florida blocks african studies

When I was in school there was a Florida history class. It was pretty cool!
I think most school systems include their state history in the general curriculum. I certainly had New Mexico history when I was in school and our kids had Kansas history when they were in school. Hombre (my hubby) took Texas history. And all public and university curriculums should teach solid courses in American history and at least a general course hitting the highlights of world history.

That is far different from CRT and similar type curriculum that paints one or more races as victims and targets others as oppressors or white supremacists or other such characterizations.
The professor and course material is enough to explain why it was stopped.
It's stunning how these black guys think they waz jew kangz but fail to understand how their ancestors got snatched up running around W. Africa. There's a lot of jews probably thinking we fucked up with this CRT and took it too far.
I studied Africa once. It wasn't worth it.

It doesn't take any sort of degree in order to work for a charity handing out free food and medicine all day to people who can't take care of themselves.
they just need to update the parts on slavery the truth is africa started it . they sold their own people out that they were already in slaving. but yes other countries baught them.
It's stunning how these black guys think they waz jew kangz but fail to understand how their ancestors got snatched up running around W. Africa. There's a lot of jews probably thinking we fucked up with this CRT and took it too far.
their own people did it.l people who baught slave did not set one foot off their ships because of disease. and thats not told til lyou get to college.
My point exactly. :clap2:
All you howler monkeys have one point and that is to stir up trouble and hurt this country.

What we actually need in our schools is the teaching of history and geography taught by professionals who do not use it as an excuse to indoctrinate children into their own political agenda.

Teach the facts without the spin.
When have white people been enslaved in this country? When did white people experience segregation? I don't believe in sugarcoating. The good and the bad should be taught. This is not North Korea although this is what Republicans want to turn this country into.
White people actually were segregated into ethnic enclaves or neighborhoods. And employment may have depended on that. People coming over here from Europe had no social programs. They usually lived with others of the same ethnic identity, and many had to have trades or some form of education. Not like what we see now.

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