FLIP-FLOP Trump changes his mind in light of GOP turning against him

Trump fucked up. When he does, the leftist media will hang on it like stink on shit. Trump has to realize that he can't afford slip-ups like in Finland. They will find fault no matter what he says. The leftist traitor media wants the USA to become a socialist communist nation like Russia.
It's not like Trump released terrorists back to Iran, then sent them a couple pallets of cash.
This is the president who made a big stink about football players taking a knee before the anthem. Oh how that was disrespecting the service of those who fought for freedom. But yesterday our President may have well taken a knee and bowed to Putin while throwing Americans who work to keep our country free under the bus.

Trump Shows the World He’s Putin’s Lackey
Maybe the president is exactly as compromised as he looks.

By Michelle Goldberg

No matter how low your expectations for the summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin on Monday, it was hard not to be staggered by the American president’s slavish and toadying performance.

On Friday, the Justice Department indicted 12 members of Russia’s military intelligence service for a criminal conspiracy to interfere with the 2016 election and hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The same day, Trump’s director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, gave a speech about America’s vulnerability to cyberattacks, particularly from Russia. “I’m here to say, the warning lights are blinking red again,” he said, comparing the threat to the one that preceded Sept. 11.

But standing beside Putin in Helsinki on Monday, Trump sided with the Russian president against American intelligence agencies while spewing lies and conspiracy theories. “He just said it’s not Russia,” he said of Putin’s denials. “I will say this. I don’t see any reason why it would be.” Continuing in a free-associative fugue, he asked, “What happened to the servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the D.N.C.?” referring to a debunked right-wing claim about a former Democratic I.T. staffer. “What happened to Hillary Clinton’s emails? Thirty-three thousand emails gone, just gone. I think in Russia they wouldn’t be gone so easily.”

Perhaps the most sinister part of the news conference was Trump’s seeming openness to a deal in which F.B.I. investigators could question people in Russia in exchange for letting Russians question Putin critics in America. Putin referred specifically to associates of his arch-nemesis Bill Browder, a businessman (and British citizen) who has succeeded in getting seven countries, including the United States, to pass laws punishing Russian oligarchs suspected of corruption. (The Russians who met with members of the Trump campaign at Trump Tower in June 2016 wanted to discuss this law, the Magnitsky Act.)

Opinion | Trump Shows the World He’s Putin’s Lackey

Russian sanctions are still in place, still selling antitank weapons to Ukraine, trying to get Britain to cancel pipeline, trying to push oil prices lower, US and NATO beefing up and missiles still in Poland. One slip of the thong doesn't negate any of that. Yeah, such a lackey. LMAO


Trump has no problem verbally dumping on the leaders of our euro allies . But he was all sunshine wh Putin? That ain’t strange ?

And the Secretary General of NATO thanked Trump for his leadership. As for the rest of your carp see post 27.

Trump is not a horrible as Hitler but you are as bad as those who supported and enabled Hitler in your actions of justifying Trump's actions.
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It's too bad Trump defused the situation, I was enjoying the left wing hysteria and blatant hypocrisy,...
You MUST be new to politics lol

No one cares? The world heaped praise on Obama & Hillary everytime they went abroad.
A Republican president is condemned and mocked everytime he goes abroad.

No, it's not because he's a Republican president, he's mocked because he has no sense of ethics or morality, as well as says stupid stuff on a regular basis.

If he wasn't acting like an ass, he wouldn't be mocked.

Leftist plan when you can't address policies (skip to the next step, leftists can never address policies)

1) Attack the person's character

2) Attack how they did it

Your arguments are weak and illogical and you don't have any testicles, so anyone who disagrees with you is a bad person and even if they did do the right thing, how they did it was wrong.

Basically all you're doing is admitting that you have nothing but personal attacks. And you constantly lie in doing it

Well, then tell me...............has Trump been denigrating the FBI? Has he committed various breaches of etiquette for a world leader? Has he mocked and tried to tear down faith in our media?

The short answer for all those (and more) is yes.

As for the second, no:

He scorned NATO leaders, declared EU a foe, China a competitor and aligned US with Russia. No breach of etiquette there. Only a clear message.

That "clear message" you speak of is that Trump supports Russia and China over our allies.

Or maybe you have decided to have new allies. How can we know?

Still no breach of etiquette, somehow your priorities have shifted. It will take time to consume and adapt to.
Trump is no longer leader of the free world (opinion) - CNN

Of course he isn't. He is a puppet for a murdering thug in Moscow. Now....the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT!

He was "placed" in the Oval Office to destroy the relationship between the US and its European allies....He is doing a great job and in the process propping up his hero...the murderer named Putin.

And Repubs are complicit to his crimes.....They are going to suffer the wrath of the US voter in November. They cannot hide form complacency and empowering an obvious agent of a foreign adversary.....They WILL lose Congress....trump assured that yesterday.
and if they dont lose congress?....whats plan B Jim?....
By whom? By Putin’s Poodle who will do ANYTHING to cover his fat ass.
Not for cause.
It doesn’t surprise me you take an American traitor over real bonified American heroes
Your heroes;

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Strzok has served admirably. He made one mistake. He used his government issued phone to text.
Your whole life is a mistake and you down those who serve. You are a huge POS.
Still don’t have the balls to call out Trump on his disgusting performance I see.
You are a full fledged cult member
He didn't do anything wrong....I don't see the logic in going to Helsinki to publicly embarrass Putin....we could use the help from Russia on many areas of foreign policy.... If you wanted him to attack Putin in front of the cameras you really are a dreamer.....
By whom? By Putin’s Poodle who will do ANYTHING to cover his fat ass.
Not for cause.
It doesn’t surprise me you take an American traitor over real bonified American heroes
Your heroes;

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Your hero and how he will be remembered.
Again, Lahkota, so many members on this board have factually busted you in so many deliberate, 100% complete lies, I don't understand why you keep making threads when everyone on here has seen and proven what a factual liar you are. Your truth-batting-average here is goose-egg! Nobody has any logical reason to believe any thread you post so I honestly don't understand why you still bother; you've been found out ad nauseum for years!


again Dummy, Trump said Russia hacked the election

Shameful hysteria and smearing. Anyone who reads the transcript can see that Trump did no bowing or co-towing.

Transcript: Trump And Putin's Joint Press Conference
Trump is not a horrible as Hitler but you are as bad as those who supported and enabled Hitler in your actions of justifying Trump's actions.

Yep, I support every one of these actions.
Russian sanctions are still in place, still selling antitank weapons to Ukraine, trying to get Britain to cancel pipeline, trying to push oil prices lower, US and NATO beefing up and missiles still in Poland. One slip of the thong doesn't negate any of that. Yeah, such a lackey. LMAO
Don't you?

Fair enough, but you do not really believe he misspoke yesterday do you?

I've maintained all along that Trumps mouth gets ahead of his brain. He often rambles and says stupid shit but if it has no impact on my life and the economy keeps on keeping on I don't give a rat's ass if he says Pinocchio was an honest child & believes it.

Tank the economy or cause irreparable damage internationally and I will turn on him like a wicked stepmother on crack.

Thus far the vast majority of my take away from his mistakes are butthurt people and wound up trolls on a mission

Your dishonesty regarding the economyakes your comments above meaningless.
Nope - Merkel is now leader of the free world. We knew that 6 months ago but after the #SurrenderSummit, it became even clearer.
I was halfway expecting him to take to his knees at the alter of Das Poot about halfway through that presser.
Embarrassing and Depressing - but buck up little campers .. Almost Mueller Time :)

is merkle going to send troops to the hot spots like we have been doing?...
Still don’t have the balls to call out Trump on his disgusting performance I see.
You are a full fledged cult member
He didn't do anything wrong....I don't see the logic in going to Helsinki to publicly embarrass Putin....we could use the help from Russia on many areas of foreign policy.... If you wanted him to attack Putin in front of the cameras you really are a dreamer.....
Wow. The entire world disagrees with you.
Putin attacked our sovereignty and it’s the president’s job to protect the country. Instead he throws America under the bus and takes Putin’s lies over our intelligence agencies.
the whole world knows what??
FK the world--we don't give a shit about what they think

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