Floating a Trial Balloon….Literally

The balloon is disabled and if ONE person were injured or killed by it being shot down, the MAGA crowd would rebel against this country and use it as their rallying cry. We have to control the terrorists within our own borders, as well as those outside of them.
Weird, but I don’t want anything from our adversaries floating in the atmosphere over our country. It is rather obviously not beneficial to us and opens the door to some pretty nasty outcomes. Like someone mentioned earlier, if China did want to release some sort of bio-weapon, it wouldn’t be very difficult using a balloon in our atmosphere. Drop something from it that falls for several thousand feet, below the jet stream, then releases or explodes. I am not saying this is going to happen with this, just pointing out that we are opening the door to things that could harm us by allowing such obviously intentional behaviour without repercussion. The answer is to tell China or any other nation that anything unaccounted for in our atmosphere will be destroyed and/or captured. Simple. Done.

Who knows if there is anything inside of that thing. I think it's just the commies testing Biden to see what he would do which is apparently nothing as they probably suspected. I'm sure Russia, North Korea and China are all laughing their asses off now at our incompetent voters.
Trial balloon...

As in sending one over the US to see how far Biden would allow it to travel and over what without doing anything...

...then sending another begind the 1st successful flight, this time dispersing more deadly engineered biological agents / viruses / neurotoxins or some other attack?

Bottom line: Allowing an enemy of the Us - one our own generals warn with whom we will be at war within 2 years - to violate your sovereignty and fly anything over your country, doing aything they want, is a really f*ing bad / stupid idea.
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The balloon entered over British Columbia from the pacific, so that was Canada's call.
It flew over AK and then went south.
If it happens you won't be laughing.

And if aliens come down tomorrow and wipe out the whole earth I will not be laughing either.

There is an equal chance of either thing happening
You seriously belive that the Chinese observation balloon that floated over Alaska, through Canada and then over our most sensitive nuclear weapons locations is "errant?" Sounds like it's doing exactly what it is supposed to do.
The question remains as to the strength of the satellites, the Air Force says is it is unlikely it can capture anything new that has not already been spotted by space borne satellites.
...then sending another begind the 1st successful flight, this time dispersing more deadly engineered biological agents / viruses / neurotoxins or some other attack?

Just how effective would a biological agents / viruses / neurotoxin dropped from more than 66,000 feet be?
What part of "they can be dropped in capsules" don't you understand?

The part where it is total bullshit.

What do you think would happen to a capsule dropped from 66,000 feet. You could drop it over Montana and it might end up in Ireland.

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