First Lady Mooch now telling white people how to raise their kids

This grotesque cow is the most hated woman in america. All she does is take monthly ski trips that cost the taxpayers a million $ a pop.

FLOTUS?s parenting prescription for Justin Bieber woes - Jennifer Epstein -

2/7/14 5:00 PM EST
First lady Michelle Obama’s advice to Justin Bieber’s mother is to spend lots of time with her son and get to know who he’s hanging out with, the self-proclaimed “mom-in-chief” said in an interview released Friday.

“I would pull him close,” Obama said of the 19-year-old pop singer in an interview with Univision, when asked how she’d guide the troubled pop star right now if she were his mom. “I don’t know if it would be advice as much as action. I would be very present in his life right now. And I would be probably with him a good chunk of the time, just there to talk, to figure out what’s going on in his head, to figure out who’s in his life and who’s not, you know.”

She added that she’s seen that her kids “just want you near, you know, they want that advice from a parent. They want to see you on a daily basis” and because Bieber is “still a kid, he’s still growing up,” that lesson applies. The singer has faced multiple arrests, and reports of drug and alcohol use.

That's probably the most basic truth about kids - that they want and need direction and discipline. Bieber is certainly not getting that from his creep father who insisted on smoking so much grass on their plane that the pilot and co-pilot had to use O2 masks to fly safe. I almost feel sorry for Bieber. Unless something changes soon, he won't live a long life.

The First Lady is right and, as usual, pathetic Shoot Speeder is wrong.

They were all adults. If the so called 'child' is a legal adult, then the parent isn't contributing to his delinquency. And FWIW the left, AKA Luddly Knownothing & Company, wants pot to be legal anyway. You and TM love the smell of cannabis in the morning better than anyone I've ever met! And in my work, I met quite a few potheads.
God damn I hate partisan politics. I'm a republican too, but what the fuck was wrong with her advice? I expect more from my fellow republicans. That kind of nitpicking is childish and unreasonable.

News flash, not everything the president and the first lady do is wrong. Be a man and give credit to your opponents when credit is due.
That's right MO JB is just a "kid". That "kid is 19 frigging years old. HEY! Wouldn't MO's "son" be 19 now? You know. The son who got himself shot trying to commit felony assault on a dude with a gun.
As far as JB and his 'parent's' involvement like so many other LIB pussy parents they are actually enabling the simian to commit crimes and hopefully do everyone a big favor and put his Ferrari traveling at 150MPH into a big tree. We can only hope his father and mother are along for the ride.
The world needs to 'crank-up' the Social Darwinism dial on these parasites before he kills a car-full of his own concert fans on their way home after paying hundreds of dollars to watch the creep 'lip-sync' his greatest hits.
This grotesque cow is the most hated woman in america. All she does is take monthly ski trips that cost the taxpayers a million $ a pop.

FLOTUS?s parenting prescription for Justin Bieber woes - Jennifer Epstein -

2/7/14 5:00 PM EST
First lady Michelle Obama’s advice to Justin Bieber’s mother is to spend lots of time with her son and get to know who he’s hanging out with, the self-proclaimed “mom-in-chief” said in an interview released Friday.

“I would pull him close,” Obama said of the 19-year-old pop singer in an interview with Univision, when asked how she’d guide the troubled pop star right now if she were his mom. “I don’t know if it would be advice as much as action. I would be very present in his life right now. And I would be probably with him a good chunk of the time, just there to talk, to figure out what’s going on in his head, to figure out who’s in his life and who’s not, you know.”

She added that she’s seen that her kids “just want you near, you know, they want that advice from a parent. They want to see you on a daily basis” and because Bieber is “still a kid, he’s still growing up,” that lesson applies. The singer has faced multiple arrests, and reports of drug and alcohol use.

You racists are a sorry lot, y'all don't even bother to spin the story any more with some faux negative angle…. -- you're only spin is that one side is black and the other is white. Black implied negative in your pinheads. How dare she!! Right?

Do you even know how stupid and pathetic you are?
Conservatives throwing a shit fit over Michelle Obama giving her two cents on The Bieb's private life, but find nothing wrong with telling millions of adult women what they can do with their bodies and millions of adults homosexuals that they shouldn't be allowed to marry.

This grotesque cow is the most hated woman in america. All she does is take monthly ski trips that cost the taxpayers a million $ a pop.

FLOTUS?s parenting prescription for Justin Bieber woes - Jennifer Epstein -

2/7/14 5:00 PM EST
First lady Michelle Obama’s advice to Justin Bieber’s mother is to spend lots of time with her son and get to know who he’s hanging out with, the self-proclaimed “mom-in-chief” said in an interview released Friday.

“I would pull him close,” Obama said of the 19-year-old pop singer in an interview with Univision, when asked how she’d guide the troubled pop star right now if she were his mom. “I don’t know if it would be advice as much as action. I would be very present in his life right now. And I would be probably with him a good chunk of the time, just there to talk, to figure out what’s going on in his head, to figure out who’s in his life and who’s not, you know.”

She added that she’s seen that her kids “just want you near, you know, they want that advice from a parent. They want to see you on a daily basis” and because Bieber is “still a kid, he’s still growing up,” that lesson applies. The singer has faced multiple arrests, and reports of drug and alcohol use.

You racists are a sorry lot, y'all don't even bother to spin the story any more with some faux negative angle…. -- you're only spin is that one side is black and the other is white. Black implied negative in your pinheads. How dare she!! Right?

Do you even know how stupid and pathetic you are?

It doesn't matter if they were green. Beiber and his parents are all of legal age. There is nothing more stupid than someone who thinks they can raise an adult. Mooch tried it with Barry and that's not working out so well for her these days. It won't work out with Beiber and if I were his mother I'd already have the court papers filed on Mooch.
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Conservatives throwing a shit fit over Michelle Obama giving her two cents on The Bieb's private life, but find nothing wrong with telling millions of adult women what they can do with their bodies and millions of adults homosexuals that they shouldn't be allowed to marry.


Perhaps 'the Beib's' mother would be interested in a late term abortion. Why don't you ask!
This grotesque cow is the most hated woman in america. All she does is take monthly ski trips that cost the taxpayers a million $ a pop.

You racists are a sorry lot, y'all don't even bother to spin the story any more with some faux negative angle…. -- you're only spin is that one side is black and the other is white. Black implied negative in your pinheads. How dare she!! Right?

Do you even know how stupid and pathetic you are?

It doesn't matter if they were green. Beiber and his parents are all of legal age. There is nothing more stupid than someone who thinks they can raise an adult. Mooch tried it with Barry and that's not working out so well for her these days. It won't work out with Beiber and if I were his mother I'd already have the court papers filed on Mooch.

You are a goddamn retard for real. She was asked a question and gave an answer. You dont like it dont read it.

when asked how she’d guide the troubled pop star right now if she were his mom.

Read more: FLOTUS?s parenting prescription for Justin Bieber woes - Jennifer Epstein -
You racists are a sorry lot, y'all don't even bother to spin the story any more with some faux negative angle…. -- you're only spin is that one side is black and the other is white. Black implied negative in your pinheads. How dare she!! Right?

Do you even know how stupid and pathetic you are?

It doesn't matter if they were green. Beiber and his parents are all of legal age. There is nothing more stupid than someone who thinks they can raise an adult. Mooch tried it with Barry and that's not working out so well for her these days. It won't work out with Beiber and if I were his mother I'd already have the court papers filed on Mooch.

You are a goddamn retard for real. She was asked a question and gave an answer. You dont like it dont read it.

when asked how she’d guide the troubled pop star right now if she were his mom.

Read more: FLOTUS?s parenting prescription for Justin Bieber woes - Jennifer Epstein -

She should have declined to answer the question, because it is none of her business. Just like li'l Trayvon was none of Barry's business.
It doesn't matter if they were green. Beiber and his parents are all of legal age. There is nothing more stupid than someone who thinks they can raise an adult. Mooch tried it with Barry and that's not working out so well for her these days. It won't work out with Beiber and if I were his mother I'd already have the court papers filed on Mooch.

You are a goddamn retard for real. She was asked a question and gave an answer. You dont like it dont read it.

when asked how she’d guide the troubled pop star right now if she were his mom.

Read more: FLOTUS?s parenting prescription for Justin Bieber woes - Jennifer Epstein -

She should have declined to answer the question, because it is none of her business. Just like li'l Trayvon was none of Barry's business.

Who says its none of their business? You? :lol: You cant tell the FLOTUS or the POTUS what to say. Shut up. Pay your taxes and make sure they both have cushy retirements.
Conservatives throwing a shit fit over Michelle Obama giving her two cents on The Bieb's private life, but find nothing wrong with telling millions of adult women what they can do with their bodies and millions of adults homosexuals that they shouldn't be allowed to marry.


Perhaps 'the Beib's' mother would be interested in a late term abortion. Why don't you ask!

deflection noted
She's telling Canadians how to parent...manoman is she over the line.

Seriously, good advice too late is of little help.
If she would be smart she would avoid the answer. She was sincere, but not diplomatic ( for own protection). Much smarter answer would be in a way "it is a very complicated situation and I feel sorry for the mother and hope the family can turn around this sad situation, blah, blah, blah".

Not that her advice per se is wrong, but it is wrong in these specific circumstances. Bieber is legally adult, a millionaire and can just say to his mom f*** you, I can do whatever I want, especially since his own father is older but as idiotic as the young one.
Of course he isn't a Republican. He can't figure out the fallacy of the moo cow's not so sage advice.

Of course not. Republicans prefer to tell adults what they can or can't do in their bedrooms instead.

A mother giving her 19 year old son advice on the other hand is ridiculous. :cuckoo:

Bieber is Moochelle's son? Who knew?

You've never given a friend advice about her child?

(Gawd...I hope not :eek:)
I were his mother I'd already have the court papers filed on Mooch.

lol...what the hell for???

Giving advice????

Look, I know you're dense and all that but Biebs is a public figure. Fuck up in public and guess what? The world has permission to comment. Get over it.
It doesn't matter if they were green. Beiber and his parents are all of legal age. There is nothing more stupid than someone who thinks they can raise an adult. Mooch tried it with Barry and that's not working out so well for her these days. It won't work out with Beiber and if I were his mother I'd already have the court papers filed on Mooch.

You are a goddamn retard for real. She was asked a question and gave an answer. You dont like it dont read it.

when asked how she’d guide the troubled pop star right now if she were his mom.

Read more: FLOTUS?s parenting prescription for Justin Bieber woes - Jennifer Epstein -

She should have declined to answer the question, because it is none of her business. Just like li'l Trayvon was none of Barry's business.
And then you racist scum would have attacked her for not answering the question.
I feel sorry for her. Ok I'm going to get smacked around by my side. Hey hey hey.....let me talk ok. :)

I think her passion is a true one. I believe it to be a good and solid caring Mom despite First Lady shit she has to go thru. One more time though she's fed bullshit stats and has to counter. But she still has to try. I think we should try to help her. I was really thinking about this. Don't hit me now. :lmao: If we can't come together on other crap why not this? Something to think about.
If she would be smart she would avoid the answer.

She was smart. She gave an outstandingly great answer. Why would avoiding the answer be smart? She gave her opinion of what she would do because she was asked. I know its hard to find fault in the FLOTUS but this is stooping to new lows.
You are a goddamn retard for real. She was asked a question and gave an answer. You dont like it dont read it.

She should have declined to answer the question, because it is none of her business. Just like li'l Trayvon was none of Barry's business.
And then you racist scum would have attacked her for not answering the question.

Aw come on man. She shouldn't have been asked the question. The President chose to put his ass on the line that day he was asked about Trayvon. No brainer you could see that son of a gun question coming from a mile away. This one for the First Lady was wrong.

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