First major victory for GOP

Because culture and social issues are all they have left to harp on. They have no successful policy implementations otherwise. Nothing of note to offer voters. So why not go down the rabbit hole. It stokes division. It's the only way they can even get on the playing field. :)
What's in the rabbit hole ? Something you Democrats want to keep hidden and out of site during the campaign's ?

Does what's in that rabbit hole stirr up division's ? Interesting you would say what you said about the rabbit hole.
I think the democrat party FBI, the new STASI, has something on Gaetz, since they had been investigating him ....
Could very well be, because it's weird how the house was thrown into chaos during a critical time with the investigation going on. Now we got moles keeping it in chaos. I wouldn't give a dam how much Biden has brought to him on a silver platter, nothing and I mean nothing would change my vote to a Democrat, and nothing would make me ever praise Biden for anything he says or does. I won't sell my soul like that.
Yeah...that doesn't address my points....and brings up the RFK jr. issue....which is another factor that will draw more from Trump, not biden or the more likely gruesome newsom....

If the democrats dump biden and pull out a primary to get rid of kamala, then we are facing newsom, not biden.....a new, smug, creepy face...but a face that is definitely not Trump and will give independents a simple choice that is not Trump.....regardless of how he has messed up California....normal people won't know it because he will have the entire democrat party media complex behind him....

And all they will know about Trump going into 2024 is he will then be a convicted felon...which will be repeated over, and over and over again 24/7 in the media, by the democrat party late night comedians, by hollywood, by every daytime talk show.......
/——/ Only in your delusional TDS brain is anyone switching from Trump to a democrat. If anything, RFK Jr will go Independent splitting the democRAT ticket. And yes, that’s my opinion which is just as valid as yours.
Are we done with this?
Not what the polls say when Trump is barely making it 50-50 in the polls in a good day
/——/ Polls of 1,100 random adults that over sample democRATs are meaningless, especially this far out from the election.
/——/ Only in your delusional TDS brain is anyone switching from Trump to a democrat. If anything, RFK Jr will go Independent splitting the democRAT ticket. And yes, that’s my opinion which is just as valid as yours.
Are we done with this?

Did I say that? They will just stay home and not vote and the democrats will turn out in a massive wave to simply vote against Trump...they dont care about the economy, the border, gas prices or food prices...they have democrat party policies in these blue cities getting their children murdered in the streets and trapped in generational poverty and crime and they still vote for the democrats.
Could very well be, because it's weird how the house was thrown into chaos during a critical time with the investigation going on. Now we got moles keeping it in chaos. I wouldn't give a dam how much Biden has brought to him on a silver platter, nothing and I mean nothing would change my vote to a Democrat, and nothing would make me ever praise Biden for anything he says or does. I won't sell my soul like that.
Moles?...You're calling the House Freedom Cucks...moles? :auiqs.jpg:
Cause they're the ones doing the "chaos".
I don't think any "investigation" by the Repubs was ever in any danger of uncovering "bombshell" evidence. :)
Did I say that? They will just stay home and not vote and the democrats will turn out in a massive wave to simply vote against Trump...they dont care about the economy, the border, gas prices or food prices...they have democrat party policies in these blue cities getting their children murdered in the streets and trapped in generational poverty and crime and they still vote for the democrats.
/——/ Why not use your super power of knowing what tens of millions of voters will do a year from now and instead post the winning lottery numbers for next week?
/——/ By getting more Electoral Votes than the democRAT candidate. I thought that was understood.
Fine. I'll address it. In order to get to the 270 electoral votes needed, Trump will have to carry at least four or five of the major swing states he lost last time. So far, he has not made any gains in those states over his 2020 numbers. Therefore, he loses the general election. Add to that the fact that a lot of Republicans are finally waking up and figuring out that Trump insures them a loss next year..maybe taking a lot of Republicans with him. His comments on Bibi and Hezbollah over the last few days have raised a LOT of eyebrows. He just doesn't have the energy or zing he had in 2016. He may still end up being the Republican nominee by default. But if he is, there's no way he makes it to 270. And that goes the same for Ron DeSantis. I'm not sure why he's even still in the race. If Trump will be a pariah for most independent voters, then why would people want to elect an unlikeable fascist?

Haley and Scott are Republicans best shots at defeating Biden.
Biden track record turns them off more!!!!
Biden's negative track record exits only in the media for the 39% Trumpers....

Biden has accomplished a lot for Democrats...tons of legislation they wanted....sure, not perfect but definitely more good done for them than bad.... This is what has made it difficult for the Democratic Party, to put him out to pasture and make room for younger blood.... He's getting older, should retire....but he's done more for the Democratic party than most Democratic do they push that out???
You mean the brown shirts of the democrat party. blm and antifa who beat and injured about 600 police officers around the country, burned out police stations and court houses, burned, looted cities for a year, to the tune of over 1 billion dollars in damages, and murdered over 2 dozen innocent well as setting up insurrectionist zones, the Chop and Chaz...

You mean them?

And all with the financing and support of the leadership of the democrat party.
We`ve had race riots for 300 years kid but only one riot was an attempt to install a failed presidential candidate. Read a book, but don`t let your friends know that you did. You`ll lose your MAGA card.
Fine. I'll address it. In order to get to the 270 electoral votes needed, Trump will have to carry at least four or five of the major swing states he lost last time. So far, he has not made any gains in those states over his 2020 numbers. Therefore, he loses the general election. Add to that the fact that a lot of Republicans are finally waking up and figuring out that Trump insures them a loss next year..maybe taking a lot of Republicans with him. His comments on Bibi and Hezbollah over the last few days have raised a LOT of eyebrows. He just doesn't have the energy or zing he had in 2016. He may still end up being the Republican nominee by default. But if he is, there's no way he makes it to 270. And that goes the same for Ron DeSantis. I'm not sure why he's even still in the race. If Trump will be a pariah for most independent voters, then why would people want to elect an unlikeable fascist?

Haley and Scott are Republicans best shots at defeating Biden.
/----/ JackoffNoTrades featured in this lates meme.
Thank God dumb bell Edwards is gone. He was an absolute embarrassment to this state.

Louisiana goes red!!
/——/ By getting more Electoral Votes than the democRAT candidate. I thought that was understood. guys supporting Trump keep saying that as if you are all really never answer the actual question....
We`ve had race riots for 300 years kid but only one riot was an attempt to install a failed presidential candidate. Read a book, but don`t let your friends know that you did. You`ll lose your MAGA card.

You fascists are funny, a whole year of blm and antifa, democrat party brownshirts burning, looting and killing, and setting up "autonomous" zones in our cities.....and you have to pretend the riot in D.C. was a problem...considering the majority of the rioters were blm and antifa brown shirts wearing MAGA gear and masks, and FBI agents and their paid minions.....
/——/ Why not use your super power of knowing what tens of millions of voters will do a year from now and instead post the winning lottery numbers for next week?

I used to take you you are showing you are an unserious person.
I used to take you you are showing you are an unserious person.
/——/ Because you’re spouting personal opinion as carved in granite facts. You’re certainly entitled to your opinion about what may happen, but it’s nothing more than an opinion. A lot can happen between now and November 2024.
Remember in Oct 2007, Obama wasn’t even on the radar screen. Hillary was the presumptive nominee by all of the so called experts.

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