Finally! First Gay Marriage In Florida!

Difference is Christians actually believe the Bible not just use it to support their sick perversions while otherwise denying God. Idiot.
Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?
Liberals deny the existence of Jesus Christ. That's how they do it. Once Christ and the New Testament is denied it's all the old testament.
You truly are an idiot – the vast majority of 'liberals' are Christian.
people are getting their brains blown out b/c they are white euro christians and all you can think about is how you can achieve an orgasm
squeeze, that is stupid, as you are normally.

This is about marriage equality, not terror attacks.

But if you go down Violence Road, your end then becomes inevitable.

You on the Far Right have to grow up: you don't have the power, you don't have the votes, and you don't have the moral correctness to deny people marriage equality.
Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?
Liberals deny the existence of Jesus Christ. That's how they do it. Once Christ and the New Testament is denied it's all the old testament.
You truly are an idiot – the vast majority of 'liberals' are Christian.
They sure don't act like it.
squeeze, that is stupid, as you are normally.

This is about marriage equality, not terror attacks.

But if you go down Violence Road, your end then becomes inevitable.

You on the Far Right have to grow up: you don't have the power, you don't have the votes, and you don't have the moral correctness to deny people marriage equality.
The few ones who are correct on this issue are on the right, not the retarded left. Loser.
The vast number of American Christians are not heretics: they don't believe in the far right wing heresies of evangelicalism or fundamentalism or Pentecostalism.

Believe as you will, AF, but American Christians overwhelmingly do not accept biblical literalism or the speaking in tongues as a sure sign of salvation or other such stuff. It's not necessary. It's not required.

Just trust Christ, lean on Him, and let him work His Way on you. Stop resisting.
The vast number of American Christians are not heretics: they don't believe in the far right wing heresies of evangelicalism or fundamentalism or Pentecostalism.

Believe as you will, AF, but American Christians overwhelmingly do not accept biblical literalism or the speaking in tongues as a sure sign of salvation or other such stuff. It's not necessary. It's not required.

Just trust Christ, lean on Him, and let him work His Way on you. Stop resisting.
The Bible should be taken literally. Feel good philosophy is hollow. As a Christian I do trust in Christ, I also know the Bible is Gods word, I don't pick and choose what to believe in it like you. The Bible Gods word and Jesus condemns sexuall immorality which homosexual is, plain and simple. You are the one trying to justify sin by misrepresenting the Bible.
Fornication is mentioned as a sin and meant all sex outside of marriage not just the adultery of married people having sex outside of marriage. Homosexuals would be fornicators.

Good reason to allow same-sex marriage then. Once married they wouldn't be fornicators anymore.

The vast number of American Christians are not heretics: they don't believe in the far right wing heresies of evangelicalism or fundamentalism or Pentecostalism.

Believe as you will, AF, but American Christians overwhelmingly do not accept biblical literalism or the speaking in tongues as a sure sign of salvation or other such stuff. It's not necessary. It's not required.

Just trust Christ, lean on Him, and let him work His Way on you. Stop resisting.
The Bible should be taken literally. Feel good philosophy is hollow. As a Christian I do trust in Christ, I also know the Bible is Gods word, I don't pick and choose what to believe in it like you. The Bible Gods word and Jesus condemns sexuall immorality which homosexual is, plain and simple. You are the one trying to justify sin by misrepresenting the Bible.
You are talking like a heretic. You have made a book a wall around Jesus and His gospel, which is a fruitless. The book will not save you. Now give me literally where Jesus condemns homosexuality and marriage equality. You can't, yet you persists as a modern-day Pharisee.
people are getting their brains blown out b/c they are white euro christians and all you can think about is how you can achieve an orgasm

The same people who killed 'white euro christians' (seriously how do you know that none of them are Jewish or Athiests) would gladly kill homosexuals just for being homosexuals.
The vast number of American Christians are not heretics: they don't believe in the far right wing heresies of evangelicalism or fundamentalism or Pentecostalism.

Believe as you will, AF, but American Christians overwhelmingly do not accept biblical literalism or the speaking in tongues as a sure sign of salvation or other such stuff. It's not necessary. It's not required.

Just trust Christ, lean on Him, and let him work His Way on you. Stop resisting.
The Bible should be taken literally. Feel good philosophy is hollow. As a Christian I do trust in Christ, I also know the Bible is Gods word, I don't pick and choose what to believe in it like you. The Bible Gods word and Jesus condemns sexuall immorality which homosexual is, plain and simple. You are the one trying to justify sin by misrepresenting the Bible.

If it shouldn't be taken 'literally' well then I interpret the Bible to mean that Jesus wants everyone to get married so that they are not adulterers.

Jesus condemns sexually immorality- never homosexuality- when homosexuals are married they are not committing adultery.

Problem solved.

Now you just have got to do something about the immorality of those who remarry after divorce.....
The vast number of American Christians are not heretics: they don't believe in the far right wing heresies of evangelicalism or fundamentalism or Pentecostalism.

Believe as you will, AF, but American Christians overwhelmingly do not accept biblical literalism or the speaking in tongues as a sure sign of salvation or other such stuff. It's not necessary. It's not required.

Just trust Christ, lean on Him, and let him work His Way on you. Stop resisting.
The Bible should be taken literally. Feel good philosophy is hollow. As a Christian I do trust in Christ, I also know the Bible is Gods word, I don't pick and choose what to believe in it like you. The Bible Gods word and Jesus condemns sexuall immorality which homosexual is, plain and simple. You are the one trying to justify sin by misrepresenting the Bible.

If it shouldn't be taken 'literally' well then I interpret the Bible to mean that Jesus wants everyone to get married so that they are not adulterers.

Jesus condemns sexually immorality- never homosexuality- when homosexuals are married they are not committing adultery.

Problem solved.

Now you just have got to do something about the immorality of those who remarry after divorce.....
Wrong again. Keep ignoring the truth. Again, Matthew 19; 5 & 9. Homosexuality is sexual immorality. Jesus reinforces marriage between Man and Woman in verse 5. You are nothing but a liar.
The vast number of American Christians are not heretics: they don't believe in the far right wing heresies of evangelicalism or fundamentalism or Pentecostalism.

Believe as you will, AF, but American Christians overwhelmingly do not accept biblical literalism or the speaking in tongues as a sure sign of salvation or other such stuff. It's not necessary. It's not required.

Just trust Christ, lean on Him, and let him work His Way on you. Stop resisting.
The Bible should be taken literally. Feel good philosophy is hollow. As a Christian I do trust in Christ, I also know the Bible is Gods word, I don't pick and choose what to believe in it like you. The Bible Gods word and Jesus condemns sexuall immorality which homosexual is, plain and simple. You are the one trying to justify sin by misrepresenting the Bible.
You are talking like a heretic. You have made a book a wall around Jesus and His gospel, which is a fruitless. The book will not save you. Now give me literally where Jesus condemns homosexuality and marriage equality. You can't, yet you persists as a modern-day Pharisee.
Wrong idiot, I have pointed out where. If you are too stupid to comprehend I can't help you. You are the Pharisee pea brain.
AF thinks Pharisaical repetition produces truth.

In his case, it does not. Mathew 5: 19 is talking about marriage and divorce, not homosexuality. How many times have you been divorced, AF? More than once? If so you are in violation of scripture.

Believe however you wish, little buddy, but that does not change that marriage equality will be the law for the entire land shortly.
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Deuteronomy is in the Old Testament; a thing Jesus came to correct. The Old Testament in the christian Bible is a history book. The New Testament is the spiritual guidebook of christians.

Don't you people know anything? Not even the difference between "Old" and "New" and why there is a difference?

When you get around to it, read Jude 1 of the NEW Testament and get back to me..

Yet not once does Jesus condemn homosexuality.

He doesn't even mention it as one of the commandments that his followers must follow in order to go heaven

8Jesus replied, “Moses permitted divorce only as a concession to your hard hearts, but it was not what God had originally intended. 9And I tell you this, whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery—unless his wife has been unfaithful.d

10Jesus’ disciples then said to him, “If this is the case, it is better not to marry!”

11“Not everyone can accept this statement,” Jesus said. “Only those whom God helps. 12Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made eunuchs by others, and some choose not to marrye for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.”

16Someone came to Jesus with this question: “Teacher,f what good deed must I do to have eternal life?”

17“Why ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. But to answer your question—if you want to receive eternal life, keepg the commandments.”

18“Which ones?” the man asked.

And Jesus replied: “‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. 19Honor your father and mother. Love your neighbor as yourself.’h

Unlawful Sexual Relations
21'You shall not give any of your offspring to offer them to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God; I am the LORD. 22'You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.
(Lev 18:22)
Live by the OT if you want but I prefer Jesus's words.

Show me where He condemned marriage equality or homosexuality, in His Own Words.

This is where the heresy of fundamentalism/ evangelicalism/biblical literalism fails the test.
AF thinks Pharisaical repetition produces truth.

In his case, it does not. Mathew 5: 19 is talking about marriage and divorce, not homosexuality. How many times have you been divorced, AF? More than once? If so you are in violation of scripture.

Believe however you wish, little buddy, but that does not change that marriage equality will be the law for the entire land shortly.
Matthew 19; 5 dope head.
Matthew 19: 9 does not condemn homosexuality, only divorce.

Social con heretics are not any sort of authority on scripture.

The matter is this: Newby, AF, and others have lost the marriage equality fight.

So they are pissing in the corner, it's all they can do.

Sux to be them.

In the first 8 verses of Matthew 19 Jesus Christ describes what God defined as 'marriage' in His eyes, period. He was being questioned about divorce, and He answered that as well, and you still don't even believe that one. You stated above that you don't think it's a sin to divorce, that if you remarry you're not committing adultery, whenever Christ very clearly says that you are unless the divorce is due to infidelity.

I haven't 'lost' anything, Jake, and sadly that's what you don't seem to understand, it's the world that's losing, and people like you who bear false witness to the words of God that are perpetuating it. I don't care what you 'legalize' in the secular government, but that's not what you're doing in this thread with your very own words. Your entire argument in this thread has been that God would sanction and approve of a gay marriage, which has nothing to do with government, now you're treading on the Bible and God's word. You want gay marriage, that's fine, but don't try to convince people that God would sanction and bless it, that's outright blasphemy. And then you lie by claiming that you're a Christian, very sad indeed.

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