Floating a Trial Balloon….Literally

YES, it is.
Trump gets Chinese checks................drops sanctions.
China OWNS Trump.
Then, the retard signs a "Tremendous" trade deal with China, INCREASING trade with them by $200 billion a year.

Let's see these so-called checks Trump got from China. I think you have our Presidents confused.
Oh' lord.
With $$$, that large, people don't write checks, they loan/give $$$ via wire transfer.
But you want to see checks..............of course.

You made the claim of checks. I didn't make it up.

You leftists lie so much you don't even realize when you do it. You just make up stories in your head (or your puppeteers do) and not even think of how stupid they are. Then when somebody calls you out on it you simply look foolish because you can't prove something that was never there in the first place.
You made the claim of checks. I didn't make it up.

You leftists lie so much you don't even realize when you do it. You just make up stories in your head (or your puppeteers do) and not even think of how stupid they are. Then when somebody calls you out on it you simply look foolish because you can't prove something that was never there in the first place.
OK, moron.
Let me clarify,
Trump gets Chinese checks (WIRE TRANSFER)...............drops sanctions.
Feel better?
Likely not, your dumbass still wants to see the checks, then of course in true Trumptard fashion would call them fake, anyway.
To protect US airspace, duh.
The Chinese have satellites, just as the US does, don't think a balloon is going to provide any new revelations.
Anyhow, the balloon is heading to N.C., the military will take it down when it reaches the the Atlantic.
OK, moron.
Let me clarify,
Trump gets Chinese checks (WIRE TRANSFER)...............drops sanctions.
Feel better?
Likely not, your dumbass still wants to see the checks, then of course in true Trumptard fashion would call them fake, anyway.

You don't have any credible evidence of any money changing hands. WTF would a multi-billionaire like Trump take Chinese money? The man lost a billion dollars of net worth just to run and become President. It's not like the Biden crime family where the only reason he's in politics is to make money.

"Folks, if you ever want to know what the Democrats are doing, just take note of what they accuse the Republicans of."
Rush Limbaugh
The left in this country are so spoiled and out of touch they can’t even imagine one of our biggest adversaries doing something nefarious. Maybe this is why they won’t admit nor confront China about COVID, which most reasonable people know was a lab leak, not from a wet market. The level of empathy by the left and this administration towards China is downright scary. Years of brainwashing is taking its toll.
They should have taken it down over the Pacific, not after traversing the US and Canada.

If they can't even take this thing down in Montana, there is no place they could take it down. All cheap excuses for their failed leader.
The Chinese have satellites, just as the US does, don't think a balloon is going to provide any new revelations.
Anyhow, the balloon is heading to N.C., the military will take it down when it reaches the the Atlantic.

Weird, but I don’t want anything from our adversaries floating in the atmosphere over our country. It is rather obviously not beneficial to us and opens the door to some pretty nasty outcomes. Like someone mentioned earlier, if China did want to release some sort of bio-weapon, it wouldn’t be very difficult using a balloon in our atmosphere. Drop something from it that falls for several thousand feet, below the jet stream, then releases or explodes. I am not saying this is going to happen with this, just pointing out that we are opening the door to things that could harm us by allowing such obviously intentional behaviour without repercussion. The answer is to tell China or any other nation that anything unaccounted for in our atmosphere will be destroyed and/or captured. Simple. Done.
It's also about how errant balloons almost caused an international incident, which is basically the case with this Chinese balloon.
You seriously belive that the Chinese observation balloon that floated over Alaska, through Canada and then over our most sensitive nuclear weapons locations is "errant?" Sounds like it's doing exactly what it is supposed to do.
Weird, but I don’t want anything from our adversaries floating in the atmosphere over our country. It is rather obviously not beneficial to us and opens the door to some pretty nasty outcomes. Like someone mentioned earlier, if China did want to release some sort of bio-weapon, it wouldn’t be very difficult using a balloon in our atmosphere. Drop something from it that falls for several thousand feet, below the jet stream, then releases or explodes. I am not saying this is going to happen with this, just pointing out that we are opening the door to things that could harm us by allowing such obviously intentional behaviour without repercussion. The answer is to tell China or any other nation that anything unaccounted for in our atmosphere will be destroyed and/or captured. Simple. Done.
I'm not going to argue your point.
People say that sort of thing would never happen...................until, it does.

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