First thing McCarthy wants to do: slash IRS! YES!

My understanding is that most of these "new" IRS employees are to replace existing employees about to retire or people already gone.
Yes, the IRS workforce is aging out. Waves of retirees are anticipated. So get the damn hiring/training/experiencing pipeline up to speed.
What is the appeal to this forum's anti-IRS posters...or to Republicans in general? .....What is the appeal of not collecting taxes that are legitimately owed to the American people?
I don't get it. When I was in business any division/unit head who didn't stay on top of his/her receivables got a Dutch Uncle meeting.....or it's like.
Or the door.
We were NOT in the business to provide our services for no pay. If we worked for you..... then you pay us. Period. Or else. Duh!

The Obama used the IRS to destroy the grass root Tea Party political opposition and now the Democrats want to do it again.............The Republicans remember how that piece of shit Obama used the IRS to target the Tea Party.
Ummm, no.
The real world reality was scammers hiding under 'Patriot"-type designations in the tidal-wave of applications for 501c self-designated tax-free status.

There were folks travelling the country giving seminars and training on how to become a self-designated tax-free entity. It smelled of a con. And the IRS found enough conmen, grifters, and scammers doing it to concentrate resources into vetting these applications....and denying the most egregious of them.

explain to their voters why the IRS wants to hire an army of new agents.
If I as an elected official and was queried about that in a Townhall Meeting I would simply say...what poster Catsmeters says in the quote below this one.

1. The current IRS is using outdated equipment and many are on the cusp of retiring.
2. It has been stated that the additional agents will focus on those making more the 400k.
3. Even if they also went after the poor, do you think the poor should not have to pay their taxes?
4. How did you come to the conclusion 87k agents is not needed?

Thank you, poster Catsnmeters. You succinctly describe the issue, the need, and the goals.
That was always known. You don’t need $80 billion to replace equipment.

How do you know?

Stated by whom? The lying Democrats? The CBO reports that half of all new audits will be from those earning $75,000 or less.

Why do you want to protect tax cheats?

Poor people don’t pay taxes at all.

So what's the problem?

How did you come to the conclusion that 87K ADDITIONAL agents are needed when we already have the majority of “workers” slacking off at home? First thing is to make the current workers come into the office and put in a full day.
Lol, you have no idea what IRS agents are doing at home.

I didn't reach that conclusion, the government did.

How come you don't care if people pay their fair share of taxes?
Yes, the IRS workforce is aging out. Waves of retirees are anticipated. So get the damn hiring/training/experiencing pipeline up to speed.
What is the appeal to this forum's anti-IRS posters...or to Republicans in general? .....What is the appeal of not collecting taxes that are legitimately owed to the American people?
I don't get it. When I was in business any division/unit head who didn't stay on top of his/her receivables got a Dutch Uncle meeting.....or it's like.
Or the door.
We were NOT in the business to provide our services for no pay. If we worked for you..... then you pay us. Period. Or else. Duh!


Ummm, no.
The real world reality was scammers hiding under 'Patriot"-type designations in the tidal-wave of applications for 501c self-designated tax-free status.

There were folks travelling the country giving seminars and training on how to become a self-designated tax-free entity. It smelled of a con. And the IRS found enough conmen, grifters, and scammers doing it to concentrate resources into vetting these applications....and denying the most egregious of them.


If I as an elected official and was queried about that in a Townhall Meeting I would simply say...what poster Catsmeters says in the quote below this one.

Thank you, poster Catsnmeters. You succinctly describe the issue, the need, and the goals.
The Democrat filth is lying by saying that the 87,000 new employees were to replace existing workers.

Replacing retiring or displaced employees is covered in their normal operating budget and does not need additional funding.

They are hiring new employees to weaponize the IRS against Democrat political opponents just like Obama did to the Tea Party and that is despicable!
The Democrat filth is lying by saying that the 87,000 new employees were to replace existing workers.

Replacing retiring or displaced employees is covered in their normal operating budget and does not need additional funding.

They are hiring new employees to weaponize the IRS against Democrat political opponents just like Obama did to the Tea Party and that is despicable!
Link please.
People who cheat should see their lives fucked up. They are not innocent.

I hope you enjoy an experience from one of the bad ones soon.

Many completely innocent people are harmed by unethical, and some outright criminal agents.

I hope you get one soon.
Been audited a few times myself. Mostly just asked for supporting documents and receipts. One year I had a small income of $1,500 from a random source they noticed I left off. Was pretty easy since I keep all my documentation and dont cheat.
One year I had a payroll issue we couldn't figure out and the IRS couldn't figure out. I actually suspect the payroll company annual summary report was wrong. My bookkeeper and I spent ten days on the discrepancy before filing that ultimately got me flagged and came up with nothing. She deleted and then reentered the payroll for the entire year and it was still there. I told the IRS lady the deal and said look I know there is something off there and we couldn't find it so when I did the tax returns I erred on the side of not doing the amount as an expense and taking the discrepancy back in as income on my K-1. She was like "works for me" and that was the end of it. One thing I have learned is that they go over the payroll with a fine-tooth comb. That is their main focus. If you are off a penny, they want to know why. Otherwise you could buy a nuclear bomb and donate it to ISIS and they wouldn't blink an eye at expensing that.
Yes, the IRS workforce is aging out. Waves of retirees are anticipated. So get the damn hiring/training/experiencing pipeline up to speed.
What is the appeal to this forum's anti-IRS posters...or to Republicans in general? .....What is the appeal of not collecting taxes that are legitimately owed to the American people?
I don't get it. When I was in business any division/unit head who didn't stay on top of his/her receivables got a Dutch Uncle meeting.....or it's like.
Or the door.
We were NOT in the business to provide our services for no pay. If we worked for you..... then you pay us. Period. Or else. Duh!


Ummm, no.
The real world reality was scammers hiding under 'Patriot"-type designations in the tidal-wave of applications for 501c self-designated tax-free status.

There were folks travelling the country giving seminars and training on how to become a self-designated tax-free entity. It smelled of a con. And the IRS found enough conmen, grifters, and scammers doing it to concentrate resources into vetting these applications....and denying the most egregious of them.


If I as an elected official and was queried about that in a Townhall Meeting I would simply say...what poster Catsmeters says in the quote below this one.

Thank you, poster Catsnmeters. You succinctly describe the issue, the need, and the goals.

Indeed. You asshats are all for authoritarianism. Thanks for making clear that you truly ARE the fascists here.
The irony is that while Democrats insist the audits-on-steroids would only be against those earning $400,000 and up, they voted AGAINST putting that protection in the law, while Republicans wanted it.
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Only cheaters (felons) are happy with this desire. The interesting factor in this matter is the hypocrisy: It will oppose those who "steal" and out of the other side of their foul mouth, complain about the National Dept.

Indeed. You asshats are all for authoritarianism. Thanks for making clear that you truly ARE the fascists here.
In an ironic twist of fate........
No one has the ballz to resist the changes so the oppressors never had it so easy.

Canada is gone. We're next
I had always thought somehow the 2A would prevent that but it has only slowed it very slightly.
Link please.
If they are replacing existing employees like the lying Democrat assholes are claiming then why do they need $78 billion funding of which $48 billion is for "new enforcement"?

The Democrat filth claiming that they are only replacing retiring employees and hiring a couple of IT Specialist to "improve service" doesn't even pass the snicker test. Especially seeing how The Worthless Negro weaponized the IRS to destroy the Tea Party and seeing how Potatohead is weaponizing other branches of the government like the Justice Department to go after Democrat opposition.
If they are replacing existing employees like the lying Democrat assholes are claiming then why do they need $78 billion funding of which $48 billion is for "new enforcement"?

The Democrat filth claiming that they are only replacing retiring employees and hiring a couple of IT Specialist to "improve service" doesn't even pass the snicker test. Especially seeing how The Worthless Negro weaponized the IRS to destroy the Tea Party and seeing how Potatohead is weaponizing other branches of the government like the Justice Department to go after Democrat opposition.

It's incredible how many seem to prefer this authoritarian, no liberties oppressive state.
There is an enormous genetic fault in the minds of these defects.

We are already taxed excessively on every thing we do and every step we try to take.
And still they want more and MORE.
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The irony is that while Democrats insist the audits-on-steroids would only be against those earning $400,000 and up, they voted AGAINST putting that protection in the law, while Republicans wanted it.
It was an unenforceable bill that was put together for show. Not a legitimate amendment.
Think of it as increased law enforcement to catch criminals.

No, think of it as an unnecessary Police State.
The Progressive Left has no interest in catching criminals.
Otherwise they wouldn't be releasing the violent ones from jail as they do..

No, this is purely ameans of bankrupting the middle and lower classes to feed the upper 1% who also run the media.
In an ironic twist of fate........
No one has the ballz to resist the changes so the oppressors never had it so easy.

Canada is gone. We're next
I had always thought somehow the 2A would prevent that but it has only slowed it very slightly.

Nah, if they had waited 20 years they would have won easily.

They didn't.

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