Five Bad Reasons To Vote For A President

So, I was looking up reasons to vote for various candidates and this article pops up.

How many on the list have you used as reasons to vote for someone?

5 bad reasons to vote for a presidential candidate

1. You'd "like to have a beer with" them
2. You'd like to see the first _______ President
3. You like their position on a single issue
4. They're the candidate of "your" party
5. They seem like the inevitable winner

I have fallen #1 and #4. Anyone else fall for the 5 bad reasons.

Five very good points, agreed. 4 and 5 especially.

A few more bad reasons to vote for/bad reasons to vote against:

  • "He has nice hair"/"He's bald"
  • "She's hot"/"She looks like a hag"
  • He/she is with ____ religion"/"He/she is not with ____ religion" (or any religion)
  • Has nice family/Doesn't have nice family
Bad reasons? These reasons are why Obama got elected.

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Uh -- really. O'bama got elected because of his religion and nice hair?
Had nothing to do with the fact that the economy had just collapsed and the alternative was a septuagenarian cancer survivor representing "more of the same" who took a Barbie doll for a running mate as a "fuck you" huh?
No I was thinking bad reason #2, but whatever makes you feel better about your mistake

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So, I was looking up reasons to vote for various candidates and this article pops up.

How many on the list have you used as reasons to vote for someone?

5 bad reasons to vote for a presidential candidate

1. You'd "like to have a beer with" them
2. You'd like to see the first _______ President
3. You like their position on a single issue
4. They're the candidate of "your" party
5. They seem like the inevitable winner

I have fallen #1 and #4. Anyone else fall for the 5 bad reasons.

Five very good points, agreed. 4 and 5 especially.

A few more bad reasons to vote for/bad reasons to vote against:

  • "He has nice hair"/"He's bald"
  • "She's hot"/"She looks like a hag"
  • He/she is with ____ religion"/"He/she is not with ____ religion" (or any religion)
  • Has nice family/Doesn't have nice family
Bad reasons? These reasons are why Obama got elected.

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Uh -- really. O'bama got elected because of his religion and nice hair?
Had nothing to do with the fact that the economy had just collapsed and the alternative was a septuagenarian cancer survivor representing "more of the same" who took a Barbie doll for a running mate as a "fuck you" huh?
No I was thinking bad reason #2, but whatever makes you feel better about your mistake

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You said "reasons" not "reason."

Why do you vote for a candidate?
Morality and integrity are important to me. If they have those, then I'll listen to a candidates views on the issues. And that's for the R or D candidates. But most don't have the first two qualities to begin with.

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Last edited:
So, I was looking up reasons to vote for various candidates and this article pops up.

How many on the list have you used as reasons to vote for someone?

5 bad reasons to vote for a presidential candidate

1. You'd "like to have a beer with" them
2. You'd like to see the first _______ President
3. You like their position on a single issue
4. They're the candidate of "your" party
5. They seem like the inevitable winner

I have fallen #1 and #4. Anyone else fall for the 5 bad reasons.

Five very good points, agreed. 4 and 5 especially.

A few more bad reasons to vote for/bad reasons to vote against:

  • "He has nice hair"/"He's bald"
  • "She's hot"/"She looks like a hag"
  • He/she is with ____ religion"/"He/she is not with ____ religion" (or any religion)
  • Has nice family/Doesn't have nice family
Bad reasons? These reasons are why Obama got elected.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Uh -- really. O'bama got elected because of his religion and nice hair?
Had nothing to do with the fact that the economy had just collapsed and the alternative was a septuagenarian cancer survivor representing "more of the same" who took a Barbie doll for a running mate as a "fuck you" huh?
No I was thinking bad reason #2, but whatever makes you feel better about your mistake

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I didn't make the "mistake" Huckleberry -- you did. Read the posts.

You're saying that in an election where the economy was doing just fine, a weak candidate who claimed opening ANWR would bring gas prices down in "six months", with a running mate who can't think of a newspaper -- could win?

Go ahead, prove that. Oh wait, I forgot -- you can't.
Morality and integrity are important to me. If they have those, then I'll listen to a candidates views on the issues. And that's for the R or D candidates. But most don't have the first two qualities to begin with.

I agree but where do you go from there? I didn't vote for McCain or Obama in 2008, I went to a candidate that I thought had integrity, though I agreed to less issues with him.
So, I was looking up reasons to vote for various candidates and this article pops up.

How many on the list have you used as reasons to vote for someone?

5 bad reasons to vote for a presidential candidate

1. You'd "like to have a beer with" them
2. You'd like to see the first _______ President
3. You like their position on a single issue
4. They're the candidate of "your" party
5. They seem like the inevitable winner

I have fallen #1 and #4. Anyone else fall for the 5 bad reasons.

Five very good points, agreed. 4 and 5 especially.

A few more bad reasons to vote for/bad reasons to vote against:

  • "He has nice hair"/"He's bald"
  • "She's hot"/"She looks like a hag"
  • He/she is with ____ religion"/"He/she is not with ____ religion" (or any religion)
  • Has nice family/Doesn't have nice family
Bad reasons? These reasons are why Obama got elected.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Uh -- really. O'bama got elected because of his religion and nice hair?
Had nothing to do with the fact that the economy had just collapsed and the alternative was a septuagenarian cancer survivor representing "more of the same" who took a Barbie doll for a running mate as a "fuck you" huh?
No I was thinking bad reason #2, but whatever makes you feel better about your mistake

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

I didn't make the "mistake" Huckleberry -- you did. Read the posts.

You're saying that in an election where the economy was doing just fine, a weak candidate who claimed opening ANWR would bring gas prices down in "six months", with a running mate who can't think of a newspaper -- could win?

Go ahead, prove that. Oh wait, I forgot -- you can't.
The uninformed voters of the democratic party voted for Obama for no other reason than he was black.
96% of the black vote went his way and I don't believe they were to concerned with his policy. Your mistake I referenced was being one of those voters.

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The uninformed voters of the democratic party voted for Obama for no other reason than he was black.


Didn't think so.

96% of the black vote went his way and I don't believe they were to concerned with his policy. Your mistake I referenced was being one of those voters.

The black vote has been going Democrat since 1936. Maybe news travels slow where you are?

Now then --- link to how you know who or what I voted for is.... where?

I wouldn't want a President I wouldn't like to have a beer with
It is a deal breaker

Obama : Yup
Bush 43: Yup
Clinton: Yup
Bush 41: Yup
Reagan: Yup
Carter: Nope
Ford: Yup
Nixon: Nope
LBJ: Nope
JFK: Yup


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