??Fiscally Conservative Democrat??

I noticed Democrats aren't stepping up to the plate, I can hardly blame them...
??Fiscally Conservative Democrat??
Not counting Rand Paul, as mythical as the civil libertarian republican.

I was gonna say, both parties held majorities in power and yet both parties managed to grow the deficit dramatically.

Odd how under Bush Dems wanted to cut spending while Reps grew it, now Reps claim they wana cut spending yet it still grows after Dems got power..


Guy 1 *Hey, can you hand me the hammer?*

Guy 2 *Here...*

Guy 1 *This ain't a hammer, it's a banana!*

Guy 2 *WTF bro, it's more of a hammer than this apple...*

Guy 1 *I didn't ask for a banana nor did I ask for a fucking apple, I asked for a hammer!*

See what you did there dumbass? You applied "fiscal conservative" to a fucking monster sized progressive, big Government, deficit growing liberal...

The question was not "who is the least fiscal irresponsible person (or President) in Washington DC..." It was "is there a fiscally conservative Democrat." Obama, in no possible fucking dimension or alternate universe "fiscally responsible." It's an oxymoron to even suggest Obama's name be in the same spectrum as anything in the realm on "fiscally responsible."

But go ahead man, keep making a bigger ass of yourself.
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Two Democrats. Kind of blows that whole conservative thing. But patron saint Ronny was able to accomplish in 5 years what it took 39 Presidents combined to achieve. $1 trillion dollars of debt.

Why are you bringing up your patron saint Ronny?

BTW I voted for Clinton.
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Just goes to show that parrots can't think, they can only mimic.

3 Presidents...Barack Obama, George Bush, and Ronald Reagan.

Can you guess which president is which?

President #1

President #2


President #3

If you parrots get this right, you get a cracker...
Just goes to show that parrots can't think, they can only mimic.

3 Presidents...Barack Obama, George Bush, and Ronald Reagan.

Can you guess which president is which?

President #1

President #2


President #3

If you parrots get this right, you get a cracker...

And you did it, you made a bigger ass of yourself hahahaha.

Still can't just answer the fucking question... really, just so odd because I'll bet he refers to himself as the "intelligent" side of the debate.

You're still offering a banana and an apple when we asked for a hammer, but good for you for thinking you can get the job done with a piece of fruit!
Two Democrats. Kind of blows that whole conservative thing. But patron saint Ronny was able to accomplish in 5 years what it took 39 Presidents combined to achieve. $1 trillion dollars of debt.

Why are you talking about Ronny when nobody brought him up?

I brought him up.

Of course you did... Because it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Republicans have not been fiscally responsible, see what I did there? It was an honest and correct answer... Are you even capable of doing the same?
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Two Democrats. Kind of blows that whole conservative thing. But patron saint Ronny was able to accomplish in 5 years what it took 39 Presidents combined to achieve. $1 trillion dollars of debt.

Why are you bringing up your patron saint Ronny?

BTW I voted for Clinton.

Good for you Monica...

^^^excellent showing of tolerance^^^

Kind of blows that whole liberal meme thing.
Just goes to show that parrots can't think, they can only mimic.

3 Presidents...Barack Obama, George Bush, and Ronald Reagan.

Can you guess which president is which?

President #1

President #2


President #3

If you parrots get this right, you get a cracker...

And you did it, you made a bigger ass of yourself hahahaha.

Still can't just answer the fucking question... really, just so odd because I'll bet he refers to himself as the "intelligent" side of the debate.

You're still offering a banana and an apple when we asked for a hammer, but good for you for thinking you can get the job done with a piece of fruit!

Stick the banana up your ass. What makes you believe Republicans are fiscally responsible? They haven't been since before you were hatched. Republicans are fiscally IRresponsible.

Senate passes pay-go rule on party-line vote

By Michael O'Brien - 01/28/10 12:58 PM ET

The Senate voted along party lines on Thursday to adopt statutory pay-go rules in a party-lines vote.

60 Democratic senators voted to adopt the pay-go measure (short for "pay-as-you-go"), which would require that new spending measures be offset in the budget by other funds, typically raised through tax increases or cuts to spending.

Republicans have said that by installing the rule, pay-go would become an excuse for tax hikes, since spending cuts are frequently unpopular.

All Democrats voted for the measure, and all 40 Republicans voted against it.

Read more: Senate passes pay-go rule on party-line vote - The Hill

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.
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Why are you talking about Ronny when nobody brought him up?

I brought him up.

Of course you did... Because it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Republicans have not been fiscally responsible, see what I did there? It was an honest and correct answer... Are you even capable of doing the same?

Hate to burst your bubble there Bfgrn. Reading comprehension...

Stick the banana up your ass. What makes you believe Republicans are fiscally responsible? They haven't been since before you were hatched. Republicans are fiscally IRresponsible.

Senate passes pay-go rule on party-line vote

By Michael O'Brien - 01/28/10 12:58 PM ET

The Senate voted along party lines on Thursday to adopt statutory pay-go rules in a party-lines vote.

60 Democratic senators voted to adopt the pay-go measure (short for "pay-as-you-go"), which would require that new spending measures be offset in the budget by other funds, typically raised through tax increases or cuts to spending.

Read more: Senate passes pay-go rule on party-line vote - The Hill

Guess they were for it before they were for it:

House Approves Democratic `Pay-Go' Spending-Control Measure
By Brian Faler and Jonathan D. Salant - January 5, 2007

House Approves Democratic `Pay-Go' Spending-Control Measure - Bloomberg

But I think this is my favorite:

Obama signs Pay-Go law but also raises federal debt ceiling
By J. Taylor Rushing - 02/13/10 07:00 AM ET

President Barack Obama on Saturday congratulated Congress for restoring a requirement that the federal government spend only what it can afford a day after authorizing $1.9 trillion more federal debt.

Obama signs Pay-Go law but also raises federal debt ceiling - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

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