Flashback: John Kerry Predicts The Arctic Will Be "Ice Free" By 2014 (This Is From June 25, 2009)

Daily Caller

FLASHBACK: Climate Czar John Kerry Said in 2009 That Arctic Summer Ice Would Disappear In 5 Years​

April 08, 2021


Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry said in 2009 that the Arctic would have its first ice-free summer by 2014.

Kerry, who at the time was serving as the Democratic senator from Massachusetts, criticized Republican Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe on the Senate floor for making comments that he said were “wrong on the facts” or wrong in terms of political judgment.


bolding mine


Kerry doesn't know even now that the decline stopped after 2007 and there are a number of published reports and papers showing little to ZERO summer ice in the Arctic for long periods of time earlier in the interglacial, here is a link to a thread showing the research with links:

Little to no Summer ice in the Arctic



Tony Heller has a long page of failed no summer sea ice predictions.

Ice-Free Arctic Forecasts​



One more:

Another New Study Affirms The Arctic Was Warmer With Less Sea Ice During The Mid-Holocene


4 published science papers in the link.

What does an ice free summer mean?

Scientists have various ways of defining what “ice free” actually means, but the most common definition refers to a point at which Arctic sea ice cover at the end of summer falls to below one million square kilometres.

What does an ice free summer mean?

Scientists have various ways of defining what “ice free” actually means, but the most common definition refers to a point at which Arctic sea ice cover at the end of summer falls to below one million square kilometres.
Does the phrase temperature threshold mean anything to you? Or do you believe ice magically appears and disappears with no relationship with time and temperature.
So what do you believe the prediction was?

what Kerry actually said: "an ice free summer"
What does an ice free summer mean?

Scientists have various ways of defining what “ice free” actually means, but the most common definition refers to a point at which Arctic sea ice cover at the end of summer falls to below one million square kilometres.
what Kerry actually said: "an ice free summer"
What does an ice free summer mean?

Scientists have various ways of defining what “ice free” actually means, but the most common definition refers to a point at which Arctic sea ice cover at the end of summer falls to below one million square kilometres.
It seems you want to play word games but the real question is do you believe his prediction occurred within the time frame he said it would.
I'm still waiting for the ocean to rise. I'm ready to catch some specks and reds off my porch.
It seems you want to play word games but the real question is do you believe his prediction occurred within the time frame he said it would.
that he said scientists predicted? Did nations start paying attention and trying to mitigate factors?

the real question is -- is Kerry's descrition of how ice sheets melt wrong?
So, let's get this straight: You believe Keyboard Scientists like you, know better than the people who run NASA?

If they believe that water vapor is a net negative feedback based upon computer models, yes. Empirical climate evidence proves water vapor is a net negative feedback which is why the planet cooled with atmospheric CO2 greater than 600 ppm.
that he said scientists predicted? Did nations start paying attention and trying to mitigate factors?

the real question is -- is Kerry's descrition of how ice sheets melt wrong?
You didn't answer my question. Do you believe the predictions he stated came true?
Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth's surface observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere.

Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth's surface observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere.

I have a slightly different take... humans are affecting climate but not because of the GHG effect of CO2 - which is over exaggerated due to flawed models which more than triple the GHG effect of CO2 through nebulous claims of net positive feedback - but because of deforestation and urbanization which affect albedo. But there's no money to be made off of that because no one has the stomach to swallow that medicine or the courage to speak out about it. So instead they preach to western industrialized nations about the evils of CO2 when their emissions have been declining for almost two decades and ignore where the real growth of carbon emissions are occurring; developing and emerging countries with low per capita carbon emissions. There's way too much bias and emotion in the climate science community which is clouding their ability to be objective.

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