Firing Mueller would be the ultimate obstruction of justice act....

Trump isnt going to fire Mueller. And is not obstruction of justice to fore him any more than it's been obstruction to fire any other prosecutor
Really? Then I guess the GOP House back in 1974 DIDN'T have a bill of impeachment against Nixon that passed through Committee with Article I of the Bill charging Nixon with obstruction of justice for the same exact type of shit the Golden Shower Boy is doing right now.

Go to the link below and read the Congressional indictment yourself. Too damn bad the Crook-in-Chief bailed before the House passed it and the Senate got their shot at the crook!

Here is a teaser;
"In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his consitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice, in that:

1. withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;

2. approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counselling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings;

3. approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counselling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings;

8. making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States into believing that a thorough and complete investigation had been conducted with respect to allegations of misconduct on the part of personnel of the executive branch of the United States and personnel of the Committee for the Re-election of the President, and that there was no involvement of such personnel in such misconduct: "
~ Watergate Articles Of Impeachment ~

And don't play stupid and play that that sampling doesn't pertain to the Clown's very public conduct!!!!

When has Trump done any of those things?

And BTW notice what isn't on the list?

Firing a prosecutor
When has Trump done any of those things?
And don't play stupid and play that that sampling doesn't pertain to the Clown's very public conduct!!!!
I wrote this directly above because I know your obfuscating, dodging and dancing MO! You haven't been under a rock for the last 30 months, fool, so knock off the stupid act, dummy! The Clown is not a fucking alter boy at St. Mary's and his shtick is well documented! Many folks can't be taken in by a Circus Clown reality show fraud, but you've proved one of the exceptions to the rule!

And BTW notice what isn't on the list? Firing a prosecutor
I gave you the link to Nixon's Articles of Impeachment, but I baited you by leaving #4 of Article I out, knowing your MO would be not to edify yourself and just go with the teaser (that was a hint FOOL). You don't think Archie Cox a prosecutor? :abgg2q.jpg:
So you intentionally misquoted a link? Got it.

So you intentionally misquoted a link? Got it.
Of course I didn't "misquote" anything. Quoting a portion of the four(4) page, three(3) Articles with multiple topics noted in each would piss off the Mods on this site, now wouldn't it!!!! Besides the Articles were cited but his lazy ass didn't bother to read the bloody thing as challenged and didn't know about or recall the infamous "Saturday Night Massacre", now did he. I was 30 at the time and remember it well.

He just assumed no prosecutor had been fired under these circumstances involving a sitting POTUS and with his lack of historical knowledge or recall or combination of both, had no way to place the firing of Archibald Cox in the picture to keep from doubling down on his ignorance. Now do you really wish to present as his cognitive twin Sgt Friday?

And he like I were probably not as old as dirt as you are now, so you misled, thanks, for the info.
We readily see our beloved Trump "floating" the idea of his firing Mueller and gauging what the popular reaction would be.......

Confidants of Trump tacitly acknowledge that such an action is being contemplated, while Trump's lawyers label such an action as false.

DiGenova's appointment partially supports the idea of firing the special counsel since, DiGenova is a big advocate of the "deep state" mantra.

Bear in mind that democrats would scream bloody murder is Mueller was indeed fired, that Mueller could actually sue the government over his firing, and that several states would appoint Mueller to pursue (and fund) the on-going investigation.

Firing Mueller would indeed precipitate a constitutional challenge.....What do you think?

If the GOP refused to do their job and impeach him...then not only will trump go down ....but so will the GOP.
Really? Then I guess the GOP House back in 1974 DIDN'T have a bill of impeachment against Nixon that passed through Committee with Article I of the Bill charging Nixon with obstruction of justice for the same exact type of shit the Golden Shower Boy is doing right now.

Go to the link below and read the Congressional indictment yourself. Too damn bad the Crook-in-Chief bailed before the House passed it and the Senate got their shot at the crook!

Here is a teaser;
"In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his consitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice, in that:

1. withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;

2. approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counselling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings;

3. approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counselling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings;

8. making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States into believing that a thorough and complete investigation had been conducted with respect to allegations of misconduct on the part of personnel of the executive branch of the United States and personnel of the Committee for the Re-election of the President, and that there was no involvement of such personnel in such misconduct: "
~ Watergate Articles Of Impeachment ~

And don't play stupid and play that that sampling doesn't pertain to the Clown's very public conduct!!!!

^ ^ ^ :)

Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.
trump says a lot of he's gonna release his tax returns......only a sucker believes him.

EXACTLY - I'm looking for the first move by Friday or Saturday to steal Stormy's interview thunder.
I hope Donny fires Mueller...but only because if he did so, you guys on the Left would go full blown bat shit CRAZY. I think that would be fun to watch.
“ It would be the end of his presidency.”
Lindsey Graham.

Indeed fire Mueller and show the world trump has no respect for the rule of law.
Fire that fucker Mueller!!!!! FIRE HIM NOW...

then we get to watch lefties like you lose your minds. How fun!

There’s been about a dozen examples of Trump indirectly admitting his guilt that has been covered on this forum and everywhere in the media( except Fox of course)
If he engineers Mueller’s firing it would be him directly admitting his guilt because innocent people don’t act like this.
Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.
trump says a lot of he's gonna release his tax returns......only a sucker believes him.

EXACTLY - I'm looking for the first move by Friday or Saturday to steal Stormy's interview thunder.
I hope Donny fires Mueller...but only because if he did so, you guys on the Left would go full blown bat shit CRAZY. I think that would be fun to watch.
“ It would be the end of his presidency.”
Lindsey Graham.

Indeed fire Mueller and show the world trump has no respect for the rule of law.
Fire that fucker Mueller!!!!! FIRE HIM NOW...

then we get to watch lefties like you lose your minds. How fun!

Do you take stupid pills?
Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.
trump says a lot of he's gonna release his tax returns......only a sucker believes him.

EXACTLY - I'm looking for the first move by Friday or Saturday to steal Stormy's interview thunder.
I hope Donny fires Mueller...but only because if he did so, you guys on the Left would go full blown bat shit CRAZY. I think that would be fun to watch.
“ It would be the end of his presidency.”
Lindsey Graham.

Indeed fire Mueller and show the world trump has no respect for the rule of law.
Fire that fucker Mueller!!!!! FIRE HIM NOW...

then we get to watch lefties like you lose your minds. How fun!
Fire that fucker Mueller!!!!! FIRE HIM NOW...

then we get to watch lefties like you lose your minds. How fun!

And after that we get to watch righties lose their minds as Trump begins circling the drain. How fun!
We readily see our beloved Trump "floating" the idea of his firing Mueller and gauging what the popular reaction would be.......

Confidants of Trump tacitly acknowledge that such an action is being contemplated, while Trump's lawyers label such an action as false.

DiGenova's appointment partially supports the idea of firing the special counsel since, DiGenova is a big advocate of the "deep state" mantra.

Bear in mind that democrats would scream bloody murder is Mueller was indeed fired, that Mueller could actually sue the government over his firing, and that several states would appoint Mueller to pursue (and fund) the on-going investigation.

Firing Mueller would indeed precipitate a constitutional challenge.....What do you think?

Natalie, all of the left wing conspiracy theorists and propagandists clutching their collective pearls and claiming Trump is going to fire Mueller isn't the same thing as reality. Crawl out of your mothers basements, pull your heads out of your asses and come up for some air. You all just look silly at this point.
View attachment 183882
trump says a lot of he's gonna release his tax returns......only a sucker believes him.

EXACTLY - I'm looking for the first move by Friday or Saturday to steal Stormy's interview thunder.
I hope Donny fires Mueller...but only because if he did so, you guys on the Left would go full blown bat shit CRAZY. I think that would be fun to watch.
“ It would be the end of his presidency.”
Lindsey Graham.

Indeed fire Mueller and show the world trump has no respect for the rule of law.
Fire that fucker Mueller!!!!! FIRE HIM NOW...

then we get to watch lefties like you lose your minds. How fun!

I know the DNC doesn't take data security very serious, but they might get pissed that you photoshopped their new logo and infringed on their brand.
Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.
trump says a lot of he's gonna release his tax returns......only a sucker believes him.

EXACTLY - I'm looking for the first move by Friday or Saturday to steal Stormy's interview thunder.
I hope Donny fires Mueller...but only because if he did so, you guys on the Left would go full blown bat shit CRAZY. I think that would be fun to watch.
“ It would be the end of his presidency.”
Lindsey Graham.

Indeed fire Mueller and show the world trump has no respect for the rule of law.
Fire that fucker Mueller!!!!! FIRE HIM NOW...

then we get to watch lefties like you lose your minds. How fun!

Fire that fucker Mueller!!!!! FIRE HIM NOW...

then we get to watch lefties like you lose your minds. How fun!

Revel in that destruction you bloody fool!
Crawl out of your mothers basements, pull your heads out of your asses and come up for some air. You all just look silly at this point.

We'll take your "sound advice" under serious consideration......LOL
View attachment 183882
trump says a lot of he's gonna release his tax returns......only a sucker believes him.

EXACTLY - I'm looking for the first move by Friday or Saturday to steal Stormy's interview thunder.
I hope Donny fires Mueller...but only because if he did so, you guys on the Left would go full blown bat shit CRAZY. I think that would be fun to watch.
“ It would be the end of his presidency.”
Lindsey Graham.

Indeed fire Mueller and show the world trump has no respect for the rule of law.
Fire that fucker Mueller!!!!! FIRE HIM NOW...

then we get to watch lefties like you lose your minds. How fun!
You are confused. I am not a Trump supporter, but I am a supporter of laughing at lefties like you, who have lost your minds.
View attachment 183882
EXACTLY - I'm looking for the first move by Friday or Saturday to steal Stormy's interview thunder.
I hope Donny fires Mueller...but only because if he did so, you guys on the Left would go full blown bat shit CRAZY. I think that would be fun to watch.
“ It would be the end of his presidency.”
Lindsey Graham.

Indeed fire Mueller and show the world trump has no respect for the rule of law.
Fire that fucker Mueller!!!!! FIRE HIM NOW...

then we get to watch lefties like you lose your minds. How fun!
You are confused. I am not a Trump supporter, but I am a supporter of laughing at lefties like you, who have lost your minds.
The leftards have lost their minds. Its the lemming effect, once they start jumping off the cliff, they all start to follow.

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