First thing McCarthy wants to do: slash IRS! YES!

Hey, for fun, can you point to a libertarian country on this planet which is successful?

Hey for fun, can you attempt to deflect from your own failure by changing the subject and pretending that posting an article means you wholeheartedly endorse that source's ideology - all while ignoring the fact you just said some objectively stupid shit?

Not a trick question.
No it's a Libertarian magazine that frequently has a case of TDS just like you.

Of course, NASDAQ reported the same thing:

Now keep putting your close minded ignorance on full display for all to see, fucktard. ;)
Dude, they didn't hold the higher income earners to account because of understaffing and went with the low hanging ones.

With the new funding they should be able to audit the higher income earners for honesty.
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I considered to thank you for your post, however, if you suggested a fair tax code wouldn't you explain the last "reform" on the tax code signed by trump?
You are confused about this.

There is only one party in the US. The Party of Big Government.

The Democrats are the bat shit crazy faction of the party while the Republicans are the little more moderate faction.

Both factions advances the welfare state, big spending, oppression, debt and fiscally irresponsible government.

The Democrats are the express train toward turning the US into a Socialist shithole while the Republicans will go a little slower.
Dude, they didn't hold the higher income earners to account because of understaffing and went with the low hanging ones.

With the new funding they should be able to audit the higher income earners for honesty.

Yeah, that's it.

The IRS couldn't afford to go after the rich, or even the middle class so they were forced to go after the poor I tell ya!

Now cough up more money unquestionably!

Do you have an honest bone in your body?

Pull your head out of your ass and look at all the reports of IRS agents fucking over people just because they could.

Not because they had done anything wrong, but because the IRS agent was a piece of shit who liked hurting people.
So, the whole of the IRS is rated by one persons actions. I bet you are the same. The smallest thing and all are condemned. Sounds very bitter.
So, the whole of the IRS is rated by one persons actions. I bet you are the same. The smallest thing and all are condemned. Sounds very bitter.

Not one, moron. Dozens.

That is a great priority!

As the article says.. That's all Americans need is more audits from the IRS


Yes it is a great priority...

But the question is....will he?

I'm not so sure....the swamp is deep

That is a great priority!

As the article says.. That's all Americans need is more audits from the IRS

ALRIGHT!!!! Having my own business and many potential dicey tax deductions, this is a license to go for it. I don't need to worry about an audit. This will save tens of thousands in taxes for me. It will mean millions in tax savings for others.
What will the poor suckers that have few or no tax deductions. They will do nothing because this means nothing for them. The middle to low income earners never get audited, no matter how many IRS agents.
How will the government make up billions in less taxes? They will probably find a way to tax the poor suckers with few or no deductions.
Yes it is a great priority...

But the question is....will he?

I'm not so sure....the swamp is deep

The bill passed. That's a good start to dismantling Biden's fuckups.

"The House of Representatives voted to rescind more than $70 billion in funding to the Internal Revenue Service on Monday night, fulfilling newly elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's promise to prevent the agency from hiring tens of thousands of new agents and conducting new audits on Americans.

The bill — dubbed the Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act and sponsored by Rep. Adrian Smith, R-Neb., and Rep. Michelle Steel, R-Calif. — passed the House of Representatives, 221-210."

House votes to rescind billions in funding to the IRS in first major majority action with McCarthy as speaker
I think making sure people pay their taxes is a good thing.


Hell yes!!!
Me too. If it is owed, then get it the hell -- collected. Duh!

Have always bee a bit surprise by some folks who don't want the IRS to be a 'best practices' agency in their collection of funds owed to the American people. As if the American people need to hold the bag for the scammers, cheaters, and the sloppy delinquent inattentive taxpayers.

Hell, in all my 30+ years in business....collecting what was owed to us was always high on our vigilance to-do list. Know what is owed to us. Who owes it. And be attentive --assertive when need be getting it collected. Duh!!

Being sloppy in your an absolute 'tell' on the quality of businessman one is. And it ain't a flattering 'tell'. It signals a poor businessman.

Today (oh hell, for the last several years) my own tax guy has been telling me that the IRS computers are outdated, they don't have enough staffing to stay on top of the laws or the collections, and that million, ginormous millions....go uncollected because the IRS simply can't apply enough of their allocated resources to best practices debt collection.

And my own guy. My own accountant & tax maven saying that the IRS needs t o do a better job at collections!

So I welcomed the news some months ago that Congress was willing to fund the IRS as they should.

Hell yes!!!
Me too. If it is owed, then get it the hell -- collected. Duh!

Have always bee a bit surprise by some folks who don't want the IRS to be a 'best practices' agency in their collection of funds owed to the American people. As if the American people need to hold the bag for the scammers, cheaters, and the sloppy delinquent inattentive taxpayers.

Hell, in all my 30+ years in business....collecting what was owed to us was always high on our vigilance to-do list. Know what is owed to us. Who owes it. And be attentive --assertive when need be getting it collected. Duh!!

Being sloppy in your an absolute 'tell' on the quality of businessman one is. And it ain't a flattering 'tell'. It signals a poor businessman.

Today (oh hell, for the last several years) my own tax guy has been telling me that the IRS computers are outdated, they don't have enough staffing to stay on top of the laws or the collections, and that million, ginormous millions....go uncollected because the IRS simply can't apply enough of their allocated resources to best practices debt collection.

And my own guy. My own accountant & tax maven saying that the IRS needs t o do a better job at collections!

So I welcomed the news some months ago that Congress was willing to fund the IRS as they should.
It is rather odd that Republicans are against the IRS.

If someone asked me 10 years, which party would try to marginalize the IRS and diminish it's ability to make sure taxes were paid I would have bet 10 to 1 odds that it would be Democrats.

The Republican party now seems to be a cuckold to corporate interests. It's unreal.
"On the very first day, we’ll repeal the 87,000 new IRS agents because we think the government should be there to help you, not to go after you," McCarthy said.

Also, they will investigate the creepy Gain of Function issue, how the US was possibly (knowingly?) involved in that..

That is what they will do. McCarthy and the Trumpies are unmitigated trash 'who are pushing fascist conspiracy trash.

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