for you. 8"The pig, because it divides the hoof but does not chew the cud, it is unclean for you. You shall not eat any of their flesh nor touch their carcasses.9"These you may eat of all that are in water: anything that has fins and scales you may eat,…

Okay. lol
I'm sure the lawyers are jumping up and down.

The lawyers are looking forward to the divorces.

Once a nation starts down the road of depravity and degredation it doesn't stop until the end. We won't either.
Leviticus 18:22

22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Then don't do that if you believe what you posted.

However there are millions of Americans who aren't christian and we don't want your christian beliefs put on us.

So follow the bible all you want. Just stop trying to force it on everyone else.
I'm not a Christian Dana7360 nor am I pushing anything on anyone. Show me where I have, Heathen.

You know you could have replied to me without the heathen put in there.

If I'm a heathen so are you. You state you're not christian.

Why would you have a problem with me not being christian. Or is it that I believe in the constitution of our nation and you don't?

You seem to believe that discrimination is written into that sacred document. It's not. In fact it's the exact opposite,

So if you want to discriminate against you fellow American, you're violating our constitution.
I can't wait for this issue to finally be settled legally. The debate will go on for many years to come but I am looking forward to the day when SC puts this issue to bed.

Unfortunately even when the SC rules on this and marriage equality is in all 50 states, the crazy homophobes won't stop.

They never accepted the Roe V Wade ruling and to this day are still working on repealing it or other backdoor ways of making it irrelevant.

They will never let marriage equality go and will spend decades trying to reverse it.

Just as they've been doing with Roe V Wade.
Newby, you are a hetertic and a literalist, so you don't get it.

Jesus is talking about marriage not homosexuality. He does not exclude others, does he?

And how many in your congregation, or you yourself perhaps, have divorced?

I am glad you are willing for me to show you the light.

Is this thread about marriage, specifically gay marriage, or not?

That you would make the comment that He does not exclude others is assinine.

The church does not perform divorces, Jake, and sorry, but I've never been divorced, so wrong again!

Would you support your church performing gay marriage ceremonies?

Jesus is talking about marriage not homosexuality. Newby, give His condemnation of it, literally, please.

According to Jesus' word, you have no literal condemnation of homosexuality or of marriage equality.

I am glad you have never been divorced; neither have I.

No Christian and follower of Our Lord and Savior has any problem with marriage equality, except for heretics.
No follower of Christ supports gay marriage. Jesus spoke about sexual immorality which gay is. God created Man and Woman, period. Your idiotic argument is nothing but satans hot air.

You're wrong again.

There are many christians who don't have a problem with gay marriage.

The Unitarian church:

Marriage Equality - UUA

The Episcopal church:

Episcopalians Set to be First Big US Church to Bless Gay Marriage

The Presbyterian church:

Presbyterian Church Votes To Allow Gay Marriages

There's more and you can read about it at the link below:

List of Christian denominational positions on homosexuality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
AmericanFirst and Newby obviously do not know our Lord and Savior but are relying on literalism falsely to define Him. I have Newby spinning like a top, but he is showing some progress.

Doesn't work, boys.

Jesus never spoke about homosexuality and never condemned marriage equality. If He did, then show us where He said it.

The heretics of the social on right can't do that.
Read the Bible starting with the book of Matthew. But first you will have to find your brain you lost while playing with it. Good luck.

AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.
Matthew 19, 9.

So not only are you ignorant of the christian faith, you're also a liar.

Matthew 19-9 is about divorce. Not homosexuality.

If you have to lie how valid is anything you say and why should anyone believe a word from you?
Newby is bearing false witness, saying that Jesus said something he did not. Show us exactly where Jesus condemns homosexuality and marriage equality.

Marriage equality for the nation is almost here, it will be the law of the land, and your sole act that you disagree will be to not marry someone of your own sex.

You can disbelieve all you want, and no one will care.

I don't care if SSM is the 'law of the land', I understand your confusion however, seeing as how you're not a Christian. The secular world can 'marry' anything they want, that does not make it a sanctioned marriage in God's eyes. Is your next step to force your 'marriages' on the church? There's a difference between legal/secular marriage, and joining two people together in the eyes of God. You can do whatever you want with the first, hell why not allow people to marry their pets if they want too? But you have no control over the second, and you never will.

The thing is you can stand in a church all day long and recite wedding vows.

You're no more married than the wallpaper is married.

You're married when you sign that license and it's filed with the state.

Until then, you're not married. So your eyes of god garbage doesn't matter in America. What does matter is the law and our constitution. Which you don't have any problem with violating.

So go ahead and recite all the wedding vows in a church you want but our government and everyone else won't recognize your marriage and you could be prosecuted then put in prison if you illegally used any of the benefits our nation gives to married people. Such as tax benefits. If you use that you're committing fraud and will end up either paying a huge fine or go to prison or both.
AmericanFirst and Newby obviously do not know our Lord and Savior but are relying on literalism falsely to define Him. I have Newby spinning like a top, but he is showing some progress.

Doesn't work, boys.

Jesus never spoke about homosexuality and never condemned marriage equality. If He did, then show us where He said it.

The heretics of the social on right can't do that.
Read the Bible starting with the book of Matthew. But first you will have to find your brain you lost while playing with it. Good luck.

AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.
Matthew 19, 9.

So not only are you ignorant of the christian faith, you're also a liar.

Matthew 19-9 is about divorce. Not homosexuality.

If you have to lie how valid is anything you say and why should anyone believe a word from you?
I am not lying. Jesus is talking about sexual immorality being the one legitimate excuse for divorce. What you and others are doing is ignoring the facts about sexual immorality which homosexuality is.
Newby is bearing false witness, saying that Jesus said something he did not. Show us exactly where Jesus condemns homosexuality and marriage equality.

Marriage equality for the nation is almost here, it will be the law of the land, and your sole act that you disagree will be to not marry someone of your own sex.

You can disbelieve all you want, and no one will care.

I don't care if SSM is the 'law of the land', I understand your confusion however, seeing as how you're not a Christian. The secular world can 'marry' anything they want, that does not make it a sanctioned marriage in God's eyes. Is your next step to force your 'marriages' on the church? There's a difference between legal/secular marriage, and joining two people together in the eyes of God. You can do whatever you want with the first, hell why not allow people to marry their pets if they want too? But you have no control over the second, and you never will.

The thing is you can stand in a church all day long and recite wedding vows.

You're no more married than the wallpaper is married.

You're married when you sign that license and it's filed with the state.

Until then, you're not married. So your eyes of god garbage doesn't matter in America. What does matter is the law and our constitution. Which you don't have any problem with violating.

So go ahead and recite all the wedding vows in a church you want but our government and everyone else won't recognize your marriage and you could be prosecuted then put in prison if you illegally used any of the benefits our nation gives to married people. Such as tax benefits. If you use that you're committing fraud and will end up either paying a huge fine or go to prison or both.
you are saying the state has more authority than God in a Church, Gods house? Wrong.
I come back from the gym and I find adulterers and divorcees trying to tell marriage equality how to live their lives.

These hypocrites like Newby and AF et al twist scriptures and ignore the clear meaning that they are not acting like Christians at all.

They have condemned themselves.
Newby, you are a hetertic and a literalist, so you don't get it.

Jesus is talking about marriage not homosexuality. He does not exclude others, does he?

And how many in your congregation, or you yourself perhaps, have divorced?

I am glad you are willing for me to show you the light.

Is this thread about marriage, specifically gay marriage, or not?

That you would make the comment that He does not exclude others is assinine.

The church does not perform divorces, Jake, and sorry, but I've never been divorced, so wrong again!

Would you support your church performing gay marriage ceremonies?

Jesus is talking about marriage not homosexuality. Newby, give His condemnation of it, literally, please.

According to Jesus' word, you have no literal condemnation of homosexuality or of marriage equality.

I am glad you have never been divorced; neither have I.

No Christian and follower of Our Lord and Savior has any problem with marriage equality, except for heretics.
No follower of Christ supports gay marriage. Jesus spoke about sexual immorality which gay is. God created Man and Woman, period. Your idiotic argument is nothing but satans hot air.

You're wrong again.

There are many christians who don't have a problem with gay marriage.

The Unitarian church:

Marriage Equality - UUA

The Episcopal church:

Episcopalians Set to be First Big US Church to Bless Gay Marriage

The Presbyterian church:

Presbyterian Church Votes To Allow Gay Marriages

There's more and you can read about it at the link below:

List of Christian denominational positions on homosexuality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Can't be gay and Christian. The Bible is Gods word and it condemns homosexuality.
AmericanFirst and Newby obviously do not know our Lord and Savior but are relying on literalism falsely to define Him. I have Newby spinning like a top, but he is showing some progress.

Doesn't work, boys.

Jesus never spoke about homosexuality and never condemned marriage equality. If He did, then show us where He said it.

The heretics of the social on right can't do that.
Read the Bible starting with the book of Matthew. But first you will have to find your brain you lost while playing with it. Good luck.

AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.
Matthew 19, 9.

So not only are you ignorant of the christian faith, you're also a liar.

Matthew 19-9 is about divorce. Not homosexuality.

If you have to lie how valid is anything you say and why should anyone believe a word from you?
I am not lying. Jesus is talking about sexual immorality being the one legitimate excuse for divorce. What you and others are doing is ignoring the facts about sexual immorality which homosexuality is.

Yes, you are lying. Jesus said nothing about homosexual immorality ever, anywhere.

Only you and the other tortured souls are saying: Jesus never did.

Are you a divorcee? Are you an adulterer? A refusal to answer will an admission that you done so.

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