Floating a Trial Balloon….Literally

I love that song. If you could understand it in the German or find a real translation, not the sugar coated American English version, it is balls-on accurate about the people who profiteer from wars and how the idiots like those wanting us to attack Russia to save Ukraine help them do it.

She sings about them sitting in their office scheming to make money off this nascent war, not realizing they are about to be incinerated.
It's also about how errant balloons almost caused an international incident, which is basically the case with this Chinese balloon.
Folks, nothing to worry about, it just drifted across the Aleutian islands to Montana where it stopped. Nothing nefarious at all. They're just collecting some weather stuff. Nothing to see here.
We've got watch out for that Chinese super-stealth balloon technology!
It does when it's over our military silos and sitting there. WTF would China send a weather balloon to the United States you doofus? They could just turn on the weather channel to see what our weather is.
Send? How about 'got away'? Do you really think they'd send a balloon to do something regarding missile silos? :rolleyes-41:
While it easy to "blame" Biden for not taking action on this matter; most of us realize Biden isn't the person calling the shots. He just does what he's told to do. Nonetheless his inaction at protecting our borders, and airspace are clear cause for impeachment proceedings.
While it easy to "blame" Biden for not taking action on this matter; most of us realize Biden isn't the person calling the shots. He just does what he's told to do. Nonetheless his inaction at protecting our borders, and airspace are clear cause for impeachment proceedings.
Why waste bullets since there is electronic jamming?
The Air Force already said it was a "surveillance" balloon, duh. That Biden is letting fly across the US. Traitor.
They tried to shoot one down twenty five years ago, they put a thousand rounds into it and it still didn't deflate.
Teabaggers are freaking out of a balloon.
Of course, blaming Biden.

The Pentagon said Thursday it was tracking a Chinese spy balloon flying high over the United States, just days ahead of a rare visit to Beijing by the top US diplomat.

After President Joe Biden requested military options, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and top military officials considered shooting the balloon down, a senior defense official told reporters Thursday.

But they decided doing so would endanger too many people on the ground, and because they assessed the balloon did not pose a threat to civilian aviation, the official said.

BUT, Trump...........woulda, coulda.

It was also revealed Thursday that China has flown balloons like this before over U.S. airspace. Officials confirmed to several news outlets that a number of similar incidents have happened in recent years, though this one has lasted longer than is typical.

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