Finally! First Gay Marriage In Florida!

Newby is bearing false witness, saying that Jesus said something he did not. Show us exactly where Jesus condemns homosexuality and marriage equality.

Marriage equality for the nation is almost here, it will be the law of the land, and your sole act that you disagree will be to not marry someone of your own sex.

You can disbelieve all you want, and no one will care.

I don't care if SSM is the 'law of the land', I understand your confusion however, seeing as how you're not a Christian. The secular world can 'marry' anything they want, that does not make it a sanctioned marriage in God's eyes. Is your next step to force your 'marriages' on the church? There's a difference between legal/secular marriage, and joining two people together in the eyes of God. You can do whatever you want with the first, hell why not allow people to marry their pets if they want too? But you have no control over the second, and you never will.
AmericanFirst and Newby obviously do not know our Lord and Savior but are relying on literalism falsely to define Him. I have Newby spinning like a top, but he is showing some progress.

Doesn't work, boys.

Jesus never spoke about homosexuality and never condemned marriage equality. If He did, then show us where He said it.

The heretics of the social on right can't do that.
Read the Bible starting with the book of Matthew. But first you will have to find your brain you lost while playing with it. Good luck.

AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.

I showed you where Jesus defined what marriage is in the eyes of God, and He spoke often regarding sexual immorality and 'fornication', which is sex outside the sanctity of a marriage sanctioned by God, He said it was sin. So ignore it at your own peril.

What else is different in your brand of 'Christianity', will God judge and condemn? Or as you keep preaching, will He tolerate anything out of 'love and acceptance'? Jesus never taught to accept and tolerate sin, quite the opposite.
Read the Bible starting with the book of Matthew. But first you will have to find your brain you lost while playing with it. Good luck.

AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.
Matthew 19, 9.

Except Jesus doesn't condemn homosexuality at all in 19.9- does he?
Yes he does. Homosexuality is sexual immorality. Learn to comprehend not twist things according to your master, satans, will.

No, He does not, and you are lying in the name of Christ when you say differently. You are twisting scripture, as all heretics do.
Jake, Jake, Jake
Hate to break it to ya, bub but homosexuality IS sexual immorality. I can divorce my wife for lying with a woman just as quick as I could if I caught her with another man.
If that's reason for divorce that makes it condemning
Read the Bible starting with the book of Matthew. But first you will have to find your brain you lost while playing with it. Good luck.

AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.
Matthew 19, 9.

Except Jesus doesn't condemn homosexuality at all in 19.9- does he?
Yes he does. Homosexuality is sexual immorality. Learn to comprehend not twist things according to your master, satans, will.

No, He does not, and you are lying in the name of Christ when you say differently. You are twisting scripture, as all heretics do.

So churches should be forced to perform gay marriages, right Jake?
AmericanFirst and Newby obviously do not know our Lord and Savior but are relying on literalism falsely to define Him. I have Newby spinning like a top, but he is showing some progress.

Doesn't work, boys.

Jesus never spoke about homosexuality and never condemned marriage equality. If He did, then show us where He said it.

The heretics of the social on right can't do that.
Read the Bible starting with the book of Matthew. But first you will have to find your brain you lost while playing with it. Good luck.

AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.
Matthew 19, 9.

Except Jesus doesn't condemn homosexuality at all in 19.9- does he?

Are those the only verses in the Bible that you know? You're the one that keeps limiting it to your little set of verses. There's a lot more to the Bible than that, better start reading so you don't look so foolish!
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AmericanFirst and Newby obviously do not know our Lord and Savior but are relying on literalism falsely to define Him. I have Newby spinning like a top, but he is showing some progress.

Doesn't work, boys.

Jesus never spoke about homosexuality and never condemned marriage equality. If He did, then show us where He said it.

The heretics of the social on right can't do that.
Read the Bible starting with the book of Matthew. But first you will have to find your brain you lost while playing with it. Good luck.

AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.
Matthew 19, 9.

That's a lie. Jesus is talking about divorce. And if we read it literally, anyone who divorces is no longer Christian. You fail.

Do you make these rules up as you go along? Jesus Christ directly said that if you divorce and remarry another, you are committing the sin of adultery. Are you going to deny that one too? Exactly how do you rationalize that one? He didn't really mean it? He's going to forgive you anyway, so sin away, it won't make a difference?
AmericanFirst and Newby obviously do not know our Lord and Savior but are relying on literalism falsely to define Him. I have Newby spinning like a top, but he is showing some progress.

Doesn't work, boys.

Jesus never spoke about homosexuality and never condemned marriage equality. If He did, then show us where He said it.

The heretics of the social on right can't do that.
Read the Bible starting with the book of Matthew. But first you will have to find your brain you lost while playing with it. Good luck.

AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.
Matthew 19, 9.

That's a lie. Jesus is talking about divorce. And if we read it literally, anyone who divorces is no longer Christian. You fail.

Do you make these rules up as you go along? Jesus Christ directly said that if you divorce and remarry another, you are committing the sin of adultery. Are you going to deny that one too? Exactly how do you rationalize that one? He didn't really mean it? He's going to forgive you anyway, so sin away, it won't make a difference?
Notice no response from jake or notsoserios, they must know they are wrong.
AmericanFirst and Newby obviously do not know our Lord and Savior but are relying on literalism falsely to define Him. I have Newby spinning like a top, but he is showing some progress.

Doesn't work, boys.

Jesus never spoke about homosexuality and never condemned marriage equality. If He did, then show us where He said it.

The heretics of the social on right can't do that.
Read the Bible starting with the book of Matthew. But first you will have to find your brain you lost while playing with it. Good luck.

AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.
Matthew 19, 9.

Except Jesus doesn't condemn homosexuality at all in 19.9- does he?

Are those the only verses in the Bible that you know? You're the one that keeps limiting it to your little set of verses. There's a lot more to the Bible than that, better start reading so you don't look so foolish!
Too late for that.
Matthew 19: 9 does not condemn homosexuality, only divorce.

Social con heretics are not any sort of authority on scripture.

The matter is this: Newby, AF, and others have lost the marriage equality fight.

So they are pissing in the corner, it's all they can do.

Sux to be them.
AmericanFirst and Newby obviously do not know our Lord and Savior but are relying on literalism falsely to define Him. I have Newby spinning like a top, but he is showing some progress.

Doesn't work, boys.

Jesus never spoke about homosexuality and never condemned marriage equality. If He did, then show us where He said it.

The heretics of the social on right can't do that.
Read the Bible starting with the book of Matthew. But first you will have to find your brain you lost while playing with it. Good luck.

AF the Heretic is babbling.

Show us exactly where Jesus condemned homosexuality and marriage equality.
Matthew 19, 9.

Except Jesus doesn't condemn homosexuality at all in 19.9- does he?

Are those the only verses in the Bible that you know? You're the one that keeps limiting it to your little set of verses. There's a lot more to the Bible than that, better start reading so you don't look so foolish!

Oh I know the verses in the Bible about lying also

I think this is particularly applicable to you:
Psalm 52:3
You love evil more than good,

Falsehood more than speaking what is righ


And still waiting for you to show how I lied.

I mean a 'good Christian' like you wouldn't bear false witness would you?

Please feel free to point out anything I have lied about- I will make it easier for you- I will put in red my words- the rest are a direct quote from the Bible:

Yet not once does Jesus condemn homosexuality.

He doesn't even mention it as one of the commandments that his followers must follow in order to go heaven

8Jesus replied, “Moses permitted divorce only as a concession to your hard hearts, but it was not what God had originally intended. 9And I tell you this, whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery—unless his wife has been unfaithful.d

10Jesus’ disciples then said to him, “If this is the case, it is better not to marry!”

11“Not everyone can accept this statement,” Jesus said. “Only those whom God helps. 12Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made eunuchs by others, and some choose not to marrye for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.”

16Someone came to Jesus with this question: “Teacher,f what good deed must I do to have eternal life?”

17“Why ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. But to answer your question—if you want to receive eternal life, keepg the commandments.”

18“Which ones?” the man asked.

And Jesus replied: “‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely.19Honor your father and mother. Love your neighbor as yourself.
Poll after poll shows that majority of Americans do support gay getting married. The startling reversal of opinions concerning this issue over the last 15 years has been remarkable. Though I do agree with you to an extent, the business of discrimination (legitimate or not) is a money making industry. I often read cases about gays claiming to be discriminated against for being fired for violating a morality clause they sign. This happens most often in religious institutions. I have no sympathy for these folks because you singed the contract knowing damn well that you could be fired if your bosses found out that you were gay.

What's remarkable about it? The public has been indoctrinated via the media on a pretty constant basis, targeting the youngest generation, that it's normal and should be accepted, and to shun and belittle those who still insist that it's not normal behavior. .

Are we talking about mixed race relationships?

Or gay relationships.

Actually your comment would apply to both.

We are moving forward.

So you're equating being black to wanting to have sex with the same gender as yourself?

And still waiting for you to show how I lied.

I mean a 'good Christian' like you wouldn't bear false witness would you?

Please feel free to point out anything I have lied about- I will make it easier for you- I will put in red my words- the rest are a direct quote from the Bible:

Yet not once does Jesus condemn homosexuality.

He doesn't even mention it as one of the commandments that his followers must follow in order to go heaven

8Jesus replied, “Moses permitted divorce only as a concession to your hard hearts, but it was not what God had originally intended. 9And I tell you this, whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery—unless his wife has been unfaithful.d

10Jesus’ disciples then said to him, “If this is the case, it is better not to marry!”

11“Not everyone can accept this statement,” Jesus said. “Only those whom God helps. 12Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made eunuchs by others, and some choose not to marrye for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.”

16Someone came to Jesus with this question: “Teacher,f what good deed must I do to have eternal life?”

17“Why ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. But to answer your question—if you want to receive eternal life, keepg the commandments.”

18“Which ones?” the man asked.

And Jesus replied: “‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely.19Honor your father and mother. Love your neighbor as yourself.

See the part that you bolded about adultery? Do you know what the definition of adultery is? Jesus spoke regarding lust and sex outside of marriage, he also spoke and defined what marriage is, which are the first seven verses in Matthew 19 that you pretend don't exist. When you have sex outside of marriage sanctioned by God, then you are committing adultery. If you truly did not understand this concept, then it appears you have a lot to learn.

Oh certainly Jesus condemned adultery- often.

And if you mean that a homosexual is no different from a heterosexual when it comes to adultery certainly.

But Jesus didn't condemn homosexuals or homosexuality.

He does specifically condemn remarriage after divorce.

You are against the legalization of remarriage after divorce too?
Jesus is talking about divorce, Newby, nothing else.

As a biblical literalist, you are stuck with that.
Newby, you are a hetertic and a literalist, so you don't get it.

Jesus is talking about marriage not homosexuality. He does not exclude others, does he?

And how many in your congregation, or you yourself perhaps, have divorced?

I am glad you are willing for me to show you the light.

Is this thread about marriage, specifically gay marriage, or not?

That you would make the comment that He does not exclude others is assinine.

The church does not perform divorces, Jake, and sorry, but I've never been divorced, so wrong again!

Would you support your church performing gay marriage ceremonies?

Jesus is talking about marriage not homosexuality. Newby, give His condemnation of it, literally, please.

According to Jesus' word, you have no literal condemnation of homosexuality or of marriage equality.

I am glad you have never been divorced; neither have I.

No Christian and follower of Our Lord and Savior has any problem with marriage equality, except for heretics.
No follower of Christ supports gay marriage. Jesus spoke about sexual immorality which gay is. God created Man and Woman, period. Your idiotic argument is nothing but satans hot air.
Who says you speak for Christians, pretender?

Your opinions are not any sort of authoritative statement.

Move along.

And you do you speak for Christians? You're such a joke!

Move along now Jake, step along, no one needs to hear your drivel! :cuckoo:

Says the biblical literalist who cannot literally interpret the scripture without giving a twist to it. :lol:
Biblical literalists, as underdeveloped in Christian belief and scriptural understanding (think Newby), don't play well with others. They do more damage that twenty devils.
You are stuck with that, too, AF: you are a biblical literalist to the point you will twist a scripture deliberately in front of everybody.

Thank you for admitting you lost.
Fornication is mentioned as a sin and meant all sex outside of marriage not just the adultery of married people having sex outside of marriage. Homosexuals would be fornicators.
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Adultery meant all sex outside of marriage not just married people having sex outside of marriage. Since marriage meant a man and a woman the prohibition against adultery also included homosexual sex acts.

So you think homosexuality is exactly the same as any sex outside of marriage?

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