Flight 93 crash fantasy

Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter. U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. (PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering, Cal Tech). Former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Assistant Dean at the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology. 22-year Air Force career. Also taught Mathematics and English at the University of Southern California, the University of Maryland, and Phillips University.

should have known it would be a waste of 5 anhd a half minutes of my time to watcxh any video Id-Eots would post

that guy is fucking delusional and should be in protective custody
Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter. U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. (PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering, Cal Tech). Former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Assistant Dean at the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology. 22-year Air Force career. Also taught Mathematics and English at the University of Southern California, the University of Maryland, and Phillips University.


This asshole produced no evidence to back up his claims. Thus he is only giving his retarded and wrong opinion. You can have all the credentials in the world and still spew bullshit.
Patriot911, are you going to retract your claim that 10 giant garbage dumpsters of debris were at the scene? This is your final chance.
Patriot911, are you going to retract your claim that 10 giant garbage dumpsters of debris were at the scene? This is your final chance.
Are you going to retract YOUR claims that there WEREN'T 10 garbage dumpsters of debris at the scene?

Where's your proof that they weren't there?
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Patriot911, are you going to retract your claim that 10 giant garbage dumpsters of debris were at the scene? This is your final chance.
Are you going to retract YOUR claims that there WEREN'T 10 garbage dumpsters of debris at teh scene?

Where's your proof that they weren't there?
I'm giving Patriot911 a chance to retract first, being the nice guy that I am and that he is the originator of that claim.
Patriot911, are you going to retract your claim that 10 giant garbage dumpsters of debris were at the scene? This is your final chance.
Are you going to retract YOUR claims that there WEREN'T 10 garbage dumpsters of debris at teh scene?

Where's your proof that they weren't there?
I'm giving Patriot911 a chance to retract first, being the nice guy that I am and that he is the originator of that claim.

I am not the originator of that claim. Wally Miller, the coroner for Shanksville made the claim. To date I haven't seen one of you truthtards debunk the claim. You whining that you can't see ten dumpsters doesn't cut it.
Are you going to retract YOUR claims that there WEREN'T 10 garbage dumpsters of debris at teh scene?

Where's your proof that they weren't there?
I'm giving Patriot911 a chance to retract first, being the nice guy that I am and that he is the originator of that claim.

I am not the originator of that claim. Wally Miller, the coroner for Shanksville made the claim. To date I haven't seen one of you truthtards debunk the claim. You whining that you can't see ten dumpsters doesn't cut it.
That's what you think. Don't say I didn't warn you...
Disturbing behavior. Patriot911 posts misinformation as rebuttals, and uses opinionated commentary to try and prove points. You can find his screenname throughout the Web, he is what he is, a patsy.
Disturbing behavior. Patriot911 posts misinformation as rebuttals, and uses opinionated commentary to try and prove points. You can find his screenname throughout the Web, he is what he is, a patsy.

Hehehehe I love that truthtards feel they need to follow me around and bad mouth me. Strange thing is all they can do is make claims, not back them up. :lol: What a bunch of fucking losers! If it is such misinformation, why can't you address said misinformation? Oh yeah, that's right. You truthtard losers don't have any actual evidence to back up your bullshit claims, but I do. Sucks to be you!
Disturbing behavior. Patriot911 posts misinformation as rebuttals, and uses opinionated commentary to try and prove points. You can find his screenname throughout the Web, he is what he is, a patsy.

Hehehehe I love that truthtards feel they need to follow me around and bad mouth me. Strange thing is all they can do is make claims, not back them up. :lol: What a bunch of fucking losers! If it is such misinformation, why can't you address said misinformation? Oh yeah, that's right. You truthtard losers don't have any actual evidence to back up your bullshit claims, but I do. Sucks to be you!

In your own words once again:

Patriot911 said:
The very fact you can't respond to what I write should be a HUGE clue of who is right and who is lying.

Side note: You stated earlier
Patriot911: "You and your "ilk" are out to lie your asses off to push your agendas of hate by lying about the deaths of three thousand Americans. That, to me and many others, is VERY wrong."

If lying about the deaths of 3 thousand americans gets under you skin, then what about your stance on the Gulf of Tonkin? 58,000 soldiers were killed in the Vietnam war, which was initiated by the Gulf of Tonkin, which has been declassified as a False Flag operation by our Government. If 9/11 makes you angry, how come the Gulf of Tonkin and the death of 58,000 of your fellow soldiers doesnt irk you even more? Just wondering your opinion, since that's all you use.
Disturbing behavior. Patriot911 posts misinformation as rebuttals, and uses opinionated commentary to try and prove points. You can find his screenname throughout the Web, he is what he is, a patsy.

Hehehehe I love that truthtards feel they need to follow me around and bad mouth me. Strange thing is all they can do is make claims, not back them up. :lol: What a bunch of fucking losers! If it is such misinformation, why can't you address said misinformation? Oh yeah, that's right. You truthtard losers don't have any actual evidence to back up your bullshit claims, but I do. Sucks to be you!

In your own words once again:

Patriot911 said:
The very fact you can't respond to what I write should be a HUGE clue of who is right and who is lying.

Side note: You stated earlier
Patriot911: "You and your "ilk" are out to lie your asses off to push your agendas of hate by lying about the deaths of three thousand Americans. That, to me and many others, is VERY wrong."

If lying about the deaths of 3 thousand americans gets under you skin, then what about your stance on the Gulf of Tonkin? 58,000 soldiers were killed in the Vietnam war, which was initiated by the Gulf of Tonkin, which has been declassified as a False Flag operation by our Government. If 9/11 makes you angry, how come the Gulf of Tonkin and the death of 58,000 of your fellow soldiers doesnt irk you even more? Just wondering your opinion, since that's all you use.

Ah. More strawmen because you can't debate the topic at hand! I love it!

Wrong again, ya stupid fuck! The FIRST attack in the Gulf of Tonkin happened and North Vietnam acknowledged that fact. The SECOND attack in the Gulf of Tonkin was a case of nerves that never was an attack. The fact there was serious doubt about the second attack was never expressed to Congress before the Tonkin Resolution was passed.

North Vietnam admits to Tonkin attack

BTW, your analogy is still flawed. We don't have people using the deaths of 58,000 Americans as the basis of a lie in order to push an agenda. That is what you douches do.

Even your strawmen suck ass! :lol:
Now that Patriot911 and the rest of the skeptics got majorly bitch-slapped about their false belief that there were 10 large garbage dumpsters worth of plane debris at the scene, can they give any non-false evidence of that alleged 95% of Flight 93 collected was actually true? That's a LOT of debris to be removed from the scene with hardly any evidence proving it.

And they wonder why some of us think no plane crashed and the field was staged. :lol:
Now that Patriot911 and the rest of the skeptics got majorly bitch-slapped about their false belief that there were 10 large garbage dumpsters worth of plane debris at the scene, can they give any non-false evidence of that alleged 95% of Flight 93 collected was actually true? That's a LOT of debris to be removed from the scene with hardly any evidence proving it.

And they wonder why some of us think no plane crashed and the field was staged. :lol:

So what is your evidence the FBI lied about the 95% recovered? Have you written to United yet and asked them? I didn't think so. :lol:
Now that Patriot911 and the rest of the skeptics got majorly bitch-slapped about their false belief that there were 10 large garbage dumpsters worth of plane debris at the scene, can they give any non-false evidence of that alleged 95% of Flight 93 collected was actually true? That's a LOT of debris to be removed from the scene with hardly any evidence proving it.

And they wonder why some of us think no plane crashed and the field was staged. :lol:

The FBI announced Monday that its investigation of the site where a hijacked jet slammed into a field here is complete and that 95 percent of the plane was recovered.

The federal investigation into the September 11 terrorist attacks continues.

Evidence-gathering was halted Saturday afternoon and the pieces of United Airlines Flight 93 that had been recovered were turned over Sunday to the airline, with the exception of the flight data recorder and the voice recorder, which are being held and analyzed by the FBI, according to FBI agent Bill Crowley.

FBI finished with Pennsylvania crash site probe - CNN
So your best evidence 95% of a 757 was recovered in that field is a CNN news article? :lol:

Guess that is more convincing than 10 small red plastic recycling bins of plane debris! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
The FBI announced Monday that its investigation of the site where a hijacked jet slammed into a field here is complete and that 95 percent of the plane was recovered.

The federal investigation into the September 11 terrorist attacks continues.

Evidence-gathering was halted Saturday afternoon and the pieces of United Airlines Flight 93 that had been recovered were turned over Sunday to the airline, with the exception of the flight data recorder and the voice recorder, which are being held and analyzed by the FBI, according to FBI agent Bill Crowley.

FBI finished with Pennsylvania crash site probe - CNN
So your best evidence 95% of a 757 was recovered in that field is a CNN news article? :lol:

Guess that is more convincing than 10 small red plastic recycling bins of plane debris! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
so you claim the FBI lied and CNN is in on it
so you claim the FBI lied
Yes, unless you can show some good proof that 95% was really recovered there. Shouldn't be too hard if that amount was really recovered. Christ, it's practically a whole 757. How hard can it be to prove?! :lol:

and CNN is in on it
No dimwit. They just report what the FBI spokespeople tell them. :cuckoo:

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