Flash: Reagan Committed Treason against the United States and Republicans didn't care


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
True story!


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZfnOJd_FmA]Reagan Breaks Laws then Lies About It - YouTube[/ame]

Even if your supposition is true that he broke the law, it was not treason, do you even know what the Constitution defines as Treason?

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Iran was an enemy.

Reagan secretly sold arms to Iran.


Blood simple.

Was he ever charged with or convicted of treason? If not your claim is bull shit unless of course you subscribe to the guilty till proven innocent legal system.
I like the fact that the democrats will never have a president more accomplished and beloved than Reagan. Whos the best they've got? JFK? Pff. He's a chump compared to Reagan.
Reagan doesn't get enough credit for starting the Republican tradition of attacking the wrong country after a terrorist attack.
I like the fact that the democrats will never have a president more accomplished and beloved than Reagan. Whos the best they've got? JFK? Pff. He's a chump compared to Reagan.

Compared to some of Today's Democrats JFK looks pretty good.
Was he ever charged with or convicted of treason? If not your claim is bull shit unless of course you subscribe to the guilty till proven innocent legal system.


Every single Neocon subscribes to this "system" on Ben Ghazi.

Or is there like a double standard, or something?

Was he ever charged with or convicted of treason? If not your claim is bull shit unless of course you subscribe to the guilty till proven innocent legal system.

So if someone is not charged and convicted of treason, they could not possibly have committed it if they were republican?

That's what you're saying right? I want to make this clear.
Every time the right asks a question or criticizes this President.
There pops up a leftie from the ranks that counters with....

Well Bush did it...
Bush did this...
Reagan did it and you guys didn't have a problem...

Well you know what guys...
WE are living in the here and now.

Let the process run it's course...
If your guy comes out of it OK then we move on.

Why the big stink against the country trying to find out the truth in the death of 4 Americans.
Was he ever charged with or convicted of treason? If not your claim is bull shit unless of course you subscribe to the guilty till proven innocent legal system.


OJ was never convicted of murder, either.

But heck..:cool:
Every time the right asks a question or criticizes this President.
There pops up a leftie from the ranks that counters with....

Well Bush did it...
Bush did this...
Reagan did it and you guys didn't have a problem...

Well you know what guys...
WE are living in the here and now.

Let the process run it's course...
If your guy comes out of it OK then we move on.
Why the big stink against the country trying to find out the truth in the death of 4 Americans.

Oh no you don't.

I like the fact that the democrats will never have a president more accomplished and beloved than Reagan. Whos the best they've got? JFK? Pff. He's a chump compared to Reagan.

Reagan is behind FDR, JFK, Clinton and maybe Obama.
Every time the right asks a question or criticizes this President.
There pops up a leftie from the ranks that counters with....

Well Bush did it...
Bush did this...
Reagan did it and you guys didn't have a problem...

Same for both sides.
Was he ever charged with or convicted of treason? If not your claim is bull shit unless of course you subscribe to the guilty till proven innocent legal system.


Every single Neocon subscribes to this "system" on Ben Ghazi.

Or is there like a double standard, or something?


Who has suggested a crime was committed on Benghazi? I don't think wanting to get straight answers on why apparent security concerns by the late Ambassador were not addressed or why request for more security there were turned down and in fact why some security was taken out is being unreasonable especially after two months and counting.

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