Flash Flood on I5 in California. No doubt our resident sheep will claim "global warming!"

I know the feeling. When South Carolina had its 11 trillion gallon flood, I thought it would clean out all the Republicans. Turns out you really do need that bleach.

So is SC Climate now permanently different? Are you predicting another 1,000 year flood for SC next year?

I have no idea, but if they do have another, how many more would they have to have for you to have a change of opinion?

I have a fairly high threshold for that. For example, here's a satellite image of where the CO2 actually resides. Notice any pattern?


I have no idea where you're going with this. What relationship are you assigning the South Carolina event to CO2? Your graph is entertaining but seems to disregard the other seasons


Ummmm, that's a graph for the carbon MONOXIDE in the atmosphere. Try again.

Thanks, Proving once again that one shouldn't post when fighting a cold.
So is SC Climate now permanently different? Are you predicting another 1,000 year flood for SC next year?

I have no idea, but if they do have another, how many more would they have to have for you to have a change of opinion?

I have a fairly high threshold for that. For example, here's a satellite image of where the CO2 actually resides. Notice any pattern?


I have no idea where you're going with this. What relationship are you assigning the South Carolina event to CO2? Your graph is entertaining but seems to disregard the other seasons


Ummmm, that's a graph for the carbon MONOXIDE in the atmosphere. Try again.

Thanks, Proving once again that one shouldn't post when fighting a cold.

It came from this data set.

Carbon Monoxide (1 month - Terra/MOPITT) | NASA
So...who's claiming global warming in this case?

And yet another sheep chimes in..
How is that being a "sheep"?

And you just keep proving what a far left drone and AGW cult member tat you are..

So you say that "Global Warming" can not influence weather in California?

Here is a good read for those that have an open mind:

How a liberal vegan environmentalist made the switch from climate proponent to climate skeptic
Uncle Ferd says, "It's dat el Nino...

... it's makin' up...

... the rain dat didn't happen...

... `cause o' the drought."
Im laughing..............

Over time, the AGW climate crusaders always blast their own faces off!!! This California drought thing is the latest in the looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong list of pronouncements that end up being 100% incorrect, thus the direct nut sack kick!!:gay:

If you've been following their hysteria over the last few months, California was going to bake until there was no life left in the state.............."the driest its been EVER!!".( LIKE THERES NEVER BEEN A DROUGHT IN CALIFONIA BEFORE:2up::eusa_dance:)

California mudslides and chaos offer a preview of what El Niño could bring

In the end, natural cycles always kick these people in the balls:fu::funnyface::funnyface:
So...who's claiming global warming in this case?

And yet another sheep chimes in..
How is that being a "sheep"?

And you just keep proving what a far left drone and AGW cult member tat you are..

So you say that "Global Warming" can not influence weather in California?

Here is a good read for those that have an open mind:

How a liberal vegan environmentalist made the switch from climate proponent to climate skeptic
Well, for one thing...I've never said anything about Global Warming here. Or Global Cooling...or whatever it is called these days. Isn't it cute how you automatically pigeon-hole me based on your assumptions....not on anything I've said? I've only discussed the area of the Grapevine being a mountain region vice a desert region.
I know the feeling. When South Carolina had its 11 trillion gallon flood, I thought it would clean out all the Republicans. Turns out you really do need that bleach.

So is SC Climate now permanently different? Are you predicting another 1,000 year flood for SC next year?

I have no idea, but if they do have another, how many more would they have to have for you to have a change of opinion?

I have a fairly high threshold for that. For example, here's a satellite image of where the CO2 actually resides. Notice any pattern?


I have no idea where you're going with this. What relationship are you assigning the South Carolina event to CO2? Your graph is entertaining but seems to disregard the other seasons


Ummmm, that's a graph for the carbon MONOXIDE in the atmosphere. Try again.

Why didn't you tell me there was Red and Orange amounts of Carbon Monoxide in the atmosphere before???
You trying to get people KILLED on purpose ???? NOW there's something else to worry about.. Evil-er carbon.
California needs a good washing.

If only it could rain bleach for a couple of days THEN bring on the downpour.

I know the feeling. When South Carolina had its 11 trillion gallon flood, I thought it would clean out all the Republicans. Turns out you really do need that bleach.

So is SC Climate now permanently different? Are you predicting another 1,000 year flood for SC next year?

I have no idea, but if they do have another, how many more would they have to have for you to have a change of opinion?

I have a fairly high threshold for that. For example, here's a satellite image of where the CO2 actually resides. Notice any pattern?


I have no idea where you're going with this. What relationship are you assigning the South Carolina event to CO2? Your graph is entertaining but seems to disregard the other seasons


MOPITT? I showed you the O-CO2 satellite readings, why do you reply with MOPITT -- Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere?

Are you now claiming that pollution caused the SC Flooding??????
Here's the deal on the OCO "movies".. NATURE puts up 20 times the CO2 that mankind does into the atmos. So if you see seasonal variations in OCO -- it's no surprise. They are gonna move around where-ever nature is warming. Whatever seasonal variations move around in the OCO views -- you're not gonna even SEE mankind's contributions in the 10 to 15ppm variations.. They just want folks to THINK industrialized "pollution" when they show the N. Hemi "fogged in" with CO2..

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